Two short but sharp black horns protrude from the top of the head.

A pair of eyes exuded a strange faint blue light.

It seemed to have seen the Helian wild fox, but did not approach it.

Instead, he turned around and roared at the moon covered by dark clouds.

Then, like an ape, like a beast, he began to quickly cross the mountains and forests!

82 Don't wait for me! (Monthly ticket plus 20!)

There were only two people left in Baoguang Hall.

This graceful woman, who everyone would sincerely praise once they saw her, faced this man with deep eyes and strong strength, who was ranked number one in the entire Southern Sword State.

It seems that they are not equal in status.

It's just that Ran Xinxue was very calm. Although she didn't smile, her heart was clear.

Anyway, things are up to now, you can live if you want, and you can die if you want to, it is better to resign yourself to fate.

That young man wants to try it, so let’s try it. Anyway, I don’t have any good prospects. Unlike those young people who always talk about the future, what 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don’t bully young people to be poor...

Yep.When young people become rich, they will only bully themselves.

"What Guanzhu Yao wants to say should be able to say it now?"

Ran Xinxue asked calmly.

The candle flames were flickering, and the wind penetrating through the gaps in the windows seemed to become more turbulent, and the windows seemed to be colliding with the wooden frame.

Yao Xiang looked at Ran Xinxue, and the polite smile on his face disappeared. He looked at Ran Xinxue and asked calmly.

"How does Sovereign Ran feel about the letter before me?"

That letter... oh, that courtship letter that said that the two families would marry forever and make themselves and Yao Xiang a Taoist couple?

Ran Xinxue smiled.

"Thank you, Guanzhu Yao, for your kindness. It's just that I don't have this idea for the time being. I don't think I'm worthy of Guanzhu Yao, as for Taoist companions."

Yao Xiang smiled, this obvious refusal did not have much impact on him.

"I've also thought about it, but it's not really a big love. You and I both understand that this is just a reason for me to come here."

"...Why does Guanzhu Yao have to come here?"

Ran Xinxue narrowed her eyes, as if she had finally reached the crux of the problem.

Yao Xiang stood up and looked in the direction of the door with unfathomable eyes.

"You should know that this subsidence is definitely not so common. Of course, it is difficult for you to know this, but all your performance shows what you know. It shouldn't be so, so whose guidance is it? Yes I'm very interested in that."

Ran Xinxue couldn't help laughing out at Yao Xiang's words.

"It turns out that Yao Guanzhu thinks that Bengong is a completely stupid woman. I don't understand this or that, do I?"

Yao Xiang turned his head and looked at Ran Xinxue with burning eyes. At this moment, the strong coercion of Baoguang Hall seemed to make Ran Xinxue a little breathless.

Yao Xiang was thoughtful.

"Judging from the expressions of the elders of your Yuan Jianzong at the dinner just now, they probably don't have anyone who knows more about the inside story. As for who it is, I don't know. But you should also be clear that the matter of falling into the ground is not something ancient The theory of ferocious beasts must be man-made."

Hearing this sentence, although she was still sitting, the breath of Renxinxue, who was using almost all her strength to maintain her own stability, became heavy.

"Who is... who? What do you want to do?!"

Yao Xiang sighed.

"Ran Xinxue, I know about you, we are all pawns in the game... Can you understand me? If not, let me ask more clearly, you... How did you kill Ruo? deep."


Ran Xinxue's beautiful eyes widened. Maybe the woman herself didn't realize that her pupils were enlarged to such an extent on purpose.

At this moment, she finally thought of the possibility that she least wanted to think of.

Ran Xinxue was speechless, Yao Xiang continued to speak calmly.

"I know your arrangements, everything is expected. Your elders led the disciples on the mountain to evacuate, and then left us here, so as to achieve the worst possible situation where we can all die together, because in your opinion, this It's all our work."

"Isn't it? For this sake, there is no need for everyone to be sanctimonious, right?"

Ran Xinxue sneered.

Yao Xiang nodded.

"Actually, you can say yes, or you can say no. If I told you that this was a layout long ago, and it only existed as a defensive plan... what would you think?"

"Say something understandable!"

Ran Xinxue was extremely angry. Thinking about it carefully, these psychopaths are not as cute as Wei Tu.

Although that boy was extremely hateful, at least he wouldn't play charades with himself like this.

Yao Xiang was about to say something, but his expression froze.

"I see... come in."

As he said this, Ran Xinxue looked at the door. The door, which was originally quiet and closed, was suddenly opened, as if blown away by the cold winter wind.

And it was Wei Tu who had gone and returned at the door.

He stood at the door, stepped in calmly, and then turned around and closed the door gently.

At this time, Ran Xinxue felt that she felt more relaxed from the bottom of her heart, no matter what...the more people there were, the less need to resist the pressure by herself.

Yao Xiang took another look at Wei Tu who walked over calmly.

"The hero is born as a boy... I didn't expect you to be involved in this matter, so you should understand what I said?"

Wei Tu ignored Yao Xiang, but looked at Ran Xinxue.

"Are you stupid?"

Ran Xinxue was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wei Tu unconvinced.

"What do you mean I'm a fool!"

"Can't understand what people say? I've been chatting with you for so long, and you didn't understand anything?"

"Don't say it as if you understand it, you say it!"

Yao Xiang remained expressionless, as if quietly expecting this young man to kick off all the prelude.

Wei Tu looked at Ran Xinxue in front of him, at her white cheeks.

"Have you ever thought about why a person like Ruoyuan only keeps you as a chess piece? Does this fit the setting of a thousand-year-old monster?"

Ran Xinxue was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yao Xiang.

"what do you mean……"

Wei Tu nodded with a smile, seeming to be very relaxed.

"This is Ruoyuan's backhand. She didn't arrange the rest of the chess pieces in Yuan Jianzong, because if the main body has an accident, the other backhands may be liquidated if they are too close, so why this move?" It is actually a signal that Master Yao wants to send such a letter."

Yao Xiang said calmly, "This can be regarded as a reminder. You should have thought of it at the time. There is no pie in the sky, and Fulong Temple is not well-known to be so generous. It's just that the reaction is still a bit slow, and some things have already It cannot be reversed."

He closed his eyes, as if feeling something.

"Listen, accidents are already happening..."

"Ruoyuan is still alive?! How is this possible! How can life and death Gu be transferred if you are alive?! Wei Tu, are you crazy too?"

Ran Xinxue obviously didn't want to believe it. Compared to Wei Tu, she was terrified of that old monster from the bottom of her heart. Hearing the name, she would have nightmares for days.

Wei Tu sighed, the young man looked at Ran Xinxue calmly and even a little tenderly.

"I've been thinking, if it's this possibility, why I couldn't feel her existence at the beginning, so that I thought she was dead, completely dead... Now I think there is only one possibility, in the dead zone, The one who is revived is not some prehistoric beast, these are all nonsense, the one who is about to wake up is Ruoyuan who took the lead in throwing herself into the dead zone and sealing it up, only with the help of the power of the dead zone can she hide the truth, this is her last resort If one side succeeds, there will be plenty of opportunities to bring back part of the spirits in the dead zone in the future. If they fail, the spirits in the dead zone will grow wildly and become a Jedi counterattack. When they come, they will wipe out the last obstacle."

"The final obstacle?"

Ran Xinxue stared blankly at Wei Tu, she was already a little dizzy from the terrifying truth.

The most terrified people will make a comeback, and the shelter will be destroyed.

Wei Tu looked at Yao Xiang, this sentence was meant for him.

"The last obstacle is us, right?"

Yao Xiang nodded without any cover.

"That's right, it's you. In this case, when she comes back, you will all be dead. No one will know the truth. The afterthought is just that there was a turmoil in the death area of ​​Yuan Jianzong, and all the disciples survived. No one will know, and she can start to walk the previous path again, but... just change to another sect."

"The other sect may be your Fulong Temple, and you will become a new puppet. Is it worth it?"

Yao Xiang let out a long sigh.

"I know...I know everything, but there is no way. Who would want to do such a thing? If she hadn't really failed, I wouldn't be able to break through the God-watching realm. Do you think I would do such a thing? Boy... ...I understand that you are still young and have a drive for everything, but you shouldn't be here, maybe you will save more people by accompanying those disciples. Your coming here... just won't help."

Wei Tu now finally understands why Yinlong Tianjun divination such a hexagram.

It's not aimless, on the contrary, it's extremely precise!

Because of his own rebirth, he knew Ruoyuan's tricks in advance, but he didn't know Ruoyuan's backhand.

Killing Ruoyuan on the bright side by himself has also triggered the activation of the second hand. On the one hand, it is the danger of himself or Su Mi being taken away, and on the other hand, it is the crisis of the entire Yuan Jianzong being destroyed!

Such an old monster, the last backhand is to destroy the sect she personally supported. Is this the way of longevity that everyone expects?

Wei Tu just thought it was a little ridiculous.

He faced Yao Xiang slowly and said softly.

"I don't have many reasons to come here. I just believe in their abilities if I don't accompany them. If you have arrangements, it may not be successful."

"And what's your reason for coming here?"

Yao Xiang smiled.

Wei Tu also smiled.

"Kill you, nothing else."


Yao Xiang laughed out loud, and then looked at the two of them.

"Slight youthful spirit can be said to be brave, but your level... can't even be called reckless, and it's too slight to be stupid. How do you kill me? You and your suzerain combined can't do anything against me. I understand The waves want to crush stones to gain freedom, and they also understand the unwillingness of mortals to resist fate, but how many people have been able to do it since ancient times? Boy, you are very smart, but you are also quite stupid."

Wei Tu slowly took out a sword from the Qiankun bag.

Then he held it in his hand and raised his head to look at Yao Xiang.

"A gamble is never a loss... Life is a gamble, and you may not win."

Yao Xiang shook his head.

"No, I will definitely win this time."

His eyes widened suddenly, and air waves radiated out, as if the Baoguang Palace was suddenly flooded with raging sea water.

The suffocating aura... spread out!


"Go! Everyone follow, go to the top of the mountain!"

Yuan Wei breathlessly called out to the tight queue, not missing any disciples.

But when he greeted so nervously, there was a shout not far away.

"Yuan Jianzong has to shrink his head and want to leave? I'm afraid it won't be that easy!!"

Shadowy, as if falling from the sky.

Impressively, the disciples and elders of Fulongguan stood behind them, as if launching a hunt.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Wei frowned tightly.

Li Hanyang, who was beside him, was stunned for a moment, and walked over immediately.

"Master! Now to counterattack or..."

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