As for himself, Jiang Yan didn't think there was anything special about it. No matter how much he scraped, Master Carved was always the god of the big world.If Keqing came here instead, I'm afraid that if he parades through the sky and rushes up to the third floor, and cuts through those who are in the way, his own effect is more than enough, but his speed is not enough.Sit down and operate normally.As for the fact that he had already used Keqing as a benchmark after practicing martial arts for a few months, he hadn't thought about whether something was wrong.

After a short rest, after drinking some water and eating some dry food, Fischer started surveying and mapping. Ozzy flew high in the sky, overlooking the entire area, and shared his vision with Fischer. Record distribution points.

"Sure enough, the Qiuqiu people in the outer ring have already fled." After walking around the city wall and conducting a large-scale survey and mapping at 6 points, Jiang Yan was convinced of his speculation when he looked at the obvious blank ring area on the map. .

"I have carefully inspected the perimeter of the tower, and I didn't find any gaps in the wind wall. How did the giant beast come and go?" Oz retorted

"Ozzy, you go to the high altitude and check around again, but, please! Don't enter the range of the wind wall!" Jiang Yan solemnly reminded him that he didn't want his last words to be "it's you! It's you!" Did you lure the devil here?"

After watching Fischer and nodding his head, Ozzy flapped his wings and flew into the sky, and hurried back half an hour later.

"There is a huge hole in the sky above the top of the tower. I felt a very terrifying aura, but according to your request, I didn't get close to it," Ozzy said in shock.

"Wait, we still have two days, enough to wait until there is a change," said Jiang Yan, who didn't want to become dragon dung.

Chapter 28 Chapter 28 Is it wrong to be devoted to deceiving children?

Jiang Yan and Fischer rushed all the way to the bottom of the wind wall cavity on the city wall in the inner ring area of ​​the ruins of the high tower. Since there was nothing on the city wall, the Qiuqiu people did not occupy this place, only sporadic wandering here, and they were easily dealt with by the two.After reaching the bottom, Jiang Yan once again used Bennett's enthusiasm to break the ramp leading to the city wall. In a short time, the top was basically safe.The two set up camp on the spot, and the reporters who studied the animal world began to wait for the dragon.

Looking at the towering wind wall that lasts for thousands of years, one can't help feeling the power of the tornado demon god Dekarapian.In this place, even if thousands of years have passed, someone as strong as Twarin can only pass through the loopholes in the wind wall. Only when Barbatos opens the barrier in the future will anyone really see his true colors.

greedy!Want to learn!Who wouldn't want a hasa ki?

It is rare to have this opportunity, looking at the wind fields all over the place, Jiang Yan did a super bad thing at night

"Challenge - Zaoyou!"

Although Jiang Yan doesn't think he's a holy mother, this thing obviously has a win-win opponent, so why bother to bully children?Before there is anything good to return, such as Qiqi, Zaoyou, and Keli, I am really embarrassed to bully them.

But there is no way, there are too many wind element bosses, Barbatos and Mandrill don't want to, Captain Qin and Ye Tiandi can't fight for the time being, Granose's physical fitness is almost zero, and he doesn't know alchemy, so he can only bully Xiaozao Grapefruit, but this gift of mine should satisfy her.

"Who? Why are you disturbing my sleep? I want to sleep! I don't want martial arts competitions! I want to grow taller!" Zaoyou was very angry when she was pulled out of sleep. Night is the most important time to grow taller, how can it be used for martial arts competitions?

"I am the god of height worshiped after death because of my burly body - Gaole Gaoshen. Your devout prayers have been conveyed to this god, but the faith I have received is limited and my divine power is insufficient. I can only use this arena to express my gratitude to you. You teach me the secret of growing taller." Jiang Yan said nonsense that he just opened his mouth.

Consciously half dreaming and half awake, Zaoyou pulled out her miniature two-handed sword and subconsciously said "I want to learn, I want to learn"

Jiang Yan naturally doesn't know what to say, if he doesn't hang out with Baidu Tieba, he won't be able to recruit big raccoons.However, if you fight a ninja who is good at concealment in this kind of open field, you will be useless in [-]% of the [-] successes, and if you can't beat yourself, you will die.

"The first point: You must drink more milk and eat more meat. If you always eat vegetarian food, you will not grow taller." A bug that allows such a small child to lift a two-handed sword taller than her.

"Extremely escape!" Zaoyou entered the position of the wind wheel, and ran over like a dump truck. Although it was fast, Jiang Yan, who was used to Mandrill and Keqing, was not satisfied with this speed. There is no round of explosive counterattacks, just because it takes a while to adapt to the new physical fitness.

In the novel, there are always three hundred rounds of fighting, but even those who have fought once know that this is pure nonsense.

Real battles are basically intense and short.First, most people don't have the stamina to fight fiercely at all, and they explode with all their strength, which is basically three or five moves; second, everyone has hidden a unique skill, and throwing it out is life and death.

Therefore, normal battles are generally cautious probing and maneuvering, and finally a sudden outbreak, the outcome will be determined.Jiang Yan, who has been stabbed thousands of times, has a very right to speak about this. When meeting for the first time, it is normal to see life and death within 5 moves. Only opponents who are very familiar with each other will use the accumulation of advantages and the grasp of rhythm to determine the outcome. .

"The second point: Be sure to squat less and stand more. Blood accumulation on the legs will affect the development and shape of the legs." After passing the wind wheel, a horizontal cut forced Zaoyou to change his swing kick with the element of wind. The wave offensive immediately came to naught.

Zaoyou found that the other party was completely in a cat-and-mouse posture, so she didn't dare to be careless, and immediately burst out the wind element, "Come out!" and summoned a big raccoon tumbler, ah no, "Don't fall down raccoons"

But can this thing really hit people? "The third point: You can do a proper amount of stretching every day, use your arms and hands to support in turn, and hang yourself on a tree." Jiang Yan jumped back, and then dodged the attack range, watching her play tricks quietly. Zaoyou's disadvantages are too great, and he can't make full use of it at all.

Zaoyou had no choice but to turn on the 70-yard cute bomb chariot mode again, and hit it,

Let's stop here, it would be too inappropriate for a child to bully and cry, Jiang Yan thought.

"The last little trick: Liyue has a variety of ways to arrange her hair, which can make her look much taller." After saying this, Jiang Yan raised his sword with both hands, bent forward, and the next moment, kicked his legs on the ground and ejected.The green light flickered behind him, his body accelerated again, and the sword blade slashed towards the wind wheel in an instant.

The wind element rubbed against the big sword violently, bursting out countless green awns, and the elemental power collapsed. Zaoyou had no choice but to raise the sword with both hands to hold the sword.

There is nothing wrong with accumulating power and chopping the dragon car to a stop!Jiang Yan took advantage of the momentum and jumped up. Although he didn't have the skill to stop suddenly, he suddenly accelerated again during the fall, and smashed directly on the top of Zaoyou's head.

Jiang Yan rebounded with strength, the tip of the sword fell to the ground, and fell sharply in the air again. Zaoyou, whose elemental power was too late to recover, was finally unable to parry, was broken by this sword, and a cyan crystal butterfly flew out of his body and flew into Jiang Yan's body. The scene shattered, into nothingness.

Zaoyou wakes up from sleep, is it a dream?But these mysteries taught by this god are so clear.Tomorrow, I will ask the witch sister or the palace secretary, is there a "Gao Le Gao God"?If not, do you want to offer it yourself?But what does this god look like?Xiaozaoyou's mind was in a mess.

And Jiang Yan, who had acquired the power of the wind element, was also smiling wryly. With one right hand, a wheal mass condensed in his hand, and with a pinch, it turned into a breeze.The elemental strength and physical fitness obtained from Xiaozaoyu are really better than nothing. He is a ninja in the first place, and he didn't practice a lot after getting the God's Eye. He just slept.You can imagine how much you can get.

As for the skills he has mastered, Jiang Yan has already been thrown into the trash heap of memory, and he doesn't want to defeat Senior Brother Duoshuiliu, so why bother to use the Invincible Hot Wheels?Summoning a big raccoon requires a sealing skill that kills the whole audience. If someone summons a fire bird or a dragon palace, I summon a big raccoon tumbler?don't.

In any case, the wind element force, which is better than nothing, can still activate the wind field. Let Jiang Yan experience the driving and working methods of the wind element force, which will be of great help to him who has no blue bar.

On the morning of the third day, the two and one bird fell into extreme boredom. The map had been surveyed and drawn, and the giant beast was gone, so they could only wait stupidly.

It was too boring to stare wide-eyed, so Jiang Yan took out a pair of poker printed by Wanwen Jishe, "Let's play a game in another world——Fight the Landlord." The word "different world" attracted Fischer's idea, Afterwards, the two found a stone on which the cards could be leaned on, and Fischer helped Ozzy grab the cards and leaned on the stone, and started fighting the landlord.

But, who can tell me that it's fine if I can't beat Fischer, why can't I even beat a bird?Jiang Yan fell into strong self-doubt.

Oz: "It's a good game to exercise your eyesight. Even as a night crow, it is very difficult for me to remember the sequence of the cards." The dynamic vision of crows is amazing.

Fischer: "It must be known that the Condemned Princess of You Ye Pure Land has used this left eye to see clearly the thread of destiny that weaves the universe!"

Oz: "Miss, don't use shared vision to peek at cards anymore, so that no one will play with you."

The game was too boring, and it was not worth playing with. The expressionless Jiang Yan packed up the poker and threw it to the long-awaited Fischer, ending the short entertainment trip to another world.A cheater who has the eyes of God is not worthy of chess and card entertainment. If he plays mahjong, some poor ghost can't come and play "Destiny is fixed"?

Jiang Yan, who rejected the evil card players, was returned to the boring Fischer and asked to tell Liyue's story instead. After a martial arts story, both of them fell asleep. The incompatibility between martial arts culture and Mond Knights culture made the whole The story is fragmented in the noun explanation.

Jiang Yan simply let himself go, and told Fischer about the newly created Luna girl Tyrande, holding a hunting bow and bringing her owl companion, Tyrande joined the Time and Space Administration, traveled through countless worlds, and shot through the witches. The demon king defended Rhodes Island, sealed Baron Dracula, obtained seven-color flowers, defeated a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals in foreign countries, defeated the large fleet in Chibi, destroyed the comet that would destroy the world, and finally returned to TEDA Hill lived happily ever after.

This story with a strong sense of substitution made Fischer's eyes shine when he heard it, and he kept acting coquettishly and begging for cheating. The whole story continued to be extended and extended, and it has become a series of strange things. Maybe many plots will be added in the future. Princess Fischer's adventure story.

When Jiang Yan was frowning and was telling about Tyrande's battle against the metal monster Decepticon from another world, a shocking roar suddenly exploded throughout the ruins of the tower.The huge cyan dragon figure stood fluttering on the top of the ruins of the tower, and the roar of pain and anger continued, resounding throughout the ruins of the tower.With the continuous roar of pain, the giant dragon spit out a huge wind element ball, which fell into the outer ring area like a meteor.The elemental force exploded and the wind blades shot in all directions, completely destroying the ruins of a settlement where the Qiuqiu people lived.After a long while, the dragon regained its calm amidst groans and low roars.

Jiang Yan and Fischer quietly went to the place where the wind element ball landed. They had never been so careful, for fear of waking up the dragon.Such a ball fell on the head, I am afraid that the body will be saved.

Arriving at the location, Jiang Yan and Fischer carefully measured the killing radius of the wind element ball, collected some pieces of wood and soil samples soaked in elemental power, and left the ruins of the tower as if fleeing.

Chapter 29

Jiang Yan and Fischer rushed back to Mond City overnight, and a wild Godzilla was spawned around the city?After listening to Jiang Yan and Fischer's detailed report and inquiring about many details, the chairman Seleus, who was awakened overnight, decided to issue an alarm, prohibiting any adventurers from approaching the ruined tower area in the near future, and report the situation to the Zephyr Knights.

Quiet practice, rest, after a night, Jiang Yan, who just woke up, received an invitation from the West Wind Knights and was taken directly to the knight leader's office.

This is the first time Jiang Yan has seen Qin. Just like in the game, the usual Qin always wears a uniform, black on the outside and green on the inside, and a Gothic collar. The main color is white, with golden patterns. A black leather tuxedo cape was attached to the back and sides, falling down to the calves.A belt with gold decorations hangs diagonally around the waist.Wearing white sleeves and long black leather gloves.The lower body is wearing a pair of white tight trousers and white boots, all of which are embellished with gold patterns.The long, curly golden hair at the end is combed into a ponytail, with a bow tied behind it, and two strands of gold hang down from both sides of the face.

I have to say that she is indeed a beauty. Her heroism reveals the softness of a girl. In the game, she looks like a mother of three children. She doesn't show her charming temperament at all. When she saw Jiang Yan coming in, she immediately got up to greet her.

"Hello, I'm Qin, the acting head of the West Wind Knights. I've invited you here to learn more about the dragon figure that appeared in the ruins of the tower."

"Hi, I'm Jiang Yan from Liyue. I just joined the Adventurer's Association recently. I've heard the reputation of Captain Qin being serious and responsible as early as Liyue. Please don't be polite if you need to cooperate with me."

Qin asked Jiang Yan about the details of the dragon shadow, the color, time, and the effect of the wind element ball in detail, and then sent Jiang Yan out of the Knights Department, called all the cadres of the Knights, and held an emergency meeting.

"The descriptions of the two people are basically the same. According to their descriptions, if there is no accident, it should be Twalin, the dragon of the east wind in the classics." Lisa came to a conclusion after comparing the classics in detail.

"But why is our Dongfeng Guardian entrenched in the ruins of the tower? Why destroy the surrounding area?" Qin asked

"Intelligence is seriously insufficient, we need to organize an investigation force with sufficient strength to confirm what's wrong with the Dragon of the East Wind," Kaiya proposed.

"Then I, Amber, and the two parties involved in recruiting the Adventurer's Association will go together and conduct a detailed investigation to confirm that the daily affairs of the Knights will be completed by Kaia and Lisa." Qin decided, If it was really Twalin, he would definitely not be an enemy to fight against. There are many people, but it is easy to cause problems. Amber, who is good at scouting, cooperates with his own protection to complete the investigation under the premise of being as safe as possible.

Jiang Yan returned to the Adventurer's Association, and Fischer, who had been questioned first, had already returned, and was settling the harvest of this mission with Catherine.

Because the difficulty of this mission is much higher than the original plan, the overall reward and points of the mission have been increased by half, but Fischer objected, thinking that the reward should not be divided by the ratio of senior adventurers and trusted teams, and should be divided equally. right.

Is Jiang Yan the one who takes advantage of the little girl?The two pushed and gave way, but Catherine remained unmoved and still divided the rewards completely according to the rules.Fischer offered to invite Jiang Yan to dinner as compensation, and Jiang Yan readily agreed. The two had just sat down at the Deer Hunter restaurant when they received an invitation notice from Amber.

"Hi, you two from the Adventurer's Association. I'm the scouting knight Amber. Thank you for your hard work on the last scouting mission. After discussing with the West Wind Knights, it was decided that Captain Qin would lead the team in person, and I will confirm the dragon in detail again. Because the two of you know the current situation best, I hope that you can accompany us. The Zephyr Knights will do their best to protect your safety and give you corresponding tasks according to the S-level mission standards of the Adventurers Association. award"

The reward for the S-level mission, this is great, two or three months of living expenses are in place, this mission must be accepted, and since these people are still there when the main storyline of the game starts, it means that this reconnaissance mission is not. If something goes wrong, what are you afraid of?

"It is our duty to save Mengde from danger!"

And Fischer is also very interested in S-level missions. How can the peaceful Mond have a few opportunities for high-level missions?A rare mission is enough to write a new chapter in the adventure story of the Convicted Princess.

What's more, Fischer turned his head to Jiang Yan's side. I really want to hear the follow-up of Luna girl Tyrande!There has never been such an engaging story!Fischer felt as if he had entered the story, confronting all kinds of powerful monsters and saving the world. How could the adventure stories he imagined be so vivid?

"The princess is never stingy with praise, the servant who bears the name of condemnation, as you wish"

Oz: "Miss said she agreed"

Amber was very happy to successfully complete the invitation task, "Okay, then let's meet at the gate of the Knights tomorrow morning"

Jiang Yan finally saw the big red rabbit, how could he let her go? "Wait, Miss Amber, sit down and have some lunch. We also want to know the details of the investigation mission."

"Ah? Is this okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a light meal, waiter, please add another fried carrot with secret recipe and stuffed chicken with sweet flowers, thank you"

"Then I won't be polite." Enthusiastic Amber is also a familiar

After the simple politeness, Jiang Yan described some details of the investigation, and Amber also shared some interesting facts about the Knights' investigation missions. Fischer was in charge of the atmosphere, and Ozzy was in charge of cheering, and the atmosphere immediately became lively.

"Miss Amber, I heard that you are the last scouting knight? Isn't there usually a shortage of manpower?"

"Don't be so polite, my grandfather is also from Liyue, just call me Amber." Amber chatted very happily, "How can there be no shortage, many key investigations are important guarantees for safety, and are limited by the shortage of manpower. Can't finish it, alas"

"Miss Amber, it's like this. The Adventurer's Association originated from Solstice Winter, you know. In order to allow the rulers of other countries to accept the Adventurer's Association smoothly, every year the Adventurer's Association headquarters allocates a large amount of mission points and Mora Rewards are used for the rulers of other countries to recruit adventurers, and to compensate the association when completing the country's emergency tasks, so as not to let adventurers work for nothing.

I found that Mond has not used this fee much. For example, this time we are recruited, why not use this fee?Even for the West Wind Knights, this is not a small amount. "Mola? Points? I want them all.jpg

"Hey, Jiang Yan, you don't know something. We have always had a tense relationship with Zhidong since the black fire case a few years ago." Amber recalled that the black fire case and the "doctor" had no good impression of Zhidong.

"This amount of money is related to the image of the Adventurers Association in various countries. Even if Zhidong Country and Mond fight, it is impossible not to pay this money. Otherwise, if the relationship with Mond is tense today and you don't pay Mond's money, tomorrow Nervous with Liyue and not paying Liyue's money, who would dare to believe that the Adventurer's Association is a neutral organization?" Even if Jiang Yan doesn't understand politics, this point of twists and turns is still crushed.

"Well, what you said is also reasonable. I will propose it to Captain Qin when I go back." Amber thought about the training equipment of the Knights, and felt that saving a lot of money would definitely not be a bad thing.

"And the most important thing is, this fund is also of great use to you, Ms. Amber. It depends on the rise of scout knights." Jiang Yan started the routine again, and the points I want to collect will fall on you, big red rabbit rabbit!

"Me? I'm just a detective knight." Amber didn't get Jiang Yan at all, and Fischer looked at Jiang Yan with a dazed expression.

"It's easy because you are just a scout knight. Mond is stable and peaceful. There are few large-scale missions throughout the year. Only when scout knights have less manpower and heavy tasks can you write a recruitment report confidently. Find some adventurers. Share it with you, can't the scouting mission be completed in time? Is Mond's safety more important or the tens of thousands of Mora's face? The adventurer is mature, do you think there will be anyone who is willing to join the Knights? This scouting knight Are the team members coming?

What's more, if this money is not spent, is it left to the fools for evil eyes and human experiments? "Jiang Yan's persuasive invoice reimbursement is of great significance to surprise spending money.

"Hey? Hey? What you said makes sense." Amber seemed to have opened the door to a whole new world called labor dispatch.

"If you have any investigative missions in the future, you must find me or Fischer. Fischel is the best scout in the Adventurer's Association." Fischel turned his head blankly, not knowing why the topic suddenly came to her. But don't stop me from being a little proud, "huh!" I puffed up my chest, not knowing that I was about to receive a large bill.

"Okay, okay." Amber got the solution to the problem that had troubled him for a long time, and he was in a good mood. After eating and drinking, he said goodbye to Jiang Yanfischel and returned to the Knights to report to Qin.

"Well, although this method is cunning, there is indeed no problem in terms of the rules. This time, let's deal with it according to the method of these two adventurers. Amber, you will also write some more urgent tasks in the recruitment report and hand them over to me. Sign it." Qin is an upright knight, but for the increasingly aggressive fools, there is no sense of guilt in spending their money, especially for S-level tasks. It is indeed a pain in the flesh.

After signing the call-up document and sending Amber to the Adventurers Association, Qin sat on a chair and silently reflected on herself

Spending the enemy's money, although not honest, but really happy, do it again next time.

Letting fools pay for it is a must-have excellent skill for a leader——a guest of Liyue gave a thumbs up

PS: I wish you all a happy new year in 2022, a lot of transshipment, raise your hand five consecutive gold

Chapter 30

After Jiang Yan bid farewell to Amber and Fischer, a sense of urgency arose spontaneously. Tomorrow, he will fight with Qin. The cheats that should be taken must be seized tonight. In the scene where Liyue herself is surrounded by the demon priest and Hutao It's still vivid in my memory, if this operation establishes an image of a master in front of Qin, at least it will be much easier in the future. "Always strong" and "suddenly become very strong" are not the same concept at all.

What's more, although nothing happened in the background of the game, but if I, a butterfly, go in, God knows if Twalin will go crazy and play a closing song to everyone all day long. It's not a bad thing to have two more cards in his hand.

An embarrassing part of the night challenge is that you have to wait for the other party to sleep. Jiang Yan often summons Ke Qing in the last game, because this girl is a workaholic and stays up late all year round, and she is offline several times.

Thinking about summoning Gan Yu in the future, it's a bit of a headache. I guess I can only call for a nap at twelve o'clock in the noon.

After writing a sufficient tactical deduction and thinking about possible problems, it was time for dinner before I knew it. After dinner, I briefly practiced at the small stakes of the Adventurers Association. After confirming that it was correct, I started tonight's " Kicking Liyue Kindergarten" tour

"Call, Chongyun!"

Chongyun is very strong, but the alchemists developed for exorcism, considering the flexibility of demons and goblins, many of them use wide-area attack mode to ensure the hit, so although the power is good, it is not completely suitable for fighting with people.Jiang Yan had sufficient confidence to defeat this Taoist robed boy who emerged from the void.

"We met by chance today. It seems that I have some fate with you. However, this method is not found in the treasure. Which magic weapon is it...?" Chongyun knows the goods. It is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary immortals, meeting is fate.

"If you can reach your soul with sincerity, why meet each other before?" Jiang Yan didn't want to add any messy troubles to himself in Liyue. It would be useless to talk more, so he drew his sword and learned from Yula's Lawrence-style West Wind sword technique, and frost bloomed in an instant Snow shines.

Yula's swordsmanship is a duel and battlefield swordsmanship that has been passed down for thousands of years. It has been tempered by dozens of generations, and it is by no means comparable to Chongyun's exorcism swordsmanship.What's more, Jiang Yan's foundation is extremely solid, and he has experienced thousands of life-and-death battles. Even Yula himself has his own merits in terms of swordsmanship.

With just a few moves, Chongyun only had parry skills and no counter-hand power left. This was because Jiang Yan did not adapt to Chongyun's physical fitness and needed a lot of ice elemental power to suppress the pure yang body.It has to be said that Chongyun's ice element power is so powerful that it is terrifying. At least half of the power is used to suppress the pure yang body, and it can still have a pretty good output, which makes Jiang Yan, who has a very short blue bar, very jealous.

Seeing that the opportunity was not good, Chongyun slashed the big sword heavily, the elemental force burst out, and three ice blades spewed out from the end of the big sword. Jiang Yan was already prepared, pressed forward and easily avoided this.Chongyun had no choice but to use his strength again, and the big sword made a big circle and slashed down again.

"Listen to my decree!" The big sword slammed into the ground, causing an ice explosion, and Jiang Yan jumped up to avoid it.Chongyun squeezed the magic formula with his hands, and the cold air caused by the ice explosion condensed and did not disperse, gathering into the Chonghua Frost Domain, which permeated a large area around the body.

"It's okay, it's similar to the ice tide's vortex," commented Jiang Yan, who saw the real version of this trick for the first time.This move to exorcise evil spirits is naturally very strong, and the evil spirits have no way to hide after one move, but if you fight yourself, you may be sending food.

As Jiang Yan, who has practiced hard with Yula for a long time, his mastery of the ice elemental force is no longer what it used to be. He waved his long sword in the air and "stirred" a few times in the air like cracking eggs. Chongyun was shocked to find that the surrounding ice The elemental force has already begun to flow like a vortex, and as the opponent's great sword begins to circle, the Chonghua Frost Domain will be destroyed in a blink of an eye.

But Jiang Yan was very dissatisfied with this. If it was Yula, there was absolutely no need to delay the rhythm with such stupid moves as empty swings. Guiding the vortex while attacking is her forte. For some ice element masters, it is already too strong.

Seeing that the ice elemental power that had been taken away from his control was about to form a solidified wave to engulf him, Chong Yun hurriedly smashed his sword, detonating all the ice elemental power in the air that had not been taken away from the right to guide, an ice burst , Abandon the sword and use force to jump back

Jiang Yan ignored the ice blast that exploded on his body, drawing many small wounds on himself, and continued to increase his elemental power.In the blink of an eye, the ice tide became more and more turbulent. The hazy ice mist had gradually turned into a solid body. There were more and more tiny ice blades like fish scales, and they were gradually spliced ​​together and condensed into wave after wave of "spray".

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