The huge sword is raised obliquely, knees bent and shoulders lowered, right shoulder and arms, as if carrying a mountain.

When the huge sword on Jiang Yan's shoulder had been dyed dark purple by the heavy thunder elemental power, he gathered all the elemental power and strength of his body, and slashed out from bottom to top with all his strength!

"Che Lei!"

An unreserved sword cut the thunder that fell from the sky into two pieces!

Not only that, the sword that was slashed out with all its strength miraculously cut through the thunder, and the castration did not stop, directly slashing out a sword energy composed of purple thunder, and went straight to the Big Dipper in the sky.

And Beidou, who couldn't change direction in the air, couldn't dodge it in time, so he simply slashed at the sword energy with his blade.

Under the huge roar, the purple sword energy was sliced ​​alive by Beidou.

The powerful thunder and lightning caused pain to Beidou, but did not cause hindrance.

The Big Dipper's momentum remained undiminished, and the slash fell from the sky like the thunder god descending into the world.

The giant sword slashed heavily on Jiang Yan's shoulder, cutting it into two pieces.

"Good boy!"

With this word of approval, the scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

The Big Dipper, who was still not satisfied, jumped high on the Death Omen, drew his sword out of its sheath, drew thunder into the sky, and swung a blow towards the sea.

The powerful sword energy swept across the thunderstorm and slapped Hai Mian's body, causing a huge wave to hit her face.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Beidou laughed heartily, it was an extremely happy thing for a warrior to swing his sword to his heart's content.

"Why is eldest sister crazy?" The crew members of the Southern Cross Fleet whispered to each other.

"I don't know, I found the treasure in my dream."

And Jiang Yan also opened his eyes, sat cross-legged, and calmed down his fiery mood.

I think, I should be qualified, so come on!

Excessive preparation will only make people lose courage.

"Summon, Lei Ze!"

The gray-haired boy, the brown hooded vest and green shorts that are easy to move, the ceremonial mace decoration, the giant sword that doesn't fit his figure, and the wild red pupils, this is Lei Ze's first impression of Jiang Yan.

"Running to the wolf, fearless, trial, practice"

Having not talked to humans for a long time, Lei Ze's pronunciation is somewhat hindered, but the eyes and will of a warrior are enough to communicate.

Jiang Yan silently pulled out the long sword behind his back, feeling the changes in his physical fitness.

Lei Ze's elemental power is sufficient, his spirit and will are pure and powerful, and a great will is watching him.

Although I don't have it, it's not important. The right way for a person is to attribute great power to oneself.

At this time, words are superfluous, and dialogue with swords is what warriors should do.

Heavy chopping, swinging up the knife, backing the sword, turning the body vertically, and horizontally slashing, the tried-and-tested Spray Knight's true Western Wind swordsmanship cannot be compensated by wild intuition. After a few rounds, Jiang Yan has already taken the initiative.

Lei Ze also tried to use Thunder Claw to regain the initiative, but Jiang Yan, who had been prepared for a long time, never entered the attack range of Thunder Claw.

The knife is 1.2 meters long, and the attack range is about 1.8 meters. The normal attack distance of Thunder Claw is only 1.2 meters. Jiang Yan stubbornly keeps the distance between the two people at about 1.5 meters. to attack.

Jiang Yan's footsteps kept making small steps, and the arduous duel with Ke Qing gave Jiang Yan a lot of experience in controlling the distance.

And Lei Ze's increasingly bored expression meant that the prey had gradually entered the trap.

Sure enough, Lei Ze, who couldn't accept the slow death, suddenly raised his hand and struck down, and the lightning covered him within two meters.

And Jiang Yan jumped back slightly, jumping out of the radiation range of the lightning strike.

The huge sword was raised obliquely, the elemental power was condensed in both hands, and it just cut off the thunder and lightning's move, waiting for its prey.

The next moment, Jiang Yan fulfilled his wish and saw Lei Ze jumping high, Zidian circled the sword, and slashed with a jump that was as fast as a galloping wolf.

It's the same as the hundreds of drills before, and the same steps as the hundreds of counterattacks.

Hold the knife, infuse the force of the thunder element to pull, pull, and swing the sword backhand with all your strength!

The stunt called catching waves is Jiang Yan's most familiar move since he learned the art. He lost his life hundreds of times, and in exchange for a simple move, he easily destroyed Lei Ze's center of gravity.

Lei Ze's wild intuition was crazily calling the police, and he let go and fell back, but how could Jiang Yan let go of the prey who stepped into the trap?

Relying on his keen intuition, he avoided the ending of slashing in half, but this thunderous slash that condensed Jiang Yan's full strength still slashed open his chest heavily, and blood spattered.

"Huh? It's all cut like this, so I won't count?"

Jiang Yan was very surprised, such a big cut on his chest would not work?

I saw Lei Ze leaning down, growling like a wild beast.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The powerful thunder element force surrounded his body, scorching the wound on his chest, temporarily sealing the wound, and a purple wolf spirit emerged from his back.

He raised his head and stared at Jiang Yan, his fierce red eyes were full of blood and greed.

Bend down, pounce forward, and the sharp claws formed by the elemental force are there in an instant.

"BKB doesn't even have one, so you're so freaked out with me?"

Not intimidated by Lei Ze's wild stunts, Jiang Yan, who has made great achievements with one blow, has already adapted to this rhythm in the long-term battle with Di Luke.

Lightning flashed, and the Lightning Sword reappeared, and the two exchanged more than a dozen moves in the blink of an eye.

The elemental power is fine, but Jiang Yan's arm is already sore.

"No wonder he doesn't play swords when he uses skills, it's too much work"

Jiang Yan kicked Lei Ze's discarded two-handed sword away with one kick, then swung his left hand, and a lightning strike flew out.

Lei Ze turned his head to avoid this move, but saw that Jiang Yan had already used the Lei Qie's traction, and a straight thrust from the second stage accelerated towards his face.

It was too late to block, so he could only turn around and let the two pass by.

Jiang Yan did not slow down, but took advantage of the momentum to rush ten meters away before turning around and standing still.

The wound that Lei Ze had sealed just now had already opened up again after the fierce confrontation. Now he is insisting entirely on a wild ruthlessness.

But this kind of persistence, under Jiang Yan's shameless Lei Qie kite, there is no good way, but to rely on the speed of the wolf to continue chasing.

Finally, after more than a dozen rounds of positions, Lei Ze finally forced Jiang Yan to the arena.

At this time, Lei Ze's physical strength no longer allowed him to do too many tricks.

Leaning down, Lei Ze looked like a giant wolf formed by thunder, gathering momentum, and pounced forward!

The fangs and sharp claws created by Thunder will surely tear each other apart, Lei Ze firmly believes.

And Jiang Yan also changed from being chased and beaten in a hurry, and straightened his body, and the prey finally reached the final trap.

Although there is nothing wrong with the death of the kite, but the victory has already been obtained, why bother to tarnish the gains of both sides with a torture game?

Wouldn't it be better to draw a perfect ending with special skills?

Raise the sword, pour all the power of the thunder element, pour all the power.

Imagine an omnipotent self, imagine a fearless self.

Countless failures and setbacks have made me stronger than ever, and sweet fruits are ahead.

"Destroy the seamount!" Jiang Yan leaped high.

There is no great power of Beidou, no thunder that pierces the world, but the strong will still endows this move with the same soul.

The blade of the sword surrounded by the thunder dragon split the giant wolf formed by the thunder element force into two pieces.

Moreover, the sword continued to chop heavily on Lei Ze's shoulder, deep into the bone.

The purple crystal butterfly floated out of Lei Ze's body and divided into two, one floated into Jiang Yan's body, and the other floated back into Lei Ze's body.

The scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

Jiang Yan got up from the bed, tapped his fingers, and the electric light flickered.

There are still mountains and mountains ahead, but there are no obstacles in my heart.

The refactoring of this chapter has been completed, please refresh the second brush

Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Is there something wrong with showing off the big move in front of the original owner?

Jiang Yan, who felt that he was in a fortress, lasted for 12 hours, and was scolded by the master at night.Only then did I realize that if I don't have a golden finger, I'm afraid it's almost meaningless to want to practice a kung fu in a short time.

"Do you want to poke the dates or look at the melon fields?"

"Huo! The strength is not small, the port is short of people to resist the sandbags."

"Are your hands two pliers? Can you move them in conjunction with the movement?"

"Can Shou defend the opponent to death? Why don't you put on a tortoise shell? Isn't it more invincible?"

Pavilion Master Yang looked at Jiang Yan's marksmanship and was furious. His talent was astonishing, and the apprentice who forcibly tricked him just didn't work hard on marksmanship.I don't know how to practice, the gun frame is tightly guarded (Drill: I poked it out), and I couldn't hold it for a long time. I learned from the turtle fairy?

But when it comes to attacking, there are no rules and tricks, is that okay?If he didn't pass on the mantle earlier, and wait for his swordsmanship to become famous, how could he have the nerve to flirt with his former colleagues?Teach an apprentice who is good at Yunlai swordsmanship?Who believes it?

In a hurry, he exerted all his energy, and helix forcefully drilled through Jiang Yan's defensive frame, stabbed Jiang Yan's shoulder, exploded at the tip of the gun with a strong rounding force, and sat down on the ground directly.

"Practice your marksmanship for me, and don't practice your swordsmanship until you have mastered your offensive posture!" The old man kicked Jiang Yan out the door with a beard and a stare.

Jiang Yan went out in disgrace, but he was not angry. The owner said there was no problem. This marksmanship study really had to be added to the schedule. Otherwise, he would not be able to gather the wool of a pile of spears. How could he take off?

At present, I have some elemental power in each of mine, rock and fire. How should I put it, the rock element is enough to support myself as a shield, the fire element is enough to ignite and throw two fire swords, the thunder element is enough for 3 rounds of thunder, that's all.

This level of risky lighting is enough, and I'm afraid it's not good enough to fight.

I am not far from becoming an adult, so I need at least one specialization to go to various secret realms. Otherwise, would I be working so hard just to tear down two towers to hide my merits and fame, or to die on a hot air balloon?

And if you think about it carefully, the soft persimmons in the youth group are almost the same.

Xiangling is easy to fight if he doesn't bring a demon;

Although Chongyun is not very good at the Taoism system, but the long-term battle with Yula, Bing Dajian really does not hesitate;

In the end, of course, I was thinking about Xingqiu who was still beating up violently. This is a long-term plan.

Then, it is such a happy decision, just need to learn guns, first find Lei Shen to learn guns, and then torture Xiangling!

To be honest, Jiang Yan was a little hypocritical about Naruto who summoned Dao's wife.

The power of ruling in the world is not just a joke. If there is any skill to expose the vest, I am afraid that I will be cold.

But as far as I know, Dao's wife is currently in seclusion, and this god is a 24K dead house, even if he finds out, he won't be able to kill Liyue, so what are you afraid of?

I dare not invite myself under Yanshen's eyes;

Fengshen was running around, maybe he would be stolen overnight after being invited;

The other gods are not familiar at all;

This is the only chance to learn from Qishen.

No windfall, no wealth, let's go!

"Call, Baal!"

The beauty in rice wife's costume with long purple braids slowly emerged from the void.

Wearing a purple kimono embroidered with gentian flowers, with sleeves hanging down to the ankles;

The waist is tied with a red belt and purple waist rope, with gold and purple tassels hanging on both sides of the black stockings.

His chest was not tightened, like a black hole that attracted all eyes.

"Aren't I already dead? What year is this eve? Martial arts competition? Why don't you find my sister in the martial arts competition?"

It's completely different from the game information Jiang Yan got. The very gentle voice and expression really make me feel sorry for him.

"Wait, sister? Is there something wrong?" Jiang Yan suddenly found a strange word.

But before the words fell, the purple light flashed, and the unsheathed dream came head-on with the prestige of purple light.

Jiang Yan hurriedly braced the incoming sword, but the elemental force gathered on the sword was so strong that it seemed to be real. Jiang Yan, who had never experienced such a strong elemental force confrontation, was completely unable to adapt. The strong elemental force hedged him away in an instant.

When he stabilized his figure, he saw Baer flipping back from the air like a purple butterfly, and seemed to lightly wave the divine sword in his hand towards the sky.

Before he had time to react, Jiang Yan instinctively gathered a huge amount of thunder elemental force on his sword, when he saw a thick pillar of thunder falling from the sky and hitting the top of his head.

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