After half an hour, he changed his mind.

Hand: No, you are not.

"What's going on? Didn't you say it? You have to think about getting back, what are you doing? Waiting for a minute to be beaten to death?"

"Breathe! Pay attention to the breathing rhythm, how many swords can you swing while holding your breath? Suffocate yourself first, so others can't kill you?"

"The footsteps of the stone lion at the door are more flexible than yours! Are you practicing chair swordsmanship or upper body swordsmanship?"

"Rhythm, or rhythm, you won't be afraid of choking you to death when you inhale? Are you planning to use the sneeze as a hidden weapon to disgust the opponent to death?"

The gun head, which was wrapped in a cloth, hit the head again, hitting the self-doubting Jiang Yan, who strongly suspected that this uncle retired from the Qianyan Army not because of his poor level, but simply because his mouth was too stinky.

However, what they say is on point, and it is good luck to teach you some real kung fu. Without this kind of enthusiasm, how can ordinary people explain it in such detail?

Jiang Yan, who paid for No. 2 Mai, could only listen honestly.

"Let's stop here today, and I'll come back to test your progress in ten days."

The curator flicked his spear upwards, and the spear spun back to the weapon rack as if he had eyes, and turned his head away with his hands behind his back.

The exhausted Jiang Yan also sat down on the ground.

After resting for a while, he left the martial arts hall and started the next session of exercise.

Eat a well-balanced nutritious meal and receive an acid-relieving massage.

It has to be said that sports science and nutrition still have merits, at least the ancient people did not pay much attention to these things.

Adjust your mental state and prepare to start kowtowing at night.

"Xingqiu, you wait for me!"

Jiang Yan gritted his teeth and got into bed.


The first volume is divided into sections, and the reconstruction of the typo repair has been completed. Book friends with the second brush can refresh the chapters.

The original segmentation was too dense, and the reading experience will be much better now.

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Did something go wrong in order to challenge diamonds for silver?

"My friend, can you discuss it? There are tens of thousands of martial arts in the world, so why practice the declining Gu Hua swordsmanship?"

"I am not talented, as long as you switch to his sect, brother, I will definitely find several secret books for you to enlighten."

"Yun Lai's swordsmanship is as fast as thunder, far superior to Gu Hua..." Xing Qiu begged with a bitter face when he saw Jiang Yan.

This brother I don't know, Gu Hua's swordsmanship is as stupid as a cow and a horse, the patriarch may be angry when he sees it.

He just uses the same water spirit power, the strength is on par with his own.

Once famous in Jianghu, Gu Hua's reputation for swordsmanship, plus his dream of being a hero, will become Liyuegang's reserved jokes.

Seeing that he seems to have just started, I can only pray for him to practice another sword technique.

"Don't worry, I can only master your swordsmanship here, and if I don't defeat you outside, there is no elemental force that I can't make.

"The law of this secret realm should have been told to you."

Jiang Yan was also very angry. Isn't all novices like this?What kind of god are you pretending to be?

A teenager who is addicted to martial arts, isn't he just reacting faster?

Let me show you the learning ability of 985 graduates today!

"Then I'm really sorry, I must go all out, brother, you don't want to learn this Guhua swordsmanship."

Xingqiu breathed a sigh of relief. Although he got the message from the secret realm, he really didn't know whether it was true or not.

After being confirmed, Xing Qiu's frowning face relaxed, and Jiang Yan's veins twitched.


Jiang Yan drew his sword, injected elemental power, and swung a sharp water wave.

And Xing Qiu gently caressed the spine of the sword, and raised the sword up.

A layer of whirling water film wrapped and merged the incoming water waves, and the sword turned and swung backhand.

"Want to play table tennis? I know this well."

Jiang Yan was about to draw a gourd in the same way, wrapping the incoming water blade with water elements.

It turned out that the sword body did not successfully attach any elemental power, and the release failed.

There was no other way but to withdraw the water elemental force and hold Xingqiu's long sword.

Xingqiu used the force of this fight to bounce himself into the air.

"Cut the rain and keep the rainbow!"

Xingqiu's water element force burst out and condensed into a sword blade. The long sword in his hand kept stabbing three times in a row.

Jiang Yan, who was at a loss, lost his old strength and had no new strength.Barely blocked two swords, it was impossible to resist.

Xingqiu's third sword broke through Jiang Yan's sword circle, and the sharp water blade pierced his shoulder directly, with a wicked smile


The scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

"This shit came prepared, I don't accept it!"

Jiang Yan thought about it carefully, he was two swords after all, under the same conditions, how could he possibly beat the original owner who was also prepared?

But this slut is so annoying, he really doesn't have a good idea if he doesn't win.

Put on your clothes and think about it carefully. There are several ways to win:

1. Strength is the foundation, you have to continue to hone your consciousness, at least don't be pulled too far

2. Stones from other mountains can attack jade, and you must have something unexpected by the opponent to get the upper hand

3. Sneak attack is the best way. The more prepared the opponent is, the lower the chance of winning.

Among the familiar characters, who is the most suitable for the first encounter?

It's you, Master Gua Sha!

"Summon, Keqing!"

The purple cat-eared double ponytail gradually emerged from the void, looked around curiously, and said to Jiang Yan:

"Interesting, it's such a magical method of the immortal family. It's a good place to improve each other's martial arts."

"Yunlai's swordsmanship is very popular. It is considered that I have taken advantage of you. My unique skill, as long as you can beat me, it will be yours. Come on!"

Yuheng Xing is just like his name, Ting Ni is quick and rainy, and he is vigorous and resolute, and he understands the situation in a blink of an eye.

After saying hello, without saying a word, he took off his hairpin, and with a flash of lightning, he flew towards Jiang Yan.

"It can't be blocked, if you change hands, you will eat a face-to-face star." Jiang Yan turned sideways, ready to dodge the hairpin and ask for a counterattack.

But Ke Qing drew his sword and pulled out a flash of lightning, which hit him in an instant.

The sound of piercing the sky is still behind Jianguang.

If it wasn't for Goldfinger, who gave Jiang Yan the same qualities and skills, the sword would have pierced his heart directly, and it probably wouldn't have reflected it.

Jiang Yan hurriedly crossed his sword, ready to block the swift and thunderous sword.

But, just listen to:


Under the attraction of Lei Qie, Ke Qing's entire figure, like a magnet being attracted to speed up, instantly accelerated rapidly.

The figure in the air flew obliquely as if ignoring gravity, and was directly pulled behind Jiang Yan's ear by Lei Qie.

At this time, the two people's figures had just crossed each other, and Ke Qing's sword touched the hairpin, as if it had been fully charged, the sword shone with lightning.


With a clear and sweet shout, Ke Qing backhanded the thunder light and slashed horizontally, like dancing on ice, drawing a big arc of reflexion.

The double addition of centrifugal force and elemental force knocked Jiang Yan, who had temporarily changed his move, heavily into the air.

Before Jiang Yan landed, Keqing Lei Qi flew out again and threw it directly on Jiang Yan's chest.

Jiang Yan, who was in a state of rigidity, could only watch Ke Qing's flying strike piercing through him with lightning.

The scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

"Level [-] is single-killed, play with wool!"

Jiang Yan hammered the bed board angrily.It's no wonder that someone who became the Seven Stars of Liyue at a young age is too strong.

It seems that there is only one move to lose, but the whole process, the more you replay, the more perverted it is:

1. The first change of direction through Lei Qie happened almost one hundredth of a second before he parried. At the same time, the timing of turning around and cutting horizontally was extremely extreme. The two of them were almost ear-to-ear, without giving any chance to react.

2. All skills are stored in advance, there is no sign of any warning, and the explosion is extremely fast

3. Turn around and cut 180 degrees in the air to determine the outcome, the flexibility and the use of centrifugal force to the extreme

On the whole, Keqing has brought into full play the characteristics of her elemental power to the extreme.


As long as he learns half of his skills, wouldn't he be hanged and beaten by young master Xingqiu?Come again!

Calling Keqing again, I thought she would be laughed at, but Keqing greeted her with an encouraging smile:

"Very well, I'm afraid you'll be discouraged."

"The gap is huge, but as long as there is courage, there will always be gains."

What is Wude?This is Wude!

What about Xingqiu?Come and listen!

I will be a dog if I black you again, master engraving!

Jiang Yan was completely moved:

"It's really bothering you, but my skills are meager, and I'm a little worried that you won't get any benefit from bothering you."

Keqing waved her hand, not caring.

"Don't worry that I won't gain anything. I spend a lot of time every day practicing sword hard, but manpower is sometimes poor. It's a very big gain to swing a sword without getting tired."

"Okay, don't gossip, I won't show mercy, learn as much as you can."

three hours later

"N company kneeling, day!" Jiang Yan was already mad.

In the second round, after five rounds of Lei Qie, the whole person was stunned. He couldn't find a position and was stabbed to death with a sword behind him.

In the fifth match, Lei Qie was basically able to keep up with the rhythm, but the distribution of elemental power was not ideal. Once the skills were empty, he would be crushed to death

The seventh game, Parade in Paradise, strong and invincible!stabbed into a hedgehog

Then he was stabbed until he knelt down countless times, giving him a chance to burst into a series of slashes called Tianjie Parade, which was basically a death.

But fortunately, the engraving master has a sweet attitude and a good attitude.

What bike do you want?Can't learn and copy?

Even if I copy half of my operational awareness, I'm afraid I won't be able to beat the pampered young master?



Chapter 2 subsection refactoring completed, readers of the second brush, please refresh

Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Although I have an idea for a higher score, I always feel that something is wrong

Keqing has been in a good mood recently, and she was lying in bed early again today.

On weekdays, Ke Qing always works until late at night, but recently, an unknown god summoned him to accompany a new novice to perform martial arts in his dream, presumably because of some fate.

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