
Synchronizing with the opponent's physical fitness, Jiang Yan can mobilize almost endless thunder element power at this moment.

Driven by the powerful elemental power, the sword in Jiang Yan's hand shot thunderously, and Jiang Yan swung violently into the air, cutting the thunder pillar directly!

However, this thunder pillar is just the beginning;

In the blink of an eye, thunderstorms came one after another, turning the entire secret realm into a dazzling white light.

With the blade alone, it has long been impossible to cut off this thunderstorm like a torrential rain.

Jiang Yan can only use powerful elemental force to spread out a grid from the body surface to surround the whole body for protection.

However, he had just successfully activated the huge thunder elemental force in his body, but what came oncoming was a thunder blade that traversed the entire field.

What is the taste of a 40-meter broadsword?Jiang Yan has tasted it now. There is no need to think about dodging this kind of trick. The speed at the end is almost beyond the range that the eyes can catch.

If you can't stop it, you will die!Jiang Yan had no choice but to rush the duck to the shelf temporarily, and learned this trick, accumulating elemental power with both hands, condensing it into a giant lightning blade, and using the same horizontal swing and vertical chop to parry and block.

Fortunately, in his body, he had some remaining memories of skills and moves, so Jiang Yan barely blocked this move.

However, looking at the thunder snakes shooting out from the sword and the dissipating thunder and lightning, and then looking at the opponent's light saber, the control of the elemental power of the two is unreasonable.

Sure enough, after a few rounds, Jiang Yan was cut into several sections by a thunder net that fell from the sky.


The scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Yan scratched his head.

dead?younger sister?Could this be General Thunder and his sister?

Is Goldfinger that tall?Can the dead be summoned?

Didn't it mean that his sister's martial arts were weak?Who is weaker than?Ultraman?

Jiang Yan, who had been tortured by blood, was full of question marks in his head at the moment.

After calming down and thinking about it carefully, Jiang Yan realized that the rumors and plot were unreliable.

First of all, her younger sister was talking about her weak martial arts skills, but that was compared to her younger sister, Dao Wife's martial arts ancestor. Most people are not even worthy of the word "weak";

Secondly, the god position is not given away, but granted by Tianli. Since the heart of God was first on the elder sister, it shows that Tianli believes that the elder sister should be the god of thunder.

Regardless of whether the so-called "suicide" was true or not, Dao's wife at that time, with other demon gods still alive, could it be guaranteed that her sister would be killed?

In other words, the elder sister with "weak martial arts" must have greater elemental power than the younger sister, at least at the level of cutting a canyon with one sword.

I must have found the wrong person, the one who summoned was my sister who had been conferred the godhood.

With the strength of this thunder element force, where do you need moves?

Sorry, I made a typo, start over!

"Call, Balzebub!"

After the master came out, Jiang Yan realized that there was indeed a slight difference between the two.

Lei Yingying, that is, Balzebu, has a large gentian flower on his head as a decoration, perhaps to distinguish him from his sister;

At the same time, her left sleeve only reaches the arm, and the corresponding shoulder protection is added, which should be for the convenience of wielding the naginata of Inamitsu.

But before he could pay more attention, he saw Balzebu sneer, and countless memories and endless martial arts skills suddenly popped up in Jiang Yan's mind, which almost exploded his head in an instant.

If Qianyan marksmanship has QWER, Lei Movie's skill is a Xinhua dictionary.

Moves, skills, application of elemental forces, bursts, rhythm.

The countless skills made Jiang Yan feel that his head was about to explode like a watermelon in the next moment.

It hurts, it hurts too much!

At this moment, Jiang Yan just wanted to let go of his mind, and hasten to do his best to escape from here no matter whether he wins or loses.

But in this state, how could it be possible to concentrate all your strength?

Soon, his vision became blurred, and all kinds of powerful enemies, moves, and skills swayed in his mind.

Even if Jiang Yan condenses the thunder elemental force all over his body, the huge elemental force cannot be exhausted no matter how he uses it;

After invoking, they cheered and gathered around and within the body, as if this body was the will and incarnation of Thunder.

Is there any way to free yourself?Think quickly!

Suddenly, in Jiang Yan's mind, the powerful move that Barr killed him just now appeared.

Why are there two copies of memory?do not care.

Giving up thinking, Jiang Yan followed the memory in his body and mind, pointed his naginata to the sky, and reproduced the most powerful force in his body.

Thunder suddenly struck, and the empty sky in the arena was suddenly agitated by wind and clouds.

In the blink of an eye, the color of the cloud layer became darker and thicker, and the purple lightning rice light surged and continuously emerged in it.

As the naginata swayed, the clouds gradually spiraled down, and within a few moments, it was like a huge funnel.

The power far beyond Jiang Yan's control made Jiang Yan like fallen leaves in a storm, and the elemental power abundant in the entire secret realm roared and trembled.

Jiang Yan doesn't know if this move can kill someone, but with this poor degree of control, he will definitely kill himself.

Of course, this is better. At this moment, he just wants to escape from this arena and make a long-term plan.

Release it!Release it!The activation ciphertext sleeping in the body was awakened by a powerful force, broke through Jiang Yan's abdominal cavity, and roared out.

"God's punishment has arrived, the thunder and lightning judgment!"

The clouds shattered, and countless lightning nets poured down like a torrential rain.

Although this kind of technique with fragmented control is powerful, it is not a threat to the real gods.

But from the beginning of the rolling of the clouds, Lei Movie has broken her expression that has not changed for hundreds of years.

After pulling out Dream Yixin from her chest and accumulating strength, she quietly watched the formation of the clouds and the entire skill with eyes full of nostalgia.

As soon as the clouds fell, the powerful Wuxiang crossed the space with a single knife, directly splitting Jiang Yan in half.

The scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

However, Jiang Yan found that he had not returned to reality, and the Yixin Pure Land he was familiar with in the game was in front of him.

Jiang Yan, who found himself pulled back, was stunned.

I pulled you from Yixin Pure Land to the arena, and you pulled me to Yixin Pure Land in the arena. What kind of matryoshka relationship is this?

Where is my plug-in?Where did my big cheater go?

Just when Jiang Yan was doubting his life, Ying's naginata was already on his neck, and he asked anxiously without any calmness in the game:

"Speak! God's judgment of punishment has never been taught to her, where did you come from?"

Lei Movie's breathing was very rapid, and the blade was trembling constantly, wanting to know, but not wanting to know the answer.

She developed this move because she was worried about the safety of her sister who was weak in martial arts, and only her sister's huge elemental power could drive it.

Although she herself can also use the reduced version of this trick, but the elements are used differently.

The original version of my sister has never been taught to others, how does this mortal know?

"My lord general, you may not believe it when I say it, but I just heard it from your sister."

Jiang Yan finally found out that he was too good at playing. He was hacked to death in Yixin Pure Land. It is hard to say whether he can be resurrected by Goldfinger.

And this is not something that needs to be concealed, so I just follow my heart immediately.

"Is there such power in this secret realm? Um, um, can you take me to see it? Thank you very much."

Lei Movie was a little worried about gains and losses, hesitated for a long time, and finally asked.

"I can only choose the opponent to fight, and I cannot bring people there. The power of this secret realm is boundless, and I cannot create or modify it."

This Jiang Yan really has no choice, he has long wanted to return to the factory with this broken golden finger, is it okay to get a piece of elemental power and be hacked to death at least 100 times?

For other systems, just shout "Dark Blue, add it to me!" and you will be invincible.

And now, it was cracked violently by the aborigines?Really poor and weak.

"It's okay, let me borrow your sword for now. After I'm ready, you can challenge my sister with this sword."

As Lei Movie talked, he sheathed his dream wholeheartedly and handed it to Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan looked at this divine sword that mortals had dreamed of for a long time, but it seemed as if a thousand alpacas flew by in his mind.

If I didn't understand the "plot", I would really believe in your evil.

What's the difference between you and the big guy hiding in the suitcase and rubbing the plane?

And with this sword, I still have my privacy?

If one day you feel that I am an eternal enemy, will this sword come out of its sheath automatically as you walk, and send me to heaven?

But, to be honest, Jiang Yan really didn't dare to disagree. He was hacked to death in Yixin Pure Land, who knows if he can be resurrected?

Don't look at Ying's voice very softly, but the demons and ghosts under her hands plus human lives, it is estimated that everything is counted.

reject her?If you don't accept this sword, you will probably eat this sword in the next moment.

"It's a great honor, I'm missing a magic weapon."



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Chapter 16 No.16 Is it a mistake to bring a USB flash drive to the arena?

What is hope?Shadow has not had it for a long time.Realization or disillusionment, they are eternal enemies.However, the stranger who called himself from the pure land of Yixin to the secret realm easily shattered Ying's state of mind with a hope.

She was meditating on the pure land, and suddenly found that her body and memory had been copied, which came from the power of the rules. If Ying hadn't personally copied her memory to create General Thunder, she would be familiar with the feeling of copying. , really can't find this.

With a thought, the mind traced away and invested in this replica, only to find that someone actually used his body and memory to simulate a battle. "Irreverent", Ying was angry at this uninvited lunatic who dared to desecrate his memory. He was about to break open this secret realm, but found that the opponent he was fighting was not a puppet of memory and instinct, but through this People who learn martial arts in this way, still have this way to learn?What's the use of learning the dragon-slaying skill if it's not your own body?interesting.

As a puppet master, Lei Yingying understood the rules here in a blink of an eye. This space is not a secret realm, but a spiritual space. After digitizing the summoner's body and memory, copy a copy to fight. After the battle, The newly added memory will be sent back to the original owner of the body, saving the amount of data, similar to the method of Tuomeng.In order to avoid memory disorder, the operator only took the data and memory of the body's instincts, but if he wins, since the data source comes from the operator himself, he can take the opportunity to copy a small amount of elemental force and memory data, because the other party has no Loss, you can bypass the supervision of heaven.

"Like learning martial arts? Then let you learn enough." Thinking of this, Ying sneered, and used the method of synchronizing data with General Thunder to transfer all his martial arts memories to the puppet opposite.Sure enough, the thief was overwhelmed by memory in a blink of an eye. How dare a mortal with naked eyes covet the body of a god?Burning out the brain and becoming an idiot, it would be a good ending to copy an idiot's memory and bring it back.

But the most astonishing thing happened to Ying in hundreds of years. This thief actually used his sister's stunt?Was it he who once stole his sister's memory?Where did you steal it from?

Is my sister's memory still archived in Tianli?Can this memory be copied back?Resurrect my sister on the divine body?Thinking of this, Lei Yingying, whose heart is like an ancient well, immediately trembled with excitement. For 500 years, he has missed his sister all the time.

Meng Meng directly ended the victory or defeat of the secret realm with a knife, and followed the flow of memory, and when the memory just returned to the body, he forcibly pulled the thief into his pure land of one heart.How can the power of a god be guessed by ordinary people?It's a pity that this thief obviously has nothing to do with the pioneers of this space, he is just a lucky user, but it doesn't matter, I have already memorized the wave path of that space, using my saber as a carrier, and using the same data model. Minor revisions will certainly be able to take advantage of the trend.

Jiang Yan opened his eyes and saw Dream Yixin at hand, with a wry smile on his face, every Yasuo player must die in the waves, catch others to practice with him all day long, and he was indeed punished by God, why can't he think about it and have to go to the Seven Gods to learn art?The mouse finds a cat as a tutor, is the research fatal?Now I have no choice, all I have to do is to smell if this knife smells like milk, ah no, I will do as the boss said.

To be honest, it's not that I don't want to hear it, but I'm really afraid that the knife will suddenly unsheath itself and send me to heaven...

Closing his eyes and gritting his teeth, Jiang Yan inserted the dream of cutting the blade into his chest with all his heart. There was no pain, and the blade was directly integrated into the body, and then he meditated, adapted, and merged.Only in this way can the shadow's consciousness be smuggled into the space.

After a period of time, the fluctuations calmed down immediately, and a gentle voice came out from his chest, "It's ok", Jiang Yan fell into a deep sleep and was about to call "Summon, Thor Baal!" Hey, why did I say the abbreviation so cheaply?Jiang Yan regretted it, but he didn't know that if he hadn't pronounced this abbreviation, he would have been turned into an idiot by the shadow.

"Sister..." A trembling voice came from his chest with nostalgia, and the sad tone almost made people cry.

"Isn't I already dead? What year is it? Martial arts? Martial arts contest? Why don't you find my sister?" Thunder God Baal, that is, Lei Dianzhen, because people are dead, there is nowhere to return memories, and there is no last fight at all. memory.Frowning his beautiful brows directly, he pulled out his unshaven dream.

"Jiang Yan also drew her blade out of its sheath, and the dream of opening the blade flashed with lightning, which attracted the attention of Lei Dianzhen, but the unconsciousness of self-consciousness made her directly clear the way of the direct thunder and start fighting.

"Persevere, I'm trying to copy the memory." Meng Yi's voice came out in a hurry.The sky above the castle tower is constantly thundering, Ying has mobilized all his strength, and the heart of God that was urgently retrieved from the hand of Yae Shenzi has been fully activated. Although he can use his dreams to peek into the situation in the space, the main body has no carrier in the space. , still can't enter, and can't copy my sister's memory, and in the secret realm, even if I try my best, I can't open the One Heart Pure Land in the digital space.For a while there was nothing to do.

While racking his brains, Jiang Yan had already been cut in two by a sword that traversed the arena, and the scene dissipated and turned into pieces.In the blink of an eye, Jiang Yan was pulled to Yixin Pure Land again.

In the pure land of his heart, Ying stared at this waste material thief with big beautiful eyes.Happiness is to see her sister's voice and smile again after being away for 500 years, annoyed about the incompetence of herself and this good-for-nothing.What is more frustrating than hope is that I can't find a way to copy it back when I see that what I have been pursuing for hundreds of years is right in front of me

"Master General, please calm down. I have also done some research on this secret realm. Let's talk about it and see if there is any good way to do it." A machine that is not connected to the Internet does not have a USB flash drive, and Jiang Yan has no idea.

Ying communicated his own understanding with Jiang Yan, and Jiang Yan also explained his experience in the secret realm in detail. After winning, he could only copy a fragment the size of a crystal butterfly, which could not carry the huge information of the whole person's body + memory.

"You go to defeat an opponent that can already be defeated, I need to test the idea." However, the information that defeating the doll will become digitalized gave Yingxin inspiration.

Poor Bennett was beaten up again. Now Jiang Yan can easily defeat him without any tricks. In the blink of an eye, the scene shattered into nothingness

Back in Yixin Pure Land, Ying held a ball of light in his hand, with an excited expression on his face.

"I copied this when you defeated the puppet and transformed into a data mode. Once you defeat your sister, when she changes into a data form, I can temporarily copy the data into Meng Yixin, and then transfer the data to the general's body." "

"I can't beat it, my lord general. I'm so incapable of defeating my predecessor, Thor." You said it simply, have you seen your sister's 40-meter broadsword?Jiang Yan overturned the tea table in his heart.

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