"I have made up my mind to hand over Liyue to mortals."

Did I make a mistake in retiring in Liyue: Chapter 211Chapter 204 Did I make a mistake in the self-examination?

Dijun's opening lightning strike stunned all the immortals, and even secretly opened their eyes to confirm if it was him.

It's really me, not a fake.

There is no one who can wash the emperor's brain.

However, the emperor wants to hand over Liyue, which he has protected for 3000 years, to mortals?That is why ah?

"Think twice, the emperor, how can a mortal He De take on this important task?" It was Zhenjun who cut the moon and built the sun to break the deadlock.

And Morax just shook his head and said:

"As you just said, I have spent more than 6000 years in the world, and it was 700 years ago that I established Liyue with you."

Having said that, Morax, in the form of the divine costume, scanned everyone present with his golden eyes.

The immortals who were happily gossiping about the emperor just now lowered their heads in shame in the face of this majestic gaze.

"The rock that the vortex can't break will also wear away under the erosion of time. It's just that I have been convincing myself that the day when the cracks are worn out has not yet come."

"Until a light rainy day, I was strolling in the port, and heard a businessman complimenting his subordinates: "You have completed your duty. Now, go and rest.""

"At that time, I stopped for a long time among the people passing by, and I kept asking myself: "My duty...has it been completed yet?""

"Recently, I learned from Gan Yu that another old friend completed the contract he had been waiting for for thousands of years."

"I decided to terminate this initial contract while everything is still under control."

Hearing the emperor's heartfelt words, all the immortals were silent.

Wear and tear is the nightmare of Tivat's long-lived species, and the mighty Dragon King Ruo Tuo, who is so powerful that he can shake the sky and shake the earth, cannot escape this catastrophe.

Tenglong Flying Scale, although the life expectancy is longer than the mountain, it will be ashes in the end.

The emperor has been in the world for more than [-] years, and he will soon be worn out, and it is very possible to think about it.

It is only natural to start arranging the affairs of the afterlife now.

Thinking of this, all the immortals felt pain in their hearts, and secretly vowed that they would let the emperor have no worries, and return to heaven with a smile on their souls.

? ? ?Morax saw that everyone was saying farewell, and everything he was planning to say was suppressed.

I just want to retire, what are you guys grieving about?

I am indeed worn out, but at least I can live long enough to send you all away...

Seeing that the atmosphere of the scene was about to turn into a posture of lying down and explaining to the immortals inexplicably, Morax quickly changed the subject:

"The immortals don't need to be in a hurry. Before I step down as a god, I must confirm that this land of walking with the gods is ready to enter the next era."

"So, all the immortal families are invited to discuss how to design a coming-of-age ceremony for Liyue."

"Only through this coming-of-age ceremony can it represent that mortals can truly deal with future challenges independently."

Unexpected problems caused difficulties for the immortals who had little contact with mortals.

"Let mortals suppress a demon god remnant?"

"It's not right, it's too simple. The popularity of the fairy family talismans has greatly increased the power of mortals, and some residues are nothing to fear."

"But the Demon God War has been over for thousands of years, and there are no unsealed Demon Gods in Liyue Territory who are causing trouble everywhere."

"Broken layer rock giant abyss?"

"No, the power of the abyss is too weird, you can't try it for the sake of trial, and kill people indiscriminately."

Everyone thought about it, but there was no good way, and finally turned their attention to the only human being present.

Jiang Yan didn't expect that the matter would come full circle and return to the original point.

Although I know the plot, it would be too nonsensical to say it now.

Could it be said: "Dijun, you only need to ask Xian Dianyi to fall down with a slap, and naturally there will be a Zhidong fool who will hate him and let Oser come out as Liyue mortal's graduation exam question?"

In other words, it is likely that the head trauma will be healed by the immortal method.

In fact, Jiang Yan has been thinking about this matter for a long time. The original script of the emperor's fake death, and the mortals who were kept in the dark during the whole process, are actually not happy.

The ubiquitous protection, although it is the protection of the celestial beings, is also a symbol of uneasiness.

It directly led to the fact that until the mortals faced off against the demon gods like Bajia, the immortals still made backup plans in case the mortals were defeated, and they were never at ease.

Now that I have myself, I can't change anything.

Create a big scene to prove the strength of mortals to the Xian family.

When it's time to push back, let the immortals sit in the Qunyu Pavilion to watch the enemy disappear, and joke about "the children have already broken the thief".

This is the real "era of rule of man", and it is also the meaning of my hard work in martial arts.

Jiang Yan organized his language, and said confidently:

"Dijun, teachers, why don't we leave the problem to human beings? Let us raise our own expectations."

"How high the goal is, it is bravery"

"How to achieve the goal is wisdom"

"The degree of completion is up to you"

"How the Seven Stars and Qianyan Army behaved is a gift"

"How is the public atmosphere, it is for righteousness"

"If courage, wisdom, strength, etiquette, and righteousness are all prepared, the emperor and all the teachers must be able to rest assured."

"If it doesn't work, it's better to practice more in the next few years."

The well-founded speech made the emperors, immortals, and Gan Yu all nodded their heads.

True Monarch Moon Cutter and Sunrise raised his head proudly, his disciples are really giving him face.

"Alright, Gan Yu, you can tell Liyue Seven Stars about this later." Morax was also very satisfied with Jiang Yan's solution.

Morax's initial plan was to feign death to escape, in the most drastic way, to test the behavior of mortals after losing their gods.

This method is direct and effective, but there are many hidden dangers.

First, a sudden drastic change, a single carelessness would bring huge damage to Liyue, which was not what he wanted.

Second, once Mortal's performance fails to meet his expectations, he is forced to come out and clean up the mess.Then this scene of fake death and resurrection is too embarrassing in front of the gods of the other six countries.

Especially once it is known to Barbatos and compiled into poems and sung, the consequences will be disastrous.

Recently, I learned that he even arranges his own family members, it is really frenzied.

Now let mortals direct and act on their own, and immortals live under the stage to escort them, which is exactly what he wants.

"Emperor, can you tell Seven Stars about your future immortal residence?" Gan Yu finally asked a key question.

Gan Yu is not particularly optimistic about the emperor's transfer of power.

Dijun's prestige in Liyue can only be described as Dijun or Liyue.

The emperor itself is a symbol of power, even if it is handed over, no immortals or mortals will be able to catch it.

Even if Dijun hid in the Absolute Cloud Room.

But when Qixing disagrees, the first thing that comes to mind is to seek the emperor's arbitration.

When the rest of the people are dissatisfied with Qixing, they will definitely think of looking for the emperor to judge.

Morax naturally understood what Gan Yu meant, and at first he planned to feign death to get away with this in mind.

But right now there is a better way, the story has been compiled for me, so I might as well use it.

"Just as you said before, convey that "the emperor rides a white horse and goes away month by month". "


I didn't make up for the one I owed, I will work hard tomorrow

Did I Make a Mistake in Retiring in Liyue: Chapter 212 Chapter 205 Did I Make a Mistake?

Jiang Yan and Gan Yu, who returned to Liyue Port from the meeting of immortals with the emperor's "Leave Letter", were in completely different states of mind.

Jiang Yan is full of ambition, eagerly waiting to show his strength.

As for Gan Yu, the atmosphere of hesitation and confusion almost permeated the whole person.

As soon as she set foot in Liyue Port, Gan Yu whispered to Jiang Yan:

"Junior Brother Jiang, it's up to you to report back and forth to Master Ningguang, I still have important matters to deal with." After finishing speaking, he walked away quickly.

Is this going to prepare and take stock of supplies?Really reliable.

Jiang Yan didn't take it seriously, and went directly to the General Affairs Department, and found Ke Qing who was processing the paperwork.

Naturally, such top-level secrets cannot be disclosed in a place like the Department of General Affairs.

"Keqing, come with me, there is a big matter, we need to discuss it with Ningguang." Jiang Yan went straight to the point without saying a word.

"Okay, right now."

Ke Qing, who was vigorous and resolute, saw that Jiang Yan's expression did not seem to be joking, and after explaining to his subordinates, he went straight to Qunyu Pavilion with Jiang Yan.

"It's Master Keqing and Jiang Yan. Master Ningguang is receiving guests. Do you have an appointment?"

The passers-by saw Ke Qing and Jiang Yan hurrying over, and hurriedly greeted them.

"It's an urgent matter, let her send the guests away," Jiang Yan said bluntly.

Ke Qing's attitude was so firm that even Ke Qing looked sideways at him. What happened to such an extent?The sky is falling?

A few minutes later, the two arrived at Qunyu Pavilion on the pumice stone. Ningguang, whose conversation was interrupted, was waiting for the two of them on the desk, and the tea on the table had not yet been taken away.

Seeing Jiang Yan walking over in a hurry, Ningguang said unhurriedly:

"For you, I just turned down a business worth several million moras. I hope that the "urgency" you brought me has such a high value. "

However, her "unhurried and unhurried" only lasted 1 minute. After Jiang Yan broke the news, Ning Guang and Ke Qing were completely shocked.

The emperor rides a white horse and goes away month by month?

Leave a message to let mortals prove that mortals have the ability to protect Liyue under the supervision of the immortals, and the method is self-made?

If all goes well, give Liyue to mortals completely?

And leave a book?

Unbelievably, Ke Qing and Ning Guang opened the emperor's book.

The letterhead is very simple, only 28 large characters:

"Wanshan does not allow a stream to run, and the sound of the stream is blocked day and night. At the foot of the Qiantou mountain, the majestic stream flows out of Qiancun."

There is no signing, the emperor does not need to sign.

It is completely different from the usual clear and strict style of writing. This poem is written in a flying style, full of freedom and ease after unloading the burden.

Checking the letters countless times to confirm the handwriting and seals were all written by the emperor himself, and only then did the two of them accept the fact that the sky was falling.

"God-sent opportunity, God-sent opportunity!" Ke Qing blushed with excitement, clenched her fists, and the light in her eyes was dazzling.

God is pitiful, since she took the role of Yuheng, she has sought to prove the ability of mortals in various ways, and strive to obtain the right of autonomy from the hands of the gods.

But even in her smoothest conception, through her decades of hard work, the emperor can let go of the general affairs.

But now, a messenger knocked on the door and told her "Hello, an ownerless Liyue Port is looking for you!"

Who can bear such a surprise!

However, Ningguang was not so optimistic. While excited, she felt like walking on eggshells.

Different from Keqing who is only in charge of the land and also takes care of the Qianyan Army;

Liyue and seven stars, the power of heaven is respected.

She clearly knows that the emperor and the immortals seem to be out of the ordinary, but they are actually shouldering such a big mission and task.

Who will make up for such a big void of responsibility?

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