Jiang Yan, who had almost used up his elemental power, could only use the wind wheel to dodge horizontally in the face of such a wide-area attack that did not leave any dead ends.

In the next moment, Mandrill kicked his feet on the ground and flew upwards.

The Great Sage Conquering Demon, who used all the wind elemental force to accelerate, even with a spear, teleported directly across a distance of three meters, piercing Jiang Yan's stomach who was flying horizontally.

"Then see you next month" The scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

"Can we not fight in the air? Is it fair to have such a big difference?" Jiang Yan let out a powerless rage.

This chapter has been refactored, please refresh the chapter content for the second brush

Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Is there something wrong with playing light speed QA in Tivat?

In the eyes of Beidou and Yula, it is unreasonable to play the speed of light qa with hands without jumping and slashing and using two-handed swords, especially when facing Jiang Yan's imagined jumping and claws with elemental power.

"Don't use your stupid moves to tarnish Lawrence's sword skills, I'll take this grudge into account." His face was smeared by the vortex, and Bing Chao turned around and slashed his waist.

"Is your sword skill so incoherent that you need to use your hands to supplement it? Shall I teach you a ritual dance?" Because he put down the sword, he was robbed continuously, and finally Ninglang froze into a popsicle.

"Never use your moves to death before you seal your position and posture" was killed by Zhuang Lang with a knife

"The trick of the dog jumping over the wall" was given over to the simulated thunderclaw, which absorbed the elemental force of thunder, and chopped it down

After practicing for a few days, I gained a lot of various coping methods, but Jiang Yan was completely dissatisfied. His jumping and thunder claws are too crap. Since Lei Ze can survive in Lupica, his tricks must not be too bad. , the old wolf led the trial, I am afraid that I have seen hundreds of thousands of two-handed swords, and the moves that are too stupid have already been sprayed, so let's refer to Grandpa Lu, the representative figure of the two-handed sword light speed qa.

"Call, Diluc"

A black gold dress gradually emerged from the void, wearing a white shirt inside, the Eye of God hanging from the belt, and black leather gloves on the outside and red leather gloves on the inside.Wearing a pair of black trousers on the lower body, a leg ring composed of white rings around the right leg, and black boots with many buckles.With fair skin, conspicuous long red hair that is slightly curled into a ponytail behind him, and red eyes with a little golden light, he is the righteous man of Mond, Master Lu.

"Conspiracy, or opportunity?" Di Luke looked around vigilantly. Although there were more rules of this secret realm in his mind, his natural caution made him full of concerns about this forced invitation.

"With this kind of ability to summon souls from thousands of miles away, do you need a conspiracy to do something? Don't think too much, it's just a proof of martial arts." Jiang Yan thought about this sentence for several months, and finally someone asked.

"Then come on, I will verify it with my eyes." Di Luke didn't quite believe that this was a conspiracy of fools. With this ability, he had already used it when he was fighting the executive officer. The question was nothing more than It's just what it should be.Pulling out the big sword, the two swords clashed, Di Luke took advantage of the situation to withdraw the sword and whirled around, the flames on the big sword in his turned hand were burning, and the anti-flame blade slashed towards him.

Jiang Yan raised his big sword to parry the blow. The sword had sufficient elemental power, but he didn't use it. Di Luke took the opportunity to regain his breath, and raised his two-handed sword to strike vertically. a heavy sword

Di Luke swung his wrists horizontally, and flicked his hands to the left, injecting elemental power, and a quick flame slashed across his face.The high temperature and burning of the flame made Jiang Yan only jump back;

Di Luke was so powerful that he raised his big sword with both hands, and made a powerful jump and chop, filled with elemental power and blazing, and rushed towards his face. Jiang Yan just landed and had no way to use his strength, so he could only bend his knees and half-squat to follow the big sword. Like a shield on his shoulders, the huge sword like a torch burned on his shoulders, causing Jiang Yan to lose his posture in pain. Di Luke's quick straight stab hit his shoulder, and the scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

In the dark night, Di Luke opened his eyes in the manor. The inexplicable challenge of "I don't know the so-called", the defense is fair, the opponent who can't adapt, the magical secret place, such a clear memory, Di Luke decided to investigate secretly at dawn, is there anyone? experienced similar challenges.

Jiang Yan also put on his clothes, and briefly replayed the game. In order to avoid trouble, Jiang Yan did not use Yula's swordsmanship. Simple parrying and blocking, facing the youngest cavalry captain in Mond's history, would definitely not work.But even simple tests can be rewarding.

1. Diluc's elemental power is extremely strong, and he can release three stages of high power without accumulation, which is beyond the reach of Yula and Beidou. He is indeed one of the best in Mond

2. The interweaving of elemental power and power is very routine. Strong elemental power and powerful slashing have the same suppression effect, so interspersing them can achieve continuous suppression, and realize the return of energy and recovery of elemental power , and finally rely on the elemental power and strength to double the jump and hack to make a final decision, and quickly harvest the results.

3. The style of play is inseparable from the attributes of the elements. You must combine your own elemental attributes. For example, the ice element is suitable for controlling the field, the fire element is suitable for explosion, and the thunder element is suitable for high speed and one-stroke flow. It is not that the moves are strong, but the elements fit this kind of battle The method, such as the wave catching that I created, does not have the absorption and traction of the thunder element to destroy the balance, and there is no lightning stimulation to the muscles, only the powerful slash of the rock element, which does not even have half the power.

Anyway, people are offended, so come again, "Call, Diluc!" Diluc was called again, "boring, unmannered guy"

"Kung fu is not what real people can practice. Do you know how many people line up for this opportunity?" Jiang Yan also met a warrior who didn't like this secret realm for the first time. If it weren't for your speed of light QA, I would like to find you?Several people are envious to death, do you know?

"Fighting against you is no different from fighting against a wooden stake, just saving a little elemental power." There is a poisonous brother who often communicates in Zaun language, and Di Luke's verbal kung fu is also one of those who can only speak five sentences in a round that style

Without further ado, Jiang Yan swung the flaming sword over and finished the matter. Why bother to BB between warriors, if they have the ability to cross the network cable to hit me.

After a QAQA meal, he was hacked to death without accident, come again!

Continue to QAQA, at least get three sets, get burned to death by Firebird, come again!

Adhere to QAQA, lack of coherence will be snatched up, come again!

Finally, he made a jumping strike with full elemental power and strength, was dodged, and the fire bird ascended to the sky, come again!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel, kneeling ten times in a blink of an eye, interspersed with strength and elemental power, the knowledge is really great, practice slowly, think about the good, it is also very useful when beating Xingqiu.

At dawn, the last game, "Master Ke, eat my speed of light QA!", Jiang Yan challenged Ke Qing enthusiastically. Lei Zhuo himself did not grow up on wolf milk. It is really stupid to learn by force, but Lei Guangjian QA can Yes, I have.

After more than a dozen moves, Ke Qing's figure disappeared from in front of him, and appeared above his head in an instant, stabbing Jiang Yan's neck with a backhand sword, and the victory was decided.The simulated Lei Guangjian swings too long, just after a few rounds, Keqing discovers the flaw in using the elemental power, after a series of rushing moves, the parade in the sky finally kills with one sword, GG, fight again tomorrow night, It is really unlucky to get the first win before waking up, and the flag of this game is full.

Think about it carefully, the element of thunder is to fight for the fastest game, and the one-handed sword is to fight for speed.But this move is not too slow, as for being pierced at the moment of changing the move and accumulating power?Jiang Yan always felt that something was wrong

——Very good, there is another option when you need to adapt to the situation.Ke Qing, who had been very happy in her practice recently, didn't want to explain to some fool.

Chapter 13 Chapter 13 Is it wrong to grab a sparring partner without paying money?

Diluc never thought of himself as a real warrior. Martial arts were only skills that should be possessed by a family of knights, a stepping stone for the knight order, and a tool for revenge.Naturally, it would not be happy to be arrested and sent to practice for a whole night.The next day, I returned to Mond City from the manor to start the investigation.

After some investigation, Di Luke felt that the situation was very complicated. Several titled knights had entered this secret realm, and the number of trainings was different. Without knowing what the other party wanted to do, he had to tell the acting captain Qin to deal with it.Qin also felt that this matter was very difficult, and called relevant people and experts to discuss it.

"I don't think there is any conspiracy in this matter." Yula pointed to the blackboard, where everyone put together the training timeline and timetable, "This is an obvious learning process, and I remember it very clearly. In my sparring, I gradually learn and improve, and there is no need for conspiracy to reach this level." Among the people present, Yula has the best impression of Jiang Yan, and the long-term sparring has brought Yula a lot of gains. And Yula also saw Jiang Yan's hard work and perseverance, and agreed with this hardworking little brother very much.

"I would like to remind everyone here that multiple people with different personalities and different martial arts skills lose their vigilance at the same time. This kind of behavior is inherently strange. I suspect that it is driven by spiritual magic that can make you so relaxed," said Diluque. arrive.

"Psychic magic can't do this, at least I can't do it, and I've never heard of someone in Sumeru who can do this level of simulation remotely. Similar techniques, I've only heard that Liyue's Rock King Dijun will come through dreams. Summons," Xumi Teaching Academy said with certainty that the once-in-200-year gifted graduates.

"Even if there is such magic, the price will be very high. Noelle and I are not worth such a high price, right?" Amber said that he is not worth using this kind of big magic.

"I don't think that unknown gentleman is a bad guy, he taught me a few good moves," Noelle said.

Qin frowned, turned to Di Luke and said, "I agree with them. If it is aimed at Mond, the best target should be me or Kaia, but it is good to be cautious. We can learn from Liyue Conduct investigations. After all, the style of this magic is very similar to Liyue's fairy. In addition, you can also investigate the information of Zhidong Kingdom to see if there are any new trends.

Diluc leaned against the wall of the meeting room, folded his arms and said, "If this is your decision, I have no objection, then I will take my leave first."

Rest assured, everyone in the Knights began to discuss the power of this secret realm, and Yula became the object of everyone's envy and ridicule

"No wonder you've improved so fast recently, I can't stand it any longer." Leader Qin expressed envy

"That's right, why did this gentleman come to you so many times and only to me a few times? If Mr. Diluc was not worried about everyone, why didn't you tell us?" Amber condemned Yula's behavior of eating alone

"I only contacted once, but I was the only one who was taught the skills. Am I immature?" Noelle was both happy and disappointed.

"Perhaps, the sword skills of the Lawrence family are more famous?" Yula is also very happy that this mysterious master of the secret realm prefers to practice with her. If it is not that she can't keep her hand while half asleep and half awake, she really plans to practice with him. in return

The unlucky Bennett still thought he had a nightmare and was forgotten by everyone.

At the same time, Liyue

Liyue people are much more accepting of dreams than Mengde. Stories about emperors' dreams, immortals' dreams, foxes' dreams, ancestors' dreams, and ghosts' dreams have become a routine in Wanwen Jishe. Whether it's Beidou or Keqing, it's just a feeling "Earned".

aboard the doomed asterisk

"Big Sister, what happened to make you feel so good?" the crew joked as they watched Beidou in a good mood recently.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't practice martial arts well, sooner or later you will be surpassed by the little guys, then you will be old and useless, and you will only be able to clean the ship's planks and chop oysters" Beidou scolded with a smile

On the training ground of the Qianyan Army, the huge Emperor's Terrace Stone was evenly split in an instant by the sword light of thunder and lightning, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror.

"Miss Keqing has not seen her for a long time, her martial arts has improved a lot, and she can practice martial arts to this level in her young age, it is true that the strong are born to know it." The Qianyan soldiers watching Keqing's sword divided stones, sighed with emotion.

Keqing waved her right hand, "Born to know it? I don't believe it. The strong only look at persistence. Those who have five colors in their eyes, five sounds in their ears, and five flavors in their mouth can resist temptation and persevere. , I recently met a very talented person who practiced hard all day long, and now he is almost catching up with me, so you guys have to keep working hard."

Between the clouds

The Great Sage Conquering Demons bid farewell to the Wangshu Inn where he lived for a long time, and was looking for the secret place in Liyue, when he saw a brown golden-winged red-crowned crane falling down.

"Great Sage Conquering Demons? It turns out that an old friend is visiting, and I am very pleased to see that you are in good health recently." It is the three-eyed and five-manifest real person, Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun.

"This time in another situation, the karma was summoned to a secret place every month to resolve it. I don't know who is capable of doing it, so I searched everywhere for repayment." Mandrill explained the purpose of coming.

But Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun He looked surprised, "The great sage has supernatural powers in the world, who can call your soul? If you want to seal your soul and fix your soul, I can barely do it with the strength of several people." , call the soul? I am afraid that even the emperor is beyond his power, otherwise he would have already called your soul to cleanse your soul and clear your karma."

"That's right, I'm also quite surprised, but I checked my body many times, and it's true." Mandrill has been very surprised by this until now. The King of Gold Wings and the Great Sage of Conquering Demons are not the names he blows up, but The bones of the demon god's battle are piled up like a sea. Even if he was caught by the demon god's weakness and arrested as a big demon, he was subdued and restrained by the demon god's power, supplemented by evil rituals to succeed.Calling souls remotely without consent?Mandrill couldn't imagine how strong this man was.

"It doesn't matter, since the visitors are friends and not enemies, when we invite Xian Dianyi, I will report to the emperor and then make a decision." Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan was more open-minded.

"That's good, but I'd like to ask you to search for it on your behalf when you're making friends recently." Mandrill thought about it, and if you don't want to see this kind of power, you can't find it yourself, and there is nothing good in return. It's better to let the emperor do it for you. Search compensation.

But Jiang Yan didn't know that he had already fanned countless butterflies in this Tivat by catching sparring practice every day.

"Anyway, you guys can't recognize me. You'll have to squeeze a sheep to death for the wool, and let it go when you're good at it. Grandpa Lu, I didn't expect that we would meet again! There's apprentice Mai on the second!"

Before he has the confidence to beat Lei Ze, Di Luque's tragic sparring career will continue.

Chapter 14 Chapter 14 Is it wrong to prepare for bullying a teenager for a month?

"Here, the sentence is pronounced!"

What a relief to burn this annoying villain to ashes, Diluc thought.

Now Diluque really believes that there is no conspiracy anymore. How can there be a schemer whose style of painting is to punch his head into the spring water and be hacked to death several times a day?

Although no matter how I refused, I was still forcibly pulled over, which was really annoying.

But being able to drive elemental power at will is indeed a good opportunity.

Although Di Luke himself is not keen, he does not resist combat training.

Although I am not afraid of Zhidong's consul, but the power of revenge is never too much.

Especially the owner of this secret realm, although the response is very stiff, but the progress is fast, the creativity is also there, and he can be regarded as a good training partner, no wonder the Spray Knight firmly speaks for him.

After closing my eyes for a long time, the winery under the night is still silent, and it seems that there will be no next time.

—Che, a guy with no stamina

At this time, Jiang Yan was facing the graduation exam he had trained for a month, and the examiner was Mr. Beidou.

"Come on, let me see how much progress you have made"

Beidou is still very optimistic about this unknown little guy.

With such conditions, as long as he is not obsessed with power that does not belong to him, sooner or later he will become a qualified fighter who has experienced many battles.

"Please see the teacher!"

The two big swords struck together in the same posture in a blink of an eye.

As soon as the giant swords intersected, Jiang Yan turned his wrist without waiting for his breath, swung the blade quickly, and used the explosive effect of the thunder elemental power to slash horizontally.

Referring to Di Luke's moves, Jiang Yan can now also swing a thunder element version of the lightning sword, but the thunder element does not have the characteristic of covering a wide range of fire element power.

Since the damage range is small, simply win with speed.

Jiang Yan gave up the paralyzing effect of the thunder element force, and focused on the function of explosive acceleration, so that this uncharged fast swing of the sword can achieve the speed of full swing.

Beidou was not afraid at all, and just "stirred" the giant sword in his hand lightly, and the direction of Jiang Yan's sword shifted obviously.

Just as Beidou was about to launch a daily counterattack, Jiang Yan found the right opportunity and exploded with elemental power.


The blade of Jiang Yan's giant sword suddenly flashed with lightning, and the purple lightning snake that was free from the sword spine jumped directly onto Beidou's giant sword, paralyzing the veins in her hands.

Taking advantage of this unexpected opportunity, Jiang Yan took a step forward with his right foot with full strength, turned his body to the left, and slashed out with a roundabout blow.

"It's not a bad move!"

Big Dipper was delighted to see Lie Xin, and his hands also condensed elemental power and power, and in the posture of catching waves, he directly slashed obliquely, crosswise, and knife!


There was a loud noise, and the two epee swords swung at full strength clashed heavily, making a deafening sound, and the thunder elemental power attached to the swords shot out in all directions, emitting a blazing brilliance like an arc.

Both of them were bounced away by the counter-shock force, they lowered their bodies like a mirror image, stopped their steps, and then stood up and fought together.

Next, it became a rare rhythm of Jiang Yan's rush to move and Beidou's defense.

The lightning sword that he swung quickly, and Jiang Yan's counter-attack burst based on the Chidori style, made Jiang Yan's sword skills as slippery as a hedgehog.

It was the first time I saw this kind of tactics, Beidou had no good way to fight back for a while.

After another futile scramble, Beidou simply poured all the elemental power into the sword, and launched the unique skill he was proud of:

"Fight well, you are already qualified to experience the power to destroy Haishan!"

The flying Thunder Snake surrounded the Big Dipper Sword, becoming denser and denser until the Thunder Snake turned into a ball of light, and the huge roar of thunder and lightning continued to explode in it.

Surrounded by dazzling thunder, the Big Dipper jumped high.

"Take it!"

Before the sword move arrived, a thunderbolt as thick as a water column had already fallen from the sky, hitting Jiang Yan's head like a curse from heaven.

There is no way to dodge, and there is no need to dodge at all.

Jiang Yan gathered all the elemental power into his whole body, and built a grid to protect his whole body.

And after gathering all the free elemental power of thunder with his hands, he put on the pose that he had been beheaded countless times, which was deeply imprinted in his mind.

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