
Ran Xinxue looked at the group of female disciples incomprehensibly.

What do you do, you are amazing... Is this a compliment?

And an older woman looked at Ran Xinxue adoringly and said it as a matter of course.

"You are the suzerain! But you didn't think about leaving first, but stayed, risking the possibility... You are our best suzerain! Please lead Yuan Jianzong to go on in the future! "


"Yes! Although such a big thing has happened now, because of your example, we all believe that Yuan Jianzong will get better and better! We will definitely become the best sect!"


"Sovereign, please rest quickly! We are all fine, you should rest well, and let the disciples do other things!"

Confused, Ran Xinxue was helped to sit on a stone beside her, and she looked at the cheering and celebrating crowd with dazed eyes.

People as young as children rejoice at the dawn.

On those dilapidated ruins, they were joyful, celebrating, and weeping with joy.

This made Ran Xinxue feel emotions that he had never felt before.

As if before... She didn't feel that this position brought her more things, but an infinite disaster.

The so-called ancestor is using him, and a disciple even treats himself as a slave...

She was full of hatred and despair for the world at that time.

She feels that there is no longer anything that is worth cherishing and cherishing.

But now... She suddenly seemed to be able to feel the joy of these people, and was sincerely happy because the sect survived.

And I...became a hero in their eyes?

Is it possible for me to become such a person...

Ran Xinxue looked at the direction of the rising sun, shining on this familiar land.

This land.

She had longed for it.

Had hated it.

I used to wish I never came.

But now, it is almost reduced to a pile of ruins.

Ran Xinxue was suddenly a little dazed, unable to say a word, with a dull expression on her face.

Until the boy's words reached his ears.

"You see, if you're willing to do it, if you're willing to choose...you can become whoever you really want to be."

She lowered her head and covered her face and wept bitterly, tears easily soaked the hem of her skirt.

Also soaked in so many years of sadness and darkness.

This is an ordinary dawn, but it is a tomorrow that she will remember for a lifetime.

97 The sun believes in you

As soon as the time turned, it was already three days later.

Some things happened continuously during these three days.

For example, the disciples in a sect do not practice, but all come to do carpentry.

Cleaning up the ruins and building houses, these things are done with great joy. Although they have never tried such a thing, they seem to enjoy doing it, and they have no complaints.

For example, after a personal inspection by a certain boss of the Extreme Sun Temple, it was confirmed that the dead zone had lost its danger, because the dead energy that could breed danger in it was exhausted by Ruoyuan's resurrection, and those dead zones were exposed to the sun's rays. Next, the dead air dissipated little by little.

So this has become a geomantic treasure land suitable for practicing and living.

What's more, even the elders of this sect did not hesitate to end in person, and all parties contacted to buy supplies to rebuild this sect that was about to be reborn from the ruins.

And after these three days, although the Baoguang Hall has not been repaired, the front lawn at the entrance has been repaired almost level.

It is here that the disciples and elders of the sect are all standing here together.

They were uniformly dressed in pure white plain clothes, silently on the front lawn, no one whispered, looked left and right.

They were all looking at the woman in the white dress at the entrance of the dilapidated Baoguang Hall, the sunlight happened to fall on her soft long hair.

Her beauty seemed divine at this time.

Looking at the hill behind her from a distance, she seemed to be able to see the newly built graves on that hill.

she said slowly.

"Three days ago, the sect encountered a catastrophe. No one is sure whether we can survive, and whether Yuan Jianzong will still exist in the future. But... today, we have survived, we still exist, and we will let us Yuan Jianzong continues to stand in the Southern Sword State, and even flourishes, becoming the leading sect. I know that not only me, but you also think so."

The wind is blowing gently.

There is no snow today, and the cold wind is blowing on the face, but no one seems to be timid because of the cold wind.

Ran Xinxue lowered her head slightly, looking at the ground under her feet, those cracks, as if she could still recall the thrilling night, and how her life was hanging by a thread.

She breathed a sigh of relief to ease her emotions.

Then he raised his head, his face became resolute, but this extremely soft face could actually give people a kind of strength.

"But before we embark on this unknown, but surely bright road, we must always remember... some people, stayed in the night three days ago forever and ever. Remember...they are not meaningless The death of each of us, their death, has brought each of us the chance to survive. No matter how they die, whether they die during the process of drawing the sword, or before drawing the sword, or fighting to the death in blood... ... none of this matters anymore.

They died for you, for me, and for Yuan Jianzong.So their deaths are dignified, valuable, and meaningful!Whether it is a man or a woman, no matter what kind of relationship we had with you before, whether it was friends or close partners, or whether we had feuds or even hatred, it doesn't matter... We must remember them, forever. "

Having said that, Ran Xinxue heard the cries from the crowd below.

A young man in the first row had red eyes and trembling arms.

Ran Xinxue knew that his elder brother died under the minions of those monsters in order to protect him, and the last words his elder brother said to him were.

"If only one person survives in our family, my brother will die for you, so you have to live bravely and work hard for your brother."

A young woman in the second row was sobbing even more violently. She was thin and emaciated.

Ran Xinxue knew that the one who died was a young man who had just made a private life with her some time ago, and it was he who fought hard to save her from the siege of monsters and win a glimmer of life.

And the last words that boy left her were.

"To live, to live happily. Just remember me, but you don't have to give up the chance to be happy for me. I wanted to say it when we first met...I really like the way you smile."

Someone lost his brother, someone his beloved.

There are also people who have died of their friends and opponents who have had a feud with them.

There seemed to be a sad atmosphere in the air, and the coldness of the air could not even be felt.

The cold wind cannot condense hot tears.

Ran Xinxue felt that she was becoming vulnerable. This woman who had cried a few times since accepting the reality had a sour nose.

There was no makeup on her eyes, but they turned red.

Looking up, it seems that there are traces wherever the wind passes.

"Every disciple of Yuan Jianzong must remember what happened three days ago, and remember the purpose of Yuan Jianzong from now on. Never give up on any of your companions, and never do things like betraying the sect or relatives and friends. Lose, you can't be spineless.

You can lose, but you can't let your knees go soft.

You can die, but you can't sell your friends for glory.

Practice your sword diligently and be a man of integrity! "

White cranes flew across the sky, and sunlight pierced through the clouds.

Some died, but many more lived.

How can the will disappear?It will only make the living stronger and understand how hard-won all this is.


"You guessed it right. What Mu Yueque is doing is to collect the scattered ones, and the godheads that are in the hands of a small number of people."

At this time, it is in the pavilion of Fenglin, this rare back mountain that has not been damaged.

A young man and an old woman sit opposite each other.

They finally had a chance to sit down and have a good talk.

Wei Tu looked at the old woman in front of him.

"Godhead is so important to her?"

The old woman shook her head, "She is just stubborn, and the godhead is of course important. What is the godhead? It is these chosen people who have truly inherited the inheritance, carry out the will of the gods, and may now represent the gods themselves. The godhead is power, It is a symbol of status, and the only criterion for distinguishing them from all immortal cultivators. No matter how strong the emperor is, he cannot challenge the gods unless the gods endow them with godheads, so you understand?"

Wei Tu was slightly taken aback, "But what's the stubbornness you're talking about? Besides, she only has half of the godhead..."

The old woman smiled, "Half... Do you know how much half is? Xiyue is the closest person to the full godhead since ancient times. Her godhead belongs to the moon god, which almost makes her become the moon god herself. The Extreme Sun Heavenly Palace has been held for so long, but the mastery of divine power... is less than one-third. So she can be said to be the moon god, but I cannot be said to be the sun god."

Seeing Wei Tu's slightly moved expression, the old woman said slowly, "As for the stubbornness I said is very simple, now you should also know that although our methods are different, the purpose is the same, only for one goal."

"Resist the resurrection of the witch god?"

Wei Tu could easily guess this matter, not everything was caused by Xiyue, because she didn't use the methods she encountered in Shang Kingdom.

The resurrection of Ruoyuan may be just a small part of her plan. There are some things not only her, but also other gods who are playing tricks, but they don't seem to have much to do with the affairs of the world, so if the resurrection of the witch god If it is an independent purpose, then it is unlikely to belong to the purpose of these gods.

The biggest reason is that Wei Tu understands that since these gods are all longing for the godhood, they would not want another god to appear to divide their power away. After all the possibilities are ruled out, there is only one left, and that is the opposing goal.

The Wu people want the resurrection of the witch god, but they don't want the resurrection of the witch god.

But the old woman's words were astonishing.

"No, there is no way to prevent the resurrection of the witch god. Since thousands of years ago, the witch god has been resurrected more than once."

"...You mean...your purpose is to have the power to seal the witch god after it is resurrected?"

The old woman glanced at Wei Tu approvingly and nodded.

"You will understand what I mean immediately, this is very good, the effort to regenerate you is not wasted..."

"It really is you." Wei Tu wasn't too surprised. Judging from the time when Luo Beihuang played, he could guess this matter. If his rebirth was artificial, then only this old man could do it.

But the old woman still shook her head.

"No, not me."

"Who is that?"

"It was the godhead of the sun that brought you back to life. I... actually didn't know about your rebirth for a long time before I came here."

"but you……"

"It was the sundial that told me."

Wei Tu quickly thought of the sundial engraved with 18 characters standing in the Extreme Sun Temple.

In his previous life, he knew that some words would appear on the sundial at the right time to let Luo Beihuang do something, but he never thought that even his own rebirth was related to the sundial.

"What... does this represent?"

Wei Tu felt that his rebirth was not that simple, it was more complicated than imagined.

The old woman took a deep look at Wei Tu, and she shook her head.

"I'm not sure about this matter for the time being, so I can't talk about it. But you have to know, since it allows you to be reborn, it is the choice of Jiri Tiangong, this is the will of the sun. We can only obey. Now you also know Xiyue ...What is the purpose of collecting other gods, right? I think it is the same purpose as your rebirth."

Wei Tu nodded and let out a long sigh.

"They are trying to gather godheads and concentrate their power to resist the situation after the resurrection of the witch god... If my rebirth is the same, I really dare not think that I have such big expectations for me... Hehe, I never thought about this at first. .”

Indeed, I have never thought of such a lofty goal.

Against a god, even if his heart is higher than the sky, he is not so conceited.

The old woman sighed and looked at the sky.

"The Witch God has been resurrected many times, and every time he will cause earth-shattering events. Tens of thousands of years ago, he launched a flood that almost wiped out everyone. He can even divide the earth into different boundaries, and create a plague that kills thousands or millions of people to exterminate everything. These have cost those ancestors a lot... These are all epic stories, but The most worrying thing ... is that we all know a piece of information."

Wei Tu looked at the old woman and frowned.

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