Just an inch below the moon where the cloud floats.

His clothes are in tatters.


The flying snake and the man fell to the ground.

Facing down, the Soaring Snake turned into pieces inch by inch, turning into dust in the air!

And his half-squatting body slowly stood up.

He exudes an unimaginable fighting spirit and unique domineering aura.

He walked towards Ruoyuan.



Ruoyuan didn't say the words of surprise.

Wei Tu punched Ruoyuan in the face.

Knock the old monster over with one punch.

That's right... the half-step Immortal Emperor's feeling has returned.

The power seemed to flow continuously.

Although I haven't even reached the god-looking state, it doesn't matter.

"It's enough to kill you, Ruoyuan." PS: It's finally here, and the next chapter will reveal the mystery of this plot and the truth of most of the main lines~~ Comfortable.

92 there are gods in the month

Ruoyuan, who was knocked to the ground, did not expect this young man to show such terrifying fighting power.

It seems that the real Wei Tu only appeared at this time.

And the three women Ran Xinxue, Lu Qingyan and Su Mi also accurately and keenly sensed something.

Su Mi said involuntarily.

"Brother...it seems to be different."

Lu Qingyan shook her head with emotion, "He hides too many secrets."

Ran Xinxue bit her thin lips slightly and looked at the two, "You guys have been fooling around with him for so long, don't you know everything?"

Lu Qingyan blushed instantly, "Who fooled around with him? You speak clearly!"

Ran Xinxue looked at Lu Qingyan with a smile, and as the situation turned around, some thoughts seemed to come to her mind.

"Oh? Are you sure you want Ben Gong to explain more clearly?"

Lu Qingyan is not a vegetarian either. Although she has ghosts in her heart, it is not something that Ran Xinxue can easily handle with a few words.

"Ranxinxue...Wei Tu is my apprentice after all. You have to think about it before you say anything. It is not certain whether you will be able to secure your position as suzerain."

"Lu Qingyan..."

Ran Xinxue gritted her teeth, although she really wanted to say that it is more suitable for her to be the suzerain, but if this woman... blows that boy's ears or something... her suzerain position may really be handed over to others.

Su Mi looked over strangely.

"Both... Yuan Jianzong is almost gone, are you still in the mood to talk about the suzerain?"

That's right... Ran Xinxue suddenly wanted to come over.

"I'm afraid Yuan Jianzong is not suitable to stay any longer, what should we do next?"

Lu Qingyan didn't think so.

"Change to another mountain. Does Xianzhou still lack a place to establish a mountain? As long as people are still there, Yuan Jianzong will exist."

That's right...

Ran Xinxue nodded secretly.

At this time, Su Mi looked at the young man's back, showing a little smile, and his eyes seemed to be a little fanatical.

"I think...the senior brother has not changed, but...this may be the original him."

They all did feel a noticeable change.

The young man seemed to finally no longer appear so calm and gentle at this moment, as if these gentle auras were some disguise to confuse his opponent.

But at this moment, he is the real one. This kind of rebelliousness, this kind of truly aloof appearance seems to make people feel convincing, and they can only crawl down in front of him.

But Ruoyuan didn't want to prostrate.

She really doesn't want to admit defeat, knowing what it feels like to be wiped out once, she doesn't want to make the same mistakes again, because it means that there will be no chance to make a comeback!

But the young man who has already taken one step forward seems not to be ready to give her any chance.


Even without a sword, he is like a mountain standing in front of Ruoyuan, swinging his fist like a god of war.


Ruoyuan staggered a step, and was hit hard in the chest by a punch, as if he was going to overwhelm the river.

She tried to get up immediately to distance herself, but although Wei Tu in this state was not even full of breath, her fighting state was already full to the extreme.

Taking a step forward, he directly grabbed Ruoyuan's hair.

Then he dragged it back fiercely, and overturned it to the ground.

Wei Tu turned around and stepped on Ruoyuan who was trying to stand up.

The soles of his feet firmly pressed on her chest.

"Ruoyuan, do you understand now? Last time...it wasn't a fluke, you just couldn't beat me."

Ruoyuan on the ground was almost bloodless, she could never have imagined how this young man performed miracles again and again.

She looked at the boy in amazement, and suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

"You... you are actually... you are not Wei Tu at all?!"

Wei Tu dazed for a moment, then understood what Ruoyuan was still thinking at this moment.

She actually thought that she had accomplished what she hadn't done, that an old soul lived in a young body.

How should I put it... It's really a bit of a mistake, but it's still not accurate.

Because of this self, it is itself from beginning to end.

It's just for the self who came, to make up for all the regrets of the current self.

He is still him.

Wei Tu looked down at Ruoyuan slightly.

"I am me...I am Wei Tu. What are you still thinking about? Ruoyuan...Your ambition and wishful thinking will never come true. You should have thought of it when you pointed the finger at me, Ruoyuan... You can’t be as shameless as you. After living for so many years, you still try to control the chessboard with insufficient ability. Who do you think you are? You’re just a struggling dog.”

"Damn...Damn...Wei Tu...I won't let you go...Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!"

Ruoyuan tried to say something harsh.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, the boy blocked his mouth with his foot, as if he could ravage the other person's face anytime, anywhere as he wanted.

Ruoyuan has been humiliated to the extreme, he has never had such a humiliating moment in his life for so many years, and he was still humiliated by such a young boy...

What's the point?

Where is the law? !

Wei Tu also gradually lost the desire to be trampled on, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's over, you don't have to make such an expression, I know what you're thinking..."

After finishing speaking, Wei Tu bent down, stretched out his hand and flexed his fingers, and tapped Ruoyuan's body a few times.

Ruoyuan looked at Wei Tu in surprise.

"what have you done?!"

Wei Tu grinned, "You'll know soon."

Then he let go of his feet, straightened his waist, looked at the moon in the sky and said loudly.

"Since you're here... let's show up. It's a bit chilling to give up your chess pieces for this sake."

Su Mi looked at Lu Qingyan suspiciously, "Who is he talking to?"

Ran Xinxue pursed her lips, "This little bastard is intriguing with people all day long, thinking about who is going to harm him every day, he must be in a daze, now he feels that there are black hands behind the scenes everywhere."

But Lu Qingyan shook her head, frowned, and said seriously, "No... really someone... the breath is getting more and more obvious... the moon! It's the moon!"

The two were wrong for a moment, and then looked up at the bright moon in the sky at the same time.

They suddenly discovered that the moon seemed completely different at this time.

The cold and bright moon just now seemed to be slowly changing.

They actually watched the full moon, which suddenly turned into the shape of a hook, drawing a strange curvature.

And at the gap of the crescent moon, a pavilion suddenly appeared!

It was very far away, so they couldn't see it clearly. They could only see the shape of a pavilion, but it was enough to shock them.

But Wei Tu could see clearly that beside the pavilion of this pavilion, there was a osmanthus tree.

And under the osmanthus tree, there is a rippling swing, and on the swing, there is a woman hugging a jade rabbit.

The woman's face seemed to be immersed in a hazy mist, and she couldn't see her face clearly, only her slim figure and the temperament exuding from her body could be seen.

Like a god, noble, unattainable, and cold and peerless like an iceberg.

It is completely light, just like the moon that is always alone in the night sky.

Then, it was her voice.

"You are so smart, you guessed something... you shouldn't have said it."

she said so.

This kind of voice shocked the three women...it was extremely pleasant, just like the sound of a fairy.

But it also reminded Ran Xinxue and Lu Qingyan of something.

"Mu Yueque...!"

Wei Tu raised his head. Although he couldn't see her face clearly, Wei Tu already felt that the powerful coercion had locked on him. As long as she wanted to, it seemed that she could crush herself, but she hadn't done it yet.

"It's not difficult to guess it's you... Being able to plan these things, mobilizing so many people, making Yao Xiang dare not resist, willingly becoming a chess piece, making Ruoyuan come back again and again... Except you, the five big Who else is there in the shrine?"

Su Mi turned her head and looked at Lu Qingyan, "Uncle Lu... what are the Five Great Divine Palaces?"

Lu Qingyan sighed and said softly, "The legend is that the highest gods of our five immortal continents... are the places where those who climb the avenue will eventually go. Legend has it that they were founded by five ancient gods... Jiri Tiangong, Mu Yueque, Zhaixing Tower, Fenghuating, and Shadow Chasing Gate... I originally thought these were legends, but I didn't expect...that they really existed, but why did Mu Yueque do such a thing..."

Su Mi's voice trembled slightly, "The one who spoke..."

Ran Xinxue's eyes were a little lost. She had already realized something, so she seemed hopeful... so thin.


And the woman seemed to ignore these words and just said them calmly.

"Now that you know our existence... what else do you want to say, do you want to make a deal? Do you want to make a deal with a dispensable pawn?"

Ruoyuan's heart was ashamed, her lips trembled, why couldn't she tell that this was the intention of the other party to give up on herself...

Wei Tu smiled and snapped his fingers.

Ruoyuan froze and froze suddenly.

"You... um... no no... no... save me... Moon God... save me...! Save me... ah!!"

In the body, the place that Wei Tu touched just now seemed to be expanding infinitely, and the pain came along with it.

At the moment when her eyes widened beyond measure.

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