Live up to other people's sins of tens of thousands of years, I'm afraid he will be hanged thousands of floors by Weibo female boxers!

All in all, Kevin's design this time is really ingenious, not only Mei and Hua, but even Su Ye relaxed a little.

After all, the current atmosphere of Flaming Moth is really depressing. The series of anti-Honkai plans jointly released by Dr. Mei and Dr. Mebius two days ago made the atmosphere of the entire organization even more strange.

Although in fact, the God's Key Project, the Fusion Warrior Project, and the Stigmata Project are all beneficial means to fight against Houkai, but this method of relying on Houkai to fight against Houkai cannot be accepted by everyone.

Most people who hate Honkai hate these studies on Honkai Herrscher from the bottom of their hearts.

If he didn't know that Dr. Mei would not die, Su Ye would have suspected that there would be extremist forces coming to assassinate him.

Just as Su Ye was thinking this way, Kevin in the distance had already gone to play happily with Mei again.

This guy said to relax and relax, but in essence he just wanted to go out with mei on a date.

Su Ye didn't care much about this, and even hoped that the other party would have a more enjoyable time.

After all, very soon, when the seventh Herrscher Flame Herrscher was born, Kevin, who became a fusion warrior, was completely unable to experience the happiness of a normal person like he is now.

This is also what the opponent must give up to become the strongest human being.

"Bai Ye, can I be with you?"

Suddenly, a girl's voice came from next to her ear, interrupting Su Ye's thinking.

He looked at Hua who had a shy face in front of him, hesitating whether he should sit next to him, and couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart.

Shangxian, you won't be attacked like this, will you?

Don't give it for nothing!

I don't want to make the Shura Field 5 years from now even more outrageous!

Chapter 130 Eight Immortals, Why Are You So Patient? !

Chapter 130 Eight

Mei was assassinated after all.

When Su Ye and Hua were discussing which game to play in the game hall, the lights of the entire shopping street suddenly went out.

Several assassins suddenly emerged from the shadows, shooting at Mei.

Among them, there was even a pink-haired killer with a knife rushing out of the shadows, so powerful that Kevin was almost injured.

It can be said that if Su Ye hadn't been present and secretly used lightning to paralyze several killers at the first time, at least Kevin and Mei would have been seriously injured in this assassination.

So, after that, mei was subject to stricter personal safety controls.

Flaming Moth directly issued the highest level of base control, and everyone had to go through strict inspections when entering and leaving. Even Kevin was banned, and he was not allowed to contact Dr. Mei outside of working hours.

All of a sudden, the air that had slowed down slightly due to the relaxation of the game hall became stiff again to the extreme.

Even Su Ye couldn't help feeling a sense of irritability for no reason.

In order to relieve this feeling of irritability, Su Ye can only find fun in the base of Flame Chaser Moth, for example, go to the only library of Flame Chaser Moth to find some comic novels of this era.

After all, the development of the pre-civilization era is very exaggerated, not only technology, but also art has developed to an extent beyond imagination.

Su Ye was a little obsessed with this, and came here every day to kill time whenever he was free.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?"

Suddenly, an elegant girlish voice came from the quiet library.

Su Ye didn't care at first, and nodded calmly, but when he raised his head, his expression became weird.

Good guy, Miss Pink Fairy is here!

Yes, what appeared in front of him was a girl wearing a Flame Chasing Moth uniform, with long slightly curly pink hair, flat oblique bangs, tied into a ponytail and tied behind her head, with a beautiful appearance.

Undoubtedly, the thirteen heroes who are convenient for the future are ranked second, Alicia.

Right now, Alicia has not undergone the fusion warrior surgery, so she looks no different from ordinary people in appearance.

However, its too special temperament is like a rose in a herb garden, no matter what, it will attract the attention of people around it.

"Cough, what, I'll go first."

For Alicia, due to various reasons, Su Ye didn't really want to get in touch with her too much, so she decisively chose to run away right now.

After all, this mysterious girl has too many secrets, and she can be regarded as the troublesome existence second only to Mebius in the entire Flaming Moth.

But what he didn't expect was that Alicia took the initiative to join her.

The girl took his arm with a very natural movement, smiled and said:

"Are all the boys nowadays so shy? I'm not a wild beast, why are I so timid?"

"Uh, no..."

How can prehistoric beasts be as scary as you!?

Su Ye couldn't help complaining in his heart, but also realized the fact that the other party had already set his sights on him.

But the question is when did you expose yourself?

After coming to Flame Chasing Moth, I haven't shown anything special, right?

The only time he showed his strength was when he helped Kevin solve the killer who assassinated Dr. Mei.

Wait, could it be that time?

All of a sudden, great vigilance arose in Su Ye's heart.

After all, the situation that day was completely blocked by the high-level executives of Flame Chasing Moth, and the killers destroyed all monitoring facilities, so it is impossible for anyone to know exactly what happened.

If Alicia knows, there is only one possibility!

That is, she is also a member of the killers!


Forcibly calming down her heart, Su Ye silently sat down on the seat pushed by Alicia.

The girl seemed completely unaware of Su Ye's wavering, and smiled very naturally:

"Hello, let me introduce myself first. My name is Alicia, and I am now the captain of the first team of the Flaming Moth. I am an old partner with your friend Kevin."

"My name is Bai Ye, and that guy Kevin isn't really a friend."

"Eh? But Kevin said clearly that you were the first good friend he made after he came to Chaser the Flame Moth!"


I really don't know why Alicia came to find me, Su Ye really felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

Although he knows many things that happened in the previous civilization, there are more things that are unknown, and he doesn't even know the identities of many people.

Among them, the pink fairy lady is the most mysterious.

After all, the plot of the Paradise of the Past is not over yet, and in the many inferences he read before traveling in his previous life, there is everything about Alicia's identity.

One of the most likely inferences even claims that Alicia is the No.13 Herrscher of the pre-civilization.

Therefore, Su Ye really didn't want to continue contact with the other party, and was worried that the history would be greatly changed, causing causal distortion.

It's a pity, Alicia made it clear that she didn't want to let him go, and said with a smile:

"Hehe, your name is Bai Ye, right? Don't be so nervous. I'm just a little curious to see you reading a book here alone. After all, there are not many people in the current flame moth who can read these illusory stories."

"It's just my personality."

"Huh? Such a character is very good. I admire a boy like you. You seem to be very down-to-earth and reliable!"


Don't tease, don't tease!

Su Ye quickly turned his head away, not daring to look at the girl's smiling face.

The character of this pink goblin lady is really an otaku killer. If it wasn't for Su Ye's experience in many battles, I'm afraid she would really be led by the nose by the other party.

While Alicia was observing Su Ye, she couldn't help but said:

"By the way, were you and Kevin attacked a few days ago?"


"Hey, I just heard about this incident. I heard that there was a pink-haired killer at the time. He was very powerful, but in the end he was solved out of nowhere."


"Kevin's strength is pretty good, but it shouldn't be that easy to deal with a killer of that level? Was there anyone else at the scene besides you and Kevin?"


The continuous questioning made Su Ye's pupils shrink slightly.

He felt as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake in the shadows.

However, Alicia didn't seem to hope to get an answer from him.

She smiled to herself, and abruptly changed the subject:

"By the way, Bai Ye, what kind of girl do you like?"

"Do you like an intellectual big sister like Mei, or a vulnerable little cutie like Hua, or a beautiful and charming angel like me?"

Su Ye was really numb to Alicia's inexplicable speech.

Is there something wrong with this woman?

The jump of this question is too great!

And it's too much of a narcissism!

On the other side, seeing Su Ye speechless, Alicia didn't think it was her problem at all, but she couldn't help covering her mouth in surprise, and muttered to herself:

"Can't you answer? Ah, is it possible that Bai Ye likes Kevin?"

"How is it possible! I'm not Nan Tong!"

All of a sudden, Su Ye finally couldn't stand the teasing of the pink-haired fairy, and finally responded.

And Alicia covered her mouth and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, just kidding, just kidding."

"Really, the boring exploration should be over, can I go?"

"Hey, Bai Ye, do you feel uncomfortable when you are with me? Are you really unwilling to stay with me? They care so much about you."

"I have something to do."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, don't keep showing that boring expression. Human beings will become more beautiful and cute if they smile more!"

"I'm a man, why do I want to be more beautiful and cute?"

"Beauty and cuteness are unlimited!"


Really confused by Miss Pink Fairy's words, Bai Ye just wanted to leave this terrible torture scene as soon as possible.

And at this moment, a figure suddenly walked in from the outside and said in surprise:

"Bai Ye, and...Miss Alicia?"

"Ah, isn't this our lovely Hua? Why did you come to the library too? Oh, let me guess, you must have heard from someone that Bai Ye is here, right?"

Regarding Alicia's speech, Hua Dun, who is still only soft and cute, blushed, and became extremely flustered.

The girl quickly explained:

"No, it's not...uh, anyway, it's not what you understand Miss Alicia."

"Hehe, what a lovely little flower, Bai Ye, you have to cherish her!"

Cherish your hair! This has nothing to do with me!

Su Ye really couldn't stand Alicia's way of speaking.

Moreover, Hua's ambiguous glances at him from time to time really made him a little overwhelmed.

My Shangxian, you won't be captured so easily, will you?

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