She stared at herself, but her old eyes couldn't hide her spirit.

"That is, as the number of resurrections increases, the witch god... will only become stronger and stronger. Therefore, Xiyue believes that only when all the godheads are collected this time can he have a chance to defeat the witch god who will be resurrected this time, and chooses to let you be reborn to understand this in advance All the extreme sun palaces..."

"I think you're kidding me."

"Since it is your responsibility, don't back down. What matters now is not you alone! If the witch god is really resurrected, his resentment for thousands of years will really make him destroy this world, you and the people you cherish... There are eggs under the overturned nest. You are very smart and understand this principle."

There was no meaningful conversation after that.

The old woman stood up slowly, looking at the silent young man who still had the same expression.

She walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Xiyue believes in the power of the gods, and the sun believes in you." PS: Looking at the entire rebirth setting and the relationship between the gods and the witch gods, it should be much clearer. In fact, I think it is a bit too much to write it now, because This means that there will be less feeling of unveiling the veil and the truth in the future... But after thinking about it, I decided to write it this way, because it is a good thing to be too riddle, so let everyone stop thinking so much, I don’t have to worry about it, everyone also You don’t need to read the riddles all the time, and you don’t need to explain these things separately~

The new book has been released~

My love game is full of Hatchet campus harem reverse push all elements gathered! !can not miss!

98 Thank you~ (asking for tickets at the beginning of the month~)

Wei Tu sat in the gazebo.

Sitting there for a long time was not because the road ahead put too much pressure on him, he had long been used to the pressure.

I have long known that my rebirth is too different from what I imagined...

Indeed, there are too many differences. It is not as easy as I imagined. The responsibilities are getting bigger and bigger, and the dangers I face are also the same.

I even saw some characters that I hadn't even seen in my previous life, but only heard of.

Do you think this is a gift from God?

Wei Tu doesn't think so, maybe it's good to live a peaceful life with peace of mind, without those conspiracies and tricks, the risk has nothing to do with him.

Even if the world is destroyed, at least I will feel sincere happiness at the first moment, at least I don’t have to be alone alone, maybe it’s a bit weak to think this way, but I’m really not a hero with lofty aspirations and a heart for the world... It’s just these The responsibility has come to oneself, so what should I do?

There is no way to do it, in fact, I have no choice.

If you don't know that the end is coming, then you can do the right thing every day before, if you know that the end of the world is coming...then your choice is pitiful, hehe, someone has already made the choice for yourself.

The old woman said: The sun chose you.

Wei Tu still can't understand exactly what it means, no...he can think of it, but it's too unimaginable and lacks supporting reasons.

When the boy was sitting in the gazebo to prepare for the rain, a gust of breeze blew.

Mixed with the cold air of winter, it also contains a scent of sweetness.

Wei Tu didn't look up, the beauty was already standing by his side.

"Did mother-in-law tell you something embarrassing for you?"

Wei Tu raised his head and looked at the bright young woman beside him.

"No, I just told me some secrets that I don't quite understand. After listening to it, I was a little dazed."

Luo Beihuang blinked and looked at the boy.

"Is it? But it's rare."

Wei Tu laughed, "Why is it so rare? Aren't emotions, anger, sorrow, and being in a daze all natural?"

Luo Beihuang laughed innocently, "Because you have always seemed very smart, and nothing seems to escape your eyes. It is very interesting to see you in a daze and worry for the first time."

"Ha ha……"

"But if you feel distressed... I'm still a little worried."

Wei Tu looked at Luo Beihuang, her cheeks were reddish, like a goddess, she always had the most innocent expression, as if she was not contaminated by anything in the world, like a piece of beautiful jade born in a snow mountain, she was born and no longer needed Any carving is already the most perfect appearance.

But... being a villain like myself seems to have infected her with some emotions that tainted her.

Wei Tu looked at this perfect woman, her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

His fair cheeks were stained with a bright pink.

The long hair is illuminated by the sun, as if emitting a golden light like the rising sun.

Every inch of the skin is so delicate, even the finest painters in the world cannot paint such colors.

He smiled and held out his hand.

Luo Beihuang stared blankly at Wei Tu's outstretched hand, blushing even more.

"'re thinking about something bad again."

Talking softly, Wei Tu stretched a little closer, but didn't take the initiative to hold her hand.


Luo Beihuang doesn't seem to know what to do. She actually has many choices, she can even turn around and leave, or take a few steps back, but looking at his smile, she blushes and moves gently. The delicate palm was put into the boy's hand.

Wei Du took her hand, but with a little force, the girl was gently pushed around, as if she lost all her strength, and staggered to him.

Between Wei Tu's legs was the girl's delicate body.

The breath began to mix, like the confluence of two rivers.

It's not a violent collision, but a gentle fusion.

It's just that such a situation also made Luo Beihuang, who had no experience, blush and was at a loss as to what to do.

Wei Tu wrapped her waist gently.

Then he rested his head on her soft, tight belly.

"so tired……"

He said softly, although there was still a smile on his face, such rare words made Luo Beihuang feel distressed.

Unable to help, he hesitated, but still stretched out his hand to stroke his long black hair.

"Take a break if you're tired..."

Wei Tu gently sniffed her scent, which seemed to be soothing, so light and so pleasant.

"But I can't rest... I can't stop."

Listening to what he said with a smile, it seemed so casual and relaxed, as if a country farmer who had to do farm work said: Even if the weather is bad today, you can't forget to work like that...

However, Luo Beihuang vaguely knew how much responsibility this young man was carrying. If not, her mother-in-law would have no reason to come here with her, and even talked to this young man on purpose.

It's just that after thinking about this link, Luo Beihuang really feels sorry for this young man.

She has never complained about her boring life, nor has she ever thought about whether she will always live in such idleness in the future, but she feels uncomfortable for this young man's current state.

As if you can feel the pressure that this young man is suppressing...

Is this what they say they like?

Not only will I be happy to see him, but also sad because of his sadness.

Luo Beihuang thought for a while, then let go of her hands and came to her waist, took the boy's hands away, then squatted down under Wei Tu's gaze, and looked at his face.

He reached out and touched his cheek lightly.

This kind of action was very jerky, she had never done it before, she just felt flustered, but she also felt that it was something she had to do.

Her eyes were watery and her cheeks were flushed.

"It's okay... I'll help you no matter what, and you've done a good job."

Wei Tu couldn't tell whether he wanted to laugh or what he wanted, and there was no ironic meaning.

It's just a little self-deprecating. It turns out that such a self actually needs a lot of comfort.

It seems that being comforted by others is a hypocritical thing, and I will avoid telling the people I care about my difficulties.

Because I always feel that there is no meaning except to make them worry for no reason.

The problem still exists, and I will not allow them to take risks instead of myself.

But these young but gentle words are just right.

Like a warm bowl of hot soup on a winter morning.

Like a cup of sour plum soup in a summer afternoon, it moistens my heart.

He didn't have much restraint, just like last time, just like on the city tower of the Shang Kingdom, he slowly moved his cheek closer.

Luo Beihuang still seemed a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously tilted her head back.

But Wei Tu's neck and cheeks were still stretching forward, and Luo Beihuang, who just hesitated for a moment, greeted her with a blushing pretty face.

I seem to have forgotten the feeling of kissing last time.

This time, when the boy's lips and teeth were pressed against his own soft lips, he didn't panic like the last time when his brain exploded.

And it seemed that he had finally waited for a familiar visitor.

Waiting for an opportunity to let myself be elated.

She catered a little jerky, but the boy's movements were so gentle, as if he was gently wrapping himself, full of sunshine...

It feels very similar to the feeling in the Extreme Sun Temple... It seems that the girl only realized this problem at this time.

Why does this boy's breath make me feel so makes me feel so warm, without any resistance.

She closed her eyes slightly, but couldn't help opening them a little bit, looking at the eyes of the young man who was close at hand with a red face.

Hmm...he also had his eyes closed.

The young man closed his eyes, as if sinking into a sweet dream, Luo Beihuang's heart was filled with dampness.

Immediately, I felt the most palpitating touch coming, as if my heart was full of joy, I didn't know where to put my hands, I just wanted to hug him, and I just wanted to cater to him as best I could.

To feel be more intimate with him.

It seems that the instinct of the body has become strange, is it his body that is gently twisting in his arms?

Ah... oops, I feel like I'm on fire.

His eyes became more and more blurred, and he felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, as if he was about to fall asleep. Everything was the instinct that dominated the body.

I don't seem to have the consciousness to do active things, and I don't even seem to be able to do extra thinking.

It's just that he dominates it all.

He kissed gently until he let go of his red and swollen lips.

But Luo Beihuang subconsciously opened his eyes and looked at the young man, as if wondering why the other party let go.

This unfinished feeling made Luo Beihuang feel a little shy subconsciously.

But soon, he looked at himself and smiled.

Then gently kissed his own lips, but it was like a superficial touch.

Then it landed on his cheek.


The delicate woman's body trembled slightly, causing different ripples with every inch of his kiss.

Cheeks, nose wings, or lying silkworms.

Or my sensitive earlobes.

Then came his chin, and then his delicate neck.

They all seemed to have left traces of him.

The palms on his back tightly grabbed his shirt, as if he never wanted to let go.

But a lifetime can be long or short, how long can it be, how short can it be?

It wasn't until the boy's lips came to her collarbone that she was slightly surprised to find that her collar was pulled apart by him at some point.

The sensitive area that no one has set foot in is open under his sight, and the cold wind blows it, which also arouses goose bumps.

Luo Beihuang watched the young man's movements in a daze, and watched him lower his head.

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