"Do not……"

"Hehe, brother likes girls like this, she must be very tasty."

"Sister, you are blessed. It's so cool for us two brothers to play with you~"

79 Don't mess with women!

When Qin Shuangshuang regained some consciousness.

She felt dizzy, and the first thing she heard was the words that sounded right in front of her.

"Brother, there won't be any trouble, right? In case someone sees it in broad daylight..."

"There's a fart trouble, don't be afraid, let's have fun when she wakes up, it's so tender..."

"Why don't we just take advantage of her unconscious..."

"What's the fun in being unconscious? It's only interesting when you're awake! Besides, she's not very strong, and there's no bird around here, so she's afraid of something?"

"This... is also..."

Several messages flashed through Qin Shuangshuang's mind following these conversations.

These two people are indeed from Fulong Temple... to plot against themselves...

And from the perspective of strength, it seems to be extremely strong, and he is not an opponent at all... What should I do?Should you just yell?

Qin Shuangshuang was a little panicked for a while, because in Yuan Jianzong, she never thought that such a thing would happen. She never thought that the current situation would make the two outsiders have such evil thoughts!

She couldn't help opening her eyes to look at the surrounding terrain, looking for opportunities to escape or shout for help.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, he met a pair of eyes in an instant.

Xia Lei looked at Qiu Heng overjoyed.

"Brother, she's awake!"

"Is it...hehe..."

Qiu Heng smiled obscenely and leaned over to look at Qin Shuangshuang.

Qin Shuangshuang moved back subconsciously, feeling limp and weak all over, and her internal breathing meridian seemed to be sealed.

Although the clothes are still neat and there seems to be no sign of being violated, the current situation is not optimistic.

She couldn't restrain the fear in her heart.

"Are you... are you crazy! Let me go!"

Trying to yell, seemingly flustered, is actually fighting for a little life.

And such thoughts were seen through by Qiu Heng at once, he said with a smile.

"Although you yell, our Fulongguan is good at formations. Why didn't you touch you just now? It's for the fun of playing. We have already set up formations around us. Even if someone passes by, he can't see us. I can't hear your voice, so don't waste your time, little lady, how about taking off your clothes by yourself?"

Qin Shuangshuang's pretty face paled instantly.

Qin Shuangshuang didn't expect these two people to be so careful about this kind of thing, panic about her innocence, and anger at these two people made Qin Shuangshuang tremble with fear.

"Let me go...! This is Yuan Jianzong, how can you do this!"

Qiu Heng and the aroused Xia Lei kept approaching Qin Shuangshuang. The girl's face was pale but she had nowhere to retreat. She could only lean against the big tree behind her, unable to raise any breath, nor did she have any Weapon self-defense, it seems that there is no hope at all.

"Why can't you? Right now, your Yuan Jianzong is asking for help from others. According to my words...you'd better not think about reporting it afterwards, because under the current circumstances, it's impossible for your Yuan Jianzong to deal with us. , because what you are most afraid of is that we, Fulongguan, are leaving now, see the reality clearly, and don't expect others to save you, how about enjoying it with peace of mind?"

Facing Qiu Heng's aggressiveness.

Qin Shuangshuang felt unprecedented despair.

She never thought that her innocence would be lost under such circumstances, maybe she never thought that it was the man who could take away her innocence, she never thought about the man...how could this be...?

Why did fate make such a joke on himself?Is it bad luck?Or is fate at work?

She doesn't know... She only knows that if this situation continues, her innocence will definitely be lost. While she can't ask for help, even if she gets revenge afterwards... maybe she won't even be able to get justice!

She seemed to be holding on to her last hope, holding back the tears that were about to flow out of her eyes.

"You are dreaming... as long as you dare not kill me, I will definitely... let the sect kill you!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Qiu Heng laughed wildly.

Then he couldn't stand up laughing and looked at Xia Lei, "It seems that this bitch still doesn't know anything...Come on, junior brother, tell her what's going on now, hahaha...It doesn't matter if you are kept in the dark or something. Isn’t it so cute? I can’t bear it anymore, but you are so desperate and trying to be brave, it’s so exciting, hurry up, tell her!”

Although Xia Lei felt that it is the right way to do business as soon as possible, he couldn't restrain his excitement, so he said with a smile, "You Yuan Jianzong has encountered a disaster that almost wiped out your family, and now only our temple master can save you. You, the other sects just sit back and watch, we are the only power that you Yuan Jianzong can rely on, if you go to expose...do you think your elders will swallow their anger based on rational judgment, or will they...take revenge for you?"

This short sentence seemed to shatter the girl's last hope in an instant.

Dignity seemed to be shattered to the ground.

If it is true what the other party said, although she is a girl who likes to fantasize, she feels that life may always be full of hope, but... if it is really a critical situation of life and death, who cares about the innocence of a small person?

How could anyone care?

No... I seem to be able to bear it?

At this last moment, Qin Shuangshuang seemed to gather all her strength.

"If I die... I won't let you succeed!"

She held her hands tightly, just at the moment when the two of them seemed to be about to reach out to her arms.

She used all her strength to bite the base of her tongue. Although her meridians were sealed and she couldn't use her inner breath, she would become extremely fragile. As long as she bit it off instantly, at least she wouldn't have to live through such a sudden tragedy.

"Want to die? Think beautifully!"

She just wanted to use force, but her chin was instantly held by Qiu Heng, and she couldn't close it together to force.

At the same time, Qiu Heng grabbed the clothes on her shoulders.

Looking at the girl, she smiled coldly.

"It's okay to struggle, but don't die, otherwise what's the point?"

Tears finally overflowed her eyes, and her strength and hope seemed to collapse at this moment.

But Qiu Heng's hand suddenly couldn't use any force.

He was stunned, and Xia Lei beside him also noticed something was wrong. He raised his head in astonishment, but saw a hand appearing on Qiu Heng's arm at this time, it was not his hand!It couldn't be Qin Shuangshuang's hand, so whose hand was it?

This is a formation that has been set up in advance, how could someone easily see through or even insert into it? !

This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

It's just that his impossibility is so fragile, Qin Shuangshuang seemed to forget to shed tears, and looked at the handsome young man standing behind Qiu Heng in astonishment.

She really hated this flirtatious young man, but at this moment, the other party seemed to be a savior-like existence, and he was simply a key to unlocking fate.

"Who are you!"

Qiu Heng was shocked, and wanted to break away from the opponent's hand, regardless of 21, this person must not stay after seeing all this now!

Doing something and then being exposed, and being punished afterwards is completely different from the current situation!

It's just that I haven't tasted the sweetness, and I have to suffer a dumb loss!

They couldn't bear it. They didn't know if it was because of their lust, or because they had gone crazy, and now they had only one thought in their mind.

That is to kill the boy, and then no matter whether the girl is dead or alive, she must make her want to die, so as to relieve the tension and fear in their hearts at this time.

The boy just smiled and looked at the two of them.

"Two idiots who are chess pieces and don't know it... just don't know how to start, but there are always idiots who start everything. Sure enough... the fuse before the big event is all because of the idiot's reckless behavior. of……"

The two of them couldn't understand what the young man was talking about.

They just felt subconsciously bored and nervous, and they couldn't let him continue talking like this, otherwise there would be no way to end it if more people were provoked!

And at the moment when the two of them were on the verge of anger, Qin Shuangshuang yelled, regardless of the traces of her tears.

"Be careful with the surname Wei!!"

This girl is smart, and she didn't reveal her name at this time... her psychological quality is fine.

Wei Tu was still thinking about this, when he saw the two people in front of him sticking out their fists towards his chest and face almost at the same time, and they rushed over, as if they were going to paralyze him instantly.

But they obviously didn't expect that this young man who seemed to have only a good-looking skin and a shot could react even more quickly.

The moment they shot.


Wei Tu's fists had reached their chests.

So after their fists landed in the air, their bodies bent over exaggeratedly, just like shrimps bent over.

Couldn't even cry out in pain.

The parted lips can only make thick saliva flow from their mouths.

It seems that the gastric juices are about to be turned out.

Taking two steps back was not enough, Wei Tu stepped forward and grabbed the two people's hair from left to right, then turned to the ground in front of them.


There was a dull sound, but it seemed that even the snow layer trembled and jumped!

The two wailed in pain, their faces covered in blood.

As if their noses were about to be crushed, such force could almost only make them cry out instinctively, and they couldn't even think.

Wei Tu took out the rope from the Qiankun bag, sealed off the two people's internal breath, and tied his hands.

Easily solve these two young people who seem to be the favored children of heaven, but are actually not even ants in front of me... At least the ants have to look for them.

He finished all this temporarily, then turned to look at Qin Shuangshuang.


It was just that Qin Shuangshuang, who was still in tears, stood up before she could say some comforting words.

The whole face was full of anger, he rushed over and raised his feet fiercely, and then pointed at the position where the two men were naked.




"Uh woo woo!!"

In the blink of an eye, two puddles of viscous scarlet liquid mixed with yellow things... flowed out from the crotch of the two, and a stench filled the air immediately.

Wei Tu looked at Qin Shuangshuang with a strange expression.

Qin Shuangshuang took a deep breath, as if the fear and anger in her heart could only be slightly reduced at this time.

She looked at Wei Tu and said, "They must have harmed a lot of women. I did this because I don't want others to suffer in the future."

Wei Tu looked at Qin Shuangshuang, "Why don't you just kill them?"

Qin Shuangshuang looked at the young man with keen eyes, "Aren't they still useful to you?"

"Hehe... Don't mess with girls..."

Right at this very moment, the sun is going to set.

Luxurious banquet drinks are arranged in Baoguang Hall.

Many elders, including Ran Xinxue, gathered together, and it was Yao Xiang who was sitting in the honored guest's seat at this time.

But when the sun went down and the interior of Baoguang Hall seemed to be peaceful, the sound of footsteps began to resound from the hill that should be quiet.

One after another, stern-faced disciples came out of their living room, without exception, they even carried their bags.

80 Kill relatives in righteousness!

Today, it seems that the setting sun does not even sink.

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