Jiang Yan looked at Wendy's expression of "working overtime until 12 o'clock, and I can't sleep when I get home, because the dog is still waiting for you to walk, otherwise the house will be demolished", and the empathy was completed in an instant.

"Do you want me to give you another chance to govern?" As a former Civilization Five player, Jiang Yan felt that this thing was as easy as pie.

"Forget it, Mond doesn't need me anymore, they are doing very well." Although Wendy was a little moved, she still rejected the goodwill of her friend throughout the whole event.

After successfully turning the stragglers into the Monkey King of Winter, Wendy has sent a message to the Queen of Winter through Qianfeng.After some unknown PY transactions, Wendy promised to hand over the heart of God to the new Ice Queen agent after successfully treating Twarin.

Therefore, the greater the power obtained through governance now, the greater the harm to Mond in the future. Wendy thought about it and chose to give up.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"Go back to the land where the wind rises and turn into a flowing wind, while reducing consumption, let's chat with Twalin at the same time," Wendy said lightly.

"I said, do you want to do it in reverse, let Tewarin wear the crown to become the wind god, and you become his dependent? In this way, he will also have the power to get rid of the curse, and he will also be able to give you the power to recover?" Jiang Yan proposed a new big job Program.

"Let a dragon become Fengshen? How could he manage Mond?" Wendy was taken aback by her friend's brain hole.

"Our Liyue has been governed by a half-dragon, half-lin god for thousands of years. Do you have any opinion on this?" Liyue native Jiang Yan protested against racial discrimination.

"Can it be the same? Twarin can't do anything except take care of feathers. He likes music, so I taught him to sing. I haven't taught him for 100 years. Let's let Mond go."

"What does it matter? God, it's fine if you can fight. Isn't Mond dead after having a god who has been missing for 1000 years? We signed a new contract with Tewarin, and Mond sends out 10 people to fight him every day." Trimming the feathers, and protecting Mond when he meets a strong enemy, isn't that more useful than Barbatos?" Jiang Yan blasphemed the gods face to face.

Wendy was really tempted, but after thinking about it carefully, it was really useless, "Forget it, Twarin is now covered in Durin's poisonous blood, if you don't want Mond to become a dragon's spine snow mountain, don't mess around up"

"Well, there is no limit to the road, maybe someday someone will purify Twarin with a slap, cheers"

"Haha, I hope you get what you want."

In his spare time, Jiang Yan took the opportunity to ask a lot of questions about the power of wind in the arena. Wendy also worked hard to answer them patiently, and greatly appreciated Jiang Yan's learning speed.

"I've taught you for two days and you've learned this? It's so amazing, I thought I've taught you for two weeks"

"It's not just two weeks, you taught me for a month" - Jiang Yan thought

It's a pity that Wendy is a sensory person, and the answer she gave is correct, but words like "probably", "a lot", "many" and "naturally" are all over the place. Are you the green skin in Warhammer?Jiang Yan had no choice but to write it down for the time being, and then slowly refine and quantify it in the research.

After drinking and eating, Jiang Yan took Wendy outside the city. In the sugar experiment forest, more than a dozen kinds of colorful apples of various flavors were thriving.

"No, this is my tuition fee, the contract has been completed."

"The wind carries the sweet smell of apples. This is the best gift I've ever received. It's decided. I'll rest here. I'll rest for a while, my friend." As soon as the voice fell, Green The young boy turned into gusts of wind, surrounding this small piece of woods.

"good night my friend"

The next day, in the office of the head of the Knights, "Zhidong will not be afraid of war, you will regret it!" The envoy of Zhidong slammed the door angrily, just in time to bump into Jiang Yan who was invited by Qin.

"Walk carefully." Jiang Yan pushed the envoy away with a smile on his face. The envoy continued to leave without apologizing. After walking a few steps, his feet were stirred by the wind, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

"Captain Qin, what's the matter? Didn't you talk to Zhidong Kingdom?" Jiang Yan warmly greeted Qin

"No, I won't talk to them about anything before the arrival of the new Solstice Envoys." Qin smiled slightly. The "Doctor" was showing off his power in Mond, and every Zephyr knight was full of anger.It's rare to have this chance to be proud, and I'm really sorry for that time if I didn't pay enough price.

"Then why did you come to me?"

"The main purpose is to settle the rewards of this mission. This mission can be said to have saved Mond. We will still issue rewards to you in accordance with the standards of the S-level missions of the Adventurers Association."

"Thank you, Captain Qin." Who's free, Mo La?You can see that Ningguang charges tens of millions of dollars for a meal with him, and Buffett calls him an expert.With my own background, it's really not easy for Liyueju.

"In addition, due to your outstanding contribution to the Knights of the West Wind, we will also present you with the title of Honorary Knight of the Knights of the West Wind"

"What? An honorary knight? Not even a dog!" Jiang Yan resolutely rejected Captain Qin's appointment.

I am too familiar with this honorary knight. Ever since I was appointed as an official in the game, Mond has confidently commanded me from top to bottom. Is there still a king's law?Don't think that I can be named a Thunder Wind Knight just because I have the Lightning Element and the Wind Element.

Qin frowned beautifully, "Please be sure to accept this appointment. Fools are not a good-tempered organization. Although they accepted our note on the face of our big operation, after the reinforcements arrived, we Knowing them, private revenge is almost inevitable.

Even if you are skilled, I believe you can't withstand the surprise attack of at least one fool executive. Mond's knight status will at least make them scruples and give us sufficient reasons to fight the envoys. "

"Okay, I didn't think well, so I'll gladly accept it" Okay, so fragrant.

Sure enough, politics is not what he is good at. Jiang Yan didn't understand the meaning of this identity until now.

"Is there anything else you need? A little reward is not as good as what you did to Mond City." Captain Qin felt that he owed Jiang Yan a lot, but a foreigner, except for Mo La, really couldn't give anything substantial rewards.

"Headmaster Qin, you're being polite, then please ask Ms. Lisa to help me research a topic, it's my personal request." Jiang Yan took out the research notes on the power of the wind element.

Abedo, Lisa, get one Antivat, I am invincible in this wave! ——Akimbo.JPG

Is it wrong to want to live in Mond: Chapter 60 Chapter 59 Is it wrong to ask a little girl as a teacher?

The Xumi Order Institute is roughly equivalent to Harvard and Oxford in Tivat. Lisa is called a "genius once in 200 years" in this kind of institution. Jiang Yan really wants to give him a book of relativity and let her rub big mushrooms with her hands.It's a pity that she turned to lie flat a few years ago because she had researched some taboo truths, yes, this is very Liyue.

Under Qin's recommendation, Jiang Yan met Lisa who was drinking coffee in the library.

"Little cutie, what book do you want to borrow from me today?" Lisa has always had a good impression of someone like Jiang Yan who really loves reading.

"Lisa, Mr. Jiang Yan has been awarded the title of honorary knight for saving Mond City many times. In addition, in the name of the Zephyr Knights, I promise to help him conduct a research project on the application of elemental force. In this regard, we can only rely on You." As Lisa's close friend, Qin made the request without any exception.

"Oh? Research on elemental force? It's interesting, let's hear it." Lisa poured coffee, and entertained Qin and Jiang Yan with great interest. She wanted to hear what scientific and technological achievements she was looking for. conversion?

Jiang Yan didn't care about this playful attitude, and truthfully described his situation to Lisa, hoping to obtain a set of corresponding tactics through joint research, and attached his own wind element research notes.

The wind element note is just a gift, and his cheat is the real attraction.For a scholar, strength training can lie flat, but the love for knowledge and research is almost a scholar's instinct, which cannot be controlled by lying down.

As early as a few years ago, Lisa taught Lei Ze a set of tactics as a test of the research on the element of thunder, and Lei Ze's famous tricks of Cang Lei and Claw came from this.When she met Lei Element, she couldn't control her research desire. What if she met a six-element template that had never been seen before?Jiang Yan is not worried that researchers will not take the bait, just as Abedo, who has no desires and desires, has also taken the bait.

Sure enough, Lisa heard the situation described by Jiang Yan. Although her complexion did not change, she sat up straight unconsciously, subconsciously filled herself with coffee, and entered the research state.

This subject was very attractive to Lisa.Sumeru is the country of grass elements, and it is well known that grass elements are not good at lethality.Therefore, using various elemental reactions to achieve maximum lethality is a major topic of the Holy Order.

Naturally, Lisa is no exception. She has conducted research in the Academy for a long time, and it is rare to come across such an example. She is delighted to hear a simple description.

"That's right, wait for me for an hour, I'll prepare a few bottles of potions, and then let's go to the training ground to test it out briefly." Lisa acted very casually, but the people in the library, dining room and bed are three points one line, Being able to take the initiative to go to the training ground has revealed her strong interest.

An hour later, the Knights training ground

"Drink these six bottles of potion, and then show off your elemental skills." Lisa handed Jiang Yan six test tubes of different colors, which were obviously potions that had just been prepared and hadn't come yet to be bottled.

"This, is it really not overloading the body?" Jiang Yan looked at a row of crayon-like test tubes, and his heart was a little drummed. Alright, hello!What about Consumers Association?Where is Consumers Association?

"Drink, be good, little cutie, you won't have a stomachache." Lisa still comforted Jiang Yan with her usual playful voice.

When Jiang Yan thought about his reputation in Mond, he would not be poisoned, so he simply closed his eyes and drank the whole test tube in one gulp.

It's unpalatable, really unpalatable, like a mixture of pigment and saccharin, the whole tongue and throat are sticky, but fortunately, there is really no other taste.

"Let's get started, show my sister your skills!"

Jiang Yan showed Lisa all his elemental powers, as well as some familiar elemental skills.And under Lisa's gesture, repeat and continue until the elemental power is exhausted.

After about a quarter of an hour, Jiang Yan found that his body gradually became colorful, and the color was very uniform. From his feet to his hands to his chest, red, yellow, green, dark blue, purple and light blue, lines of six colors appeared on his body more and more. Emerge, turning Jiang Yan's whole body into a variegated drawing like a child's graffiti

"It's actually like this?" Lisa approached with some surprise, and slowly touched Jiang Yan's chest with her hand, stroking gently, the white and greasy feeling made Jiang Yan's face flush.

Was he drugged?Could it be, this, this is the legendary borrowed seed?And such a good thing?

Just when Jiang Yan was thinking about how to express more steadfastness, Lisa had already withdrawn her hand, where the five internal organs were densely entangled with colored threads, which made Jiang Yan sigh in relief.

"What's wrong? Are you disappointed, cutie?" Lisa's voice came from beside her ear.

"No, Miss Lisa, what exactly am I drinking? What do these lines represent? When will it disappear?" This shape is too killer, and Jiang Yan really doesn't want outsiders to see it.

"You are taking the elemental force reagent, which can express the content and properties of the elemental force in the body on the surface of the body." Lisa's expression became serious at this point

"This kind of reagent is usually used to study demonized creatures or elemental creation creatures. The human body will only have a certain degree of residual expression after a long period of exercise using the eyes of gods, and the content in your body far exceeds that of the eyes of gods." Eye users are already close to some elemental creation creatures, but due to the complete attributes, there is no irreversible tilt."

"I don't know how you do it, but if you want to stay human, and not turn into a rock slime, or a big elemental reaction bomb. Hope the future is as normal as possible, and after use, as much as possible Maintain the balance of elemental attributes." Speaking of this, Lisa warned Jiang Yan.

Forehead?Is there such a risk in cheating?Jiang Yan was really shocked. Thinking about it carefully, if most of the body is filled with fire elements and thunder elements, and the body is overloaded, this picture is hard to imagine, no matter how you think about it, it is not safe.

Jiang Yan quickly thanked her, and asked Lisa for help on how to formulate a strategy for this situation.

"Ah, I'm so tired. How nice would it be to have a good drink and a good meal at this time?" Lisa pretended to yawn

"It's easy to say, of course I should invite Miss Lisa to enjoy lunch at the Deer Hunter, but when will the paint on my body be removed?"

"This is simple, drink this." Lisa handed Jiang Yan a bottle of colorless potion, and Jiang Yan swallowed it.

"Then wait a minute, 3"

"3 minutes? So fast"

"2, 1, let's go"

"So fast!" Jiang Yan was shocked

"It's time for lunch break, of course it will be soon"

Deer Hunter, a big meal has been served, with special drinks from the Cattail Tavern, and Margaret's eye-cutting in line.

Lisa enjoyed the delicious lunch gracefully, turning a blind eye to Jiang Yan's expectant gaze.

After eating and drinking, Lisa narrowed her eyes like a cat basking in the sun. After enjoying a long time of leisure, she finally opened her eyes and opened her mouth.

"I haven't heard of your physique before, but the scholars of Xumi have done a lot of research on the use of multi-elements. The scholars of Xumi will use a variety of element spars to make them into throwing objects and devices for use Self-defense, and use the elemental reactions caused by various elements to cause different effects." Lisa explained slowly.

A real genius is thinking all the time, seems to be resting, just relax his nerves and change his mind.

"As for you, you can completely use the packaged spar and auxiliary elemental force to recharge the energy, simplifying the structure of expensive decorations, making it easier to manufacture and maintain. It just so happens that the Knights of the West Wind has a leader in this regard." Having said that, Lisa narrowed her eyes and smiled wickedly.

"Little cutie, are you going to learn from another cutie?" Lisa covered her mouth with her hand

"Is there no other way, Miss Lisa? After all, I am also an honorary knight, and my every move represents the image of Mond. It is too embarrassing to learn how to fry fish from Keli." Mond, the final ending is to worship the little girl as a teacher?

"There are indeed other ways. In recent years, the energy-guiding disc technology discovered by Husseini scholars can make it easy for people to use the fragments of the leylines to realize the quantitative control of the power of the elements. You will definitely need this technology in the future for fine management The balance of elemental forces."

"If you want this, you want this!" After doing several activities, Jiang Yan knows that this thing is very effective.

"But" Lisa showed a troubled expression

"But what? Mora I have some on my side" Is Mora a problem?It's a big deal to do a few more big jobs!

"In terms of permissions, I can help you, but the original guide technology has been highly appraised by the Holy Order, calling it a technology that can change Tivat. Even if it is a license right, the valuation will exceed at least 10 billion moras... " Lisa gave the reason, she is also very tempted by this technology, but it is too expensive.

"I think, I am also a childlike person. Keli is so cute, who would not want to play with her?"

Is there something wrong with wanting to live in Mond: Chapter 61 Chapter 60 Is there something wrong with bomb flow swordsmanship?

After the two people applied to Qin for assistance.When Qin heard about this, her first reaction was to refuse.

A little girl with astonishing destructive power provides action power, and a master of repairing with astonishing destructive power provides a plan. If these two people get together, sooner or later, Mond City will be turned into ruins.Why put fire and thunder together?Don't you know about overloading?

Lisa had no choice but to explain to Qin in detail, and if she didn't take care of it, Jiang Yan would be a guest star in the Mond Sea Lantern Festival. Qin could only pinch her nose to express her agreement, but repeatedly told Jiang Yan:

"Don't give her advice, please." Knight leader has never been so humble

"Who do you think I am?" Jiang Yan was angry

I don't know who you are, but I know you're not a human when you're alive, Jean thought

"Don't give her any action plan."

"Got it" annoyed.EXE

"Don't take her out to do big things."

"Where are you the student's parent?" Jiang Yan flipped the table in his mind!

"Big Brother, are you here to play with Keli?" Just as Qin was about to emphasize safety for the fourth time, the Spark Knight had already come to report, and seeing someone new in the office, he tilted his head and looked at Jiang Yan to ask questions.

Seeing that these two main sources of headaches finally met together in a historic way, Qin covered her face with despair.

"Yes, big brother needs to learn how to make bombs from Keli for some reasons, and will play with you all the time"

After being called by Qin, Keli kept her head shrunk, thinking that she would be locked up after the incident.It turned out that there was a big brother who wanted to learn how to make bombs from her. Anyone who likes to make bombs is a good person!Great!

Looking at Keli who shrunk her head, her small face instantly burst into a bright smile. Qin and Jiang Yan turned their heads at the same time. This girl is so cute that they can't help but touch it after watching it.

"Then Keli, let me talk about the rules at the end." In desperation, Qin felt that it was better to restrain Keli, at least Keli basically didn't do any big things.

""Report to the confinement room with cannons in the city", "Bomb hurts people and Qin comes to the door", "Set fire to the mountain and Keli is finished"", Keli quickly recited the three regulations, "Captain Qin, can I go out to play? ? "I can't look directly at the expression of "I want to go out to play" on his face.

"Go", Qin is tired and just wants to rest.

"Get away!" Jiang Yan, who couldn't react in time, was pulled away by Keli, and went straight to Xingluo Lake in a blink of an eye.

In Xingluo Lake, after throwing a few rounds of bombs and splashing high fish and water, the excited Keli finally calmed down, remembering that this big brother came to learn how to make bombs.Embarrassed, he leaned over

"Which... I'm sorry, I forgot to teach my big brother how to make a bomb. This bomb is Keli's latest improvement! Do you think I'm doing well?"

Where did Jiang Yan expect a little girl to explain it to him in detail? He was already self-taught, so he patted Keli's head, "No problem, just now Keli was just showing the power of the latest bomb, and I learned a lot" said Then, took the bomb.

"Hey hey hey hey" Keli smiled happily after being encouraged.

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