Chongyun was in the air, with spells in his hands, "Zhuo Jian, the sky and the earth are moving, and the ice and frost are cold. Like a law!" He mobilized all the ice element power he could mobilize, and summoned a huge ice blade in the air, which is about to It is one of the strongest Taoist methods used by Liyue alchemists to slay evil spirits, the clouds bloom and the stars fall!

It is rumored that this trick is an immortal with three eyes and five appearances. Feeling the shocking power of the rock king who threw huge rock spears one after another and smashed a Guyun Pavilion, he developed a shrunk version of the fairy art; The most powerful way of Taoism, "clouds open and stars fall" is named after the scene where the rock king killed the demon god of the vortex Oser.

If it is Chongyun in full state, throwing this trick Jiang Yan can wait for death.No matter how powerful the Lightsaber of Congealing Waves is, it is just a mortal's move, how can it compete with the unique skill inherited from the King of Rock?However, in order to get rid of the passive rhythm, Chongyun continuously stimulated the elemental power, and gave Jiang Yan a big gift bag of elemental power. It was already at the end of the battle. There were only three ice blades, but only one could be condensed. What's the fear?

What's more, you actually stand on the left side of the wave?Young man, your road is narrow, do you know that?

"Ice waves and raging waves!" Jiang Yan roared, swung his sword horizontally, and all the ice elements erupted, like a tsunami, met the ice blade several meters long, and swallowed the ice blade in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Yan, who was thinking that the victory and defeat had already been decided, saw Chongyun pinching the magic formula in his hands, "Explode!", with a roar, the ice blade shattered and exploded violently in the ice tide. The tide is small, but it completely blows up the huge ice tide.Within a radius of 20 meters, there were icicles and frost everywhere in the air and ground, like a icy rain, and the two quickly jumped back to avoid it.

"So strong? But, let's see how many rounds you can explode?" I was shocked by the power of Yunkai Xingluo, but Jiang Yan was not in vain. The consumption of this kind of stunt can be imagined. Are you my opponent?He raised his sword and stepped forward with a swift thrust.

But before he got close, Chong Yun's face was flushed red, his neck and hands were bloody, his pure Yang body couldn't hold back, and he fainted to the ground with a thud.

this one?With the sword in hand, the white crystal butterfly flew into Jiang Yan's body, and the scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

Xingqiu, did you wash your neck?It's your turn!

Chapter 31 Chapter 31

"Summon, Xingqiu!

"It's you again! Brother, have you given up Guhua swordsmanship? After that, I searched for a long time, but I didn't hear any relevant rumors. Thank you very much. What other swordsmanship do you need to practice? Although I am not talented, I would like to do my best for you Jiang Yan was so angry that his brows twitched, this young man must be popular in Liyue's appearance in women's clothing, why did he have a mouth?

It doesn't matter, the "broad-minded" Jiang Yan decided to increase the link of killing people and killing people, and it happened that he was in Mond, don't you like chivalry?Let me give you a little more sense of substitution.

After coming to Tivat, Jiang Yan has always disdain to be a copywriter, but for the sake of Master Xingqiu's mouth, Jiang Yan thinks that an exception can be made, and starting tomorrow, he will anonymously submit a batch of "Youth Hero Xingqiu's Transformation and Capture", "Woman Hero" Autumn" "Two or three things about the female catcher's trip to autumn", remake the popular martial arts articles on a certain website in memory and throw them on it, so that you can be a hero in this life!

Of course, the highlight was the one-hundred-stance sling that convinced him. He had been preparing for this duel for months.

"Die to me!" Pushing his legs on the ground, Jiang Yan shot out. Jiang Yan, who picked up a one-handed sword, had a completely different style of painting from a two-handed sword. He had several months of experience in fighting with Ke Qing and Ying, so he could use one-handed sword. The painting style of the sword is full of the characteristics of users of thunder element force.defense?Those who want to be pierced need defense!

Xing Qiu raised his sword to hold the sword, Jiang Yan turned his wrist and swung the blade horizontally, the elemental power was stimulated, and the sharp water blade sprayed out, Xing Qiu condensed the elemental power to the sword body, and drew a water rainbow to block the water blade.But seeing that Jiang Yan had already taken the opportunity to withdraw his sword, swishing and searching, there was no elemental force to accelerate, and the continuous pursuit of several swords in pursuit of speed was exactly the source of learning self-image.

Xingqiu naturally couldn't regain the rhythm of the Lingling sword move of the first seven rulers who were unable to fight back for a short time, so he could only back up again and again, just blocking the straight thrust; , Xing Qiu stepped aside, turned his wrist and slashed diagonally.

Just as Xing Qiu was parrying with his horizontal sword, he saw Jiang Yan bullying him. The long sword "climbed" upwards along Xing Qiu's blade, cutting straight at Xing Qiu's fingers. Zhang, take another step forward, and the sword move changed to a straight thrust on the face again, but at this time, Xingqiu's continuous changing moves were no longer able to parry, so he had to forcibly stimulate the water elemental force and use the water blade to resist this move.

The water blade intersected with the long sword, and was smashed into a burst of spray, but Xing Qiu had already avoided this move by the force of the counter-shock. As soon as the two people crossed each other, Jiang Yan immediately flipped his wrist, condensing the elemental force, and the hand was changed. Remember the sharp water knife, a record of Huayulongshan rushing to the back of Xingqiu's head, the idea is Keqing's most proud extreme distance reverse raid

"Huayulongshan!" The same move, although the control of the water elemental force has an advantage, but Xingqiu has not regained his strength, and the power point is not good, so he had to use strong force to explode the elemental force again, head-to-head to break up the water blade , and then immediately after, the second section of the two paintings of Yulong Mountain collided in the air, like a huge boulder hitting the lake, splashing both of them to the drenching.

Very good, just fight like this, Jiang Yan has already drawn up the whole strategy, if Naying or Beidou's nirvana kills him in seconds, the win is won, there is no revenge for happiness, you must use colorful tactics The tricks made him keep jumping over the wall to forcibly stimulate the elemental power, empty the blue bar, and then beat his empty blue Guhua swordsmanship into a pig's head; satisfying these two points is the real revenge.

At this time, a large amount of water elemental power was free in the air. Xing Qiu was trying his best to condense them on the blade, but saw that the opponent had already condensed a water elemental shield around his body. Although he didn't know how strong it was, he saw the thick The blue color kept flickering beside the opponent, presumably he didn't use all his strength, and he might not be able to make a contribution.The shield from Noelle, although the use of elemental power is simple, but it is completely reassuring to focus on strength.

At the same time, Jiang Yan's sword blade continued to stir the air again, and under the guidance of the water element force in the air, a continuously rotating, large water mass was formed in a blink of an eye.The crystal blue water mass is constantly rotating and compressing, it looks harmless, but Xingqiu can't believe that it is a decoration.

Yula's ability to guide the elemental force can guide the ice tide, and can naturally guide the more invisible water flow. Although the water vortex has no lethality at all, the large amount of elemental force that can be channeled can be used by oneself at any time and transformed into a water shield. or like now:

Jiang Yan jumped high, raised his sword with both hands and waved downwards, the guided water polo followed and smashed down like a meteor.

The water polo has no lethality, but the compression of the water polo and the huge momentum are different. After the compression, the water polo several meters in size cannot be avoided at all. Xing Qiu had to burst out with the greatest elemental power, and waved his long sword, "Cut the rain and leave the rainbow! ", six water swords were inspired from the long sword, forming a sword net to protect the whole body.

Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way fell nine days, the huge water flow hit the sword net, splashing huge water splashes, while Xingqiu's six water swords resisted the splashes, they gradually faded and disappeared, Xingqiu Then his face turned pale, but he still blocked this move.And Jiang Yan took advantage of the opportunity to do a backflip and landed easily. Bennett's enthusiasm overload was a good solution for controlling the elemental power beyond his control, especially the water element, which was not very harmful.There are no useless tricks in the world, only the tricks that have not been found for the occasion.

Jiang Yan, who landed on the ground, continued to hold the sword in both hands. He kept using the posture of a two-handed sword and a big windmill, and started to rotate directly, absorbing the water element force gathered around him. Greetings!", the long sword swirled out of his hand, and the water element condensed on the blade was crushed by the centrifugal force and Jiang Yan's elemental force skills in a blink of an eye, turning into a "water cake" like a discus

This "water cake" was extremely sharp, whirled around, and in the blink of an eye, it reached Xingqiu who had just smashed the water polo.

"Brother, are you still the same person as before?" Xingqiu, who knew his playmate's powerful move, had to forcibly activate the remaining elemental power to block the water cake, but was hit hard by the water cake long sword, and retreated for a while. After taking a few steps, gasping for breath, and being forced to burst out elemental power continuously, I have already overwhelmed myself, as if I was drained dry.

"Bored? Let's fight swordsmanship." Jiang Yan took the long sword that came from the circle with one hand, and slowly paced over, because the utilization rate of elements was not as good as that of the original owner, and the transplanted skills also caused a lot of waste. There is not much water element power left in him, but it doesn't matter, it only makes sense to beat him up with pure swordsmanship. "I heard from you a few months ago that Yun Lai's swordsmanship is as fast as thunder, far superior to Gu Hua's. It is really better to listen to what you say than to read a word. Now that I have a little success, I just want to see Yun Lai who has been practicing for a few months. Is it true that the swordsmanship is far superior to Gu Hua?" When it comes to Zu'an, how could Jiang Yan lose?

After more than a dozen rounds, Jiang Yan stabbed Xingqiu's arm with a sharp stab. The wound was not big and did not affect the battle.Although it is possible to stab the chest, it is not necessary;

After more than a dozen rounds, Jiang Yan cut Xing Qiu's chest with an elegant upward swing of the sword. It wasn't a fart, but Bu Yue Ying, whom he was most familiar with. It didn't matter, Xing Qiu couldn't recognize it anyway.

"It seems that Yunlai's swordsmanship in a few months is far better than Guhua's for many years. Thanks to the young hero for pointing the way, so as not to fall into the pit." The blue crystal butterfly, the scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

"It's unreasonable!!!" Xing Qiu jumped up from the bed, how could a newcomer a few months ago be so powerful?Could it be that my martial arts have been abandoned so far?Xingqiu put on his clothes in the middle of the night and went to the martial arts training ground in his backyard. His own experience was small, and the sect's humiliation was really unacceptable. He had to practice hard to get back his place

However, he is afraid that he will not be able to fulfill his wish in this life.

Who plays chess with the stinky chess basket——Jiang Yan

Chapter 32 Chapter 32 Is there something wrong with playing open space coordination in the magic world?

Happiness is always short-lived. Winning over Xingqiu did not bring Jiang Yan joy for too long. After revenge, there is only emptiness.Of course, it is still necessary to adapt literary works, and one must be trustworthy in life.

Now there are not many targets who can get the plug-in in a short time, except for bows and magic weapons for the time being, only Yunjin, Thomas, Rosalia and Qiqi.

Qiqi is really a little embarrassed, although she won't remember that a strange brother bullied him, but this is a bit difficult for her, and she will wait until she thinks of a good way to make up for her.

I am not very good at marksmanship, and I can’t reach the level of crushing. Congying has always focused on learning swords, and the puppet is also a naginata after a few knives, and then pulls out the dream to open it. let her practice

Bow and arrows need to be practiced quickly. There are many children who can be bullied. Recently, I am learning from the big red bunny.

The magic weapon is really missing the point, and I don't know who to learn from if I learn it myself, it's a bit confusing.If you really can’t do it, try to find sugar in the name of learning alchemy. I have a good chemistry score, and I have ordered hundreds of quick gold ingots. Alchemy should be fine.

It doesn't matter, let's talk about it after the present, after practicing a few sets with the big red rabbit, Ying, and Keqing, Jiang Yan fell asleep.

Still sleeping!It was almost dawn.Staying up late is a bad habit, and I can't quit it!Yasuo face.jpg

Early the next morning, Jiang Yan arrived at the gate of Mond City. He thought he would meet Amber and Qin waiting at the gate, but what he met was a large group of Zephyr knights and a convoy

"Mr. Jiang Yan, hello, the plan you brought to Amber yesterday gave me a lot of inspiration, thank you very much." Seeing Jiang Yan, Qin came over to shake hands and salute.

In terms of lack of airs, Mond's girl leader is really charming. No one can reject the Ukrainian prosecutor, let alone the PROMAX version of the female knight leader.

"You're welcome, to tell you the truth, I came to your country for the first time and I lacked points, so I came up with this method." Jiang Yan told the truth honestly, there is no need to hide the win-win thing, but it seems that his situation is too small.

"Where, can you find these, um, clauses, it is a manifestation of your intelligence. This is our action plan, please help me to read it." The honest knight wanted to talk about loopholes, but as a beneficiary, he has no right to blame others , can only change the vocabulary.

Jiang Yan took a look at the thick action plan. This girl probably drove out overnight without sleep, which is too ruthless.Jiang Yan also planned activities back then, but compared with this activity, it is really more difficult to compare people than others, and to compare things with goods.The plan takes everything into consideration:

For example, the investigation process and boundaries, how to try not to anger Twalin

The filing of the failed investigation, when angering Twalin, induced Twalin to stay away from the course of action of Mond City and Dawn Winery.

How to use a camouflaged camp and a small fire attack as bait if personal induction fails.

How to evacuate the disabled old and young near Chenxi winery in advance

Temporary closure of part of the commercial road from Shimen to Mond City, time and cycle

How to Prevent Mond City from Suffering Mass Losses in Air Raids

Jiang Yan didn't think about these things. He just wanted to lure the monsters and ran away quickly. Seeing the preparations he made for all aspects, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. .

"No problem, you have worked hard," Jiang Yan said sincerely, and then began to communicate with Qin about the details of the operation.

The investigation process planned by Qin is:

1. Fly the balloon basket in the surrounding area of ​​the ruins of the tower, and Amber, Fischer, Qin, and Jiang Yan will ride on it and rise to the highest height

2. In order to avoid disturbing Twarin, after the gondola entered the outer ring area, it was piloted by the flying champion Amber. Amber and Fischer took the wings of the wind to glide over the tower, and released Ozzy in the air, from top to bottom Detail overlooking Twarin.

3. At this time, Qin and Jiang Yan directly lowered the balloon and rushed to the inner city wall at the fastest speed to provide support and a foothold for Amber and Fischer.

4. Regardless of whether the investigation is successful or not, evacuate immediately after landing

Jiang Yan admired this plan very much. Flying wings are not omnipotent, and there are countless accidents. The requirements for physical strength and physical fitness are also very high. It is too much to think about flying back from the ruins of the tower. Without Amber's navigation guidance, Jiang Yan didn't dare to let Fischel fly from the outer ring to the high tower and land again. One loop after another, and the plan of making the best use of people took shape in a day. No wonder he was the leader of the knights, and he was the highest class representative.

At this time, Fischer also came, and after some communication, Jiang Yan finally saw the mythical beast in Mond's legend—the horse.Out of curiosity, I found out: Monde does not produce horses, and the original war horses are purchased from other countries at sky-high prices.Naturally, this kind of ancestor would not be used to pull goods, and only when fighting can he see his true face. Most of the goods are transported by wind slime baskets.This time it was also because the knights who built a camouflaged position in the north of the ruins of the tower needed to use horses to scatter for their lives, so they spent their money on horses.

Naturally, the march was different from the last leisurely mission. There was no rest and no leisurely lunch time. Just after noon, the four of them and the knights who cooperated with placing the hanging baskets had already arrived at the periphery of the ruins of the tower.

The four of them began to rest briefly and ate dry food to replenish their physical strength, while the Zephyr Knight began to arrange the hanging basket nervously.Naturally, the high-altitude hanging basket cannot be hung with wind slimes.This large hanging basket is made of wind element spar, which can be slowly released by the wind field through alchemy processing, but it can only be used for scouting regardless of the weight and firmness.

"Don't worry, once something happens, as long as you are above us, just let go of the wings of the wind, and I will use the wind to catch you safely." Seeing that Fischel was a little nervous, Qin comforted her

"It's okay, just fly with me, I'm the flying champion of Mond City." Amber is very confident in the Wing of Wind.

"Twarin? That kind of pet-level thing that is tied up in the garden of the queen's bedroom, my queen, how can my princess be afraid?" If the trembling of the voice is ignored, everyone will really believe it.

Qin and Amber looked at each other, very helpless. If possible, I really don't want to ask ordinary adventurers to do this kind of life-and-death mission, but Ozzy's role is really irreplaceable. If Amber's real person investigates, the risk It will be multiplied, and the price of alarming Twalin, Qin can't afford to bet.

"Fischel, you told me that the subordinates in the distant place can't always see your true identity, right?"

Fischer tilted his head, a bit puzzled why his partner suddenly mentioned this

"Isn't it the lofty duty of the queen to protect all the souls of all living beings for the dragon? After today, I believe that no one in Mond City will question your identity. Because tomorrow you will surpass Dongfeng to protect the souls of all beings. above!"

"Hmph, I heard the humming of fate, calling out my honorable name in a low voice, let the glory of the princess glorify the world here!" Fischer immediately thought of the scene where the whole of Mond City was bowed to the queen. Forget about being frightened and running around like a rat, she's doing it again!

Qin looked at Jiang Yan with reproachful eyes, and gave him a look of "how can you deceive children like this?"

"Don't worry," Jiang Yan said in a serious tone, "Trust me, just like I believe in you, we will protect them with our lives."

Chapter 33 Chapter 33 Is there something wrong with playing orbital airborne?

The high-altitude hanging basket is really not a very good means of transportation. People are hundreds of meters above the ground, and it is cold and windy. Cypress and Qin are leaning together.The biggest enemy of secondary illness is indeed reality. These days, Fischel is wearing a padded jacket and carrying a marching bag. Last time, when he was scared by Twarin and ran away in a hurry, he even changed into a pair of running shoes. The style of the princess has plummeted. The frequency of speech is greatly reduced.

But Jiang Yan didn't have the nature of shaking little girls at all. Qin and him had a very heavy task. When Amber and Fischer completed their investigation, they had to clear a sufficient field for them to land.If Twarin came after him, then Jyn and he would have to fight until we could run as many as we could.

The Adventurers Association has a widely circulated complaint about advanced task rewards: B-level rewards are received standing up, A-level rewards are received lying down, and S-level rewards are received by family members.

Most of the S-level missions, because the rewards are too high, most of them come from the country’s emergency call, and the ratings of the A-level missions are raised after the incident. The survival rate can be imagined.

Although it was a reconnaissance mission this time, Serius, the president of the Adventurers Association, still communicated with Fischer's parents many times, trying to persuade him of the importance of the mission, emphasizing that Captain Qin personally led the team before he agreed.

Jiang Yan was actually quite scared, but knowing that during the Twarin Dragon Disaster, Mond was flying like a dog, and it had nothing to do with him, this martial arts was really practiced on dogs, and it counts as much as it can help.

14:30 Boundary of the outer ring area, above the gondola

The four people had already arranged their equipment, and folded their four hands together, "Come on!" With a slogan, Amber jumped out of the hanging basket, and the whole person made a beautiful circle like a big bird.Fischer followed closely behind, and with trembling but firm steps, he also jumped down. After the two stabilized their flying posture, they flew all the way to the tower.

"It's really impossible to have a driver's license in Mond City. I'll take the test later." Jiang Yan looked at the two elegant figures and couldn't help being very envious. This kind of individual hang glider, even in modern times, is the coolest among military products. Where is he? Can you touch it?Mond City is free for civilian use and has no airspace control. Is it really not afraid of a car accident in the sky and being smashed into a meatloaf?

Turning his head, clearing away the messy thoughts, "Now, it's our time" and staring at Qin, nodded, adjusted the direction, stopped most of the wind crystals in the hanging basket from responding, and in a blink of an eye, the drop fell sharply to the ground .When there were tens of meters left, as Qin yelled "Jump!", the two jumped out of the hanging basket.

Qin adjusted her posture as soon as she jumped out, and the long sword plunged down, like diving into water. The wind element force on the sword body was continuously entangled and condensed, forming a green wind ball in a blink of an eye.

When he was about to hit the ground, the Qin sword swung down, and with a sound of "Wind pressure sword!", amazing wind element force sprayed out, forming a thick wind cushion on the ground, holding Jiang Yan and himself safe. landing.The hanging basket crashed directly into the camp of the Qiuqiu people, smashed into the largest tent, and there was a scream. I don't know how much I gained.

Although it was introduced in the plan, Jiang Yan was still taken aback by this move. With such a powerful elemental force and such precise control, are the owners of wind elemental force monsters?

But there is no time to think about it anymore, Amber and Fischer have already flew all the way to the tower, time is running out, Jiang Yan stabs, instantly pierces the chest of the Qiuqiu shaman who came to check the situation, and the thunderbolt flies out In an instant, people were already running towards the entrance of the ramp.

Qin does not have the sword skills of high-speed movement. The west wind sword technique originated from the three nobles of Old Mond. Its characteristics are precision and elegance. I saw that Qin kept walking. The wind element that can protect the body sweeps and even blows away directly, even if it is a large giant ax Qiuqiu or giant shield Qiuqiu, it will be staggered by the blow, and then pierced by a sword or the head of an owl.

Jiang Yan didn't wait for Qin's footsteps. How can the head of the knight group be someone who can be stopped by a few Qiuqiu people? He didn't hesitate to use elemental power to shoot thunder and hammers. In an instant, he had already leaped three steps, reached the city wall, and condensed the rock shield. Block the incoming arrows and continue to sprint down the hole in the wind wall.

The situation of the enemies around Qin was not as good as that of Jiang Yan. A large number of Qiuqiu people gradually gathered on the ramp, and under the cover of the shield-holding Qiuqiu people, they kept approaching Qin.However, with a flick of the body of the Qin sword, the wind pressure sword, which has become famous, was used again. The blade swept through the storm and cut heavily on the giant ax Qiuqiu who was blocking the way. A huge void.Qin has reached the end of the ramp in a blink of an eye, but a large number of Qiuqiu people have also caught up

Stepping on the city wall, Qin turned to gather the amazing wind element power again, "Wind, respond to me!" With the blade of the green light slashing upwards, the huge tornado was like a green dragon ascending to the sky, sending out waves like a continuous wave. An explosion-like sound raged out, wildly destroying everything in sight. Wooden boards, cables, gravel, and even stone pillars were all swept in. The few Qiuqiu people who had no time to escape were just swept in. It was cut into pieces by the soaring tornado.

"Scatter!" With a wave of the Qin sword, the giant dragon that was about to fly into the sky bent its huge neck and stabbed it headlong in a blink of an eye, only to hear a loud "Boom!" The numerous sundries wrapped in the tornado bombarded the entire ramp heavily.After a few teeth-piercing creaks, the entire ramp actually began to slowly fall apart and disintegrate.

The Qiuqiu people in the brigade ran for their lives without looking back, but their trampling accelerated the process of disintegrating the ramp. Only the sound of roaring, cracking, and dust was heard. On the three-story ramp, hundreds of hills fell apart. Qiu Ren was completely destroyed by Qin's move!

Hearing the loud sound, Jiang Yan turned his head to look, only to see the scene where the entire ramp was reduced to ruins under one move, and he was shocked. "Is it so fierce?" Quickly quickened his pace, no matter whether it was the Qiuqiu man with the shield or the Qiuqiu man with the giant axe, no one was his enemy.In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived at the place where he met Fischer last time, and after a short while, Qin also rushed here.

"The Lion of the South Wind really lives up to its reputation," Jiang Yan praised sincerely. Not everyone in Liyue's gods has this kind of map gun-level explosive combat power, let alone Qixing.

"Where, Mr. Jiang Yan's strength really opened my eyes." Qin was also very surprised by Jiang Yan's combat power. Although Serius' mission report said that this adventurer was superb in martial arts, Qin was not proud of himself. 15 years old As a named knight, she has almost no opponents in Mond. In her plan, the adventurer only needs to lead the way to the landing place of Amber and Fischer under her protection.

In the end, I didn't know that although this adventurer was young, his sword shadow was like lightning, and his thunder elemental power skills were superb, so he advanced along his route instead.Which Liyue's big family cultivated it?Why can you use elemental power without the eyes of God?You can communicate more afterwards.

A lot of time has been spared, and now we are watching the progress of Amber and Fischer. Jiang Yan and Qin take a break, look up at the sky, and wait for the good news from them.

Chapter 34 Chapter 34 Is there something wrong with the welding of the car door?

The tower ruins are a no-fly zone explicitly prohibited by the Adventurers Association. The wind wall that has lasted for thousands of years makes the air flow in the air very chaotic. If you accidentally plunge into the wind wall, you will be the result of falling alive.

But Amber is confident of completing this pilot mission, Wind Wall?I have drilled countless wind circles!Just like a real big bird, she soars freely in the air, detects the subtle fluctuations of the airflow at any time, adjusts the direction and position in time, and at the same time takes into account Fischer's strength, does not make any sudden movements, and immediately Send a message to Oz.

"Amber said that the downward turn is about to start, miss, you are ready to change direction in advance." As the night raven, the sky is Ozzy's playground, and Fischer can not be left behind, completely relying on Ozzy's timely communication and guidance.

Fischer gritted his teeth, slightly lowered the Wing of Wind, and began to circle in a large circle along Amber's trajectory.

Using Wings of Wind at high altitudes is a test of endurance and skill. Once encountering chaotic or cold air currents, the consequences will be disastrous.But Fischer was born and raised in Mond City, and when faced with this life-and-death crisis, he was unwilling and unable to refuse.Fortunately, Senior Amber avoided most of the difficulties, and he only needed to endure the icy cold wind.

In a blink of an eye, the two had reached the place directly above the tower where the wind wall could not reach, "Miss, Amber said that the detection must be completed within ten large circles, let's start." Inertia began to cruise in a large circle along the familiar track before, while Oz tried to restrain the elemental force as much as possible, and like a purple shadow, he followed the hollow of the tower and entered the ruins of the tower.

On the top of the tower, Fischer and Ozzy finally saw the real body of the giant beast—Twalin, the Dragon of the East Wind. Different from the traditional dragon, Twarin has been known since the beginning Known as the most beautiful dragon, the three pairs of blue dragon wings are like butterflies, covered with gradated feathers and dragon scales, the slender body is slender and elegant, and the long tail is all made of feathers, which does not appear ferocious at all.

But why does it seem so painful?What is the faint red on the neck?Fischer decided to fly Oz a little closer to scout.

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