"Miss, this will offend it"

"Quick!" The soul-connected people communicated in the blink of an eye.

Ozzy flew along the wall of the tower as stealthily as possible, slowly circled around, and finally found the dark red real body behind Twalin, two huge dark red crystals that exuded evil breath, However, the moment he discovered the crystal, Tewarin was awakened by Ozzy's thunder element power

"Go to hell! Bug!" Tewarin in pain let out a huge dragon roar, and spit out two huge wind element balls at Oz and Fischer in the air.

"Ozzy!" Fischer poured all the power of the thunder element into Ozzy in desperation. Ozzy's body shone with purple light, like a ball of electric balls. He dodged Twarin's dragon's breath at the very moment, and the dragon's breath hit him. The wind wall was blown, and the strong wind splashed in all directions, completely cutting off the pillars of several high tower ruins.

Fischel, who transmitted all the elemental power to Oz, was unable to dodge, and when he was about to be swallowed by the dragon's breath, "Jump!" Amber shouted regardless of the high-altitude wind.Fischer subconsciously released the safety buckle, and he fell directly from the Wing of Wind!The dragon's breath engulfed the wings of the wind in an instant and shattered them. The momentum continued, and it exploded violently when it shot straight into the sky, setting off a gust of wind.

Qin and Jiang Yan, who witnessed this scene, turned pale with shock.However, he was too far away from him, so Jiang Yan immediately exploded with all his wind elemental force and jumped up. "Send me up!" With a roar, Qin quickly reflected, the sheathed long sword pushed the sole of Jiang Yan's shoe, and the two users of wind element force worked together, "Wind pressure sword!", ejecting Jiang Yan into the sky.

At this time, Fischel had already fallen down, and Jiang Yan, who stretched out his hands, only had time to put a layer of rock-type shield on himself, before he was hit by a huge momentum, and suddenly he turned into a monkey fishing for the moon The shape of his arms was almost broken, but he was still pulled and fell to the ground.

"Water!" Jiang Yan stimulated the water element power in his whole body, and used the guiding method of eddy currents to condense a large water polo below. The two of them smashed through the water polo with a "plop", but the falling momentum was also eased, probably It's from shattered bones to a full pie.

The piano is below, still bursting out all the elemental power, the elemental power is manifested, and dandelions are flying all over the sky, creating a cushioning air cushion for the two of them. "Not enough, not enough!" However, manpower is sometimes poor, and Qin, who has already fought fiercely for a round, can no longer guarantee that the two people who fell from the sky will be safe and sound.Jiang Yan also felt something, adjusted his posture, held Fischer in his arms, and forcibly drove the remaining rock elements, preparing to act as a meat pad to help Fischer withstand the impact.

At this moment, the strings sounded from nowhere, and a large amount of airflow suddenly flowed out from the bottom of the wind wall beside the qin, which turned into elemental force and joined the dandelion field of the qin. The airflow aroused by force flew high, caught Jiang Yan and Fischer firmly, and slowly placed them on the ground.

Jiang Yan and Fischer, who were under the influence of the strong shock, retched constantly when they landed, while Qin took a step forward, drew his sword and stood in front of the two, preparing to fight Twalin to the death.

"Captain Qin, how much combat power do you have?" Jiang Yan burst out of elemental power continuously, and now his combat power is out of ten. The only output is to plug Twalin's teeth by relying on his bad chewing characteristics.

"A wind barrier, if you see me making a move, everyone should disperse and run away." Qin has decided to sacrifice herself to let Amber and the civilians evacuate first.

"Let me come, I still have a life-threatening trick, Mond City still needs you to organize the evacuation" Jiang Yan, who survived the death, thought of the inexplicable sound of strings and wind wall, and knew that a certain poet should come here Well, presumably Twalin will not be allowed to run out to destroy Mond. If you don't show it at this time, when will you wait?

The effect is outstanding. Whether it is Qin, Amber, or Fischel, they are all moved by this sentence. A Liyue person, who came to Mond a long way away, has no self-interested motives, and takes the safety of the people of Mond as a priority. Do his own business, what kind of spirit is this?Suffice it to say, the memorial statue is stable.

It's a pity that this statue is destined to be useless. The three people saw the awakened Twarin flapping his wings, but hit the wind wall with a "bang". At some point, the gap in the wind wall at the top of the tower closed Healing, the furious Twarin exhaled wildly, and the high-altitude gusts of wind overflowed, but the wind wall remained firm as before, as if there had never been such a gap.

"Is this the manifestation of Lord Barbatos?" There was a nun sister, and Qin couldn't help but think about it.

"Probably so," Jiang Yan replied, no matter what, the Demon God of Tornado was not angry at Twalin for not paying the rent, the door was welded shut, and no one would even want to go out.

After a short wait, amidst howling and roaring, Twalin finally exhausted his strength and continued to fall into a deep sleep.The three merged with Amber who had landed, and sent out a signal to evacuate urgently with the Zephyr Knights.

It seems that I should take a look around the tavern recently, waiting for a certain poet to come to Mond City to cheat and drink.His own life is worth dozens of unlimited drinks, Jiang Yan thought.

Chapter 35

Celebrations?Award ceremony?After thinking too much, there are only four poor people sleeping on the bed.

Of the few people who rushed back to Mond City overnight, Amber, the only one who was in good condition, had already exhausted his energy during the long gliding and piloting, and fell asleep after returning home.Jiang Yan and Qin's physical strength and elemental strength were both overdrawn, and they fell asleep immediately when they returned home; For her parents, it was a big shock to her parents.

At noon the next day, Jiang Yan finally opened his eyes.It hurts too much to play trapeze without preparation. I admire myself for being able to make water polo after catching a man.Until now, my whole body is still sore and my arms feel like they are about to fall off at any time.

Fighting with the bed until he was unbearably hungry, Jiang Yan ended the second round of parting with the pillow. He was about to go to the deer hunter for breakfast, but found a pair of middle-aged male and female adventurers waiting at the door. Seeing Jiang Yan open the door, He greeted him immediately.

"Hi, we are little Amy's parents. I heard that little Amy came back safe and sound, thanks to you and Captain Qin, you risked your life to save me. I am really grateful." Fischer said the next morning. Waking up, after being interrogated by her parents, she knew that her daughter had fallen from a height of hundreds of meters. She was really scared to death, so she hurriedly packed her clothes and went out. She asked Jiang Yan's address from the Adventurers Association, and brought Fischer to thank her.

"It's okay, as partners, it's only natural to help each other." Jiang Yan didn't feel anything, since he encouraged the little girl to take risks, it was his due responsibility to protect her at all costs, otherwise he wouldn't be very human.

Fischer's parents didn't think much about it. Although the atmosphere of the Mond Adventurers Association is still very positive, it is normal for everyone to help each other, but how many people can risk their lives to bounce themselves into the sky to save a second time? Cooperative partner?

Fischer's parents were about to continue thanking them, but Jiang Yan couldn't stand it any longer. If he continued to be polite, he would faint from hunger. He waved his hand, "I believe you haven't had lunch yet, let's go have a light meal and eat chat?"

"no problem"

It's always right to change the dinner table when everything is undecided. Pushing in place will always make people feel that "your daughter's life is not worth mentioning". After everyone turned into a deer hunter and turned into a cook, the atmosphere immediately became much better.

When she was with her parents, Fischer, ah no, little Amy was very well-behaved.I was interrogated just after waking up, and then I was pulled out of the door to thank, and I didn't have time to change clothes; my parents were beside me, and I couldn't say a word of nonsense "Fei". Cute, Jiang Yan patted his little head, looking at the usual little middle school student who looked reluctant but could only be licked, comfortable!

Everyone was full, Fischer's parents took out a rectangular box and handed it to Jiang Yan, saying that it was a rough one-handed sword obtained in an adventure, and the material was very strong. I heard that he didn't have any weapons at hand, so I took it first. Thank you for this chat. The matching ore has been handed over to the blacksmith Wagner. Jiang Yan only needs to take the blank and propose to him the style of the sword he wants to make.

Jiang Yan naturally shied away. The reality is not a game. There is no weekly Fengdulong Golden House to send you blanks. Every ancient weapon blank comes from the excavation of the ruins. These high-quality weapon blanks that can carry elemental force are the most precious for adventure loot.

The one in the hands of Fischer's parents was obtained from a large-scale exploration mission. They wanted to change Fischer's bow but failed to do so. This time, if they were not grateful to Jiang Yan for saving his life, it would be absolutely impossible to take it out.

After several concessions, Jiang Yan still accepted the blank. The key is the exchange of favors. Favors that do not go out will put a great burden on the other party. Smart people will not do this, it is nothing but themselves Just give Fischer a bow of the same level in the future.

After bidding farewell to the satisfied Fischer's parents and promising to visit them often, Jiang Yan and Fischer went to the Zephyr Knights to hand over the mission procedures.

Qin didn't have enough time for Jiang Yan, even if she was exhausted, she got up early and started to deal with the aftermath.Although the reconnaissance mission was a complete success, the problem has not yet been resolved. Regarding the red crystal that Fischer and Ozzy described on their way home, after urgently recalling the chief alchemist Abedo and communicating with him, the preliminary judgment is that the red crystal originated from the abyss strength.

It is known from the classics that after defeating the poisonous dragon Durin, Twarin was infected with poisonous blood and fell into a deep sleep. Why was he infected with the power of the abyss?What is the relationship between the poisonous dragon Durin and the abyss?How to remove the influence of the power of the abyss on Twarin?All kinds of problems really make Qin unable to start.Fatigue and distress surrounded her, and she could only continue with a strong character.

"Please come in, both of you. This is Abedo, the chief alchemist of the Knights. Fischer, please describe to Abedo in detail the details of the red crystal on Tewarin's neck. No matter what you think or remember, you can do it." Without any courtesy, Qin, who saw the two people visiting, immediately introduced them to Abedo who was already waiting in the head's office.

Alchemy and the power of the abyss are not in the same vein, but as the chief alchemist of the knight order trusted by everyone, the first thing everyone thinks of is Abedo.Abedo, who rushed back to the Knights in the starry night, came to the Knights to wait for further news before resting

The white-haired boy nodded to Jiang Yan and Fischer, then silently continued to stand by the wall, waiting for Fischer's narration.

Fischer's narration was very scattered, and after a hasty glance, it was impossible to be so accurate.Abedo kept asking:

"How bright is the red crystal? So bright? Still this bright?"

"Does the red crystal flicker? How often?"

"What is the shape of the red crystal? Is it the same as I drew it? No? So what?"

All kinds of precise confirmations made Fischer feel bad all over, and she couldn't recall it even if she tried her best. Qin had no choice but to comfort Fischer and help her recall smoothly.

In the end, Fischer knelt down on the ground as if he had been squeezed dry. After Abe thought about it, he nodded to Qin, and Qin said:

"Thank you two for saving Mond City, but in order to avoid panic among the public and alert the enemy, please keep this matter a secret for the time being and don't announce it to the public.

But please rest assured, the rewards for the mission will be issued as usual, and after the event is completely over, we will commend and celebrate your achievements.

I am very sorry for this, do you have any other requests?The Zephyr Knights will do their best to compensate. "

"It's okay, no one likes a messenger who brings bad news, and I don't intend to be famous for it. If I really want to make up for it, I have long admired the mighty power of the Son of Chalk to create life. Could you teach me some alchemy in your spare time?" Jiang Yan In an instant, Abedo's alchemy skills are too high. Being strong is a matter of one version, and being handsome is a matter of a lifetime.

Qin showed a embarrassed expression. She couldn't make up her own mind about this matter, so she could only turn her head to look at Abedo. Abedo raised his head and said in a rational and elegant voice: "Yes, I will pass you a copy of Timaus to use later. After you get enlightened, if you have any questions, you can consult me ​​or Sasuke."

"Thank you, Mr. Abedo, I look forward to the day when I am honored to be able to call your teacher." Alchemy is the most powerful sub-class of Tivat. Durin is a man-made dragon, hammering Barbatos and Twarin one person and one god, hammering Baba Toss is asleep, Tewarin is crazy, how can you say a strong word?

Even if you can't make Dulin, you can make 20000 Abedos. Wouldn't it be invincible to build an Abedo network?

"I don't need any compensation, thank you Captain Qin for saving me." Fischer has survived a near-death experience, and has not yet adjusted his state, still in the little Amy mode.

Sending the two away, Abedo thought for a long time and said to Qin

"This kind of crystal has been seen in Longji Snow Mountain. Considering that the corpse of the poisonous dragon Durin is also here, the birth of the poisonous dragon Durin is also inseparable from the abyss. It must have a lot to do with Twarin's abnormality. , I need to go to Longji Snow Mountain to investigate in order to make further progress.

"As for how to purify Twarin, there is no way for the time being. Maybe you can try to break these two crystals, but until you can subdue it, everything is empty talk."

Qin nodded, "Understood, thank you, Abedo, this investigation is very important, I will provide you with enough manpower and material resources, as well as the support of the Adventurer's Association, Twarin's state is very unstable, I hope to have it soon good news"

Abedo nodded, and left the Knight Commander's office.

He knows a lot of things, but he can't say that Abedor, who is also the "creation" of the "golden" Reindotter, has the same origin as Durin. He knows how Durin was polluted and how it affected Twarin. , but because of his mother Reindotter, he can only explain the situation in detail for Qin, and has no position to be in it.All of this cannot be explained to the colleagues of the Knights. Going to the snow mountain is also a kind of self-exile in a sense. After all, the blood of "golden" that is also polluted may one day become Doolin.

After Abedo left, Kaiya opened the door and walked in.

No time to be polite, Qin said directly, "Kaya, I need to organize a sweep of the Abyss Cult in the entire Mond area in the near future, although I don't know how Tewarin was affected by the power of the Abyss, and what is the relationship with the Abyss Cult But I think the Abyssal Order will not let go of this opportunity, it is very necessary to give them enough blows in advance.”

Kaiya also had the same judgment on this, "Understood, I will organize personnel actions as soon as possible, this is my plan drawn up in advance"

The communication between the two lasted for a long time, until Lisa opened the door with a cup of coffee and entered

"Qin, most of the materials were annihilated in the first battle of Kanria. I only found a book called "Wind in the Woods", which briefly described the scene of the battle between Durin the Dragon and Twarin. I think we need It comes from the content in the ancient books of the neighboring country Liyue as evidence." Recently, Lisa has been looking through the foundation of the library, and finally found an article that records the story of the year, but the words of the poet are far from what they are looking for.

"Okay, I will write to Liyue's Seven Stars for help"

"Do you want a cup of coffee? I brewed this myself?"

"Okay, I just happen to be a little thirsty." Qin picked up the coffee and drank it down

The two discussed a few words about the hidden information described in "The Wind in the Woods", only to hear Lisa suddenly turn her head and shout out the door

"Noelle? Come in."

"What are you calling Noelle for?" After chatting for a while, Qin felt his head was a little heavy, but there was still a lot of work to be done, so she tried her best to ask Lisa.

"Of course, carry you home." Before the words finished, Qin fell into a daze and fell down in front of the table. Noel gently picked up the piano and took it out of the office.

"Then, it's time for us to continue working." Lisa looked at Kaiya, who was watching the whole process, and poured the coffee mixed with the sleeping potion into the potted plant without changing her face, sat on the position of Qin just now, and continued the nervous work Preparation.

"Take a good rest, Commander-in-Chief"

Chapter 36 Chapter 36 Is there something wrong with programming in Tivat?

Jiang Yan received the full advance payment for the task from the West Wind Knights. Party A, who took the initiative to advance the payment, was really touching at the time of the end of the year.

As the news of Dongfeng Dragon being demonized cannot be made public for the time being, the settlement of this mission of the Adventurers Association was suppressed by Qin. Mora can advance money, but the reward points are naturally gone, and the points will arrive sooner or later without needing to swipe , but Jiang Yan, who couldn't accept the high-level task for the time being, suddenly became idle.

Could it be that God asked me to take the postgraduate entrance examination, ah no, to learn alchemy?Thinking of this, Jiang Yan walked towards the human fence of the Alchemy Platform - Timaus.

Timaus welcomed Jiang Yan's arrival very much, and Jiang Yan was flattered. He thought that he was a layman, but he came to compete for Abedo's few teaching time, which would lead to conflict.It turned out that Timaus didn’t have such dark thoughts at all, and he kept emphasizing on accepting Abedo’s teachings but got nothing in return.The joy of discovering a successor after alchemy is beyond words

This kind of joy makes Jiang Yan feel very complicated. Is he so dirty?I often meet a person who is kinder than myself. In the enthusiastic explanation and demonstration, I accepted this alchemy textbook.

After reading in detail in the library, Jiang Yan lamented that Tivat’s alchemy was too fancy. If we talk about chemistry in reality, it is the interaction between elements in the periodic table of elements. For example, copper turns into copper oxide and turns into carbonic acid. Copper, becomes copper sulfate, but it's still copper anyway.

But Tivat's alchemy, just look at the introduction of the white prop Transmutation Dust, it has the ability to reverse the completely inert crystallized elemental substance.People play with atomic theory, through energy, change hydrogen into helium, helium into lithium, and directly change the form of elements, so Abedo made it clear in the textbook that alchemy is a technique that touches the mysteries of all things, and it is the study of the nature of matter Rather than the discipline of changing laws, what ultimately leads to the laws of the world's operation and the circulation of earth veins.

I know the periodic table of elements, but in the basic textbooks, there is already a Tivat version of the periodic table. In the words of Timaus, "a monkey can transform a piece of elemental crystal when it is on the element table." This part can be read Understand.

But the latter is outrageous. A large number of configurations and configuration splicing skills help people who learn alchemy improve the synthetic materials through the knowledge they have learned, transform the materials, and make some simple creations, making Jiang Yan more and more familiar. Slapping the thigh, isn't this what programmers do?

Looking at the teaching materials again, many advanced configurations and advanced skills are secrets passed down by word of mouth, Jiang Yan completely understood.This Tivat is a program whose source code is not encrypted. As long as the materials and elemental power are sufficient, anyone has the authority to turn an old hen into a duck, or even delete the entire Tivat library and run away. However, the source code is gradually explored by everyone. Without a good master, you don't know the code or the interface at all, and all the things you write are bugs and can't run.

Thinking about it this way, Kanria was praised by Tianli. It is likely that they know more and more codes, and sooner or later they can delete the library for Tivat and escape, so Tianli led the Seven Gods to delete their physical library. Suddenly For a while, Jiang Yan felt as if he knew the incredible truth.

However, if you understand it, this thing is still not a power that you can control. If you give yourself 30 years, you can write your own code sneakily, and Abedo has to call himself a code god.

However, I came to Tivat to write code for Tiantian 996?The brain is not sick!

Alchemy still needs to be learned, but at most it is used to copy some of the personal development software of Abedo and Granose, and it is enough to understand it.

Jiang Yan, who had figured out a big problem, saw a grass slime who was suspected of being a minor and refused to sell alcohol at the gate of the angel's gift, ah no, a poet of style.

To be honest, Jiang Yan, who was hanged up and hammered by the shadow for two months after a wave, actually didn't want to deal with the Seven Gods anymore, but his life was saved by others, and he owed him a big favor. There's no point in pretending to be a fool, what can escape the wind's listening?

"Come in with me, I'll take care of your wine while I'm in Mond"

"Eh? Why is it so good?" Wendy, sure enough, was a master at pretending to be confused, but she didn't listen to her footsteps at all, and followed Jiang Yan to the second floor.

The dandelion wine, Jiang Yan, couldn't get enough of the advice, so he ordered a glass of non-alcoholic drink, while Wendy ordered 3 large glasses of dandelion wine in one go.

"My name is Wendy, and I'm the most popular bard in Tivat for three consecutive years. If you buy me a drink, do you want me to give you a concert? Even so, the price is too high." Wen Dee with his still cynical smile

"My life is worth a little money, and including the life of little Fischer, it is enough for dozens of fine wines." Jiang Yan looked at Wendy and said seriously.

"Oh, you heard it?" Wendy's expression became serious.

"A little repayment is not worth mentioning. Since we "coincidentally" met here, just ask me if you have anything to ask." Jiang Yan hates riddlers the most. Can you die if you have something to say?

"Liyue is indeed a country of contracts, are they all so strict?" Wendy smiled wryly, it's really hard to deal with this kind of people who don't follow the routine.

With a flick of the wine glass, the invisible soundproof wind wall completely separates the wine table from the tavern. "I came to see you, hoping to learn about Twarin's situation." Wendy asked Jiang Yan a question that Jiang Yan had expected

Feeling the subtle fluctuations of the wind elemental power, Jiang Yan was so envious of this god-level control ability.There was no secrecy, and the situation described by Fischer and Abedo's analysis were forwarded to Wendy intact.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I can only use a little power of the wind wall, and I can't do anything about Twarin's current situation." Wendy scratched her head and said distressedly.After the battle with Du Lin, Wendy fell into a deep sleep, and now she has no power. The last time she saved Jiang Yan and Fischel, she also used the authority of Fengshen to use a little of the remaining power of Dekarapian.

"The Knights are now seeking to obtain the reason for the sudden change in Twarin's situation from the Abyssal Order. Wendy, would you like to meet them by chance?" Jiang Yan asked Wendy yin and yang.

Thick-skinned people are never afraid of great onmyojis, "Hahahaha, thank you, thank you, I am also looking in this direction. But now, if you want to repay me, come with me to Monde Cathedral and get a handful A harp named "Sky". "

"Oh? If it's in return, there's no problem with this. But this statement is too ugly. Since we have a lifelong friendship and drank together, we are friends.

As a friend, more than taking the piano?Accompanying you to play "Sky" is also what a friend should do."

Jiang Yan never liked the idea of ​​using life-saving grace as a bargaining chip. He didn't like to use it himself, and it was even more uncomfortable for others to use it on himself.But considering that Wendy was eager to save Twalin, she didn't hold any grudges, at most it was recorded in the notebook.

Wendy smiled bitterly, "Well, it's better to say what you said. Then, we are friends now?"

Jiang Yan raised his hand, "Cheers to friendship!"

Wendy: "Cheers!"

After drinking a cup, the awkward atmosphere eased a lot.

Jiang Yan pondered for a while, and said: "Although I can still talk in the Knights, the zither of the sky has a strong religious symbolic meaning, let alone me, even the head of the Knights can't borrow this zither."

Wendy put down her glass and complained, "This kind of thing is completely unnecessary! Then, I have a new plan. You see, the brave took away the precious sword in the village. Isn't this a very suitable story?"

Jiang Yan, "Wendy, you are planning to play the piano of the sky, what's the point of hiding your identity?" He held back these words for a long time...

Wendy spread her hands, "Without me, Mond is doing pretty well. Doesn't it boost morale when a god who is poor and powerless appears? Wouldn't it be better for us to finish this matter quietly? ?”

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