"That's really lucky for the younger generation."

Helian Yehu returned to his seat.

Yao Xiang only broke the silence at this time.

"This kind of thing is a disgrace to our Fulong Temple. Of course, we don't allow such morally corrupt disciples to exist. Since this girl has not been violated and they have received the punishment they deserve, please don't worry about it. "

Ran Xinxue glanced at Wei Tu, Wei Tu was expressionless, only a faint smile.

So she looked at Yao Xiang and smiled.

"Hey, Guanzhu Yao is indeed an extraordinary person, so decisive makes people really ashamed."

Yao Xiang casually picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"It doesn't matter. If the person who has spent all his time cultivating is not as good as a beast, what is the difference from raising a dog? There are still some differences. Maybe dogs are more loyal than them."

Ran Xinxue didn't answer, at this time Yao Xiang put down his wine glass.

Then said.

"I think there are some things that need to be discussed, but there are so many people, I'm afraid it's not appropriate now."

Ran Xinxue nodded, and said to the elders around her.

"That's the end of today's dinner, you go back first."

Yao Xiang also ordered the people around him to do the same.

It looks like the two men in power have had a good night of talking, which is naturally intriguing.

But it is not something that others can make irresponsible remarks.

So they all got up.

Wei Tu also walked out of the hall with Qin Shuangshuang.

When the two parties met outside the hall, they naturally didn't have a good face to face each other, and they walked in two directions without even being polite. I don't know how long they walked out.

Lu Qingyan turned around and came to Wei Tu who was behind her, frowning at Wei Tu.

"what happened?"

Wei Tu smiled and shook his head.

"Although I don't know what trick they are playing, but the intuitive judgment is a test."

"Test? Use the lives of two disciples to test?"

Lu Qingyan obviously couldn't understand this kind of sacrifice. Wei Tu said with a smile, "Haven't you heard that people who achieve great things don't care about small things? Maybe these people especially admire the saying that one will achieve success and ten thousand bones will die."

Lu Qingyan sighed, then looked at Wei Tu, "What should we do now?"

Wei Tu said softly, "I asked my senior sister to take Su Mi away. Now, master, you and the elders will take all the disciples to the teleportation formation on the top of the mountain. Be sure to leave with them before midnight."

Qin Shuangshuang next to her was stunned, and looked at the two suspiciously.

"Take Su Mi... Where are you taking her? What are you talking about now?"

Wei Tu looked at Qin Shuangshuang, "You can just go with Uncle Lin Ruoyin for these things, she will tell you all about it, there is no time now, you go first."

Qin Shuangshuang didn't know why, she just felt strange, why didn't she have time...

Isn't everything fine during the day today?

Why is night coming, as if everyone is fleeing?

But looking at Lin Ruoyin, she found that she was waiting for him, so Qin Shuangshuang thought about it, and walked over, and then stopped suddenly when passing by Wei Tu.

He glanced at the boy.


Wei Tu looked at Qin Shuangshuang with a smile.

"Okay, no need to thank me, just stop grabbing Su Mi's time from me in the future."

The young girl who was poked in Xiaoxin's pretty face flushed, and then glared at Wei Tu.

"Who thanked you...!"

"Then what are you going to say?"

"I...I warn you, don't let Su Mi down...or even Xue Jianfeng won't let you down!"

"Okay, I get it."


Qin Shuangshuang blushed and ran towards Lin Ruoyin.

At this moment, Lu Qingyan hadn't left yet, but just looked at Wei Tu.

"Aren't you going?"

Wei Tu nodded.

"Well, I can't go yet, sure."

Lu Qingyan bit her lips slightly, understanding what this young man was going to do, behind him who seemed thin was the entire gloomy sky.

It seemed that all the responsibilities and turmoil were on his shoulders.

The night is like a silent monster, all the tranquility seems to be just waiting for its roar.

This kind of tranquility, but the surging undercurrent, those more and more uneasy phenomena, and the news and clues that are getting worse than one after another.

All these made Lu Qingyan sincerely worried.

She looked at the boy who was still calm until now, trying to give herself a stable face.

Biting her thin lip, she sighed.

"As a teacher, I can't persuade you, can I?"

Wei Tu gently held Lu Qingyan's hand, and Lu Qingyan looked around without struggling.

Then he bravely looked at Wei Tu with burning eyes, as if Wei Tu would agree to anything she wanted to do at this time.

"I'm sorry this time, because I don't know what I'm going to face, so I can't make a reliable promise, but I don't want to die, Master, please rest assured."

Lu Qingyan nodded, but couldn't help reaching out to touch his face.

Some sighed that under the dark night, he seemed extraordinarily powerful.

"Teacher often thinks that time is really a blink of an eye, and the child who needs to be protected by the teacher can already support a piece of sky without saying a word. But...you kept me in the dark, I really feel sorry for you." angry."

Wei Tu smiled flatteringly, "I'm sorry, Master...it won't be like this next time."

Lu Qingyan's other hand tightly held Wei Tu's palm.

"You have to remember that there is a next time, there must be a next time, and there must be a next time, you know!"

Her voice was almost trembling, her strong willpower prevented her from weeping weakly at this moment, she didn't want to burden him any more.

Everyone has a premonition that the situation under the disaster will appear so weak that human life will make people understand that if they want to fight against the sky, even immortal cultivators are like ants and will be vulnerable.

Wei Tu nodded, he knew that maybe this was a good time to talk about the love between children, but time didn't allow it.

So he took the woman's other hand.

Looking at Lu Qingyan, she said.

"Senior Sister and Junior Sister will ask Master to take care of them, and I must go with them, and I will come to you."

"it is good."

Lu Qingyan is more ignorant and ignorant than ordinary women because of her identity all the time, and those hazy thoughts that she dare not mention, but on the other hand, she is stronger and more decisive than ordinary women.

She nodded.

"I know, but you have to remember, if you don't come to us, I can't stop them from coming to you."

"Ha ha……"

"I'll come to you too."

"I see."

Lu Qingyan took a deep breath, there was no starlight above her head, and even the moon was covered by dark clouds, when a gust of cold wind swept across.

She let go of her hand, then turned and walked into the darkness.

Wei Tu looked at her back without stopping for too long, the tenderness on his face disappeared without a trace in this instant.

It seems to be even colder than this winter.

With calm and deep eyes, he walked slowly towards Baoguang Hall.

Step by step.The darkness of the night seems to be his dancing cloak, he didn't hold the whole world on his shoulders, he just chose to find out the truth.This is a night about the choice of fate, a checkpoint he cannot escape.

At the same time, on the other side, it was in the diametrically opposite direction to everyone in Yuan Jianzong.

Helian Yehu looked at everyone with a serious face.

"Right now, Elder Xue, you lead people to keep them at all costs, race against time, at least... you can't let them leave before the moon rises."

Elder Xue looked at the faint moonlight above his head, the clouds were densely covered, and he didn't know when the moon would be fully revealed.

He took a deep breath, as if facing an enemy.

"This is the top of the mountain of Yuan Jianzong. We are few people, and there is Lu Qingyan on the other side."

Helian Yehu nodded.

"I know this, Lu Qingyan, you just leave it alone, and I will deal with it. Don't care about the lack of people... The temple master has his own arrangements. Just remember, today's things will come true, no matter who lives or dies, it is the ultimate Glory. Of course, I hope you survive even more, because all the wealth on this mountain and below it belongs to Fulong Temple."

Anyone who hears about the dead zone will change their expressions, but everyone knows that if the dead zone becomes safe, the wealth inside... will be so coveted.

How many magical weapons can be made from the bones of those prehistoric beasts alone?

Not to mention, if there are legacy left by those fallen ancient powerhouses... that would be an even more unimaginable adventure.

Several people present took a deep breath, obviously already started to act.

Elder Xue nodded heavily.

Another man said, "By the way... If it's just for wealth, wouldn't it be better if they leave?"

Helian Yehu smiled, "They're gone, who will fill those dangerous gaps? There are also guards in the dead zone...they have a big appetite."

Helian Yehu's smile at this time made people palpitate.

But now there is no reason to retreat.

"It's not too late, let's go!"


The wind is rustling, and the undercurrent is surging.

Helian Yehu did not walk towards Baoguang Hall, but held a somewhat strange parchment scroll in his hand.

What appeared above was Yuan Jianzong's geomancy map.

There are not many weather and feng shui marks on it, but some vermilion dots are strangely marked, like caves.

And he quickly came to the closest dot.

What appeared... was a huge hole in the ground that even the disciples of Yuan Jianzong were afraid to approach.

He took out a red elixir full of vigor and blood from his arms, and threw it in.


There was silence, as if nothing had happened.

But when a gust of wind blows.


Suddenly there was the sound of something crawling out of the ground.

Helian Yehu took two steps back, and then saw a dark thing crawling out of the ground, it was black all over.

With human-like hands and feet, the figure is not very tall, but it is unusually strong, with obvious muscles.

Lie on the ground with hands and feet, but has a head like a vicious dog.

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