Wei Tu looked at the woman in front of him.

"Do you like playing this kind of game very much... Or, no matter who it is, you have to play this kind of game."

Xiyue didn't speak, but turned around with a smile and sat on the swing under the osmanthus tree. She began to swing the swing higher and higher.

Happy like a child, her laughter wafted in the wind, but it looked so creepy.

But as she swayed, her skirts were flying and dancing.

And the spring light under the skirt was faintly visible, and those white and slender thighs rose and fell.

She seems to be rippling too casually, and there are too many places that can be revealed. Wei Tu keeps his eyes calm, trying not to look at the beauty that can't be peeped at all in the world.

Although Wei Tu has seen many women, and some of them are extremely beautiful, this woman is unbelievably beautiful even through a veil.

It is as unique as the moon, as cold and bright as the moonlight.

She seems to be synonymous with the moon, every strand of hair looks so dazzling and crystal-clear, flying light.

She raised high and then fell heavily.

Wei Tu just watched this woman's seemingly reckless and wild behavior, feeling weird but helpless.

Until the swing finally fell slowly.

Xiyue sat on the swing, looking at herself with a smile, the picture was magnificent and coquettish.

The woman's skirt was in a mess, even revealing some smooth thighs, and her neckline was open wantonly, and the snowy whiteness that opened stimulated the young man's perception.

"looks good?"

Wei Tu frowned, his expression didn't change much, rather he had expected such a situation.

It's just a scam... These so-called gods are just claiming to be more noble and different. In fact, they are not much different from human beings. They are also full of desires and intrigues. It seems that those are higher pursuits... It's just that It's just that desire is replaced by a more high-sounding reason.

"Let me come here...you can just say what you want to say, those...things you don't want Jiri Tiangong to know."

"Hahahaha... so smart, um..."

The woman's fingers lightly brushed between her lips, as if tasting something.

Then raised his head, revealing his smooth neck.

"Have you ever thought about... coming to help me with something? I don't know anything else, but what I can give must be more than Jiri Tiangong. For example, what you just saw...you are twice as happy alone." PS: Some people say a lot, well, maybe the plot was written a bit hastily, ignoring the creation of some details, mine, let’s make up for it, but the character design is not so simple to see through at a glance, god, is also cunning.

95 The Shura Field of Sudden Cardiac Arrest!

Wei Tu didn't believe these nonsense at all.

From her first word, Wei Tu didn't believe it.

So even if she looks so alluring and seems to have nothing to do with the so-called 'Moon God', he won't believe it.

This woman who is in charge of so much and so powerful will seduce herself in such a way like a slutty whore?

Wei Tu simply sat down, calmly crossed his legs and looked at the charming Xiyue in front of him.

"Don't you think it's a shame? If people know that the so-called god is like this... Well, your appearance is indeed a top card in the brothel."

"call out!!"

A crystal shard... no, that's moonlight.

It came directly in front of Wei Tu's eyes, and even seemed to touch the boy's eyelashes, as if there was only a thin line between his pupils.

How would it penetrate one's own eyes, and what would be the result?Wei Tu didn't seem to be clear at this time, but he knew that as long as this woman wanted to, she could easily do it.

Xiyue got off the swing and walked towards her.

Every step seemed extremely annoying, she reached out her hand casually, just like a man pulling his troublesome clothes, pulled her skirt and collar, and then came to Wei Tu.

Stretch out your hands to hold the crystal moonlight, and wave it casually.

The brilliant brilliance covered the entire sky, and Wei Tu felt the biting cold falling from the sky.

The cold seems to cover and wrap itself, like being trapped in an iceberg for thousands of years.

His lips turned white in an instant, and he felt that even his breathing turned into a white mist that condensed at any time.

"You were very arrogant just now, Wei Tu? Hehe, if you don't cherish that opportunity, it will never come again. Is it cold? I can kill you, or make your life worse than death, or...let you go But you have to be good, you have to be good, you know?"

Wei Tu raised his head, his movements seemed slow and difficult.

"I'm... important to you?"

With a cold gaze, there seemed to be a crescent moon at the bottom of her pupils.

This reminded Wei Tu of Xiyue before... The light in her eyes seemed to be round, without any regrets.

"Important... It's just a dispensable scum, do you think I'm just like those girls around you, I really want to stick it on you when I see you look good? Hehe, you are just a dispensable pawn, no, You don’t even count as pawns, you ruined some of my arrangements, and you haven’t settled those accounts clearly with you. You are still so arrogant, you really have never died..."

Xiyue said so.

Wei Tu could clearly see the woman's fingers stretched towards his eyes.

As if it was about to cover everything, the light was disappearing little by little, and her fingers seemed to penetrate her eyes and reach her soul and mind.

It's just that Wei Tu didn't avoid it at all, he still kept his eyes open and watched, this finger was going to penetrate his eyes.

He breathed a cold breath and said, "Half the power..."

"What did you say?"

Xiyue's face froze suddenly.

"Half the power is not accurate. What she wants to say should be... half the godhead."

"Smartness... comes at a price."

With a cold voice, her fingers suddenly pierced into Wei Tu's eyes.

Severe pain almost filled the boy's mind, as if covering all his feelings.

I can't even feel the cold, but what I can feel is the extreme pain that almost penetrates into my brain.

But he didn't show any more expressions, letting the blood cover his eyes.

The whole world seemed to be echoed by Xiyue's voice.

"Remember this kind of pain, there is no doubt that you will come to this point in the end when you are my enemy. Don't question my behavior, and don't think too high of the so-called gods, all you need to know is...the so-called gods , but there is nothing special about the existence of pursuing more things and possessing more power, but it is not something that ants like you can mix at will, understand?"

Wei Tu grinned, but in such a tragic scene, he looked a little pale.

"If you're not afraid of me, don't you think that an ant like me can affect your plan...why do you want to talk to me about this, and even want to recruit me into the gang? Xiyue...moon god, are you afraid? , This is a kind of fear that can be measured by your behavior without saying it. In fact, I don't care what you are going to do, what you are fighting for, even if the whole world belongs to you... I don't care. But you It involves people around me, so I'm sorry, but I will get involved to the end no matter what."


Xiyue laughed, and her laughter was more biting than this coldness.

She slowly pulled out her fingers.

Then the light returned to Wei Tu's eyes.

That kind of pain seemed to disappear in an instant, and my eyes didn't encounter any trauma.

He saw Xiyue's face again.

She stood there covered by the moonlight, like a goddess on the mountain.

His eyes were extremely contemptuous, as if ignoring every plant and tree, weeds that could be grabbed by reaching out.

"The person who scares me hasn't been born yet. It's just...it's interesting to me. How should I put it, right...you know what I'm going to do, but you can't stop it. You can only watch me accomplish my goal The look of despair... is the most enjoyable. You can treat me as the greatest evil person, but you will soon know how great everything I am going to do. Those godheads should not be in those stupid gods It is useless to them, only me...only me..."

Wei Tu looked at the woman in front of him, and felt that the whole world belonged to her.

It seems that everything has been covered at this time, making himself look small like an inconspicuous gravel.

He also knows that as long as there is moonlight, it is her home field, and even if her strength is only half of her godhead, she will look so terrifying.

Absolutely surpasses anything I have encountered before.

Wei Tu just looked at this woman and felt emotional.

"Greed and ambition are never the scariest thing. What's terrible is that you are so conceited that you can't accept any failure."

Xiyue looked at Wei Tu with a smile.

"Then let's see, who is the most conceited and confident, I am the same as you, we are actually similar people. Go, enjoy the rest of your easy time, and then... all your nightmares. "


Wei Tu didn't have time to speak.

The light covers itself.

He closed his eyes.

disappeared in place.

After all this was done, Xiyue's face remained silent.

Extreme indifference.

Just like the moon who has always just stood by and watched the joys and sorrows of the world without any expression, she returned to the swing under the osmanthus tree. She sat on it, closed her eyes slightly, and leaned against the other side.

When she opened her eyes again, a pair of eyes looked around impatiently.

Then gradually become disappointed.

"As expected...disappeared. It's so boring..."

The boy was lying on the ground, as if appearing out of thin air, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

Wei Tu wanted to open his eyes, but soon felt a breath coming towards him.

"Wei Tu, how are you?"

Concerned words, innocent voice...wait!This is not Su Mi, this is... Luo Beihuang!

So Wei Tu's eyelashes trembled for a moment, then stopped moving immediately, and closed tightly, as if in a coma.

Oops... Oops!How could I forget that she was there?

Xiyue, a hateful woman, didn't do it on purpose, did she?Depend on!

Facts have proved that Wei Tu's worry is not without reason.

"Wei Tu!"


Several figures came to my side one after another. It was okay at first, as if they all checked if there was anything serious about my physical condition, but soon...

"Wait, who are you?"

Su Mi frowned and looked at the beautiful woman who was hugging the boy's body.

She seems to be older than him, but she is also very young. The key is her beauty...to the level that even I feel enviable.

It seems that even the suzerain is not as good as the new snow.

Lu Qingyan also raised her head to look at this woman. Although she knew that she was a member of Jisun Tiangong, at this moment, her heart was inevitably a little sour.

Looking at the young man with his eyes closed, who seemed to be unconscious at all, he felt a little resentful.

Why do you always provoke girls... A mountain is not enough to cause trouble for you, a little bastard?

Luo Beihuang looked up at Su Mi and Lu Qingyan, as if thinking of something, then looked down at Wei Tu.

"I'm Luo Beihuang."

"I asked you what your relationship with senior brother is, why are you holding him!"

Su Mi seemed very angry, of course, more resentment towards this young man, but now that he was in a coma, the young girl seemed to have no choice but to defend her sovereignty in this way.

Luo Beihuang looked at Su Mi unconvinced.

"Why can't I hold him? Who are you to him?"

"I'm his junior sister... let go!"

"I won't let go. It turned out to be just a junior sister. I thought it was his wife. Since it's just his junior sister, what right do you have to interfere with my behavior?"


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