Jiang Yan complained, "Gods can be independent of such things, but they can't be without them. A few years ago, when the country of Zhidong used his face to make diplomacy, guess what Mond lost?"

Wendy was speechless for a moment, "This is not what Liyue people should say."

Jiang Yan said angrily, "Because of Mond, there are also a group of fools in Liyue who drink too much dandelion wine and want to establish a country ruled by men. Liyue's wealth is not comparable to that of Mond. I'm afraid that the consul with the power of the ice god is about to call."

Wendy looked helpless, "If you keep talking nonsense, I won't be able to save you when the old man punishes you. So my friend, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Yan smiled triumphantly. When it comes to magic sticks, you primitive people are not good enough. "My friend, have you heard of stage special effects? Have you heard of inviting Xiandianyi? Three days! Up to three days, I will give you a whole set The complete plan of Fengshen from apparition to ascension to heaven!"

Chapter 37

Inviting the Immortals is a traditional activity of Liyue. Every year, with some melons, fruits, pears, peaches and stone kites to make incense, the Emperor Yanwang can be invited down to the earth, and then he will be sent away happily by everyone after solving many troubles of ordinary people.

Good things can be learned by everyone.Treating the zither of the sky as a holy relic, setting up an incense table to ask Fengshen to descend to earth to purify Twarin, and finally Fengshen retreated to the high heavens, and Mond City also had an additional nuclear weapon "I can summon Fengshen". How perfect is this script?

After giving Wendy a brief description of the Mond version of the invitation to Xiandianyi, Wendy looked complicated

"But I am Barbatos, the wind god, why do I need to pretend to be me to prove that I am me?"

"A real god should level the tower with a big wave of his hand in the air, purify Twarin, and Barbatos, who has no power, is only worthy of being Wendy, pretending to be a ghost with us." Jiang Yan said disdainfully, the village chief will become three fat people , no strength, admitted that you are not heart-wrenching material.

"Are you really a Liyue man? Why didn't Mr. Morax kill you?" It was the first time Wendy had seen such a disrespectful mortal.

"I'm sorry, I respect the strength and wisdom of the emperor very much, and I am more grateful for thousands of years of sacrifice. As for Wendy, it is better to be a friend than to be in awe." Jiang Yan didn't feel that this fisherman was worthy of respect. He once moved mountains and reclamated seas for Mond, and also brought order out of chaos, but that was all a thousand years ago, and no matter what happened, it would not be his turn to pay.

"Friends are friends, I like this saying, but friends, how many people do you plan to cooperate with in this play?" Wendy didn't want to have a grand showdown and become a joke that has been passed down for thousands of years in Tewat.

"How can this kind of thing be known to too many people? I will only inform the acting head of the Knights, Qin"

"Well, anyway, as long as it can save Twalin, I don't mind." Wendy shrugged and thought about it.Anyway, my own strength is limited, so it’s okay to look at the means of ordinary people now, at worst, wait for the strength to partially recover, and then do it yourself.

The second day, the office of the head of the Zephyr Knights

"So, you found Lord Barbatos, and he said that he would use the zither of the sky to purify Tewarin?" Qin rubbed his forehead, didn't he have a good rest?Heard such outrageous things as "I, Barbatos, pay money!" early in the morning.

"Remember the gust of wind that rescued Fischer and me?" Jiang Yan directly presented the key evidence.

Qin also recalled that burst of strings and flowing wind, which is indeed something that only gods can do.But the question is, Lord Barbatos needs the support of believers, why not find nuns and bishops?Is your sister's faith impious?What are you looking for with a foreigner?

"So, this is Lord Barbatos?" Qin looked at the poet who came in with Jiang Yan.

"Yes, I am your beloved wind god Barbatos" Wendy performed in an exaggerated tone, in exchange for Jean's suspicious gaze

"Be serious, do you want to do something?" Jiang Yan complained, "Don't waste time, just take the heart of God out for a while."

"Have you seen the heart of God?" Wendy turned her head and looked at Jiang Yan with a playful expression. As a symbol of the authority of the seven gods, the heart of God is not something ordinary people can understand.Where did this new friend of mine know?What is his purpose?

"Don't think too much, I've seen it a few times from Ying, and it's not a valuable thing. She lent it to Shenzi for a long time and didn't feel bad about it."

The amount of information in this sentence is too great. Wendy thought about it and ruled out the possibility of conspiracy. "After this, let's have a good chat, my friend." Slowly, he took out the crystal clear Heart of God, exuding dazzling emerald brilliance, from his chest.

"Captain Qin, this is enough proof," Jiang Yan said

Qin looked at Wendy's hand, the wind elemental force floating in the air was constantly cheering, singing, and the God's Heart flowing around it, it felt very unrealistic, but her own reason, the elemental force in her body Everyone was telling him that the person in front of him was the great wind god Barbatos.

"Lord Barbatos, I'm sorry..." The huge impact made Qin hold back for a long time, not knowing what to say, shouldn't the gods come on stage with various sound and light special effects, and then encourage mortals to fulfill their wishes?Isn't this god who needs the introduction of foreigners and asks himself to do things a little too down-to-earth?How can I pick myself up?

Amidst the embarrassment, Jiang Yan took over the topic, "Let's keep it simple, Captain Qin, because Wendy's power has not yet recovered, and we need the help of us mortals to save Twarin.

Here's my overall plan:

In the name of Liyue alchemist summoning Barbatos to save Twarin through the holy relic, let's borrow the harp of the sky

Then, at the foot of the ruins of the tower, an invitation ceremony was held, and a high-ranking nun was invited to preside over the ceremony

After the ceremony is over, Captain Qin, you are in charge of the sound and light effects, throwing Wendy from the hanging basket, and you are in charge of the coming of the gods.

Then Wendy opened the wind wall, we went through the wind wall, arrived at the foot of Twalin, and played the harp to expel the curse

Finally, Captain Qin, shoot Wendy into the sky again, and perform a show of the return of the gods to the sky.

We Liyue people are very familiar with this process. Every year at the Sea Lantern Festival, we make fireworks into the image of a real monarch and send them to the sky to explode once. "

Wendy heard that she was not feeling well, what went wrong with Liyue's education?Why is this man so rude to the gods?Speaking of him calling Ying by his name, why didn't Thunder God kill him with a strike of lightning?

Qin also heard black lines all over her head, did Liyue throw the gods out to manifest spirits?Also exploded into fireworks?Do I know too little about Liyue?

But thinking about the aggressive fools, they immediately understood the meaning of Jiang Yan's proposal of "Inviting Immortals", and looked at their own gods anxiously.

Wendy looked at Qin and looked at him, as if seeing a red-haired girl sitting here looking at him with eyes that hate iron and steel, and finally gave up resistance "well, to save Twalin".

Several people discussed how to persuade a senior nun to preside over the invitation of Xian Dianyi, but they really had no idea. The difficulty was no less than getting a Taoist priest to ride a reindeer carriage for Christmas.

In the end, Jiang Yan’s routine was relatively deep, and the beginning of the plan was revised:

The church was notified that the Knights of the West Wind had discovered the Long-lost Dragon of the East Wind, Tevalin, haunting the top floor of the ruined tower, but for some reason it kept screaming in pain.

The Knights hope that the Mond Church will carry the harp of the sky, the sacred object of the wind god, to play in the ruins of the high tower, and relieve the pain of the wind god's family members with pious belief and familiar music.

Relieving the pain of the Fengshen's family members is an unshirkable responsibility of the church, and the church will naturally not refuse.

But once the pious prayer moves the god of wind, and when it falls from the sky, the whole story will become a classic, and it will be sung for at least hundreds of years. As the protagonists, all the stories will be completed by the brains of these believers. This god of wind must be true. Even if a wind slime is dropped, it must be the incarnation of the wind god.

"Gods, beliefs, human hearts, desires... My friend, is there anything in the world that you are worthy of awe?" Wendy was really frightened by her new friends. In his story, everyone got What I want, but this kind of attitude that doesn't mind using any means, and uses everything as a pawn, is very much like the old man Morax.

It's not that it's purely good or bad, but that this kind of gameplay really doesn't suit me.

"Hey, Wendy, if I don't owe you a life, this matter has nothing to do with me. There will be no deception, and there will be no solution. Is the freedom to abandon responsibility really freedom?"

Jiang Yan was very displeased with this attitude of standing on the moral high ground when he wanted to do things. As for awe?Manipulating the gods is now called "holiday marketing", and manipulating people's hearts is now called "user marketing". Everyone is a low-level worker, why are you in awe?

"I'm sorry, this is my business." The blunt accusation made Wendy feel a little ashamed. As Fengshen Moyu belongs to Moyu, after all, she doesn't owe Mond anything; but she really has no position on Twarin. Those who are superior, let go of your attitude and be honest and seek talents.

Qin didn't think it was too much. The knight's integrity and strategy were equally important. Even if the means were not upright, it was related to the safety of the entire Mond City. Some means were trivial, not to mention Jiang Yan's story. Based on "truth", it is obviously a distorted story, but every point is the truth of the facts. It is indeed a kingdom where gods and people walk together. It is really terrifying wisdom.

After perfecting some details, Qin was in charge of applying to Monde Church. Jiang Yan and Wendy said goodbye first, and walked out of the Knights. To ease the awkward atmosphere, Wendy suggested going to the Cattail Tavern for another drink

"How can anyone start drinking and socializing at noon? You just want to drink a bar." Jiang Yan has no affection for alcoholics.

"Who the hell said that I paid for all the wine when I was in Mond?" Wendy insisted on the long-term drinking ticket

"Hey, hey, I'm about to help you go through life and death, the favor has already been cleared."

"Human favors can only accumulate and accumulate, how can there be any reason? Liyue is a country of contracts, don't try to renege on debts, I am very familiar with Mr. Morax." The two walked away all the way while bickering with each other.

As for people, there are only two kinds of people who can get along and can't get along. Personality is completely unimportant.

Chapter 38

Sending away Jiang Yan and Wendy, who almost had suspicion written on their faces, Qin sighed helplessly. Ever since she discovered Twalin, nothing was under her control. Now even suspected gods appeared to her It's really exhausting.

Qin did not publicize the appearance of Fengshen, but only communicated with her best friend, Lisa, who is also the think tank of the Knights.After describing Wendy's appearance and the shape and effect of the God's Heart in detail, Lisa also thought that although it was incredible, this poet might indeed be the legendary wind god Barbatos. The appearance of the Wind God can be disguised, but the God's Heart It is impossible to fake.Lisa is a genius who has been seen once in 200 years by the Sumeru Academy. She believes that there are only a handful of people in Tivat who understand the shape and effect of the heart of God. At least they are demon gods who have a deep relationship with God and are on the side of God.Moreover, the identity of Jiang Yan, who claims to have seen another God's Heart, is also very interesting.

In any case, no matter which option it is, these two people don't seem to have any malice towards Mond, and they can only follow their plan for the time being. The danger they bring is only a possibility, and Twarin's crisis is imminent So close, Qin and Lisa naturally wouldn't make the wrong choice.

Wendy and Jiang Yan's trip to the cattail tavern was not very smooth. Wendy, who was allergic to cat fur, kept sneezing, so she had to pack the good wine and non-alcoholic drinks prepared by Diona, and the two went to the wind to chat.Sitting next to the big tree, Wendy took a sip of the special cocktail and said with emotion: "The wind between the trees is very good, and it has the smell I like."

This kind of opening speech is too high-key and cold, Jiang Yan thinks that it is not good to let one person pretend to be forceful, "Go one!"

No matter which world this spell is in, it is the strongest forbidden magic. Whether you are Shakespeare or Wendy, this spell can pinch the second half of the sentence.

Sure enough, after clinking glasses helplessly, Wendy was no longer literary, and scratched her head in a very ungodly way: "My friend, let's get to know each other again, I am Barbatos, but just like you said, now call me Wendy That's right, the best poet in the world, do you want me to compose a heroic epic for you?"

Jiang Yan flicked the cup, "Are you talking about the hero who fled from Liyue in panic?

Wendy asked curiously, "You are such an insidious and cunning person who can get away with it, what kind of monster is the person who squeezed you out?"

"You think too much. I came to Mond to avoid the limelight." Jiang Yan told Wendy about the incident of the Yijin Washing Sutra, "Can you complete this thing? You can't figure it out. helped"

Wendy thought about it carefully, "It's a very good idea, but gods are not omnipotent, at least I'm not good at this at all, you should find a shadow. By the way, how did you meet her? Tell me, tell me , talk about it." Wendy's desire to gossip is full.

"Well, the friendship is not bad, but I can't say it, do you want to eat a dream?" It can't be said when it comes to cheating, but Jiang Yan still has a way of unloading the pot.But this reason is definitely not made up. If the poet spreads the ballads indiscriminately and is heard by the shadow, the shadow will really kill him.

"Forget it, I'm the weakest of the Seven Gods now. If Twarin didn't help me, I have nothing to do but wait for my strength to recover slowly. It's really embarrassing." Wendy was also very frustrated when she said this.

"Do you want me to be your angel? Keeping it for two years will double your belief and ruling power by a hundred times." Swaying Diona's special non-alcoholic drink, Jiang Yan felt that he drank too much, but this kind of The drink is really amazing, there is no alcohol, but it is very exciting to drink, a kind of drunk feeling after drinking, juice, mint, clear heart, what else?another day another drink

"Forget it, what I want is a free country, but I have to be free first. I can't stand a lot of people begging me to make my wish come true every day." Wendy waved her hand.

"Speaking of which, are you sure about the purification of Twarin? I'm considering whether to ask Liyue Qixing to send someone to observe the ceremony. I don't want a crazy dragon going in the wrong direction, or the remaining consciousness can't bear to destroy it. Mengde City, plunge into Qingce Village."

"It shouldn't be a problem. At worst, I'll sleep for another 100 years." At this point in time, since the Abyss Cult has not yet stepped in to control Twarin, Wendy has enough confidence in it.

"100 years? Remember to sweep my grave after waking up." God's concept of time is really scary, and he is also an ordinary person, and he may not live to that day.

"I don't like to offer flowers to the creditor's tomb. Is there anything I can give you in return? My friend?" Wendy, who had figured out the root cause, was basically relieved. Regarding the source of Jiang Yan's power, as long as it is not the sky or the ground, Wendy It doesn't matter at all, everyone has their own secrets.

"Ah, let me think about it, can you teach me archery? According to legend, the wind god uses a longbow." Wendy's wind element is used superbly, but even if the heart of the god is not considered, she still uses elemental force as an instinctive wind Elf, there is no need to learn at all, let's learn some archery.If you agree in reality, I will treat you as if you agreed in the arena. This wave is not a loss.

"You have found the right person. There is no better archer than me in the entire Tivat. But my archery skills are very difficult to learn." show me the arrow"

The continuous training with the big red rabbit made Jiang Yan a little confident in his archery skills. He drew his whiteboard longbow and aimed three arrows at the windmill chrysanthemums in the distance, swish swish swish, and hit three windmill chrysanthemums.One of the most amazing things about Tivat is that everyone can take out and place their own weapons from the space, maybe it is the rule of heaven?

Wendy shook her head, did not take the bow, took out three arrows from Jiang Yan's quiver, and threw them out one by one. The three arrows hit Jiang Yan's three windmill chrysanthemums one by one as if they had eyes. , "Do you understand?"

"What do you understand? You obviously used the wind to send the arrow over." This arrow has a green tail of elemental force, you told me it was shot?

"You understand it clearly. The bow relies on the elasticity of the bowstring to cause damage. No matter how powerful the arrow is, its strength will not exceed the elasticity of the bowstring, and no matter how fast it is, it will not be faster than the speed of the bowstring.

How powerful can a bowstring be?Comparable to us with great strength?So you only need to consider using elemental force to throw the arrow and guide the wind to adjust its direction, this is the privilege of wind elemental force users."

"Then why do you need a bow?" Jiang Yan went crazy, cooperating with you holding the bow in a concave position.

"You can't let a poet throw stones." Wendy said while playing the harp, and as the music sounded, the small stones around Wendy flew out one by one, and they were neatly piled up on the ground not far away. land.

"If you want to learn, give me an apple!"

Chapter 39 Chapter 38 Did Martial Artists Make a Mistake in Apple Breeding?

After throwing arrows all afternoon and owed a whole basket of apples, Jiang Yan still didn't learn.

Heck, Wendy’s gameplay is fine in writing the book “Aerodynamics” in Tivat. I can only imitate it slowly, first design a few standard procedures, and then I’ll talk about it after copying it clearly.

But Fengshen personally teaches you how to use the power of the wind element. How many times can this kind of opportunity happen in thousands of years?study!You have to learn even if you blow your mind!

Wendy is also a patient and good teacher, but whether she is a wind elf or a wind god, she can't understand the troubles of mortals at all, "I think so, so it is like this", "I want the wind to be like this, and the wind is like this" This obvious gap is much more hateful than the deliberate Versailles.

The only good news is that this kind of fine-tuning basically does not consume much elemental power, and the small blue bar of my wind element can hold it, but even so, when the sunset is about to go down, I can't continue it.

"Let's stop here today. If I can still play the piano after purifying Twarin, I will teach you again. Don't forget to owe me the apple." Wendy was very calm, and it was right not to learn it, and she could learn it in one afternoon , Fengshen, how about you?

What's more, although I don't know how this friend uses the elemental power without the God's Eye.But on this point, the elemental power that is only worthy of being brothers with large wind slimes is nothing to be curious about.

Jiang Yan is always embarrassed to knock a basket of wild apples in the wild for tuition fees. Wild apples that are so sour are only liked by a wine-making country like Mond.eat directly?I'm afraid you haven't eaten Guoguang Red Fuji.

Jiang Yan looked at this poor child who had eaten sour apples for thousands of years, and described to Wendy the idea of ​​grafting apples and the prospect of merging ungraftable fruits with apples through bioalchemy. up.

"Alchemy is dangerous, but it does have its merits," Wendy sighed.Tiexin develops in this direction, why is it pushed by Tianli?

"Don't worry, I'll ask Ms. Sugar to sponsor her for such a research project after I return to the city, so don't sleep for 100 years." Jiang Yan doesn't want this new friend to sacrifice himself, and then sleep until he sings on his grave .

After saying goodbye, Jiang Yan returned to Mond City, leaving only Wendy playing and singing on the tree in Fengqidi, sending him away with music.How can there be a wind elf who likes to sleep in a hotel?The birds and the breeze in the forest are his best hugs.

After collecting some materials and returning to Mond City, Jiang Yan went directly to Timaus to ask for the address, went to the deer hunter to pack a few expensive desserts, and then visited Abedo's assistant Miss Sugar at night.

If you're looking for a scientist, don't do it "early next morning," when people are usually catching up on sleep after a busy night.

Sure enough, even though it was completely dark, Granose was still doing experiments at home. Although the unexpected visitor's visit was very unexpected, for the sake of Abedo's name and dessert, he still warmly received Jiang Yan.However, the condition of "enthusiasm" in the scientist's house is to take out a cup to drink coffee and make two cups, and the dessert is really useful.

However, when Jiang Yan described the grafting technology and the idea of ​​combining with bioalchemy to her, Sasuke's interest instantly became full. Sasuco's pursuit of alchemy has always been how to use alchemy to transform existing life and change the world. The food is more colorful, and the sweet things are the focus of her most attention.

The apples + sweet flowers, apples + Luoluomei, apples + sunset fruits that Jiang Yan mentioned hit the heart of the sugar with precision, and he wished to shout out that I am not alone, and immediately took the branches of sunset fruits collected by Jiang Yan , fruit, apple tree branch, fruit, began the experiment.

The direct fusion of apples and sunset fruits failed, and they could not be integrated at all.

The apple branch failed to fuse with the sunset fruit branch, and it could not be merged at all

According to Jiang Yan's idea, carefully cut the skin of the apple branch and the sunset fruit branch, splice them together, and then use bioalchemy to promote the combination of the two. Finally, use nutrients to do catalytic alchemy to accelerate growth. In a blink of an eye, Three bright red apples touched the sunset fruit branch.

The two took a bite of a "sunset apple" each, it was so sweet!It's just a little noodle, not crispy enough.But that's not important, the most important thing is: this road proved to be feasible!

"Mr. Jiang Yan, you are really talented in alchemy." Granu was very happy to meet like-minded people, put down the Sunset Apple, and held Jiang Yan's hand tightly.

A cute dog-eared girl is holding herself tightly with her snow-soft and smooth little hands, which are so smooth that there is no friction at all. Her two big furry ears are shaking with excitement, and her big cute eyes shine through her glasses. The admiring gaze made Jiang Yan blush, who can resist this?Want to feed, want to walk.

In order to prevent himself from reaching out and touching, Jiang Yan had no choice but to continue to study the topic in depth.Naturally, Jiang Yan doesn't understand agriculture, and he can't tell the difference between garlic sprouts and leeks.But knowing the essence of alchemy, he naturally knows how to lead the sugar to the routine that is destined to succeed.

Grafting, crossbreeding, evolution, and genetically modified ideas. In the communication with Sasuke, the alchemy and elementalization are constantly being carried out. The more I chat, the more excited I am, because she has found the key to the "Wonderland"

Granose's dream is to create a "fairyland", but what does a fairyland look like?Flowers all over the world, grasses all over the world?Although the sugar bioalchemy has achieved quite a lot, but there is still no sense of the fairyland in the dream.However, under the inspiration of Jiang Yan, Granose has already seen his own fairyland. There is a forest with all the fruits in the world, and fruits that have never had their advantages; The petals, and flowers of various shapes, and all this, only needs the key and time given by the sugar and Jiang Yan to open this heavy door.

It was already late at night, but Granose was still full of interest, as evidenced by his excited eyes, non-stop writing notes, and big trembling ears.But Jiang Yan couldn't stand it any longer. He visited a strange unmarried woman's house late at night and didn't come home late at night. There were a lot of people watching when he came here with his things. He was afraid that he would catch fire the next day, so he couldn't hurt people's reputation.

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