It's just that the sky light gradually went from bright to dark, as if something was missing.

But no one cares anymore.

The candles in Baoguang Hall were flickering, and the seemingly happy discussion finally came to the point with Yao Xiang's long sigh.

"For such a big sect, it is not easy to dye the suzerain. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Yao Xiang sat opposite and said calmly.

It seems that this difficult start was casually thrown out.

The young woman sitting at the head of the elders on the opposite side smiled calmly, even with such a light smile, she looked unparalleled.

"Actually, Guanzhu Yao is very clear about what I want to say. This landslide disaster has plagued our sect for a long time. So far, we can't get a glimpse of the whole picture. We are in constant panic. I am afraid that people's hearts will become more and more scattered. I still hope that there is a clear way to go. guide..."

Speaking of this, it seems that it is not suitable to be a secret.

Yao Xiang smiled and said.

"The disaster of falling into the ground... is really a disaster without reason. In my humble opinion, it is the aura of the world that is causing the trouble. Have you heard a saying? The land of the dead zone is often accompanied by a strong aura, which is the origin of the prehistoric and ancient times. Beast carcasses..."

Yuan Wei nodded in response, "Of course I've heard of this...that's why our Yuan Jianzong is in the blessed land."

Yao Xiang smiled and said, "This is because you only know one thing and don't know the other thing. You have thought about why these ancient beasts are all dead, and they still have to release their spiritual energy? Is it just for the benefit of future generations?"

Yuan Wei asked in surprise, "Then why? Everyone in the world thinks that this aura is just that these ferocious beasts have too much greed in life and have nowhere to rest after death. It can affect thousands of years and is not suitable for living people to survive in the dead zone." , but it is suitable for breeding spiritual grass, that is, these undissipated bones nourish the spiritual grass, and the spiritual grass creates a strong spiritual energy, so that it can continue to live..."

"Hehehe... Elder Yuan, right? That's right, it's indeed the most well-known statement, but I think... there may be a more autonomous and selfish explanation for this statement."


Ran Xinxue frowned slightly at these words.

Yao Xiang admired the woman's every frown and smile.

"That's right... my former teacher once discovered a secret. The bones of two ancient beasts, one is Qiongqi and the other is gluttony. The spiritual energy released by the two after death is entangled endlessly. The bones of the two are different. Absorbing the aura of the other party is like a battle in life, what does this mean?"

Several people were amazed again and again after hearing Yao Xiang's words, but they couldn't understand it.

Yao Xiang said calmly, "If there is no plan, why bother to fight for the aura that is useless to them? It must be useful. If it is not for the purpose of surviving, what is the use of aura?"

"Guanzhu Yao means...the death zone under Yuan Jianzong, and indeed...a beast is recovering?"

Ran Xinxue couldn't help asking.

Yao Xiang nodded with a smile, "It's probably the possibility, but it's just too panic. Even if the ancient prehistoric beast recovers, it's not as powerful as before. It's just starting from scratch. It must be The special terrain of Yuan Jianzong gave this dead zone an opportunity to take advantage of, and now it is an omen... But if there is a suitable method, it can still stop this momentum slowly..."

Just when someone can't wait to ask what the appropriate method is.

A voice suddenly came from outside the door, and a servant pushed the door in and reported to Ran Xinxue.

"Sect Master, Wei Tu asks to see..."

Ran Xinxue frowned immediately.

Showing a look of disgust, he said, "This man is really getting more and more unruly, he dares to disturb such an important dinner..."

Instead, he immediately looked at Yao Xiang, as if asking questions.

"Excuse me, Master Yao, my disciple seems to be in a hurry, I don't know if you mind?"

Lu Qingyan on the side frowned, when did Wei Tu become your disciple?

On the other hand, Yao Xiang nodded with a smile, as if he didn't have any negative emotions.

"This is Yuan Jianzong, and everything is at the discretion of the Sect Master."

"Okay, then let this traitor come in, I want to see what fart he is going to fart today..."

The attendant went to report, and soon the door opened again.

Wei Tu, who walked in with big strides, attracted everyone's attention, not entirely because of how good-looking this boy was, but because this handsome boy didn't come in alone, but with two people in his hands. It has to be like a crab.Behind him was Qin Shuangshuang.

This combination is strange.

And in an instant, Helian Yehu's eyes became sharp after seeing the two in Wei Tu's hands.

Wei Tu left the panicked and painful two in front of everyone.

Before Helian Yehu could speak to Yao Xiang, Ran Xinxue seemed to understand something, almost contrary to her usual calm and indifferent attitude, she instantly jumped up.

"Wei Tu! What are you doing! You even tied up a disciple of Fulongguan, do you know that Fulongguan is a distinguished guest of our Yuan Jianzong!"

It seemed that Ran Xinxue was very angry, her face was flushed with anger.

But Wei Tu could clearly see the charming smile in the other person's eyes that only he could understand.

Wei Tu didn't seem to react much, but just bowed to everyone present.

"Some things are inconvenient for me to say, so let the person involved talk about it, Junior Sister Qin, you can say it, and say it boldly."

Qin Shuangshuang, who was behind, hesitated for a moment, looking at the 'big man' present, she seemed a little uncontrollably nervous, but she still tried her best to raise her head and said in a trembling voice.

"These two despicable and shameless people... wanted to insult the disciple on a whim... fortunately, Senior Brother Wei arrived in time... the disciple was spared from being humiliated and innocent. Please... also ask the suzerain to uphold justice for the disciple!"


"how can that be?!"

Immediately, someone was in doubt.

Ran Xinxue didn't have too much emotion, she narrowed her eyes as if thinking about something.

What surprised her was that Yao Xiang's expression was unexpectedly calm, and Helian Yehu didn't even make a sound.

On the contrary, an elder from Fulong Temple took the case and became furious.

"What nonsense are you, you little girl! This is absolutely impossible! This is not something that my disciples of Fulongguan can do! Do you think you are so beautiful!"

Qin Shuangshuang swayed slightly. Although she knew that she would be questioned, but this experience, which could be called a nightmare, was refuted by such words, and she still couldn't help the pain.

But at this time, the young man beside him smiled and looked at the elder.

"This elder of Fulongguan, I want to ask you..." Wei Tu hadn't finished speaking.

The elder couldn't wait to interrupt, "What are you? This is a dinner set up by the two suzerains and temple masters, and the minimum attendance is an elder. How dare you speak nonsense here?! You have the right to speak? Why do you ask me? It's only for me to ask you!"

After saying this, Lu Qingyan was so angry that if the sword was not in the Qiankun bag, her first move would be to draw the sword to face each other.

But soon, he received the look from the young man with a smile, signaling himself to be calm.

Wei Tu slowly looked at this man who seemed to be trying to cover up his sect's faults, and who didn't even want face.

"Really? This is the site of Yuan Jianzong, at least for now, I can't speak, it's your turn to speak? Your temple master didn't say anything, but you couldn't wait, just in response to the sentence: Master didn't make a sound, The dog barks all the time."

"Brat!! How dare you speak nonsense!!"

The elder stood up angrily, as if he couldn't help but want to do something.

Instead of being afraid, Wei Tu looked at him with a smile.

"Actually, there is absolutely no need to talk like this. In fact, I want to ask very kindly. I just want to ask you, when a man insults a woman's innocence, it needs to be identified based on the woman's appearance? She is not good looking It’s fake, so you’ll be insulted for nothing? Then I want to ask this senior, does your mother look good?”


Qin Shuangshuang couldn't help laughing out loud, but it was more of a different kind of cheerfulness.

As if the grievances in his heart, a kind of "reason" that is rigid in this world was expressed by this young man in this way.

It's like a rectification of name, a kind of voice.

Well... this young man is not that annoying, although he's a little playful... but at least he's brave and responsible...

The elder was almost out of breath.

"You bastard who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the to die..."

After speaking, you have to start your hands, and even the whole person is about to step over the table for a moment.

"Elder Xue!"

It was Yao Xiang who suddenly said aloud.

Elder Xue looked at Yao Xiang angrily, "Monastery master! This stinky boy has ridden on top of our Fulong Temple, and he is so defiant! I don't want to teach him a lesson, lest he suffer even bigger losses in the future!!"

Wei Tu looked at Elder Xue with a smile.

"Oh? Is there a sentence missing? You have eaten more salt than I have eaten rice? I'm sorry, I've always been a person who won't suffer, so I don't need you to teach me a lesson, let alone... I don't think you can teach me a lesson. I."

"What audacity...!"

"Elder Xue, sit down."

The calm words still came from Yao Xiang.

No matter how angry Elder Xue is, he can't defy Yao Xiang, he can only sit down, at this time Yao Xiang said in a deep voice to Ran Xinxue.

"Sect Master Ran, don't worry, although we are here as guests, if our disciples really do something wrong, we will not cover it up. Wild Fox!"

Helian Yehu stood up slowly.

It seems to be walking towards Wei Tu step by step.

Wei Tu looked at him, watching this man with a calm demeanor like a mountain and eyes as deep as a black hole walking towards him.

His aura seemed to be superimposed layer upon layer, and his expression didn't change at all, but every step seemed to bring infinite pressure. Although his figure seemed ordinary, there seemed to be infinite power contained in this ordinary figure .

Wei Tu's expression was calm.

When Lu Qingyan was nervous about this young man, he didn't say a word.

Even the footsteps didn't change at all, until the silent Helian Yehu stopped in front of Wei Tu, his eyes missed, and he looked at the two disciples who were in a panic on the ground.

"Did you do this?"

Qiu Heng panicked, but responded indiscriminately with luck.

"No... we didn't... there was no such thing at all...they framed..."

Xia Lei can only stand firmly on one front and frantically seek compensation.

"Yes...Master! You believe could we do such a thing...this is what they Yuan Jianzong set up! This...this bitch seduced us! Then this man framed us, this It's a conspiracy!! This is their Yuan Jianzong's conspiracy!!!"

Qin Shuangshuang was almost trembling with anger, when even Ran Xinxue was about to say something.



A shocking thing happened.

Helian Yehu, the master of these two disciples, ranked third on the dragon slaying list.

He actually killed his disciple with his own hands in such a simple way!Right in this Baoguang Palace! PS: It seems that many people don't like the recent plot... Well, it's my fault, too much thought is spent on daily life and interaction, and I personally don't want the plot to be too long and complicated, because I always feel that the rhythm will Not good, although the word of mouth may be good, but it may be really not good at it. Next time I will think about the plot carefully. Fortunately, the plot will not be too long, and it will be fast enough. It will pass soon, sorry~~

81 Fate Chosen Night


There was an instant silence in Baoguang Hall, and even Qin Shuangshuang, who was extremely angry, was startled, and his brain froze a bit.

It seems that many people did not expect that Helian Yehu would make such a move at this time.

Is this righteous extermination?Or do you mean murder...?

No matter how you look at it, it seems a little too strange to be resolute, and in their cognition, Qin Shuangshuang has not been successfully violated... These two disciples were cultivated by Fulongguan who did not know how much resources they spent. Just kill?

Elder Xue, who was clamoring before, was pale and shocked.

Tremblingly looking at Yao Xiang, Yao Xiang didn't say anything, but said to himself.

"Elder Xue, take him down, remember to bring him back to Fulong Temple for burial."

Elder Xue hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, "Yes..."

The atmosphere in the entire hall seemed to have dropped to freezing point, except for the sound of footsteps and cleaning up, there seemed to be nothing left.

into a dead silence.

Until Helian Yehu looked at Wei Tu who narrowed his eyes with deep eyes.

"Wei Tu...I remember you."

Wei Tu narrowed his eyes with a smile on his lips, as if he was not as shocked as the person in front of him.

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