Although this person's martial arts are not worth mentioning, firstly, he will not be injured or tired in his dreams; secondly, he has been endowed with the same quality and skills by the gods, so he is a good stake.

The time spent practicing swords on weekdays is used for office work, resulting in sufficient rest, and it is perfect to swing the sword as much as you can on unkillable stakes.

Keqing is sincerely grateful to this newcomer for allowing herself to have this fairy fate. She only hopes that he can be strong-willed and persist for decades.

Overturned?Hahahaha, this idiot probably doesn't know how precious the experience of breaking out at full power is to a master, and his progress is faster than him.

Wait until he sees me in reality, and then repay him.

Keqing played with great interest, but Jiang Yan was close to autism.

75 consecutive kneeling, if it weren't for the good attitude of the engraved master, he would have deleted the account and stopped playing.

Whoever likes to use this golden finger will use it. Isn't it good to write storytelling novels and sell them for money to become a local tyrant?That "Shen Qiu Picking up Swords" must not be reduced to scum in seconds.

"Tell you, this opportunity is too rare for you."

"Where do I dare to go all out when I practice swords? Not to mention the trouble of cleaning up the martial arts arena, elemental power can't support long-term battles."

"With your conditions, you will envy other people who learn martial arts outside."

"As long as you defeat me, you will save at least ten years of hard training in reality. For this, you can't give up!"

"Learning martial arts is like this. I started my enlightenment at the age of five, and I think it can be called hard work and hard work. How can it be possible to catch up with me in a few days?"

"However, since everyone is on the same starting line, it is not without chance"

"Aspirations, day after day, there must be hard work, come on, your progress is very fast!"

"When you win against me, you can choose any restaurant in Liyue Port. Let's celebrate. I know a family whose golden shrimp balls are delicious."

"After defeating me, Qianyan Army or the General Affairs Department also has a place for a talent like you, keep working hard!"

There are actually different messages every time, but Jiang Yan said that there is no fluctuation in his heart, and he only wants to say the elegant and easy-going Zu'an words:

"Can you pull out the sword that stabbed into my chest and praise me?"

However, it couldn't, the scene shattered again and turned into nothingness.

Jiang Yan doesn't want to drink chicken soup for the soul, especially the chicken soup that he feeds while piercing him with a sword...

In the empty night, I was so depressed that I didn't want to sleep, so I simply got up and put on my clothes and started to replay.

This is what Jiang Yan realized after being stabbed dozens of times. If you don't practice the mouth style, you don't learn the idiot. Every time you kneel in solo, you must summarize it well.

1. The initiative was lost on the third thunderbolt, and the fifth form of Yunlai swordsmanship was extremely fast. Keqing was very good at throwing the thunderbolt backhand when he was behind him, and then used the method of turning-accelerating-turning again to suppress Opponents who turn in place and are slow

2. The crash comes from the sudden change of direction of Lei Qie. Not only can people be attracted by Lei Qie, but Keqing is also good at using the element of Lei Qi attached to the sword to guide Lei Qie to change direction in the blind spot behind the opponent, and then pull himself over to carry out Raid, be careful when you see her wielding a sword falsely.

3. When the thunderbolt is about to end + a sudden heavy blow breaks your posture, then the thunderbolt pulls and cancels the heavy blow to retreat, she often uses it, why do I have no memory, pig!

Putting down my pen, I was too depressed to fall asleep, so I got up to do morning exercises.

Hey, the biggest problem with this Bird Feather Goldfinger is that it is impossible to practice the skills in the dream in reality.

Even without considering the elemental force, Ke Qing's dance on the tip of the knife changes direction and turns, the opponent does not know whether he is dead or not, and it is guaranteed that his ankle can be shattered with one blow.

After all, she is Captain Liyue who has been strengthened by the Eye of God, and she is not.

The purpose of looking for master engraving was to learn her super speed to sneak attack the young master Xingqiu, but her fighting philosophy was indeed very useful.

On the contrary, it was Xingqiu, the core of the tactics was the use of water elemental force throughout the entire Guhua swordsmanship.

This concept is very valuable, and the creativity is also worth referring to, but when you don’t have elemental power, let’s talk about a hammer!fall!Jiang Yan, who was doing sword swing training, was thinking.

Slow as a cow, shaking like an old woman's selfie and swinging the sword, let me clearly realize how big the gap between me and others is without the same ability.


Jiang Yan, who has been in the gym for 20 days, is finally eligible to participate in the martial arts sparring.

A senior who had been in the martial arts gym for a month became an opponent, but judging by his sword-holding posture and a large abdominal muscle, it was the same when he had a fitness card and didn't go for a year.

He casually slashed his sword over, only to find that the senior brother's force and center of gravity were wrong, he lost his grip, and the sword flew away, almost hitting someone.

That's it?

Although the skills and quality cannot be brought out, Jiang Yan's muscle memory, eyesight, and learning of judgment are not discounted.

The coach on duty was also very embarrassed, and specially picked a newcomer for this senior, but he was still seconded, and no one lost next.

What if this kind of fat sheep who comes once a month is beaten into autism and doesn't renew the fee?

The coach quickly changed Jiang Yan to another match partner, another senior who had been practicing for half a year, and specifically asked his subordinates to be merciful.

In fact, to be able to achieve this effect is because of that buddy.

Discussion is no better than actual combat, and Qianyan's swordsmanship is also known for Qianyan's firmness, and it's not about letting the two of them slash each other with their lives.

Generally speaking, the fixed routine for learning from each other is:

First of all, the two sides slash at the same time, and the two swords intersect to see the strength and force skills of both sides;

Then, take turns to attack, the attacker cuts horizontally, and the defender parries, to test the basic posture;

Finally, take turns to step back and stab straight to test your footwork and stability;

After all the basic movements are completed, it can be regarded as a round of basic learning, and then there is free time for free play.

The second senior brother is obviously the seedling of an introductory disciple, preparing for the examination of the Qianyan Army's public examination party, or a future private teacher lurking among the trainers.

His posture is extremely stable, and his strength is also strong.But after a few tricks, Jiang Yan found that it seemed to be the same thing?

Diagonal slashing, horizontal slashing, and parrying are all done, and there is no characteristic at all.

Finally, when it was time for free sparring, Jiang Yan retracted his sword, took a step back with his right foot, his body was slightly bent, and his left foot kicked on the ground, his body shaped like a bow, and a straight stab came with a cold light.

The mace-shaped wooden sword without a sword point directly stabbed the opponent's chest, causing the opponent to fall to the ground unable to parry.

If this is a real sword, I'm afraid it can directly pierce the opponent...

"Sorry, sorry, lost power"

With astonishment in his eyes, Jiang Yan pulled up the senior brother, but he didn't expect that the other party would be unable to hold back even a single move.

"Brother, your straight stabbing is not a routine of Qianyan swordsmanship. You can't do it after a year or two of hard work. Why did you come here to be enlightened?"

This senior brother has a face full of doubts about life, what kind of world is this?Why do martial arts gyms that exercise have big bosses pretending to be cute?

"If you are stabbed to death 75 times in ten days, you will have some experience in stabbing," Jiang Yan wanted to say.

Of course, he wanted to look up to the sky and laugh like Yagami, and finally it was my turn to stab someone else, was it easy?

But forget it, practicing with Olympians every day, what's so fun about abusing food in the gym?

"Just kidding, the family-inherited marksmanship is useless, and the sword that I learned was changed. This move has been practiced for a year or two, and the marksmanship has evolved."


"Unfortunately, it's better for the Qianyan army to learn guns, but my strength is not good enough, so I can only learn one-handed swords."

"Brother, at your level, let the instructor find a brother who is just getting started."

The senior brother turned his head and left after talking about this scene, it was too embarrassing, and he couldn't practice anymore.

Well, it really is the Kaogong family.

It's not that Jiang Yan didn't think about starting solo with a gun at the beginning.

White Horse Silver Spear Zhao Zilong, which Chinese doesn't like it?

But who should we learn from?

Zhongli?elf?You can't beat PK 1000 years, you talk about skill crushing with gods, is it because you want to laugh at them?

Xiangling?It is essentially a fire method, and I have no rice, so what can I copy?

walnut?The soul-inducing spear technique is too conspicuous.

As for the marksmanship of other foreign countries, it is not easy to explain it to be honest, and it is easy to become a suspicious person on the list of the General Affairs Department, so I had to learn it from the one-handed sword.

But having said that, if you want to defeat Keqing, you must learn some skills.

A ruthless person like the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, whose martial arts are the best in the war of demon gods, can really try, at least the progress in martial arts can be brought out steadily.

People who mainly rely on elemental force skills can't learn much by following along.

I'm not Irene, so if I don't have the wind element to learn the crazy duck sword hard, can I learn a ghost?

Just do what you say, today I really don't want to see Ke Qing whose friendship goes deep into my heart.

However, the only problem that troubled Jiang Yan was: Wasn't his original goal to defeat Xingqiu?Do you always feel that you are going astray?

I want to defeat Xingqiu→I don’t have to practice elemental power, I can only practice skills→Keqing’s skills are good→I won’t be able to win at all→Learn higher skills from Mandrill→Go to fight Xingqiu when I have enough skills→Xingqiu’s If the elemental force can't be brought over, still have to use skills to beat Keqing? ? ?

It seems to be ok, but it always feels like something is not right.

I don't want to... Let's win Xingqiu first and then think about going further.

Practice fiercely to be naturally strong, come on!

This chapter has been refactored, and the second brusher can refresh the content.

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Is there something wrong with the faker in order to win the silver?

"I don't know which demon god's power is able to kill karma here. I'm sorry for the offense."

Although he had no intention of winning, Jiang Yan, who invited Mandrill to practice with him, still overlooked an important issue. Mandrill uses martial arts as the core in the game, but because of karma, he couldn't fully exert himself. Twenty innings is so sour

same ability?same skill?It is a joke in front of the martial arts that have been tempered and honed.

The mobility and aggression of the Great Sage Conquering Demons is simply 5.0.

At any rate, Keqing still has a Lei Qie who can capture the attacking route, while Mandrill has two wind wheels, and can attack from any angle in the air at any time, changing moves and directions, which is completely incomprehensible.

The long spears stabbing from all directions in the air are like extensions of the human body, sweeping across, piercing straight through the rainstorm, as support and ejection, all kinds of unimaginable skills one after another.

The result was being crushed from the beginning to the end, every time being stabbed into a Yuba.

What can a bronze player learn from a one-on-one match with faker?The conclusion is that nothing can be learned.

Jiang Yan was able to stick to the box, just for the stolen muscle memory, even if it is kept a little bit, it is extremely precious.

Of course, Mandrill did not allow Jiang Yan to be poked into hundreds of transparent holes in vain.

"If you invite me to enter this secret realm again at this time next month, I will definitely be rewarded."

The Great Sage Conquering Demons was obviously in a good mood, and for the last time, he left these words and walked away lightly.

On the top floor of Wangshu Inn, the young immortal checked his physical condition and showed a rare smile.

Although I have a lot of bad luck, but when I am at the end of the road, I have always had good luck.

I thought that this time I was entangled in karma, and it would be hard to get rid of it after all, but I didn't expect to be rescued by a soul calling from a thousand miles away from a secret place.

I don't know who can do this kind of power.

It doesn't matter, the future will be long, and there will be rewards.

But he didn't know that the person he was grateful for was facing beautiful troubles.

"What? You went to find the Great Sage Conquering Demons? It's not good to be so ambitious. It's no good to indulge in power that doesn't belong to you."

"What's more, I'm notoriously disrespectful of gods and gods. I haven't thought about relying on ten years of hard work to defeat immortals who have been tempered for thousands of years."

"You still fight with me, the chances of beating me are much better"

Ke Qing is trying her best to persuade the little rookie in front of her not to be a fairy at the top branch office.

Jiang Yan wanted to say, I have to try all of them.

But looking at Yu Hengxing with "I'm not happy" written all over his face, it's hard to say it.

I only blame myself for being cheap. After being stabbed as a Yuba, I started another round, wanting to see if there is any progress.

As a result, Keqing, who had been waiting all night, came in just complaining, and was almost kicked out by both of them because he hadn't entered the battle for a long time.

Well, looking at Ke Qing, who was piercing himself with full firepower, with the expression of "Let you dove me", Jiang Yan felt that it was still very useful to cover his face.

Otherwise, this little beauty will probably be visited everywhere tomorrow. Why did I, a high-level stake, run away with long legs?

I got up and resumed, not knowing where to start, forget it...

The Great Sage Conquering Demons has mastery over the wind, which can be called an invisible elephant.

The elemental power is not used to form, but every trace is used to adjust one's position, direction, and speed.

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