Su Mi was so angry that her seven orifices were filled with smoke, she wished she could pick up the sword and strike the woman opposite and the boy in a 'coma' a few times.

Lu Qingyan interrupted helplessly at this time.

"Wait... Don't talk about this now, Miss Luo, right... You should also be a good friend of my disciple."

Luo Beihuang thought about it.

It seems... It seems that they are just good friends.

So he nodded helplessly.

Wei Tu, who was quite clear about the situation outside with his eyes closed, heaved a sigh of relief.

As expected of my good is the master who loves the apprentice at the critical moment.

Lu Qingyan turned her head and said to Su Mi, "Since I'm Tu'er's friend, don't worry about it now, it's considered helping Tu'er anyway."

"She didn't do anything!"

Su Mi said angrily.

Lu Qingyan comforted her softly, "Look, if Miss Luo and her elders hadn't come, how could Mu Yueque let Tu'er off so easily? It must be Miss Luo's help."

Luo Beihuang straightened her waist.

"Hmm... It's okay, it's a little effort... Maybe it's too late."

She's even humbled! !

Su Mi was sullen and had nothing to do, she only hated that she was only at the Dragon Slaying Realm... Otherwise, she would have to teach these two people a lesson.


Just when Wei Tu thought that the dust had settled and he could find a good opportunity to 'wake up'.

Another voice appeared from the side.

"I really didn't expect that Wei Tu's 'friends' are all such beautiful women, and I haven't seen a man... By the way, this Luo girl, I am also a good friend of Wei Tu, my name is... Ran New snow."

Dyeing fresh snow...! !

Wei Tu almost died suddenly.

Cardiac arrest.

I heard Luo Beihuang ask suspiciously, "Good friend...?"

Ran Xinxue nodded with a smile, "Yes, what kind of good friends you and Wei Tu are, and what kind of good friends I and he... should be."

Wei Tu's body stiffened.

Come on.

You don't have to wait until Xiyue comes to do something, you can destroy yourself first.

96 Who You Really Want to Be

As soon as the words of the new snow come out.

Good guy, the Three Kingdoms were originally at the same time, but all of a sudden they turned into all eyes on the past, staring at the new snow.

Eyes full of emotions.

Puzzled, surprised and uncertain, shocked myself for 300 years.

Ran Xinxue didn't feel scared at all when she saw these gazes, in other words...why should she feel scared?I have a clear conscience, if this man is capable, let them see the slave tattoos on his inner thighs, this disaster will never fall on him.

So she looked at everyone with a dazed and ignorant look.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Could it be that...Miss Luo, your friendship with Wei Tu is not pure?"

Then everyone seemed to realize that they were wrong, but there were also strange things.

Su Mi looked at Ran Xinxue's bewildered look, and murmured to herself: Didn't the relationship with senior brother not be good did they become good friends?

Lu Qingyan looked at Ran Xinxue suspiciously: I suspected that this woman had plans for her apprentice before, but now it seems... It's even more strange, no, how can this kind of woman who has scheming and love for power harm her apprentice? !

Luo Beihuang looked at Ran Xinxue even more confused: The good friend she said and the good friend she said...are they the same thing?Do they kiss too?

But this woman is really good-looking... She looks like a foxy girl... I feel tempting when I look at it, and the disheveled clothes at this moment make this woman's curves even more...

Su Mi, Lu Qingyan and Luo Beihuang all had a word in their hearts: obscene!

Just when the atmosphere of these four people was weird, and Wei Tu didn't know whether he should wake up or just pretend to be dead to be more realistic.

"Okay, boy, get up, don't pretend."

A mysterious and mysterious old voice came into Wei Tu's ears.

Wei Tu went back via voice transmission in embarrassment.

"The situation is a bit difficult now...Senior, why don't you think of a way? It's for Beihuang's sake."

"Speaking of Beihuang, I haven't settled accounts with you yet! Do you have the nerve to mention it?"

"This is what I said... Isn't this fate from the previous life? If you really don't want to, why would I meet her again?"

"...It's all making you smart, brat."

The old woman's voice stopped helplessly, and then Wei Tu heard voices coming from outside.

"Get out of the way first, I'll show him."

As soon as the old woman spoke, the women couldn't say anything, and stepped aside obediently.

All I saw was that the old woman came to the young man with calm steps that seemed a bit vain, and then stretched out her fingers and tapped on the young man.

Su Mi asked suspiciously, "Is this all right? You don't need to look carefully?"

Luo Beihuang said dissatisfiedly, "My mother-in-law is amazing!"

"What about mother-in-law, are you married?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Luo Beihuang didn't understand the meaning of this.

Lu Qingyan tugged at Su Mi, "Okay, be more polite to others, do you have to talk about you when Tu'er gets up?"

Su Mi snorted coldly, and said aggrievedly, "He still has the nerve to talk about me, he doesn't even remember what he promised me..."

The voice just fell.

"Cough cough...!"

The boy coughed unexpectedly.

"So miraculous?"

Ran Xinxue was also shocked, my good fellow, how long has it been since I tapped the acupuncture points, and now I'm awake?The effect is too fast, right?

Although she was always dissatisfied, when she heard the cough, Su Mi immediately ran over and helped the boy up.

"How about it?"

Wei Tu opened his eyes in 'confusion', and then saw Su Mi, with a gentle and thankful smile on his face 'naturally'.

"Junior Sister... Do you really exist in front of me? Am I not dead?"

Su Mi's heart softened immediately, she gently stroked Wei Tu's cheek, and pressed her own face against his warmth.

"Do you think I'm real? Idiot... I won't let you die before me, don't say that, I'm so sad..."

Wei Tu showed a 'bleak' smile appropriately.

"It's okay... Isn't it good now, we are all fine, this is the best, right..."

Of course Su Mi wanted to talk about other things, such as the intricate relationship between these girls, but seeing Wei Tu who was so 'tired' at this moment, she couldn't say anything.

All I can think of is the figure of this young man who is desperately trying to protect everything.

Why can't she harden her heart, it seems to be like this all the time, this young man makes herself love, but also makes herself depressed and entangled, but in the end...just because she likes to make people look different, and people can't do it with peace of mind Own.

Lu Qingyan didn't seem to know what to say when she saw the scene of the two being so moved, she felt that she shouldn't go forward.

After all, these two seem to be the best match, no matter in terms of age or status... They are indeed more suitable, and my position should be somewhere, watching them quietly, in the name of Master... If you think about it carefully, maybe one day you will be able to sit in the high hall of their wedding banquet and accept their offer of tea... Well, that would be nice too.

It's just that when Lu Qingyan was thinking this way, she saw the young man's face facing her, blinking secretly...

Lu Qingyan's cheeks were slightly red, but she didn't dare to show it. When she turned her head and deliberately turned her gaze away, she saw Ran Xinxue's eyes staring at her, full of suspicion and thoughtfulness...

Luo Beihuang felt a little pantothenic in her heart.

But it seems that the teenager also said to himself... this girl is his favorite girl.

Is this what you like?

But why do I feel a little sad when I see them getting along so sweetly...

Dazed for a moment, Wei Tu had already stood up. He didn't seem to be in a very good condition, and he was a little frail.

Anyone can understand when he thinks of his overdraft battle before.

With Su Mi's support, he came down to Luo Beihuang.

He tried his best to smile at this young goddess-like woman.

"Thank you so much... If it weren't for your arrival, I guess today would really have no way to end, that Moon God... probably wouldn't let me come back..."

When Wei Tu said that, Luo Beihuang blushed a little, not knowing how to respond.

And Su Mi felt a little guilty after hearing this, and said sincerely beside the young man, "Thank you... I was a little rushed just now, I'm sorry..."

"No, no... It's because I went too far... Well, I'll..."

Luo Beihuang hesitated for a moment, but still looked at Wei Tu with red cheeks.

"It's good that I see you're fine... You came a little late..."

Wei Tu shook his head, "It's never too late, this is already the best situation..."

Wei Tu heaved a sigh of relief, his own initiative to step forward is really the pinnacle of manipulation.

Not only did it suddenly turn the other party's arrival into a crucial plot of life and death, but it also made Su Mi thank the other party willingly, should be fine.

I just finished thinking about it.

A mighty voice came from the mountain.


"Uncle Lu!!"

" are all fine!!"

Those disciples who were going to the top of the mountain, who would become the last spark if the situation was out of control, ran towards here one by one.

Everyone seemed a little disgraced, and many even had some bruises.

But after fighting all night, even the sun came out without rest, they all had extremely excited smiles on their faces at the moment.

Such a smile is like the rising sun at sunrise, making people feel the beauty of life just by looking at it.

They came rushing forward in mighty force, at the dawn of this surviving dawn.

They all knew that there was still tomorrow, Yuan Jianzong was not destroyed in this disaster.

They embraced each other, they celebrated, they saw the dawn and the sunshine filled their eyes with tears.

Dye Xinxue is a little dazed.

He seemed to hear someone calling his name, and when he looked over, a group of female disciples looked at him adoringly.

they said.

"Great... the suzerain, we survived..."

Ran Xinxue is not used to these people looking at her like this. She seems to be used to being superior, but on the other hand, she is also used to bearing the burden of humiliation.

At the extremes of the two, I have never felt the warmth and touch in the middle.

So much so that the woman seemed a little coy and said, "This has nothing to do with me... If you want to thank, thank that bastard... Wei Tu is fine..."

"No! Do you know, suzerain, we all are the most powerful!"

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