If this history is really changed, what will happen in 5 years?!

Su Ye almost didn't dare to think about it anymore.

At the same time, after Jai Hua joined, Alicia finally stopped using all kinds of teasing ways to start the topic, and instead chatted about serious matters.

"Now that the Fifth Herrscher has been eliminated, the Honkai attack still doesn't seem to stop. The Sixth Herrscher may appear at any time."

"Miss Alicia, are you worried? But I heard that you, as the captain of the first team, fill out every mission report as 'very simple'..."

"Hehe, it's really not difficult for others."

"Only you, Miss Alicia, would say that..."

Hua joined the fifth team, which was far weaker than the first team in terms of importance and overall strength.

That's why she has always admired Alicia from before, because she is also a young girl, but she has the power to surpass the entire Flame Chasing Moth.

After all, because of his talent and personality, Hua himself is basically a little transparent in the team.

For the entire Flaming Moth, she is a dispensable existence.

In this regard, seeing the girl's low self-esteem, Su Ye couldn't help but said:

"Everyone has something that everyone is good at. Hua, you just haven't found what you can do. So don't underestimate yourself. In the future, you will definitely achieve amazing growth, definitely no less than Kevin!"

"This...isn't it. Kevin is an outstanding person who has become the captain of the second team in less than two years after joining. How can I compare with him..."

"I just want you to feel a little confident."

"I see. Thank you, Bai Ye, thank you very much. With you and the captain, I can persevere in the flame-chasing moth."

Hua said, with a cheerful smile on his face.

Ever since she joined Flame Chasing Moth, she only showed such a smiling face when facing Su Ye.

On the other side, hearing Su Ye and Hua's exchange, Alicia smiled thoughtfully, and said:

"By the way, Dr. Mei recently proposed the Fusion Warrior Project, saying that he wants to select suitable participants in the entire Flaming Moth. Are you two interested in participating?"

Hearing Alicia's words, Hua suddenly said in a panic:

"This kind of thing has nothing to do with me, right? Aren't fusion fighters only the best soldiers who can participate?"

"Hua, you are also very good."

"No, no, I absolutely can't."

Alicia didn't care about Hua's refusal, and turned to look at Su Ye:

"Bai Ye, are you interested in participating?"

"I'm a support staff, and I'm not in charge of combat."

"Hehe, support staff?"

Alicia showed a subtle expression, making it clear that she had already made a preliminary judgment on him, but she didn't say anything at this time.

As for Su Ye, he certainly didn't want to become a fusion fighter.

After all, even though Thirteen Yingjies are all fusion fighters, the side effects of that thing are too great, so there is absolutely no need for him to take this risk.

Su Ye's plan is to fight against Honkai when the time is right, and pretend to be a fusion warrior.

Anyway, at the end of the war, the human side was exhausted from dealing with Honkai, so they must not have the energy to investigate his situation, so they could only choose to accept him as a strong reinforcement.

It can be said to be quite reasonable.

And when he was so deep in thought, Alicia turned around at some point, with a smile on her face, and walked away lightly.

"Bai Ye, Miss Alicia has already left, do you miss her that much?"

Hua's voice interrupted Su Ye's thinking.

"No, how could I be thinking about that guy..."

"Is it?"

Before he could answer, Su Ye was startled by Hua's appearance.

Although the girl was smiling at the moment, there was no smile in her eyes at all, which made Su Ye suspect that the other party came out of some campus beheading show, and might take out a hatchet at any time.

What the hell? How did you become so sick, Shangxian?

"Bai Ye, Miss Alicia has a good figure, right?"

Su Ye who didn't know what happened to Hua's sudden words replied instinctively:

"Uh, it seems really good? Mingming looks about the same age as you..."


All of a sudden, the suddenly stagnant air made Su Ye's heart feel cold.

What the fuck did I just say wrong?

Hua, why are you looking at me with this expression!

don't do that, i'm so scared...

Chapter 130 IX My Red Kite Immortal Can't Be This Cute!

Chapter 130 Nine

Hua's bad mood didn't last long, and she wasn't that kind of person in the first place.

So, after chatting for a while, the two of them read books in the library of the Flaming Moth base with peace of mind.

And not long after this comfortable time, a siren suddenly sounded throughout the base.

"Warning, warning! The sixth Herrscher was born. According to the data sent back from the scene, it is preliminarily identified as the Herrscher of Death, who has the ability to accelerate the death of biological cells. Please gather all combat members immediately!"

Hearing this voice, the members of the entire Flaming Moth base moved quickly.

Hua originally wanted to stay by Su Ye's side, but because of the sudden appearance of the sixth Herrscher, she was forced to go to the battlefield to fight against the Herrscher of Death.

Su Ye did nothing in between.

He can't interfere with too many causes and effects.

Therefore, even if he knew that the appearance of every Herrscher would bring a lot of sacrifices, he could do nothing but watch silently as an outsider, waiting for the doomed disaster.

This feeling is undoubtedly very difficult.

So, Su Ye finally realized the difficulty of this mission!

The difficulty of this task is not that the enemy is very powerful, nor is it that it is very difficult to achieve something.

The most difficult part of this task is that Su Ye has to overcome her tenderness and learn to be a 'cruel' person.

If Su Ye just died like this because he couldn't just watch these fire moth soldiers die, give up hiding and hibernation, and rush out to fight desperately, then the only way is to fail the mission.

Because of disturbing too many causes and effects, he will be bounced back to his own time and space on the spot.

But the problem is, Su Ye doesn't think he can remain 'cruel', he doesn't think he can endure this kind of sacrifice that shouldn't exist.

As a result, the air in the base became more and more anxious as the war progressed, and Su Ye's seemingly peaceful days became more and more difficult day by day.

In the end, he could only let himself think of ways to pass the time every day, so as to forcefully ignore these bad situations and immerse himself in his own world.

Finally, after a war that lasted for an unknown amount of time, the Herrscher of Death was wiped out.

Under the active performance of the two fighters, Kevin and Alicia, the Herrscher of Death who accelerated apoptosis and wiped out all life fell into the hands of humans.

However, as a price, humans lost half of their regular troops, the population dropped sharply, and society collapsed.

The oppressive atmosphere is not just a moth chasing flames, it has even spread to the whole world.

In order to reduce the impact of this depressive atmosphere, Flamemoth decided to hold a dance party to ease the pain caused by the war with Houkai.

Hua and his fifth team had just returned from combat and were also required to participate.

"Aren't you pretty?" himeko smiled at Hua and said, "I see, you will be the focus of the ball tonight."


Hua shook his head helplessly, and felt very embarrassed about the dress he was wearing now.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

"I don't quite understand. In order to eliminate the Sixth Herrscher, we lost three branches. This happened not long ago. Although we have achieved a victory, how can everyone forget the past so easily and forget the past? Sacrifice and grief? Tonight, everyone is wearing beautiful clothes, listening to music and eating snacks. When I see such a scene, I only think of the comrades who died. I can't understand..."

Regarding the girl's sad speech, himeko sighed and said slowly:

"Hua, there is a saying I often say, maybe you are tired of hearing it, but it is really good: forgetting is a bitter medicine. No one will choose to forget for no reason, forgetting is a means, we use it It gives pain and pleasure. You allow people to forget and you allow people to be happy, especially in times of war. Soldiers who are demoralized cannot fight."

The red-haired woman said, straightened her hair, and continued:

"So, Hua, you really don't want to go to the prom? Are you sure? It took me a lot of time to choose your outfit. If you don't want to dance with other people, just eat the buffet."


"By the way, I remember that you have a good relationship with that white night in the organization, right? Why don't you just invite him to join us and build up your relationship in the process?!"

"Don't, don't do this!"

All of a sudden, Hua, whose expression was still a little stiff, broke his defense in an instant, blushing and heart beating, and said in a panic:

"And... besides, Bai Ye is from the logistics department, so he won't attend the banquet of our combat department."

"That's not sure."

Facing himeko's complacent look of catching a weakness, Hua sighed helplessly, nodded and said:

"Banquet, I'll go..."

"Haha, that's right. Learn to relax, Hua."

As Himeko said, he pulled Hua out of the team's room.

Along the way, other members of Flame Chasing Moth were also rushing to the dance party.

Hua looked around cautiously on the road, obviously worried that Su Ye would see his 'well-dressed' appearance.

Then she felt so ashamed that she would find a place to jump off.

And as the saying goes, misfortunes never come singly.

Before she reached the banquet venue, she ran into Su Ye who was forcibly dragged here.

"Kevin, I told you to go to the banquet as long as you're there. At worst, you can go to Mei? Why are you looking for me?"

"Oh, just think of it as being with me."

Kevin's expression was a little weird. Ever since he finished solving the Sixth Herrscher and became the hero of the Firemoth organization, Kevin's mood has changed strangely.

Su Ye noticed this change and wanted to ask, but before he could open his mouth, he saw Hua and himeko walking towards him.


All of a sudden, feeling the strange emotions in the air, Su Ye frowned, and found that Kevin had turned around and walked to the banquet place alone at some point.

Before leaving, the other party gave him a thumbs up.

What's wrong with you guy?

Or is your finger cramp?!

On the other side, himeko also smiled naturally:

"You are the Bai Ye that Hua often mentions, hehe, you look like a nice man!"


All of a sudden, not to mention Su Ye, even Hua, who was blushing to the ear, showed a subtle expression.

And himeko obviously didn't say anything, pushed Hua Hua's body, and said with a smile:

"Hahaha, but let's give the stage to young people here, see you later, Hua."

Saying that, himeko ignored Hua's face asking for help, turned around and left so gracefully.

In the corridor, seeing the air getting more and more strange, Su Ye really couldn't take it anymore, so he said helplessly:

"Want to go to the party together?"

"Uh, um."

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