The red-haired woman did not give any comforting thoughts, and said indifferently:

"Forget everything about the past, and for the rest of your life, you will never get back the things from the past."

"In the end what happened?"

"Accidents, natural disasters, meteorites... You can think about it whatever you want, I know you can't lie to me, you saw everything that day. However, you should think about what is the easiest and most beneficial for you. It's long, little girl, don't let yourself have nightmares every day."

"I want to know the truth."



Hua couldn't answer, she didn't know how to answer. Any words seemed powerless in front of this kind of question.

But in the end, she still said:

"I want to know what I can do."

"Well, you'll have a lifetime to think about this, don't worry."

"But I want to know now, and I want to spend my whole life doing...not thinking."

"I've had this conversation with a lot of people and they always want to ask me for a 'hope'. I understand that their previous life has been roughly erased and they don't even know how to live without hope , whether to live or not. However, hope is not that simple, I will not give it to anyone, and I can't afford it. I can only give you a small flame, how to make it burn is your business. If you understand , I will let you know the truth, and in contrast, you will have to bear its weight for the rest of your life."


The scene suddenly fell into silence.

This extremely quiet silence seemed very long, but also seemed very short, Hua made a decision.

"I would like to know."

Hearing Hua's answer, the red-haired woman sighed and nodded approvingly:

"Come with me, there is a place for you."

The two of them just walked out of the cabin and moved forward slowly.

Along the way, the red-haired woman introduced herself to her. Her name is himeko, the captain of the fifth team of Flaming Moths.

Himeko told Hua the meaning of the existence of Firemoth, told her the existence of Houkai, and also told her what to do in the future and the way to go.

After learning everything and realizing that his past life had been cut off with a single knife, Hua couldn't help but froze in place, his eyes blurred.

Many messy pictures appeared in her mind.

She recalled that day at the airport, she ignored the alarm and rushed back to the city...

Why is that? What do you want to do? Who do you want to save?

Hua felt himself in a trance.

My past existence seems to be erased at any time, everything is so uncertain...

This is the confusion that will inevitably appear after the past and the present are cut off.

And at this moment, Hua suddenly saw a familiar figure walking from the crowd at the Firemoth base, no, it can't be said to be familiar, it can only be said to have met once.

Even so, Hua still showed an excited expression as if a drowning man had found a life-saving straw.

"Sir, it you?! Well, do you still recognize me?"

As a shy girl, this is the first time Hua mustered up the courage to take the initiative to rush in front of someone she doesn't know very well.

From this, it can be seen how eager she is to find a beacon to prove her past.

"You are......"

Unexpectedly, someone would come to him suddenly, Su Ye, who was chatting with Kevin, who had just become a colleague, was slightly stunned, and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar 'Red Kite Immortal' in front of him.

Right now, the girl is as pitiful as a little rabbit left alone, her trembling body seems to collapse on the spot once she gives a negative answer.

Regarding this, Su Ye sighed helplessly, and said:

"It's you, long time no see."

"Great, sir, did you survive that disaster too!"

Seeing that Hua was too excited, and the whole person came together, Su Ye quickly pressed the other's shoulder to calm him down, and then said:

"Well, I was originally a member of Moth Chasing Flame. When the accident happened in Canghai City, I happened to be away..."

"So it is."

Hua nodded.

Seeing a familiar person in this doomsday-like scene, she was so happy that she didn't know how to describe it, so that her face turned red.

"By the way, my name is Hua. I haven't had time to introduce myself before. May I know your name, sir?"


Seeing Hua's longing look, Su Ye hesitated, obviously doubting whether his actions would have too subtle an impact on the future.

But seeing the girl's cautious appearance, as if she would be frustrated at any time, he finally said:

"My name is Bai Ye."

"Bai Ye...Thank you, Mr. Bai Ye."

"So I didn't do anything, why are you thanking me again?"

"Uh, sorry?"

"Forget it, thank you anyway."

Su Ye really couldn't say anything serious about this too soft and cute Immortal Chi Yuan, so he could only keep himself as calm as possible.

But the girl's shy gaze made him feel quite concerned.

I didn't do anything, why are you looking at me with that look?

Shangxian, you are too vain.

In other words, after I go back to the future, will I be able to publish a book called "How many steps does it take to conquer the Chiyuan Immortal"?

All of a sudden, while Su Ye was making complaints in his heart, he suddenly realized a terrible problem.

Wait, if I change history, will Fu Hua change in the future?

Then if I really captured Fu Hua in the past, wouldn't the future Shangxian want to recognize me...

What the hell? Why do you have a premonition that is against the sky?

Su Ye instinctively felt some kind of crisis.

On the other side, I don't know what Su Ye is thinking right now, but for the first time since leaving Canghai City, Hua's face showed a smile from the bottom of his heart.

Chapter 130 Seven: The Shura Field Spanning 5 Years

Chapter 130 Seven

Kevin and Hua joined the Fire Moth organization successively, and each joined a small team to carry out the task of dealing with Honkai.

Su Ye had no intention of interfering with this at all.

After all, the concept of Thirteen Heroes was proposed after No.11 Herrscher, and the plan for fusion warriors has not been proposed yet, so he can continue to pursue it.

However, even though he wants to have sex and doesn't want to interfere with anything, Kevin and Hua still come to him from time to time, and sometimes Kevin even brings Mei to him.

This really flattered him a bit.

Of course, there must be more surprises.

After all, he felt that he might have been cursed by some kind of curse. Even though it was his dormitory, from time to time it became the same as St. Freya Academy, more attractive than public toilets.

Other than that, the life of Flame Chasing Moth can be regarded as smooth sailing, without any major problems.

Of course, this does not mean that humans have no problems.

Since the third Herrscher, the Herrscher of Thunder, was wiped out, the civilization of this generation has directly started a strange acceleration.

The fourth Herrscher, the Wind Herrscher, and the fifth Herrscher, the Ice Herrscher, appeared one after another, causing heavy casualties to humans.

For this reason, the entire Flaming Moth has fallen into a depressive environment, and everyone is living with a sense of despair that they cannot see tomorrow.

Although Su Ye considered himself an outsider, he still felt an indescribable sense of oppression just like everyone else.

And it was precisely in this feeling of depression that Kevin, who was still in the cheerful and optimistic period, stood up and took the initiative to take Su Ye, Hua and Mei out together, saying that he wanted to relax.

"I'm an idiot who wants to believe in you, why did I come to the game hall when I relaxed?!"

Regarding Su Ye's complaints, Kevin just smiled and said:

"There is only such a shopping street next to the base of Chasing Moth. If we don't come here to have fun, why don't we go to the forest far away to see the big hippo baring its teeth?"


Su Ye remained silent about this.

On the other hand, the two girls, Mei and Hua, were quite curious about the game hall, an environment that they seldom visited in the past, and they had already started to find a game console to play.

Taking advantage of this time, Kevin also pulled Su Ye to start a fighting game, and started chatting while fighting.

"Recently, the tasks are getting more and more frequent, Bai Ye, why do you still look so relaxed?"

"I'm in the logistics department, do you understand logistics? The kind that don't need to fight!"

"But your strength is obviously very strong. If you are willing to join my team, I feel that you can even become the vice-captain directly."

"Vice-Captain? Why the Vice-Captain?"

"Because the captain is me!"


Seeing Kevin's arrogant expression, Su Ye was speechless, but he didn't say anything.

After all, he has heard rumors these days that Kevin has been promoted rapidly in the Fire Moths' combat force, and has become the captain of the second team, leading the team to complete seemingly impossible Honkai crusade missions many times.

Even if he has not yet become a fusion fighter, the opponent is already considered to be the top fighter of mankind.

In contrast, Hua's state is very average, he is still an ordinary member of the fifth team, and he follows the captain himeko to perform ordinary tasks against the Houkai, and he does not have the demeanor of the future Chiyuan Immortal at all.

It can only be said that Kevin and Hua have completely different talents, so their characteristics are also different.

At this moment, no one would have thought that the two would end up in the same position 5 years later.

While Su Ye was deep in thought, Kevin suddenly pushed his elbow against his lower abdomen, and said:

"Speaking of which, how are you and Hua developing? How far have you reached?"


Unexpectedly, Kevin would say such words to himself suddenly, Su Ye was startled immediately, and retorted:

"What the hell are you talking about? I have nothing to do with her?"

He is the Chiyuan Immortal 5 years from now, so I can't afford it, okay?

And Kevin made it clear that he didn't believe Su Ye's words, and said:

"Come on, don't think I don't know, I heard from the people who chased the fire moths, Jiahua runs to your room all day long, and he will be the first one to look for you after the mission is over, it's obvious that he's interested in you. "

"What is it? Isn't it the same for you? You come to my dormitory every time the task is over. Could it be that you are also interested in me?"

"Uh, did you see it?"

"roll roll roll!"

Nan Tong climbed for me!

Su Ye made it clear that she was too lazy to pay attention to Kevin's words.

After all, he could feel that the reason why Hua always came to him was purely to find a sense of security from his only acquaintance.

If it's not me, the other party will definitely look for Captain Himeko, Kevin, Mei, or someone else.

It's not like it's a different feeling at all.

As for if Shangxian Fu Hua was really attacked by him, then Su Ye would have a headache instead.

After all, Shangxian wants to live into the future.

If I have captured the Shangxian now, and if the Chiyuan Immortal in the future also retains this memory and emotion, wouldn't I be a scumbag?

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