"How are you doing now... don't be in a hurry, Lu Qingyan can still hold on..."

Wei Tu just glanced at the situation over there and shook his head.

"It would be possible if she had reached the god-watching state, but it's still impossible now...she won't last long."

"Then how are you?"

"Forty to fifty percent..."

Ran Xinxue knew what Wei Tu meant, and he recovered forty to fifty percent of his strength.

Logically speaking, it is already a rather exaggerated speed. After all, if you use the method of borrowing the environment, and use the move like Zhu Shenjian with all your strength, you will not only face the pain of falling in the realm, but you will also be able to confess almost all of your breath. It's pretty good to recover [-]% to [-]% in such a short period of time.

It's just that at this moment, for the situation at this moment, it's not enough, it's still too slow!



Ruoyuan finally seized the opportunity, Lu Qingyan who was moving at high speed finally couldn't maintain such a high frequency of movement, and finally the speed inevitably slowed down, and it was such a small change that Ruoyuan accurately captured.

Soaring Snake's body brushed against her sword, and the hard scales were almost unbreakable.

It made Lu Qingyan's sword bend violently, as if it was about to break at any moment, and at the same time, Ruoyuan stood up, as fast as lightning.

Lu Qingyan almost had no time to dodge, and in an instant, Ruoyuan grabbed her tightly by the neck.

At the same time, Lu Qingyan, who wanted to resist, was punched in the lower abdomen by Ruoyuan.

Lu Qingyan snorted, but stubbornly did not show any expression of pain, or after experiencing the pain of exercising, this pain is nothing.

Ruoyuan pinched Lu Qingyan's neck fiercely.

Almost cursed.

"You women... bitches, you are willing to die for this man... betray your ancestors! I really found a group of good disciples!"

But at this time, I saw that Lu Qingyan looked at her with such contempt, as if she was silently laughing at her anger and her betrayal.

And for this sake, Ruoyuan can't control so much at all.

The Avenue of Longevity is inherently lonely!

So what about betrayal?As long as it can achieve the goal!All this is spared!

You pawns... you should have the consciousness of death!How dare you struggle before you die!If I want you to die, you have to die, no one is an exception! !

The moment Ruoyuan was about to sever Lu Qingyan's neck.


Suddenly, Ruoyuan let go of his hand.

Lu Qingyan was thrown to the ground in an instant, she looked up with some doubts, and looked at the scene at this time in disbelief.

Ruoyuan stood there, but a long sword pierced through his chest, but there was no blood on the blade of the long sword.

But it did penetrate, which made Ruoyuan let go of himself.

But what makes people unbelievable is not these, but the person who pierced the sword into her back at this time...

It turned out to be her...

"Su Mi...!"

With Ruoyuan's roar.

Ran Xinxue also raised her head, her eyes were astonished.

Wei Tu looked at the figure under the moon, standing behind Ruoyuan, the girl holding the long sword had a calm and cold face, as if she wasn't Su Mi.

He seemed to realize something... This girl... not only woke up, but also broke through!

Ran Xinxue's voice trembled. She never expected that this weak and cowardly girl who usually seemed to need protection would do such a thing at the last moment.

This is a situation that people never expected, and the appearance at this moment is simply like a miracle.

But...she couldn't create more miracles after all.

Even if she breaks through the Fusion Realm and reaches the Dragon Slaying Realm, the gap in strength between her and Ruoyuan at this time is too obvious, and this cannot be made up for by a moment of enthusiasm.

This sword did not cause fatal injuries to Ruoyuan.

It's just insignificant, although the timing is indeed unbelievably good, but...


Ruoyuan turned around and gave a palm.

Su Mi flew down like a kite with a broken string.

The blood spurted out immediately made this delicate face even more bewitching, adding a delicate and soft beauty, but in the current situation, beauty has no meaning.

But the girl didn't even look back and coughed.

But stubbornly stood up from the ground.

Lu Qingyan also stood up slowly.

The two of them seemed to form a solid city wall in front of this young man sitting cross-legged. Although they were thin, the determination in their eyes was more stubborn than a rock.

Ruoyuan pulled out the sword from his body.

Not a bit of blood flowed out.

She was laughing maniacally.

"Hahahaha... At the end of the day, you all just want to delay time for this young man... even at the expense of your own lives... Hahahaha, my disciples are all good women who value love and righteousness... too Funny! So funny!!"

Lu Qingyan and Su Mi didn't respond, they just moved their feet almost at the same time.

Then he rushed towards Ruoyuan, like a moth flying towards an open flame.

It's just...it's like hitting a stone with an egg.

The two figures were already moving at a very fast speed, and they were already in front of Ruoyuan.

One punches, one sword.

But Ruoyuan easily raised his hands, and kept parrying, the speed was so fast that people couldn't see clearly, but the next moment he could see clearly.


The sword in Lu Qingyan's hand was blown away, and she was sent flying with a punch.

Su Mi directly met Ruoyuan's punch, and flew backwards again.

The two women seemed extremely funny, and returned to the beginning again.

But once again, as if it was a replay, once again!

Their shaky figures stood up again, with resolute firmness, as if stubborn to death.

They only have one thought, which is to delay the last time for this young man. As long as they can do this...he may survive.

In this way, his own life and death are not cared about at all.

Wei Tu closed his eyes, then opened them.


He said so.

Ruoyuan laughed out loud when he heard the voice.

"Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death... Hahahaha, you finally stopped being a coward? But you have to think about it, you can only survive when they die. Now the momentary mood, masculinity Be brave...you will all die."

Ruoyuan's words were like the whispers of a demon, as if blocking all of Wei Tu's paths.

And Lu Qingyan took a deep breath, her breathing was disordered, and the woman who had no strength to fight said softly.

"Tu'er, you have adjusted your breathing well. Master is fine. Facing a big enemy, how can a master hide behind a disciple and let the disciple solve the problem? Don't be brave."

Su Mi turned her head to look at Wei Tu.

The blood at the corner of her mouth was so obvious that it had even solidified.

But she was smiling, just like the smile she saw after being reborn, as innocent as ever, as if she was telling herself that she would always be his little junior sister, never change, and would always be the bride waiting for him to marry .

"Brother is fine... Didn't we make an agreement that we will live and die together, so how can I let you take risks for me every time? Don't worry, it's fine, we will go to the end together..."

Ruoyuan smiled even more happily.

"How touching! Wei Tu, Wei Tu...Your luck is really good, so many beautiful women go through fire and water for you, your luck is really good... But what should you do? Cowardly bear the humiliation? Or do it once Man, die with your beloved woman? Don't worry, I will definitely let you die badly, you must think about it, because I won't let you be buried in one place..."

Facing this heartbreaking words, Wei Tu stood up and put his left hand on Lu Qingyan's shoulder.

But his right hand was placed on Su Mi's shoulder.

His breath seemed much more stable.

But Ran Xinxue felt that this young man's strength had recovered to [-]% at most... More likely, it was less than [-]%!Giving up breath adjustment at this time is simply a dead end.

But... But maybe this is him... No matter what, he will not let these two women die before him.

Wei Tu raised his head slightly, showing the usual calm smile.

"I was lucky enough to meet Master and Junior Sister. I think I have been lucky enough in this life, and I can't expect too much. Don't worry, I will survive, and we will always be together. This It's a promise I've never changed."

Lu Qingyan couldn't help turning her head with red eyes.


Su Mi was speechless. The situation at this time was not optimistic. The key was that Wei Tu's state could not escape her eyes. How could I not know that Wei Tu himself had no confidence at all when he knew him so well?

Wei Tu shook his head and put down his hands.

Take a step.


The sound is obviously not loud, but it seems to echo on the earth.

He was already standing in front of the two women, and everyone knew that he would not back down.

Because he has never backed down.

Ruoyuan looked at Wei Tu coldly.

"You just want to fight me like this? Wei Tu... You're going so smoothly that you don't even know what you are!"

Wei Tu raised his head and smiled.

"There is no time when I can face problems with all my strength... I am the best at fighting back from the Jedi, don't you know? I'm afraid you will forget, let me help you recall, in Baoguang Palace... your Do you remember those confident words?"

Ruoyuan's face turned red and turned white.

How could she forget how complacent she was at that time?The result was that he was almost out of his wits.

"Wei Tu! You have no chance this time! You will die this time!!"

Ruoyuan drove the Teng Snake to run straight at the young man.

Wei Tu slowly put away his smile and held his breath.

The moment Teng Snake rushed in front of him, he suddenly raised his foot.


Teng Snake's head was directly stepped into the ground by Wei Tu, and the smoke was everywhere!

The moonlight clearly shone on his cold face.

"Ruoyuan, the luckiest thing for you is that you can taste the taste of soul flying twice." PS: I'm afraid you don't know, on the 27th, I have already updated 26 words, and it is almost [-] a day.

91 Killing You is Enough, Ruoyuan

"Ginger Sakura..."


The two panting women seemed to be back to back at this moment.

When the elders on the mountain finally arrived, and the attacking momentum of these monsters that made people feel dreadful was finally suppressed, the two young girls who had joined hands to kill the enemy before showed a brilliance that was no less than that of a man. Back to back together at this time.

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