Especially when she saw the boy with a blank face and the panic-stricken Rye Xinxue, her sneer became brighter and more playful.

"You guys are still too tender... I'm back again, you guys... what should I do? Hahahahaha..." PS: The progress is being rushed, but every detail must be taken care of, even though it may still happen I feel a bit procrastinated, but please bear with me, I am much faster, try to write more exciting, okay~

89 Last Chance?

The moon at this time was so bright that it was as bright as a kite released.

It's not that it's crude, but it's a little too close.

It's even a bit unusual to be close, but it seems that this is not the phenomenon that should be paid most attention to now.

Ruoyuan appeared, standing on the back of this soaring snake whose skin hadn't fully healed, as if announcing her comeback to everyone in Yuanjianzong.

Yao Xiang, who had completely lost his combat ability at this time, seemed to be relieved, but there was a clear sad emotion on his face.

No one knew what he was thinking at this time, and it seemed that no one would care now.

Standing on Teng Snake's back, Ruoyuan's gaze was like an abyss, staring down at Ranxinxue with horror.

The woman locked by this look felt panic, fear, hesitation and escape.

These emotions all permeated from the bottom of my heart.

"Dan Xinxue... have a good life, right? These days should be your happiest days... After all, you thought I was really dead, I would never come back again, and there was no threat..."

Ran Xinxue bit her thin lip, still trembling slightly.

What is going well?These days are like disasters!

But—"Compared to the days when you were here, I am indeed happier."

She turned her head and glanced at Wei Tu, and the young man smiled weakly.

He understands that this woman is actually very scared now. Under such circumstances, it is actually impossible to talk to Ruoyuan. After all, this old monster has been a nightmare that has lived in her heart for a while.

But there was only one reason why she spoke at this time. She was helping herself to delay time and giving herself a chance to make adjustments.

It seems that between himself and Ruoyuan, he is more kind-hearted...

Ruoyuan laughed out loud as if he didn't mind.

"It's enough to be happy, right? Then there shouldn't be any problem with just dying like this."


Ran Xinxue didn't know what to say, but just looked at Ruoyuan with an angry expression.

Ruoyuan snorted coldly.


In an instant, Ran Xinxue felt almost a thousand catties of pressure overturning her body, making her kneel on one knee almost instantly.

Her eyes were blood red and she was sweating profusely.

Ruoyuan stared at Ran Xinxue coldly.

"This deity... gave you status, honor, and the position of suzerain, and even promised that after you succeed in your great event, you will make a fortune... Is this how you repay me? If the previous time was counted as your ignorance, So have guessed it clearly, but you still stand on the opposite side of this deity, who has put all his effort into raising a dog before?! You low, cheap bitch! A man makes you fascinated?!!"

Ruoyuan looked extremely angry, perhaps, now in a situation she thought would never have any surprises, she could finally enjoy the joy of being at will.

Some things must be said when someone is alive, otherwise when someone is dead, who do you say it to?You can't even see the expression, how can you be happy?

Ruoyuan came back just to show them fun, to show this group of young people who don't care about life and death, and want to change the world!

At this time, Ran Xinxue, who was under such great pressure, could hardly lift her head. When she heard such words, she clenched her hands tightly, her nails embedded in the flesh.

Her whole body seemed to be shaking, as if she was suppressing great anger.

Maybe it's also fear, maybe it's something more ancient.

Until she couldn't bear it anymore and raised her head and roared.

"Don't lie anymore!!"

Ruoyuan squinted at Ran Xinxue.

"Cheat? Do I need to lie to you? What I said is true. It's just that you, a stupid woman, didn't figure it out from the beginning to the end."

Ran Xinxue gasped and raised her head, her bloodshot eyes glared at Ruoyuan.

"You never thought about giving me any glory and wealth... You never cared whether this is what I want!"

Ruoyuan sneered.

"Why should I care if you want it or not? Just keep what I give you, what loss do you have? Don't say you don't want it, otherwise why don't you die?!"

Perhaps in the past, such words could easily defeat Ran Xinxue, but during this time, Ran Xinxue has experienced such soul torture many times, whether it is her own self-examination, or the boy's doubts about herself... too much many times.

She was able to raise her head and look at Ruoyuan and said coldly, "This is not the path I want to choose... It's just your reluctance from the beginning to the end! I really hate you, why you chose me, hate you Why didn't you give me a choice... Maybe I was really cowardly and hypocritical at the time, but now, no matter what you think I'm thinking, I won't cooperate with you anymore...

You didn't think about keeping me at all. Once your business is successful, you will get rid of me in order to kill people. This is something I knew from the beginning!I didn't resist at the time just because I didn't have the opportunity and the ability!People like you deserve to die!Isn't it enough to live for so many years?How many people are you going to harm, you bastard! ! "

Ruoyuan's face turned frosty.

Standing on the back of the Soaring Snake, she stretched out her hand, and then pressed down.


Ran Xinxue was directly pressed to the ground, her hands tried to support the ground, but her knees could only kneel on the ground.

Her back tried to resist tenaciously, but was constantly pressed down.

Her cheeks were flushed, but she stubbornly wanted to stand up.

And Ruoyuan was enjoying such pleasure, pressing down a little bit, as if admiring the stubborn resistance and dying struggle of a bug, it was just a toy.

"What's the use if you don't cooperate now..."

"I did want to kill you..."

"This is indeed something that has been determined for a long time..."

"But I'm going to kill you after you make a contribution. Why do you disobey me?"

"Don't you understand? Are you still incompetent and angry? This is the way of the world. I am stronger than you. If I want you to live, I want you to live. If I want you to die, you should die."


Ran Xinxue was finally dumped on the ground, as if she couldn't even move.

She turned her head and could only try her best to open her eyes and look at Wei Tu.

The boy with a blank face looked at her painful expression and sighed.

"You've done a great job."

Ran Xinxue opened her mouth, but no sound came out, but Wei Tu understood.

What she wants to say is: this time, is my choice right?

The choice of a big man can control the life and death of so many people.

They don't care about their schemes, they can distort everything, their will to be human is deliberately distorted, and their dignity can be trampled on.Life and death are involuntary.

What a cruel world this is... Although it is said that the strong prey on the weak, there is no human touch at all, it is like purgatory, there are only interests, only chessboards and chess pieces.

Not everyone can be chosen, but everyone can be abandoned!

Ruoyuan looked at Wei Tu beside him with a smile as if he was holding the winning ticket.

"Wei Tu... You hide really deep... Although I still don't understand how you noticed all this, maybe you are really smart... But for this sake, what can you do? Miracles don't happen every day. It will show up every time, and I won't always favor you alone... I have been waiting for this day for too long..."

Wei Tu just looked at Ruoyuan, who looked extremely tall under the moon.

"For the sake of the so-called longevity, is it worth it to turn the sect you supported into this?"

"It could have been unnecessary!!" Ruoyuan roared, shouting like crazy.

"I didn't need to do this...but you! You, you, you! You have to let things become like this! This is your fault! I found a book called "Yin Yang Book" with my deity a hundred years ago... above It records the method of separating the mind and soul. Although it will weaken the strength, it will allow part of the soul to be entrusted in a suitable body for a long time... The advantage is that if one body is destroyed, the other body will soon recover. Inheriting the original soul power...

Originally, such a recovery process would take a long time, possibly more than ten years.But I'm so smart!Under Yuan Jianzong is the dead zone, where there are many remains of the strong, I crazily nibbled and devoured them crazily during this period, nourishing the body with the help of the yin energy in the dead zone... I never thought that I would come back so soon Yes, this is all thanks to you!Wei Tu, what else can you do?I've given you so much time, but you probably haven't regained the strength to hold the sword and swing it towards me?

I expected it, I expected it a long time ago! ! "

Looking at Wei Tu's calm face, Ruoyuan was furious, and slapped it down bitterly.

She knew that the boy was still adjusting, but such adjustments were just a drop in the bucket.

This hand was not just a slap, it carried overwhelming coercion, as if it wanted to slap Wei Tu directly into the mud.

But just when this hand should be snapped.

"call out!"

The cold sword light rushed towards him.

Jian Guang quickly shuttled back and forth, disintegrating this breath as if it were peeling off cocoons.

Ruoyuan looked over and saw Lu Qingyan appearing in front of Wei Tu holding a sword.

"Oh? Lu another good disciple, hahahaha."

Lu Qingyan shook her head.

"When you appeared, you were no longer worthy of being called an ancestor by us."

"Nie Yi! It's because I supported Yuan Jianzong that you have a bite to eat! Now stand opposite me instead?"

Although Ruoyuan was not afraid, he was very angry, which seemed to be a reasonable anger.

Lu Qingyan looked at Ruoyuan coldly.

"You just regard us as a tool, a tool that you can give up at any time for your long-term plan. Without you, even if you are not promising, you are at least a human being, but because of you, some people can't even be human."

Ruoyuan looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I just found out that Lu Qingyan, you are so eloquent... But it's useless, it's all useless...!"

Ruoyuan suddenly drove the Soaring Snake under his feet, and rushed towards Lu Qingyan extremely quickly.

Lu Qingyan was ready to fight.

She knew the current situation, and she might not be able to solve it, but she wanted to buy some time for the young man behind her.

Even if it's just a short time...


Soaring Snake charged head-on.

Lu Qingyan swung her long sword, instead of retreating, she directly bumped into it.

The momentary collision of sword lights collided with brilliant sparks.

Lu Qingyan's hair fluttered, and her clothes fluttered in the air.

Her expression was unprecedentedly determined, while Ruoyuan was insanely ferocious!

Wei Tu slowly closed his eyes. He knew the situation was critical, but he couldn't be too hasty or reckless.

He can only seize the time... This hard-won time, otherwise he will have a chance... Only then will he have a chance. PS: I feel that my tonsils are swollen and my condition is very poor, so I will write two chapters first, take some medicine and go to sleep.

90 Ruoyuan, you are the luckiest...


The light shines on the whole earth.

Ran Xinxue on the ground seemed to have finally broken free from the pressure, but she could barely stand up in a panic, and she saw Lu Qingyan's figure.

Fighting fiercely with a man and a snake, it seemed that Lu Qingyan's aura was completely different from before.

It's not as reckless as usual, on the contrary, it's very smart, both strong and soft, and it can be entangled for a while.

From time to time, the brilliance burst out like moonlight, overflowing the whole earth, and the shuttling of the figure seemed to be an afterimage. The huge soaring snake, which seemed to have no flaws, pursued frantically, and Lu Qingyan used her agility and speed to avoid it. Focus on the opponent's attack, and create as much damage as possible.

Ran Xinxue looked at Wei Tu beside him, and asked in a deep voice.

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