Taking a closer look, the purple hair after the camouflage operation immediately made her drunkenness turn into sweat and fly out of her body.

"Yuyi" immediately decided to be a spectator obediently and enjoy this powerful drama.

Even the Ootengu is like this, let alone the ordinary audience, who only saw streams of light flashing in front of the two of them, with the sound of swords and swords intersecting;

The high-speed hedging, the quick transformation of offense and defense, air combat and continuous assault, the rhythm 100 times that of Noh and Liyue operas, made all audiences hooked.

Unexpectedly, this was just the beginning. Following the intersection of swords with full force, the two jumped back at the same time by the force of the shock, drew out their big bows, and started to shoot at each other.

Holding a strong bow that can only be drawn by a banner general, and shooting at each other without any safety measures, the more knowledgeable the person, the more ashen-faced they will be.

Arrows shoot at each other like rain, mixed with dodging and arrows hitting the ground continuously, the effect of the program is almost full.

In the end, Ying's archery was slightly better, and a few black-feathered arrows penetrated Jiang Yan's cuffs and trousers, pinning him to the ground.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha." Ying laughed flatly without emotion, grabbed Jiang Yan, and flew into the air.

The curtain fell, and the first act was declared over, leaving only the audience looking at each other in blank dismay, and even forgot to applaud.

"This...is this a real fight?"

"Is this how hard all the Dao Wife dramas are?" Liyue opera friend, who was used to watching flower guns on stage, was still doubting life.

"Isn't this more popular than "The Big Brother of the Guhua School"?" Most of the Daozawa tourists said, is this explosive?

"Are there so many Daozuma who are strong in martial arts that they can only work in theater troupes?" People with higher martial arts skills can understand how outrageous the scene in front of them is.

No matter how the audience reacted, Zhenhe Yae Miko was already laughing out loud.

During the entire Rongcai Festival, the two of them said that the jokes in this drama were alive, especially the flat-toned laughter, which was the essence.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha" imitating Ying's voice, the fox laughed like a thunderbolt, and it was rare for him to cover his mouth and laugh without manners.

At this time, Jiang Yan was hitting Ying's head with a script.

"It's "hahahahaha!", not "ha-ha-ha-ha-ha." It must be coherent and emotional! "

"Hahahahaha!" Ying tried hard to learn how to grin.

"Okay, you have to figure out the remaining few lines."

Jiang Yan had nothing to do, and it only took 2 minutes to set up the scene.

Forget it, let's play together when nothing is decided.

As a kung fu superstar, what's so strange about having no expressions or lines?

In a blink of an eye, the curtain opened again, and the plot of the second act was the tengu teaching art.

The venue was arranged like a martial arts arena, and Ying was still in the form of a tengu, teaching Jiang Yan how to swing a sword and draw a bow.

Pulling out the sword, he appeared a few meters away in an instant, swung the sword, and the upper half of the scarecrow was cut smoothly.

There was nothing surprising about cutting the scarecrow, but the martial arts masters in the audience were horrified to see that all the leaves on the way of this sword were smoothly cut into two pieces, and even the air was slightly bent.

Jiang Yan, who was watching from the side, also twitched the corner of his mouth. It's not necessary, the Tengu's swordsmanship is not that strong.

Ying, who had done all this, turned his head, "I understand."

Needless to say, this sentence is quite normal, after all, the two have said it countless times in the arena.

Thinking of the days in the arena, Jiang Yan smiled slightly, imitating Ying's movements, leaping forward, drawing the knife neatly, and chopping down the scarecrow.

It shows that his skills are not at the peak.It's been fooled.

Then there is the teaching of archery. There is nothing special about Ying's archery. It is just practiced through thousands of years of practice. The standard way of drawing the bow, the standard posture, and the standard speed of fire.

But... it's outrageous to send one shot after another without stopping at all without changing the speed.

It wasn't until the whole pot of arrows were nailed densely into the circle of red hearts that Ying stopped and turned to look at Jiang Yan.


There is nothing wrong with the words themselves, but they have exactly the same tone, the same rhythm, and the same speed of turning around as they did when they practiced the sword just now, giving people the illusion of going back in time.

Are you a little too serious about this... You don't need to pursue such details.

In any case, this literary scene is safely over, except that the warriors in the audience are a little scared, everything is fine.

"Understood." Zhen slowly turned his head and said to Yae Shenzi, and then the two laughed.

Finally, the pavement for the two acts was completed, and the final act entered: "Knife Hunting War".

The curtain was raised, and Jiang Yan, wearing a samurai uniform, walked onto the bridge made of props, while Ying changed into a heroic Ji samurai look, holding a naginata, and samurai swords of various colors were placed under his feet.

"You have a nice knife, but now, it's mine!"

This sentence is true and sincere. Ying has a little-known hobby, and is quite interested in hunting famous swords and guns. Although it is not necessary to force the club to carry out the collection, if someone offers it, he is also willing to accept it and often plays with it.

After finishing speaking, he lifted the naginata and flew towards Jiang Yan, and Jiang Yan jumped high and stood on the bridge pier.

"If you want my sword, it depends on whether you are capable enough!" Pulling the sword out of its sheath, it was the real fog cut back light sponsored by Yae Shenzi.

This sword, which was shining with a fierce purple light, caused the audience in the audience to whisper:

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like the real thing... the story on it must be true."

"Fall down!" Ying swept across with his knife, and all props and bridge piers were cut into two sections with a single knife, and Jiang Yan also swooped down from the air, holding the Taidao with both hands, and made a heavy slash, and was blocked by Ying raised the knife.

In the following free play time, Ying and Jiang Yan simply took out the usual posture of sparring, and ping-pong-pong became a ball.

The battle between the two was like a tornado raging on the stage, and everything involved, whether it was fallen leaves, trees, scenery, or even wooden boards on the ground, were all smashed to pieces.

The two of them fought more and more excitedly, and finally both the naginata and the blade had faint lightning flashes, which made them feel a little too much.

And the audience, already stunned by such a real performance, wished they had lost a pair of eyes.

Jiang Yan looked around, the ground had already been cut by the wind pressure with knife marks and sword marks, and it felt that it was almost done, and the platform would collapse if it was beaten down.

He nodded to Ying, suggesting that she started the last scene in the script.

Receiving this signal, Ying suddenly turned around and swept across, shouting:

"Eat my trick: God-ghost-luan-dance!"

With the yelling of the esoteric name, the naginata suddenly accelerated in Ying's hands, and in the constant twirling of his hands, it turned into a ball of light.

Next, Ying quickly swung the naginata, swung forward and backward, and swung towards Jiang Yan at a speed that no one in the audience could see clearly.

"How is this possible?" With the standard villain's lines, Jiang Yan prepared to parry the naginata in the shadow's hand with his sword.

Not surprisingly, just hearing a "clang", the fog-cut back light in Jiang Yan's hand was knocked to the ground.

After that, I saw the naginata swinging at high speed with a long series of afterimages, waving on Jiang Yan's body, cutting his samurai uniform into strips of cloth, but his body was not injured at all.

The last heavy blow hit the neck, causing Jiang Yan to faint on the ground.

Shadow put away the naginata, held the Kirikiri Huiguang in his left hand, and Jiang Yan in his right hand, and gave a speech of victory.

"The knife is mine now, and you are mine too, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Ying walked off the stage slowly.

Except for the last "ha" I just remembered to change the tone, everything else is fine, at least from 0 points to 1 point.

"Since then, Kirikiri Takamine and Asase Hibiki have lived a happy life, which is really gratifying." Following the narration, the curtain fell slowly.

And Yae Shenzi Yuzhen in the audience had already laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe.

But this kind of bad audience is only a minority after all.

As Jiang Yan expected, viewers of kung fu movies don't care about their line skills.

After a period of sluggishness, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

The gorgeous "special effects" and fighting scenes added 0 points to the scenes with 100 points.

The explosive word-of-mouth made Fox's "Knife Hunting War" new rice wife drama a regular finale of the Rongcai Festival, and it has been reproduced on the stage countless times.

Of course, the demeanor of the first edition can no longer be reproduced.


Ying and Jiang Yan, who were teased, were not angry, they were actually having a good time.

Some stories are told to commemorate; some stories are told to look down upon.

Today's movie, the regrets of that year can already be looked down upon, so why not be happier?

In the following time, the fox also joined the ranks of the traveling festival.

When preparing for the stage, Jiang Yan had already informed them that he would return to Liyue for a period of time.

A brief separation, for the longevity species, is no different from the rising and setting of the sun;

The changes brought about are nothing more than making the joy of gathering more intense.

The four of them were like this, shopping, eating, drinking, playing, chatting, until the time of farewell at dusk.

Departure dock, under the passenger ship returning to Liyue

Jiang Yan bid farewell to Zhen and Ying and Shenzi one by one, while Gan Yu was already waiting on the boat.

The feeling of parting?There don't seem to be many, but if you want to see it, you can see it at night.

At this moment, Jiang Yan can only be complacent.

Inazuma has been completely changed by herself.

Now, when my hometown Liyue is facing changes unseen in 3000 years, what should I do?

To borrow Ke Qing's words: "Everything in the present and the past is stirring up the middle class, and the grand plan is waiting for the rookie!"

Jiang Yan jumped up and stepped on the deck, ready to go to the new battlefield.


Volume No.11 is over, sprinkle flowers!

Please look forward to Volume No.12—Is there something wrong with retiring in Liyue?

Did I make a mistake in retiring in Liyue: Chapter 209 Chapter 202 Did Benyue make a mistake when I disagreed?

Except for the annual ceremony of inviting immortals, Emperor Yanwang hardly interferes in any government affairs.

Even so, this is already the most dedicated of the Seven Gods.

In Tivat, there is a clear distinction between the extraordinary and the mundane.

Most gods don't care about mundane trivial matters.

However, in the eyes of those who care about it, the duties of the world's seven rulers are mainly to control the extraordinary power in the territory and deal with the various crises they bring.

Even Barbatos, known for his freedom and happiness, when Mond faced a crisis that mortals could not solve, he would dedicate his strength to the free city-state every time.

Naturally, this is especially true for the Emperor of the Rock King. The emperor, who looks like a dragon but never sees his end, has been working with the immortals to protect mortals from wind and rain in a world that mortals never know.

Whether it is the grievances of the demon god, the broken seal, or the dangers that mortals cannot deal with, such as the attack of evil spirits and heretics, the emperor will try his best to plan ahead before affecting mortals, and summon the immortals to deal with it.

Of course, there is no such noble reason for summoning Gan Yu to Heguan to investigate this time.

Originally, he wanted to give Gan Yu a vacation, just to name it as an investigation.

However, even Dijun didn't expect what kind of story the two little guys in front of him brought back to him.

When Gan Yu and Jiang Yan reported the "boatman" and "the mistress of the golden house" to him in detail, even the emperor, who was everything safe as a rock, fell silent rarely.

Everyone knows that the rock king retreated from the sea tide more than 3000 years ago, established Tianheng, and suppressed the tide. The predecessor of the people of Liyue, the people of Tianheng were born.

But before that?There are only broken memories, and the fragments of memories turn into stories, and the stories become legends passed down from mouth to mouth...

"In the long past, there were three bright moons in the night sky. They were three sisters, with a life span longer than the Rock God, and a birthday older than the bedrock of Liyue Harbor.

"The moon is the daughter of poetry and song, and the king of the moonlit night. They parade in a tall silver chariot, and every ten days, one sister succeeds the other. And so on and on, until the day when the catastrophe comes. one day.

"Three rounds of Haoyue have the same lover, the star of the morning. Only at the moment when day and night intersect, can one of the three sisters pass through the rising stars and come to the palace of the morning star. Afterwards, with the first dawn, the night The king hastily disappeared in a tall chariot.

"The three sisters gave the same affection to their only love as they did to each other. That was before the catastrophe that overturned the world.

"Later, the disaster overturned the king's high chariot and destroyed Xingluo's palace. The three sisters in the night sky turned against each other and had to say goodbye with death, but only one left a pale body, radiating a cold light... "

These ancient memories beyond the mortal world have long been lost, and even the gods will feel sad when they hear about them.

But, that's all.

However, Morax had never imagined that the world was so big that there was actually a small island where time was stagnant. Because of his own whim, he brought him news that spanned 6000 years.

People who have lived too long can only search for the people and scenery of the past in their memory, and the memory is very good, and it becomes unpleasant at this time.

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