
Her body turned into powder, it was not just a simple matter of her soul flying away.

She will never have a chance to come back again, and she is dying like an ant at this moment.

Maybe she was once brilliant and splendid on this land, but in the end she disappeared into the glory of history like an insignificant duckweed.

Wei Tu couldn't feel any emotional changes in that woman.

She still locked herself in this way, looking at herself.

Wei Tu looked at her with a smile.

"Look, not everyone has something to ask for from you."

"Then what's the point of you doing this, just want to see me and confirm your guess?"

Wei Tu nodded.

"Forget it, otherwise I wouldn't be so sure about the things I didn't think clearly before..."

It seems hesitant to say anything here.

And the woman said appropriately, "You can say that now I have blocked their perception, and no one will hear the content of my conversation with you."

Wei Tu laughed self-deprecatingly, "That is to say, after you finish speaking, you will kill me?"

The woman replied calmly, "Maybe, not necessarily. It depends on my mood and how much you know. Tell me, whether it's these 'accidents' or your rebirth, you can talk about it."


Sure enough, she knew it... PS: For this pattern, I also laid a lot of foreshadowing, huh~~~~ Of course, everyone, don't judge the new characters too early, it's not so straightforward, black and white, I'm going to build a few interesting ones, and there may be more changes today, I'll take a rest first, I didn't sleep well last night~

93 I like you... (monthly ticket plus 23)


94 Double the fun!

There seems to be no more spooky moment than this.

Wei Tu also couldn't enjoy the temptation that looked good in front of him.

Is she an enemy?Of course it is, but why did it become like this?

When the other party brought him here, Wei Tu also thought about whether the presence of the power of the Extreme Sun Heavenly Palace forced the moon god to leave quickly. This was a natural suppression of the sun on the moon.

As for bringing himself here, is there anything necessary to say to himself...or simply to deal with himself...Wei Tu can understand these.

When he thought of that woman with a fragrant mouth, who looked extremely irritable, and who didn't look like a moon god at all... Even Luo Beihuang's mother-in-law seemed to be used to it, he felt fantastic.

Now this woman who seems a bit weak... who is it?

Wei Tuhou tilted his head.

"Do you know who you are?"

The woman blinked her eyes, as if thinking about it.

"I'm Xiyue...they say I'm the moon god."


"Hmm... a group of boring and strange people, every time they come to me and say something strange, what is for a big plan... I don't really understand. But it seems that something happens every time I come here."

"whats the matter?"

The woman shook her head, looking a little helpless.

"I can't tell you this. Who are you?"

Didn't you bring me here?

Wei Tu thought for a while and said truthfully, "I'm Wei Tu."

The woman shook her head in confusion, "No name I've heard of... Where did you come from? Why haven't I seen you in Muyueque?"

Wei Tu hesitated to speak, then sighed, "You really don't remember? You brought me here."

Xiyue looked at Wei Tu in a little surprise, and then suddenly realized, "Oh... I see, you have seen my sister, haven't you?"

"elder sister?"

Wei Tu looked at the soft and beautiful woman in front of him in disbelief.

Xiyue said happily.

"Yeah, my sister looks exactly like me, but she does some weird things. I'm sorry if she offends you. In fact, she doesn't mean anything malicious. It's just that sometimes I don't know how to express it. You must be her too." I brought it here for fun... My sister is really messing around."

Wei Tu slightly turned his head to look at Xiyue.

Then look around the faint.

"Are you really the Moon God?"

Xiyue smiled and nodded, "Of course I am~"

As she said that, she stretched out her hand gently, and the five fingers that were slightly closed together, and the slender white fingers gently opened, the movement was as beautiful as a flower blooming.

Then at the moment when she opened her five fingers, it seemed to be an instant.

The surroundings seemed to be lit up with countless lights, suddenly bright and dazzling.

The osmanthus tree dances without the wind, and the swing is shaking.

And the fallen leaves on the ground floated from the ground to the air little by little, and even returned to the trees where they started to fall, and the withered ones even turned into lush greenery.

She looked at Wei Tu happily.

"Look, I'm Luna."

Wei Tu's brain is a little confused at this time... If the woman named Xiyue before is the sister of this woman named Xiyue... such an explanation seems unacceptable, he is not so stupid, but he does have a crush on Mu Yue Que didn't know much about it, and the most visited place in the previous life was also the Extreme Sun Temple, and the relationship with several other places was just as good as water.

He knew the names, but he didn't know much about the owners of these places.

He rubbed the space between his brows and felt that he shouldn't be so hasty, so he calmed down and faced it with his usual mentality.

"Are you usually here alone?"

Xiyue nodded, she raised her head, Wei Tu could see a ray of fluorescent light falling on the tip of her white and firm nose, and then flew away gently.

The scene is like a dream.

"Won't it be boring?"

"It's okay, I have a rabbit to play with me."


Is it the one she's holding...huh?But it doesn't seem to be here now.

Wei Tu looked around.

Xiyue in front of her nodded with a smile, then she raised her head slightly.

"Hey, it's behind you~"

Wei Tu was stunned, he didn't feel any breath behind him...Is this impossible?

It is impossible for my own perception to be so weak. If it really exists, there is only one possibility, and that is here, my perception is not strong... If...

He tilted his head slightly.

Then I saw a rabbit.

Really a rabbit.

It is still squatting on the ground, with its hands hanging in front of its chest, and one of its ears is straight up and the other is down.

Red eyes, furry rabbit mouth...

But...but why is it so big!

The rabbit behind him was completely different from anything he had ever seen... the size of a docile nest in a woman's arms.

It is simply a three-story building!

It squatted there, looking at itself with red eyes, as if it could swallow itself whole in one bite at any time!

"You...you usually play with it like this?"

Wei Tu asked in disbelief.

Good guy... so the so-called gods... all like such a big thing?

Xiyue didn't seem to have any abnormalities, as if everything that appeared was so normal.

"Yeah! It's very interesting, it's very good..."

Xiyue walked to Wei Tu's side with a smile, and then Wei Tu looked at the smile, and although she still couldn't see more facial features, the woman with an innocent demeanor gently reached out her hand.

It's just a punch towards this huge rabbit.

It looked like a flirtatious fist, a very slight move, which made people feel even more unreliable than a scratch.

But the effect is...


The rabbit is like being hit by a mountain.

It flew out horizontally, and the air waves it sent messed up the boy's hair.

Let Wei Tu understand one thing, this kind of strength... is real, not a performance made by the rabbit to match this woman.

It's really... just such a light punch from her, and it almost destroyed the world.

But in this world, it seems to have no effect.

Even because of this huge rabbit, it rolled over, knocked over rows of big trees, and even broke through the gate of Toad Palace.

It doesn't matter.

As the rabbit stood up, it slowly approached again, and everything returned to the original state.

Wei Tu knew that this was all her power.

That being said... just from the level of power, the other party is indeed Luna...


"What kind of... is this a game?"

Wei Tu turned his head to look at Xiyue.

And the woman seemed to have not understood Wei Tu's words at all, and said with a shy smile, "But it's a pity... They all said that I only have half the strength, and I don't know what's going on... But it doesn't matter, What do you want power for, it's just meaningless things..."

Half of the power... Could it be...

no, no...

Wei Tu shook his head, then looked at Xiyue.

"To be honest, your acting skills are really good, but...it doesn't impress me. An enemy is an enemy after all. The two of us...I think it would be better to be honest."

After Wei Tu said this, he saw the expression on Xiyue's face froze, as if a little dull.

Then she suddenly closed her eyes, and her whole body fell backwards exaggeratedly.

Wei Tu didn't reach out his hand, as if he didn't feel any pity.

Quietly watched her fall, and then instantly, how did she fall, how did she stand up.

This time, it was completely different. Although she was wearing a bright water blue dress, her temperament seemed to sink into darkness.

It seemed that it was her eyes that brought about all these changes.

She looks at herself.

Opening his lazy and tender eyes, Wei Tu could feel that she must be looking at him with a mocking and disdainful smile through the veil.

That's what it looks like... Wei Tu is more familiar with it, and feels more normal.

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