For a time, legends such as Dragon Tooth Divine Weapon, Dragon Scale Shield, and Dragon Blood Washing Marrow became the hottest topic in the tavern in Mond and Liyue.

The story of Barbatos and Tewarin fighting Durin has also become a resident on-demand program in teahouses and taverns.

When everyone was at a loss, someone claimed that in Dadaupa Valley, the territory of the Qiuqiu people found a way to climb the Longji Snow Mountain, and someone successfully brought back the Dragon Tooth Sword with the power of a poisonous dragon.

After the news reached the two countries, it exploded instantly.In the blink of an eye, a marathon around the mountain started.

Along the way, neither the camp of the Qiuqiu people, the camp of the Abyssal Religion, nor even the camp of fools could stop the greedy adventurers and even more greedy treasure robbers, all of which were trampled down by massive locusts.

The Abyss Cult and the Fools, as those who know the history of Longji Snow Mountain, naturally understand that the news of Du Lin's remains is quite credible.Because of related exploration, they have actually been going on.

Especially after the reconnaissance troops in Longji Snow Mountain sent back the news that they found Du Lin's heart and alchemy device, the big forces of all parties could no longer sit still.

The continuously reinforced troops launched a series of battles in Longji Snow Mountain.The adventurers and the treasure robbers have already fallen into madness.

No matter which side the participants are, they can't resist the powerful temptation to seize the magic sword and obtain the power of Durin!

organize?How can an organization be happy to eat chicken alone?

Is it wrong to want to live in Mond: Chapter 57 Chapter 56 Is there something wrong with no one eating chicken

Behind the seemingly good form is that Qin has invested all the high-end combat power that can be mobilized. Any force that disrupts the balance needs to be settled by someone, otherwise, the game of eating chicken will turn into a three-nation war in a blink of an eye.The class nature of the Abyss Religion and the organization of the Fools are not comparable to stragglers.

At present, all of Mond's advanced combat forces capable of action have been divided into four groups:

The decision-making group composed of Qin and Lisa is responsible for integrating progress and providing next-step arrangements.

Wendy and the conscripted Ozzy, ah no, Fischer formed a messenger team, responsible for collecting information and delivering immediate arrangements.

The avalanche team composed of Abedo, Yura, and Noelle is in charge of using GM Iron Fist against more than 4 players.Abedo is in charge of calculating and changing the structure, Yula, who is proficient in ice and snow, is in charge of assisting, and Noelle, who has great strength, is in charge of providing activation. Whether mental calculation or not, a just right avalanche can give small-scale troops a head-on blow every time.

It is really impossible to use the stable zone to start the avalanche, so it is the turn of the masked treasure robber team that secretly invites Di Luke and Kaiya.Shouting "feel the grace" or "you can't escape", the masked treasure robbers are in charge of the fire, while constantly harassing them, forcing them to break up into pieces and eat chicken in a row.

Of course, if Brainless aimed at group players, the experience for them would be too bad. Jiang Yan provided them with the real bait—the authentic Humic Sword.The task Jiang Yan is in charge of is very simple, which is fishing: let the players in the single row pick up the sword - guide them to deliver food to a small group of fools or the abyss cult - launch an attack, force them to send a distress signal - recycle the humus sword.

The constant evidence of real news, as well as the distress message before the small group of troops were wiped out, allowed the person in charge of the Fools in Longji Snow Mountain, Wa Jing, and the person in charge of the Abyssal Church in Longji Snow Mountain to get the same information——this The powerful sword has gained great interest from the opponent, and it is inevitable to increase the strength of the army.The result is naturally the same - shaking people!

Originally planned to go to Longji Snow Mountain to investigate, the sixth member of the [-]th executive officer of the Fools, the straggler, led the Fools from the Mond area to rush to support!

The abyss mages who are corrupting Twarin in Mond also brought their latest war weapon Twarin to punish the reckless fools. At the same time, they started climbing the mountain with a large number of Qiuqiu people from Papau Canyon as support troops.

When things get to this point, there is no need to fight any more. Single-row players have already started running when they see large troops entering the Longji Snow Mountain. Most of the fake chicken-eating swords have already been destroyed. Fools compete with the Abyss Cult The focus has become real treasures - the real sword of decay, the heart of Durin, and Abedo's alchemy device and notes.

"If you get all of these, you can really revive Durin! ——If they still survive until then," Wendy explained to Zhongli, who looked unhappy, on the ruins of the Nail of Cold Sky.

The Abyss Cult, which had an advantage in early strength, took the lead in occupying Durin's heart by virtue of its terrain advantage. However, under the brutal killing of the stragglers who obtained the True Humus Sword, they could only defend tenaciously around the cave. After absorbing the power of Du Lin's heart and quickly stacking a large number of chicken-eating swords, he confronted the crowd of fools.And look forward to the arrival of the latest weapons of war as the "Prince" said.

Wendy's "Fengxin" private chat harassment against Twalin has continued. Under the advice of Brother Kaizi and Jiang Yan, don't get entangled in what Twalin replied. In the final analysis, you have to repeat it a thousand times:

"The Abyss Cult is the remnant of those bastards in Kanria, and they want to bring you back to Durin"

"Damn mortal!"

"The Abyss Cult is the remnant of those bastards in Kanria, and they want to bring you back to Durin"

"You betrayed me!"

"The Abyss Cult is the remnant of those bastards in Kanria, and they want to bring you back to Durin"


"The Abyss Cult is the remnant of those bastards in Kanria, and they want to bring you back to Durin"

"what are you saying?"

"The Abyss Cult is the remnant of those bastards in Kanria, and they want to bring you back to Durin"

"How dare you pluck my feathers while I'm asleep!"

"The Abyss Cult is the remnant of those bastards in Kanria, and they want to bring you back to Durin"

For a person whose brain has been washed out, any communication is a waste of time. Wendy directly took out the routine of the elevator advertisement, and asked him to read the words "Abyssal Order" and automatically follow the words to finish the job.

The brainwashed Twarin, after being guided to the skies above the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, couldn't help but recall a sentence that Barbatos kept nagging him inexplicably.But the heavy injury made him unable to think carefully, and only relying on the deep-rooted hatred, he flew to the place where he fought with Du Lin and buried his bones.

When I got there, I saw a large number of members of the Church of the Abyss in front of the evil alchemy device, holding a long sword full of Durin's power, and fighting fiercely with humans who also possessed Durin's power. beating.

Barbatos didn't lie to me!This is indeed an evil ritual to revive Durin!

"Go to hell! Worm of Durin!"

The angry Twalin glides down from the air, and the abyss mage who insisted on brainwashing on Twalin's head was directly thrown into the air by a strong change of direction and smashed into a pulp.Twarin didn't care about it at all, took a deep breath, gathered all the elemental power around him, and spewed it out. It was indeed its unique skill - the closing song all day long.

A powerful wind element force descended from the sky, sweeping across the entire battlefield, like a heavy aerial bomb detonated directly in the crowd.Both the Fools and the Abyss Cult suffered heavy losses in an instant.Except for the skirmishers and the abyss chanter, the abyssal apostles who were fighting fiercely, the other low-level abyssal creatures and fools in the center of the battlefield were all smashed into blood mist and pieces of flesh under this blow!

"Good fight! It's worthy of being the guardian of the east wind!" At the height of Sleeping Dragon Valley, the small teams had already withdrawn and were watching the dog-eat-dog drama from the heights. Jiang Yan even prepared grilled mushroom pizza and Mond potato cakes. Give everyone energy.

One-on-one, the stragglers are not afraid of Twarin, but just like the problem Qin encountered, no one under the seven gods can control the dragon of the east wind soaring high above the sky, and can only watch helplessly. Indiscriminate bombing.But Du Lin's power was right in front of him, and the stragglers really couldn't give up the temptation to dedicate such a powerful power to the queen.

The indiscriminate bombing finally made the Abyss Cult unbearable. I saw the Abyss Chanter chanting evil spells. The ominous red crystal behind Twalin suddenly exploded, turning into a red mist that entangled Twalin. Twalin Then there was a painful howl.

During the brainwashing process, the Abyssal Order has already reserved a backup. Once it is activated, at the cost of exploding most of the abyss power in Twalin's body, it will deal a heavy blow to Twalin, making him lose the ability to resist and facilitate further brainwashing.

"The dragon who is willing to be the running dog of mankind! Become the great "golden" creation—Durin, the sacrifice of recovery!" With the alchemy equipment left by the great "gold", the heart that condenses most of the power of Durin, As well as the complete structure notes of Durin, the abyss chanter is confident that he will resurrect Durin and become the strongest weapon for revenge against heaven!

Seeing that the situation was not right, the stragglers rushed forward, but were blocked by the massive forces of the abyssal apostles and the sect, unable to advance for a while.

Abedo in the distance looked at the scene of life and death on both sides, and gave a disdainful smile


As soon as the voice fell, the equipment that had been operating normally stopped without warning.

The instrument is not just an empty shell, it is a real life alchemy instrument, otherwise it would be impossible to deceive the Abyss Cult, which is also a survivor of the Carrians. However, the key to life alchemy has never been the instrument, but the original material— —The chalky soil.The small amount of chalk soil reserved was exhausted, and the instrument was naturally unsustainable.

"Resurrect Durin? Maybe 12 Twarin's ingredients will do it?" From Abedo's elegant mouth, he pronounced the death sentence for the Abyss Chanter's delusion.

"No! It's impossible!" Under the standard villain's lines, this instrument caught the last big fish, and a masked man in a blue-black exotic suit descended from the sky. A powerful sword destroyed the life alchemy instrument.And the abyss chanter who was raided by the chicken ring also relaxed his suppression of Twalin in a panic.Tewarin took the opportunity to flap his wings and soared into the sky, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Abedor, Durin, Abyssal Order, Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, Alchemy, and stacked dangerous buffs, how could they not get the attention of "Sword of Last Light" Dyensreb?He was Voldemort all the way, just like the "owl of the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain" in Kaizi's mouth, when Voldemort was at the end, he finally jumped out and made a contribution.

"Flash R fake monkey, good job!", Jiang Yan applauded warmly and made a sharp comment!Turning to look at Wendy, who was chatting privately with Twalin "Fengxin", and patted him on the back.

"Let's talk later, everyone is here, let's wash the floor" "Okay"

ten seconds later

"Everything in the sky is moving!" Huge stars descended from the sky, heading straight for the entire battlefield!

The straggler looked at Teyvat's well-known magical skill, "Morax! This! This is impossible!" The last time someone uttered such a mournful cry of a defeated dog was ten seconds ago.

Good luck, no one eats chicken!

Is there something wrong with wanting to live in Mond: Chapter 58 Chapter 57 Is there something wrong with Liyue’s unique control method

Morax was here to finish, not to engage in a massacre, otherwise it would not be a sky star, but a rock gun the size of Guyun Pavilion. A sky star blocked the passage of Durin's heart, and it was just right to subdue everyone .

After the orbital bombing was over, Morax didn't even say hello, he just turned and left with his merits and fame deep in his heart.After watching the whole situation with cold eyes, he has a simple understanding of Mond's way of governing the world, and also has a reference for the future path that Liyue will take.Although the little guy's method is immature, it is still worth using. It seems that the thousand-year-old dandelion wine can ask for a few more bottles.

Morax was gone, and Wendy was busy chatting privately with Twarin's "Fengxin".The work of repairing the knife is naturally left to the mortals, and the Abyss Cult is easier to handle. Except for those worthy of torture, the others are all pierced by a sword.But how the fools deal with it is not so simple.

After the Blackfire case, although the relationship between Mond and Zhidong was tense, the conflict was limited to personal behavior.At this juncture, the Fools haven't started to make any big news. If there is a massacre, the Zephyr Knights will definitely not be able to do it.After a brief negotiation, for the time being, tie up the senior cadres and stragglers who are still angry, and wait for the petrochemical recovery.

Qin said that the artistic value of this group of stone statues is very high. With the background story of "the executive of the fools is addicted to the power of the abyss, intending to resurrect the poisonous dragon Durin and destroy Mond. Mond expressed strong concern and strong protest against this", it is enough to make people who love art The Zhidong Kingdom spent hundreds of millions of moras to buy it. If it is less than this amount, the stone statue with a big brim hat will feel insulting to its own worth.

Only Grandpa Lu is still a little uneasy, wishing to fire 2 shots in 17 seconds here, or kill 29 people to add to the fun, but rationality also tells himself that Mond cannot bear the consequences of "annihilating foolish executives and direct troops outside the country" , this scene of thousands of people eating chicken is so big, there are hundreds of solo players running away, it is impossible to kill and silence anyway, so I have to give up.

However, Jiang Yan, who had just received a huge subsidy from Grandpa Lu, felt that he had to help the big brother relieve his boredom.So I proposed to Qin:

"Captain Qin, it's meaningless for you to tie a rope to the stone statue. After the petrification is cancelled, the whole person will shrink. Such a large number of foolish executives and cadres will be difficult to deal with once they resist."

"Ah? Is there anything Liyue can do about this situation?"

"Yes, Lord Morax once turned many demons into stone statues, and we suppressed them with boulders. Mond should also have tortoises, as long as you put a stone on the backs of the tortoises, they will be immobilized. "

Qin, who has raised little turtles, has never done such a cruel thing, but after thinking about it, it is indeed such a truth, so she is kind.

Looking at the crowd of idiots who were like the idiots being pressed down by stones, not only Grandpa Lu, but also everyone saw smiles on their faces. After all, there are no people in the world of Mond who like idiots.

Due to the outstanding strength of the skirmisher, his stone was very big, like a hill, and Abedo specially processed it so that only his head was exposed.For this reason, Jiang Yan even told a story about the ape demon god being suppressed by Morax with a mountain for 500 years to add to the fun, and suggested using a photo camera to leave precious images as exquisite souvenirs for diplomatic activities.Gained the strong approval of the fun person Kaiya.

There was still a Voldemort who almost ate a chicken, and a mysterious man who flashed an R fake monkey. Everyone expressed that they didn't know each other, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

At this time, Wendy also sent good news. After Twalin was betrayed by the abyss again, although the power of the abyss has faded, the poisonous blood still has not improved, and has now turned into an autistic stage.After thinking about it, Twarin simply blew up the stairs of the ruined tower and fell into a deep sleep. No one would be able to approach him in the short term.

Who cares about it, I have already sung three dozen Twarins, and for the fourth time, let the almighty Yingmei take out 30 rough stones.

Lord Morax didn't know that he clicked several hundred levels of Q. Everyone waited and waited, but the petrification still hadn't recovered, so he simply started the celebration banquet on the spot.

For eating, the most important thing is the mood, even if there is only thick vegetable stew, wine, and some dry food and jerky for keeping out the cold, but after solving the problem that has plagued Mond for a long time, these are not a problem, and the atmosphere is lively in a blink of an eye up.Even Jiang Yan and Grandpa Lu, who usually don't drink at all, made some low-alcohol wine with everyone.

When everyone just got up, the petrification gradually lifted. The people who had just recovered from the petrification were immediately crushed by the stones and turned into a snow breaststroke shape.

"Let me out, you bastards!" The powerful stragglers who took the lead in breaking the petrification roared.

"The sixth straggler of the Fools, right? You have been tried by Lord Morax for your vain attempt to obtain the forbidden power of the abyss. Wait until the winter queen's letter of credence to find you." Qin replied holding a glass of dandelion wine.

"This is not Mond's territory at all. What right do you have to detain me?" Struggling hard, but lying flat, the straggler who couldn't exert any strength could only continue to reason.

"About this point, you can protest to Lord Moraxel, the Zephyr Knights are only acting as executors." Qin answered patiently, with a business-like attitude.

"Then let me go to Liyue to protest!" The straggler went crazy

"The Zephyr Knights have nothing to say about the verdict of the world's consul. We can only continue to detain you until Lord Moraxel's order comes out." Business as usual.JPG

"Then let me go down and deliver the news."

"I'm sorry, you are now criminals colluding with the abyss, and you can only be detained for the time being until you are sure that you have no internal response in Mond."

"Don't talk nonsense, when will you let me out!"

"Then, it depends on the attitude of the envoys of the Zhidong Kingdom." The standard can be very flexible when necessary, and the key is the "necessary" price.

"Bastards! When I come out, I will definitely make you look good!" Zhidong Monkey King was incompetent and furious

Another Voldemort, who has not said a word since waking up, Kaya came over with a glass of wine


Dyne gave Kaya a sideways look, without saying a word.

Kaiya put down the wine glass, moved another stone and pressed it on it


Dyne still didn't say a word. With his strength, although it was difficult to use his strength to escape, the weight of the stone alone could not cause him any harm.

Kaia moved another stone up, and stacked them together like building blocks

"Name" the same sentence, answered with the same silence

After seven or eight stones, the random stones naturally cannot be perfectly stacked and collapsed

Kaiya clapped her hands and raised her wine glass, "Let's greet formally, my name is Kaya the Stone Picker, what's your name?"

Even a person as calm as Dyne couldn't hold back with such a grassy name.

"Let me out, I'm not your enemy." Between his teeth, Dyne squeezed out these few words

"Okay, remember your words"

Kaiya communicated with the head of Qin, and after leaving a few photos for a group photo, he released this "member of the treasure robber group who is obsessed with interests"

Dyne tidied his clothes silently, jumped up a few times, and left Longji Snow Mountain, leaving a sentence echoing in the mountains:

"Those who play with taboos will sooner or later be devoured by taboos"

"If you say the most ruthless words, you will receive the most vicious beating. It would be too boring for such a person to die. Whether it is a friend or an enemy, it is fine." Jiang Yan clinked glasses with Kaiya and laughed together.

Is it wrong to want to live in Mond: Chapter 59 Chapter 58 Is there something wrong with the honorable knight who cannot be dismissed?

Cattail Tavern!Privileged use!Full of special drinks! --Comfortable!

It was rare for Jiang Yan, who was lying on the bar chair with salted fish, to finally feel the long-lost tranquility. The world's most blamed men had all been stricken in Longji Snow Mountain, so Mond had nothing serious to look for him anyway.

Looking at the green friend next to him, Jiang Yan cursed, if it wasn't for this master of how to train dragons, how could there be so many troubles?

"I said, you look like you're about to die all the time, don't you go to sleep?" The green friend was lying on the table, drinking with a straw in his mouth, his eyes were almost open Not open.If the wine was replaced by drip, it would be a critically ill scene.

"I really want to, but Twarin has tossed so many times in a short period of time, and I really can't rest assured. Even now, he is still roaring on the top of the ruins of the tower. I can't listen to what I say, alas" Wendy mentioned this Also a headache.The sequelae of the routine are a bit too strong. In the ruins of the tower, Twarin scolded Durin every day, fell into a deep sleep, scolded "all liars", and scolded Barbatos for pulling my feathers. The ratio has become 3:3 :3:1

"Isn't it just plucking a few beautiful feathers? Why is Twarin so stingy? I didn't do it..." Wendy complained.

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