"I thought, this is life"

"Twarin also has the freedom to choose to continue to suffer from illness"

I'm sorry, but I'll be beaten to death by the Monds for saying that.

Jiang Yan also felt very helpless when he heard that, I am also very disappointed that you are so useless, I will go back to Liyue, have your towers been stolen?

It really complied with the bible: Mond keeps telling me to go, how can I go, the Abyss Cult has been in the wild.

Even if the main force of the Knights is not there, Yurakia Lisa Di Luc is all hanging up in the spring?Can't even defend the tower?

20, it's hopeless.

If this was in Liyue, would the Abyssal Sect dare to go straight to corrupt Brother Tuozi?

The Great Sage Conquering Demons and the gods in Jue Yunjian, it is safe to destroy them directly under the tree.

These bronze kids really don't know how to fight in groups, forget it, I'll take you to fight!

"Anyway, let's wake up Wendy first." Booster leveling requires two and three for high ranks.

Qin nodded, not to mention how strong Twalin is, without the environment of a high tower, without the help of Fengshen, he would not even be able to touch it!

"But, how to wake up Lord Barbatos?"

Jiang Yan thought about it and said:

"The fastest way, of course, is to harass like crazy."

"I suggest that some kind of celebration be held right away. The theme and content don't matter, but it must be fast!"

"Everyone chanted about Lord Barbatos crazily until he woke up."

Qin was also made to give up thinking by the endless blasphemy.

"Forget it, I don't have time to think about it, just use the theme of commemorating the one month of Fengshen's appearance as the theme, and hold a Fengshen Wine Festival."

"Good attention! If you want to please him, there is nothing better than this theme." Jiang Yan nodded.

"The theme of this event is - what to sleep? Wake up!"

Okay, it's mond.


Forehead?It was automatically put on the shelf?Well, let it be.

Thank you for your valuable opinions and evaluations. Without you, I would not be able to keep writing until now with 0 data and 0 recommendations.

As long as people can not get down on the ground, this book will always be written carefully every day, because at least there is no need to consider any grades at present, and naturally there is no need to pour water. Every day, I write a little more creatively, more fluently, and more persistently than yesterday. is the most important.

Now that it's on the shelves, I will make more careful corrections of typos and unsmooth places in the future. You are welcome to make corrections at any time.

——At 2:53 in the morning, the poor office workers rushed home after working overtime, and continued to work overtime.

Is it wrong to want to live in Mond: Chapter 55 Chapter 54 After eating Party A eats Party B is it wrong?

Brewfest doesn't just have a faith-invoking effect. When there's a lot of sparkling water and low-alcohol mojitos being distributed and everyone's drinking high, a dragon shadow in the sky in the distance is no big deal.

Drink too much, don't say there is a dragon in the sky, the wind god is my brother.

On the third day of the Wine Festival, the poet appeared in front of Jiang Yan with a haggard face,

"Thanks to your fooling around, I was finally called out by you."

Spam calls are annoying, but useful.A lot of praying directly woke Wendy from her deep sleep.

I thought that Mond City had encountered some kind of devastating crisis, but it turned out to be a gathering of people in Harbin. It wasn't until I understood the situation that Twalin was having fun again.

But it was also thanks to being called out, otherwise at least he would have to lie on the ground for a few months after the flying husky, Twarin, demolished the house, before he could get up.

"Welcome back, my friend" Jiang Yan is happy to see Wendy back in time

"Qianfeng has already told me what happened, but this time I really can't help much. If I use excessive power again, it may not be many years later when I wake up again." Wendy waved her hand helplessly, the source of belief Because of accumulation, the power brought by a momentary impulse comes and goes quickly.

Jiang Yan looked at this person, and he didn't even have the expression of playing fish. It seemed that he had to get up forcibly, and he was completely depressed.

"It doesn't matter, your experience and wisdom, and your friendship with Tewarin are the greatest strengths." Jiang Yan is actually not too imaginary, this king of fishing is enough for people to come, and strength is not too important.

The next day, Jiang Yan, Wen Diqin, and Lisa Abedo gathered in the head's office for a small meeting.

"What kind of mental state is Twalin in now?" Jiang Yan turned his head and asked Wendy. The wind in the whole world is his receiver, and there is no news that he doesn't know.

"I once communicated with Tewarin through Qianfeng, but the Abyss Religion magnified his negative emotions, and now he is full of anger and hatred, rejecting any comfort from me.

The Abyss Cult is trying to transfer the object of his anger and hatred from Durin to the whole world, and the first step is Mond City.The delusion drove Tewarin completely crazy by personally causing the destruction of Mond, who had been guarding for thousands of years. "

Wendy briefly introduced Twalin's situation, and felt very headache about Twalin's autism.

And Abedo introduced the existence of the sword of humus, and the power situation left by various Durins in Longji Snow Mountain.

Qin felt very distressed when she heard that Tewarin was going to attack Mond City.

How to deal with a giant dragon that can't be caught at all, and may not be able to beat it?Qin habitually turned her head to look at Jiang Yan.

And Jiang Yan, when he heard that Twalin hated Dulin extremely, suddenly discovered the breakthrough of the problem.

At this point in time, the dragon disaster hasn't started yet, and Twalin doesn't owe Mond anything, but Mond hasn't even started to hate Twalin.

So the Abyss Cult can only slowly transfer hatred to Mond through brainwashing, isn't this opportunity coming?

Jiang Yan turned to Abedo and asked, "Abedo, are you sure that Du Lin will never be resurrected in a short time?"

Abedo nodded, "That's right, although Du Lin's heart is still beating, it's still far away from being resurrected."

Wendy also nodded, and Du Lin didn't believe in Qiqi. It didn't make sense that he and Twalin were still half-dead, and Du Lin was alive first. How could there be such a reason in the world?

After getting the double endorsement from the elemental power expert and the terrestrial vein expert, Jiang Yan patted the table, "Crack!"

"Since Twarin hates Durin, if we tell Twarin the Abyss Cult to fool him to resurrect Durin, who do you think Twarin will destroy first? Is it the city of Mond, who has a passion for him? Or is he trying to revive his enemy? bugs?"

Abedo thought for a while, "Technically speaking, there is no problem. The power of the abyss is nothing more than distorting and amplifying the negative emotions of creatures, but it cannot change the existing deep-rooted hatred."

Wendy thought about Twarin's hatred for Durin's poisonous blood during the exchange, and felt that this matter was indeed feasible.

However, is Durin so easy to resurrect?Moreover, Du Lin is related to the punishment of heaven, is it really not afraid of death to do this?

Don't wait until the end, Twarin didn't destroy Mond, and in the end Heavenly Law dropped the Nail of Cold Sky on Mond, that would be a big joke.

If a friend is playing too much, then you can only stop him.

"Don't be foolish, tell me your solution."

Jiang Yan stood up, sorted out his thoughts, and said the plan he conceived from Longji Snow Mountain.

"This is only a preliminary plan, and the detailed plan needs to be perfected by all of us:

The first step of my plan is to reproduce a large number of humus swords. They don't need to have the strength of genuine products, as long as they have traces of Durin's power, they can devour each other.

Then, spread these humus swords throughout the Longji Snow Mountain, allowing the holders to actively absorb all creatures that contain Durin's power, and become more powerful by devouring each other.Fish up the treasure thieves, the fools, and the powerhouses of the Church of the Abyss.

Step [-]: Let the powerhouses in the final circle absorb the power of Durin's heart one after another, let them truly create the atmosphere that Dulin is about to be resurrected, and attract Twarin's attention. Of course, there must be an abyss cult among these powerhouses people.

The third step: Mr. Abedo made a fake Kanria-style life alchemy device empty shell, which looks like it can be resurrected by sacrificing powerful creatures to resurrect Durin, and then fished people from the Abyss Cult to let them Twalin saw.

At this time, Wendy, tell Twarin that the real purpose of the Abyss Cult is to use evil alchemy to refine him into a sacrifice for the resurrection of Durin. Under the murderous murder, why worry about Twarin not turning his face?

Step [-]: Wendy, you use your face ability to invite Lord Morax from Liyue, and prepare in advance at the Nail of Cold Sky. Once we are ready to evacuate and send a signal, use the sky star to launch an avalanche, and all the participants Everyone was taken away in one wave.

It can not only destroy all traces of the abyss power, but also avoid future troubles and eradicate the abyss power. I believe Lord Morax will not refuse. What do you think? "

After talking about his plan satisfactorily, Jiang Yan looked at everyone and smiled kindly.

It's a pity that no one appreciated it. Except for Abedo, everyone else turned pale and took a step back.This person really can't offend him, it's really wrong to cheat Party A and Party B after cheating.

"Do you have any other opinions? If there is no opinion, I will announce the division of labor." Jiang Yan pushed forward without saying a word. This group of people is really unkind.

"Qin, the overall improvement of the plan is dominated by you, and you are the best conductor"

"I'll try my best" Qin is very clear about Deadmond or Dead Abyss Cult.

"The overall rhythm of the battle in Longji Snow Mountain is up to me to maneuver and control. By guiding the Qiuqiu people or the avalanche, I try to break up the organized team as much as possible."

"Mr. Abedo and Ms. Lisa, I need to trouble you to study the degraded product of the sword of corrosion and the empty shell of the alchemy decoration."

"Okay" Abedo didn't feel anything. Alchemy is a rational art. The rigor of Jiang Yan's plan suits his taste, and Lisa?Basically a fun guy.

"Wendy, I will leave it to you to deal with Twarin's anti-brainwashing and invite Morax to assist you. You can ask Kaia to provide you with Twarin's communication skills."

"Okay," Wendy replied sadly, is this the price of freedom?So tired, so against my will, want to sleep

"This plan, I named it Peerless Sword: Chicken Tonight! Come on everyone!"

Is it wrong to want to live in Mond: Chapter 56 Chapter 55 Is it wrong to eat chicken for thousands of people?

The overall difficulty of using an extinct neighboring country as a battlefield is no less than that of a large-scale battle. Of course, it is not as simple as Jiang Yan said.

If it wasn't for Lord Moraxel in Jiang Yan's plan, Qin would not agree to anything.

Once you think you are smart and turn eating chicken into a victorious master, the treasure thief group, the fools, and the abyss cult will hit it off and form an anti-heavenly law alliance.

Of course, the premise is that there will be words from Mond at that time.

Even if she has the bottom line, Qin is walking on thin ice. Every element of the plan has been determined again and again. From the time the plan is confirmed, she basically inspects the three-point and one-line work in the head office, conference room, and Longji Snow Mountain.

Abe also changed from a noble alchemist to a foreman of a blacksmith in many ways.After Wagner, the famous blacksmith Urban of the Adventurers Association, Wagner's discussion, decided to use the teeth of Du Lin in the Longji Snow Mountain as a material to make a fake humus sword.The number has also changed from the originally planned one hundred to one thousand! .

The power of Durin does flow in this precious material, and it has the ability to absorb Durin's power in a small amount.Urban originally planned to use it to make a powerful spear, but after hearing that Abedor used the mutual devouring of the long swords to complete the idea of ​​a magic weapon, he immediately threw the spear out of the sky.

"The battle of weapons, not the weapons of battle, this is the romance of a weapon blacksmith"

Urban commented this way, and Wagner also agreed with him.

Wagner used the star silver ore, a specialty of the Snow Mountain, to forge blanks, Urban smelted Durin's teeth, and Abedo used alchemy to activate the hidden Durin's power. A thousand "chicken-eating swords" were thus born.

After testing, it was found that whether it was absorbing ore from the snow mountain, killing animals, or smashing another "chicken-eating sword", it could successfully increase its strength.

It's a pity that the power of Durin's teeth has a limit, and Abedo has made targeted weakening. Once someone reaches this limit, the strength of Durin on the sword will break free from the restraint of the teeth and escape.

Abedo does not have the so-called "romance of a weapon blacksmith" by the two blacksmiths. He just wants to study Du Lin to avoid repeating the same mistakes; by the way, he can understand the current attitudes of the Seven Gods and Tianli, as a reference for future action boundaries.

Therefore, Abedo fully supported Jiang Yan's crazy plan, but he would never go into battle himself. As for the life alchemy device, Abedo simply didn't bother to think about it. In a blink of an eye, he built one with alchemy near Du Lin's heart.

Seeing this facility with full technical force, nutrient pool, feeding area, indicator lights, conduits, and sinks, it is evil and weird, and perfectly integrated with the mystery of alchemy.

All the onlookers had an expression of "It really is the amazing Abedo".

This thing couldn't be more real, because it was Abedor who made the appearance of his and Durin's equipment, and copied it intact.

Even Kaiya and Dyne, who watched the news coldly in an unknown place after hearing the news, believed it after seeing it.

As for the shaking part of the gods, it went very well.

The half-dead Wendy, after a few days, got a promise from a certain guest by virtue of her misery and shamelessness.

But in fact, the PY transactions between the Seven Gods are far more closely aggregated than ordinary people imagined.

One day, Ke Qing from the Hall of Death received a bottle of thousand-year-old dandelion wine buried in Fengqi, and a fragment of Du Lin's tooth, and the matter was settled like this.

—You helped me a lot by borrowing my people.

——Things from hundreds of years ago have to be closed together

Communication between gods and gods, that's all.Just as the God of Ice sent a "lady" with her imprint of power; or Zhongli drove a monkey that could toss northward, needless to say, this is the tacit understanding between the gods.

Morax was also curious about the ability of mortals to solve crises. Personal observation was also a good reference for the decision he was about to make.

It's a pity that the thousand-year-old dandelion wine is lifelike because of the dandelion pattern on the bottle. After being poured out by walnut, the wine is used as a vase, and Du Lin's teeth are cut into a pair of "warm jade chopsticks" by her. Every meal, alas, this child I can't handle it.

Although the remuneration had already been paid, Zhongli, who had already agreed to the contract, still started to act.

A few days later, the Qianyan Army issued an announcement, because the poisonous dragon Du Lin showed signs of recovery, and a large number of dragon bones and dragon blood with evil power gushed out from the ground, and no one was allowed to enter the Longji Snow Mountain area in the short term.

Moreover, a large number of Qianyan troops were sent to guard the pass from Liyue to Longji Snow Mountain.

The dragon has a sacred status in Liyue. All perfect adjectives, such as invulnerable to poison, fearless in wind and rain, invincible, etc., can be applied to the body of a dragon.Lord Yan naturally couldn't make up his mind, but isn't this poisonous dragon Dulin a big treasure house?

In a blink of an eye, the ban became the best mobilization order. Every day, a large number of treasure robbers, adventurers, and various organizations searched for ways to climb the Longji Snow Mountain, and then returned home under the strict defense of the Qianyan Army.

At this time, someone naturally set their minds on the route in the direction of Mond, but it is a pity that Mond also implemented a strict blockade.

The Zephyr Knights and the Adventurer's Association set up a blockade to prohibit any individual or organization from entering the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain in the near future due to the flood of power from the abyss.

The joint blockade of the two countries proved the authenticity of the news.

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