"I see, you guys are doing well. Now, go and rest."

Even rocks feel tired occasionally, and at this moment Morax just wants to be alone.

"Looking up at the bright moon, all kinds of feelings are in it. This feeling and this scene are like the stars shining on me, and I wish to chase the moonlight."

After Jiang Yan and Gan Yu resigned, the lights in the main hall of Yujingtai where the emperor was alone remained on for a long time, until the bright moon fell into the sea and the east was white.


After handing over the task, Jiang Yan and Gan Yu walked out of Yujing Terrace, Gan Yu hurriedly bid farewell and rushed to Yuehai Pavilion to continue working.

After herding sheep for several days, the accumulated work must have equaled my height.

At this time, Jiang Yan's advantage of having no official position is reflected.

With nothing to do, he comfortably went to Wanmin Hall where Xiangling was not there to have breakfast, ordered a large portion for Gan Yu, hired someone to send it to Yuehai Pavilion, and then went home to catch up on sleep.

People who can sleep well on a bumpy medium-sized sailboat must be gods, anyway, I can't do it myself.

When I woke up, it was already noon.

Jiang Yan took a souvenir with him, and rushed to the secret realm of the winding path at the foot of Tianheng Mountain, planning to find the master of Moon Cutting and Zhuyang Zhenjun, and practice hard for a period of time.

Since I worshiped my master, I haven't taken a serious day of school. If I practice dishonestly for a while, I'm afraid I will be expelled from the teacher.

Moreover, the original version of Yun Kai Xing Luo had to be learned before inviting Xian Dian Yi.

Ice is very useful against water-type enemies like Oser.

If you don't hurry up and learn the secret of strength, why not use a toothpick like Shuanghuaya to pick Oser's teeth?

True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun happily received his apprentice. After some examinations, he was very pleased to see that the disciple's cultivation progressed very quickly.

Practice progress?Of course it didn't fall.

During the daytime, when the arena was not filled with people, Jiang Yan basically used the posture of exam-oriented education to learn various talismans, spells, and classics.

And by his side, there are always Leiden Zhen, Yae Shenzi, and Xinhai, the top magic masters to guide;

In the evening, Gan Yu and Shen He, who are also from the same lineage of the Immortals, will accompany them to practice. How can this be unpleasant?

After learning about the purpose of his disciple's visit, Zhenjun Qiyue Zhuyang frowned in a rare way.

There are specializations in the art industry, and Zhenjun Mooncutting and Zhuyang is good at talisman, sealing and healing.

But when it comes to elemental force shaping and smashing, he is not very good at it.

Speaking of it, if it was a life-and-death fight, True Monarch Moon Cutting and Zhuyang thought that he might not be able to defeat this disciple in front of him.

Among the three acquainted Zhenjun, the only one who actually killed and killed was Liuyun Borrowing the Wind, who was known as "the Immortal who can't do nothing but escape".

However, after thinking about it for a while, True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun gave up the idea of ​​handing over his disciples to her.

Come on, it's better to invite the emperor to pass on the art.

"Slaying techniques such as rock spears are not masters. Wait for me to ask the emperor to teach you this technique."

And such a good thing?Jiang Yan was immediately excited. Which martial artist wouldn't want the emperor to teach him every move in his dreams?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan nodded hurriedly and looked forward to seeing the master contact the emperor with the communication talisman.

As a result, by chance, Zhenjun Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang put down the talisman and told Jiang Yan: The emperor is out, looking for old friends.

I'm not in a hurry, it's just this time to ask the master patiently for advice and lay a solid foundation.

Although True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun is not good at killing, but when it comes to cultivating immortals, the emperor's first disciple is not joking.

He developed and completed the spells for sealing the Dragon King Ruo Tuo, as well as the extremely powerful large-scale spells such as the method of raising the dead and returning to the bones of the immortals.

In terms of cultivation alone, he is only one step away from the Demon God, but he has not mastered his own laws.

The self-cultivation of Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Yangyang is obviously more suitable for teaching people than the demon gods who are born strong.

Feeling the benefits, Jiang Yan is happily immersed in the ocean of knowledge, ready to start a fantasy life in the mountains without the sun and the moon.

It's a pity that Jiang Yan was interrupted by Gan Yu's visit just after a good day.

"What? All the people in Qingce Village saw an immortal riding a white horse from the bamboo forest of Qingce Mountain to the moon?"

This... is a big deal!


A new volume, sort out the outline, update less today, and make up tomorrow.

Is there something wrong with retiring in Liyue: Chapter 210 Chapter 203 Is there something wrong with the arrangement and leadership

Riding a horse and flying to the moon, isn't it so cool?

Could it be that the emperor just flew to the moon and never returned.

If this is the case, Jiang Yan and Gan Yu have already imagined that a message sent to the emperor sent the two of them to the moon, and they were hanged and beaten by the fairy elders.

Fortunately, after learning about the situation, True Monarch Moon Cutter and Yang Yang did not panic, but said to the two juniors with a smile.

"Is it something we can guess about what the emperor will do? No need to panic, Gan Yu, go back first."

The Emperor Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end. If the immortals do not have important matters, it is difficult to contact him.

There is no sun and moon in the mountains, and it is not uncommon to see them once a year or so.

The true monarch who cuts the moon and builds the sun is used to this.

Hearing what the teacher said was so certain, Jiang Yan and Gan Yu also put aside the matter for the time being in doubt, and continued their work and practice.

Gan Yu has no time to think by working overtime;

And Jiang Yan learns spells during the day, finds Ying and Wendy for high-end rounds in the first half of the night, and finds Shen He Ganyu to practice spells with him in the second half of the night, or exercises the tactical system with Mandrill and Ke Qing.

Dijun's class?Almost forgot.


A week later, the emperor still hadn't returned.

Facing Gan Yu with a sad face, Zhenjun Qiyue Zhuyang still remained calm

"Don't panic, Dijun is just visiting old friends."

"Although we were never told about riding a mysterious white horse to the moon, the emperor must have his own considerations."

"I wait for the immortals, just follow the decree of the law."

After coaxing Gan Yu away again, Zhenjun Qiyue Zhuyang also started pacing back and forth.

When teaching Jiang Yan, inadvertently, his brows became more sad.


Another week later, the emperor still has not returned.

The winding path leads to a secret place, and a group of immortals are watching Jiang Yan and Gan Yu.

"The purpose of summoning all of you today is to discuss a charter with you for the great event of the emperor returning to the moon on a white horse."

The complexion of True Monarch Moon Cutting and Yangyang was solemn, and he was not as calm and calm as he was a few days ago.

The same is true for other immortals. Most of the immortals who are far away in the cloud or Wangshu Inn have just heard Gan Yu describe this matter, and their faces are bewildered.

"Leave the clouds and borrow the wind, you have known the emperor the longest, do you know the inside story?"

Master Liuyun borrowed the wind to tilt his head:

"I don't know either. In the past, I was blessed with the end of the year and lived in Tianhengbei. It was more than three thousand years ago that I met the emperor."

"At this time, the emperor has been protecting the people in Shanhui Village for 3000 years."

"Cutting the moon and building the sun, you are the emperor's disciple, do you know the inside story?" Liuyun borrowed the wind to return the question.

"I don't know, but when I practiced with the emperor in the past, the emperor often poured water on the moon alone, thinking about it." Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Zhuyang recalled.

"Speaking of this, when we signed the contract in Guiliyuan, the name Liyue came from the emperor's mouth, Liyue means "Liyue", so it could be that the emperor commemorated his coming from the Moon Palace. "Zhenjun Lishui Stacked Mountain added.

Everyone chattered, and after the results were obtained, the phenomenon of inversion was almost comparable to Zhihua's "good omens", which were everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, the emperor changed from a wise and mighty god to a bitter lover who descended to Liyue with a heart full of love, and the gossip of the immortals was greatly satisfied.

After all, Dijun's early experience made people curious, and he had never heard a single word of his experience in the past three thousand years.

The high-cold Great Sage Conquering Demons was the only immortal who did not participate in the gossip discussion, but he was also listening attentively.

Jiang Yan and Gan Yu, who also listened intently to the gossip, were quite disillusioned with the elders.

When the immortal gossips, it is no different from the neighbors in the streets and alleys.

"Be quiet, be quiet." Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Zhuyang loudly stopped everyone's continuous drama.

In addition, the history of acquaintance for 3000 years is not enough for them.

"Although the emperor has been gone month by month, I believe that no matter how many years it takes, he will definitely return."

"It's not like abandoning Liyue or the original contract."

"All I have to do is to protect Liyue from the poison of ghosts and gods when the emperor is away, as always."

"After all, the contract we signed is a contract to protect the people of Liyue."

All the immortals nodded and said yes, when the emperor had no time to clone himself, as the emperor's disciple, Zhenjun Changyue Zhuyang often supervised the country on his behalf, and he was quite prestigious among the immortal class.

Next, the immortals will re-divide the areas that need to be supervised and cared for, and the responsibility of the part coordinated by the emperor will be clarified. For deficiencies, mortals will be appointed to increase the frequency of patrols.

Since there was no need for the emperor to take action in person for nearly 500 years, the immortals divided the tasks in a few words.

As for the communication with the Liyue Seven Stars, it used to be through the emperor's channel, but now Gan Yu has to communicate and relay it, which is okay.

"Dare to ask, teachers, Liyue Port's annual invitation ceremony is approaching, how to deal with it then?" Gan Yu raised a key question.

It is not uncommon for the emperor Shenlong to see the beginning but not the end, even if he ignores government affairs for a few years.

But inviting Xiandianyi is a big deal for Liyue, so she can't find someone to manifest her spirit on her behalf.

All the immortals frowned, indeed.

"Let's just say that the emperor is practicing in seclusion, and please cancel the fairy ceremony this year?" Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan suggested.

"How about, let me draw up a few guidelines for you?"

Liuyun Borrowing Wind is very interested in coming up with some ideas for the public, such as vigorously promoting cooking magic machines, which will surely save a lot of cooking time.

"It's not right, it's really too much for me to wait for the overstepping." True Monarch Moon Cutting and Yangyang directly rejected this proposal.

"The emperor must have a deep meaning in his actions. We don't need to make up our own minds, and let mortals handle it by themselves." The Great Sage Conquering Demons believes that everything is up to the emperor.

"Let's tell Qixing clearly that the emperor's soul will return to the sky, and from then on Liyue can enter the country ruled by man." A voice suddenly came from behind.

"Ridiculous!" True Monarch Moon Cutting and Zhuyang roared angrily.

But immediately, he realized who said this sentence, and immediately froze.

What should I do if I was caught on the spot while gossiping about the leader?urgent!

"Dijun, when did you come back?" Lu Yan showed a reluctant smile.

"Just before "Always pouring out to the moon alone, thinking about it". "

The emperor glanced at his unworthy disciple, and was furious.

I will go to confirm the situation, and you will make up 3000 years of gossip for me.

If it is true that the soul returns to the sky, the 6000-year history of my life on the ground may have to be changed entirely.

Morax didn't intend to return to the Moon Palace at all, but he just went to check the situation of the Moon Palace after learning that Revenant Rescue was still in operation.

The time in Tivat passed faster than Gao Tianshang. It was so fast that Morax just checked the situation and returned immediately. Two weeks had passed in Tivat.

He had just returned to Tivat, but he searched for all the immortals but failed to find them, so he traced to the temporary cave of the True Monarch Mooncutting and Zhuyang.

I thought something important happened, so I just wanted to ask.

But what I didn't expect was that what ran faster than time was the imagination of the immortals.

I wanted to reprimand them, but later I saw that they had divided powers and responsibilities very well, so I read it with interest.

Now that the immortals have handed over a satisfactory answer sheet, what should ordinary people do?

Thinking of Morax here, he told the immortal class his long-considered final decision:

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