Is there something wrong in Yuanshin from zero solo row? Author:Dream Fragments


Introduction to the work: also known as "Original God's Realistic Leveling Collection", "People in Tivat, Gather Girls with Martial Arts"

The whole Tivat, down to Keli, up to General Raiden, is full of his heart-to-heart friends

——Is the heart you are talking about serious or not?

- couldn't be more serious, piercing the lungs of the lung tube

Everyone pierces each other's lung tubes, and we are good friends for life!

Chapter 1 Chapter 1: Solo but what to do?urgent!

"Come on, young master Xingqiu, let me show you my outstanding skills!"

Jiang Yan greeted with confidence.

Ten seconds later, Xingqiu knelt down.

"I said this friend... Que Mora can give me an address, just please don't show your ancient Hua swordsmanship in reality."

"Please, it's not easy for the Guhua School to spread its reputation for hundreds of years. It's already in decline, and it can't be called Your Excellency's magic power."

"Wait, wait!"

Before the words fell, the whole person followed the arena and shattered like a mirror.

"I wiped it, and I was killed again"

Jiang Yan hammered the bed board angrily, and jumped up from the bed.

Half a month ago, Jiang Yan crossed over and brought his own golden finger.

The golden finger is very simple. It pulls the selected object into the arena through dreams, and endows the selected object with the same physical fitness and skills as the selected object.

As long as you defeat the opponent, you can really acquire these skills and a small amount of physical fitness in reality.

The requirements are also simple:

1. Use the same physical fitness and elemental power of the opponent to master the skills of the opponent, but think about the timing and skills of the operation, and how much you can practice is your own ability.

2. The opponent enters in the form of a "dream" and cannot remember your face. The battle process is dominated by subconsciousness and will not show mercy. Afterwards, the battle process will be remembered to gain combat experience.

3. Before defeating an opponent once, it is not allowed to use self-destruct identity to fight fake matches, and offenders will be banned directly.

Yes, very strong.

If you steal dozens of skills, don't you want to step on the law of heaven and punch the Seven Gods, making them invincible?

Think beautiful!

Ten days later, Jiang Yan gained a skill of -0.

Being hanged and beaten one after another, doubting his life felt so sour, he felt like a mentally retarded person.

I really didn't feel inflated, so I chose Amber, who was almost the weakest character in the plot.

Amber?the weakest?Thinking about it now is like living in a dream.

Sure enough, the arrow was predicted, the arrow was thrown away, and the earl of the rabbit bathed in the rain of arrows made a final decision and shot to doubt his life.

Do you know how to use a bow and arrow?What's the use of copying the best archery?Let's keep our feet on the ground.

So, Jiang Yan pondered for several days, and set his target on Xingqiu ten days ago.

The young master is also a monk who learned martial arts halfway. Although he is very talented, he is definitely not good at fighting consciousness.

Xingqiu is proficient in Gu Hua's swordsmanship and can steal it by himself, isn't it a [-]-[-] rounding up?

As a first-blood object, it couldn't be more appropriate.

Close your eyes, meditate silently, and find that you have come to the amphitheater with Yuanshen's characteristics again.

"Summon, Xingqiu!"

"Sure enough, there are so many wonders in the world. I'm Guhua faction Xingqiu. I'm very glad to have a chance to compete with you and prove my martial arts."

The summoned target seems to be able to understand his own situation in an instant, but he can't remember his own face.

Fortunately, otherwise he would have been recognized a long time ago. This cheat is still very good.

"Where, I'm bothering you, I won't be tired or hurt here, please let go, please!"

There is no way to grab the first move, although Xingqiu Jiang Yan is quite familiar, from 1.0 to almost 3.0.

But in reality, people definitely don't hang a few swords on others and use them as tracking missiles. We still have to understand the real way of fighting.

After Xingqiu said "please", he immediately pulled out the long sword from his waist and stabbed straight at Jiang Yan.

Eh?So fast!

What should we do at this time?Hang some water first?

Jiang Yan's mind was blank, he only thought of activating the elemental force, "cut-rain-flow~~"

With a sound of "Puff!", Xing Qiu pierced Jiang Yan's chest with his sword.

Under the gaze of the two stunned faces, the entire arena turned into fragments and turned into nothingness.

"My f***ing face reads a shitty post!"

Jiang Yan hammered the bed board angrily and meditated.

"Summon, Xingqiu!"

The arena reappeared, and the two looked at each other awkwardly for a long time, not knowing where to start.

It was Jiang Yan who broke the embarrassment, "Please!"

Following the example of Xing Qiu before, he stabbed him with a straight stab.

But Xingqiu did not retreat but advanced, took a step forward to the left, drew his sword and swung it horizontally from left to right.

Just halfway through the sword's momentum, the sword was filled with mist and blue light flickered.

At this moment, Xingqiu whispered: "Huayu~"

It seemed that Jiang Yan's straight stab was bounced off with a light stroke of the sword.

Jiang Yan quickly swung his sword to block, but he didn't expect that this move was a false move, and it was not solid.

Instead, it stopped in mid-air, and the blue light on the blade suddenly became more condensed, with a cry of "Cage Mountain!"

The lasing water knife flew out from the bottom of the sword, and slammed heavily on Jiang Yan's body...

The whole scene immediately became fragments and turned into nothingness.

"QA at the speed of light, don't talk about martial arts!" Angrily hammered the bed, come again!

"Damn colorless dog!" The vegetable chicken who was beaten to death by Cai Yuliuhong angrily hammered the bed, come again!

"The big move didn't come out" The chicken who got the big move and wanted to use the big one was stabbed to death, and came again!

After being stabbed alive like this for ten nights, Jiang Yan didn't break down, but Xingqiu finally broke down.

After another fight, the collapsed Xingqiu directly knelt down and begged Jiang Yan not to show his Guhua magical skills in reality, the Guhua faction couldn't afford it.

It's a pity that the "dream" dominated by the subconscious can't release water at all...

Xing Qiu was so angry that he couldn't sleep at all, so Jiang Yan simply got up to do morning exercises.

Today there are martial arts classes, [-] additional sword swings, medicinal baths, massage masters come to soothe muscles, etc.

After everything is done, go to bed early and play a solo again, come on!

For the Bronze Chicken, is being abused a big deal?

This weak chicken won until it collapsed. Is this kind of endurance okay?Sooner or later it will be overturned!

Wait for me!Jiang Yan thought so.

"Master Jiang, good morning"

"Morning Uncle Wang"

The identity of Jiang Yan crossing is the orphan of the Qianyan Army, and his parents died honorably in the battle with the demonized monster caused by the remnants of the demon god.

Of course, the above are all lies, there are no such things at all, it is completely the collective memory implanted by Goldfinger in Tivat.

Now that he has an identity, the background set by Goldfinger is rich, and the Qianyan Army's compensation is in place, Jiang Yan started a happy rice insect career in the name of "working hard to learn martial arts to avenge his parents".

There is nothing wrong with being a rice bug. The Adventurer’s Association and the Qianyan Army do not accept child labor. Liyue Port can do physical work, but if you continue to be addicted to dust after time travel, how sick is it?

Wouldn't it be a blood loss if you don't take a good look at this beautiful world?

But the threshold for "look at the world" is a bit high.

This world is really not peaceful, a one-eyed little treasure can pop up out of nowhere in the wild, and there is a QQ camp ten miles out of the city.

Don't you see, you have to go to the Adventurer's Association to deliver food. It can be seen that you can't do martial arts outside the city. You should learn martial arts until you become an adult.

At that time, using the name of the Adventurer's Association, while traveling, while making some extra money, at least it is more reliable than living on one's laurels.

After the morning run, equipment, and calisthenics, I entered the martial arts hall to start training.

Liyue's martial arts gym is naturally not designed for supermen with divine eyes, it's just for strengthening their bodies.

But what Jiang Yan currently lacks the most is the basic awareness of fighting, so it doesn't make sense to aim too high.

The distribution of strength, the timing of offense and defense, and the control of rhythm are all principles that apply everywhere.

"No. 2 Mai, I've been a teacher, so I don't believe I can't beat you." Jiang Yan thought ruthlessly.

Jiang Yan, who had just signed up for ten days, naturally had no chance to practice duels, but simply practiced and guided Qianyan's swordsmanship.

Fortunately, the owner of the museum who inspects and guides once every ten days is a former soldier who retired from the Qianyan Army, and he has a good relationship with Jiang Yan.

"Xiao Jiang, your physical fitness, posture, and routines are all fine, but you don't have a charter either."

The owner frowned after watching Jiang Yan's training.

"Ah? Isn't it the world's martial arts that can conquer everything and break everything quickly?"

The understanding of martial arts basically comes from the words of martial arts novels.

After hearing this, the head coach showed a strange expression:

"Where did you hear the nonsense? The storyteller told it? There are thousands of martial arts schools, but they can be roughly divided into several stages:

It's fast, the untrained person holding the skill at the beginning is like a child holding a sharp weapon. Naturally, whoever throws it first wins.

The second is familiarity, the people outside the door have thousands of moves, nothing more than stabbing, and various rhythms, nothing more than attack and defense. Practice makes perfect and you can control and capture fighters

The third is calculation. People outside the door talk about familiarity, and people inside the door talk about calculation. Through calculation, you can "know yourself" and "know the enemy", know its length, know its importance, and know its boundaries, so that you can advance and retreat in an orderly manner. There are degrees of offense and defense.

Four days are absolute, no one can stand without exception, and those who "know the enemy" in every opponent cannot win, and they must make achievements above the ordinary in order to stand out.

The above are the principles taught by the three-eyed and five-manifested immortals and passed down to the present by the Qianyan Army. Even people with divine eyes have to go through these stages.

It’s just that it’s easier to know than to do, and most people stay at the first or second stage.”

The coach talked about this, patted Jiang Yan on the shoulder, and encouraged:

"You, Uncle Yang, and I are not talented. It is a pity that I couldn't get a glimpse of the door until I was old and frail. Your quality is good, and it is easy to hone. In the future, it will be up to you."

That's right, when it comes to martial arts, martial arts novels are nothing compared to this era where meteorites can be smashed.

The self-confessed Uncle Shi in front of him swung his Qianyan marksmanship with all his strength, and the entire martial arts hall was blown by wind. This kind of person can only open a martial arts gym in Liyue, and Guo Juxia may only be able to do odd jobs when he comes.

However, this theory became more familiar to Jiang Yan the more he heard it.

Suddenly, lightning flashed across my mind, isn't this Nima ranked?

Bronze and silver kids, whoever can start a group wins, ban stone people

Gold and platinum players only know "this wave can be a team" and "can play a wave"

At the beginning of the high segment, the blood counter kill is counted

Professional players talk about unique skills and configuration

"Fuck, so I'm already a master of martial arts." Jiang Yan suddenly felt enlightened.

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