Carefully dismantling the bomb, Jiang Yan found that Tivat's bomb was very simple. The whole bomb consisted of only three parts, a doodle-shaped shell, explosives, and fire element spar.To use it, you only need to transmit the fire element force, overload the fire element spar, and throw it out before the overload explodes. The explosion will ignite the gunpowder and explode the shell, and you're done.

No cartridge case, no firing pin, no trigger, no wonder Keli throws it casually every day, long live magic technology!Jiang Yan closed the bomb.Infuse the elemental force smoothly, I wipe it, the capacity of this bomb is much higher than imagined, and Keli's elemental force is too strong, I will use it!Halo, big!

"Pound!" The bomb exploded in his hand. If Noelle's rock shield hadn't been activated in time, Jiang Yan would have almost injured himself.

Ke Li, who was happily frying fish, was startled by the huge explosion. She turned her head and saw Jiang Yan with black hands, and looked at Jiang Yan with concern

"Brother, are you alright, "Bomb wounding Qin came to the door", but it really wasn't Keli who did it." The little face frowned

"It's okay, it's okay, big brother didn't control the elemental power well, the bomb exploded in his hand, don't blame Keli"

"After the bomb is activated, you can't hold it in your hand. Brother Abedo told me several times." Ke Li's small face imitated Abedo's serious expression and preached, in short, she was very cute.

However, Jiang Yan, who was preached by a child, felt that he had completely lost face, so he had no choice but to change the subject, asked Keli to get the formula of explosives, and conducted a simple analysis.

Charcoal, sugar, nitrate, and fire element crystal powder are at least at the level of World War I, but I don’t know if there are any substitutes for aluminum powder and oil in this world. Diatomaceous earth definitely has it. I can try it with Abedo some other day. Judging by the cleanliness of this powder, Keli's bomb must be supported by his alchemy equipment.

After simply testing a few bombs, the embarrassing incident of exploding on the spot never happened again. Jiang Yan began to combine throwing bombs with Wendy's wind element guidance. The super far bomb instantly attracted Keli's attention.

"Brother, you are really strong!" Keli watched Jiang Yan admiringly throw the bomb directly into the middle of the river.

Jiang Yan wanted to explain, but thinking about helping Keli develop bomb skills, Abedo and Captain Qin's expressions after learning about it, let's forget it.

"That's right, because I'm a grown-up" Shameless grown-ups are like that.

As the sun faded to the west, Jiang Yan grilled a few fish for Ke Li, who was blown up and lost consciousness. The taste was not bad. Jiang Yan scored himself 60 points. .Keli ate with gusto as proof.After eating and drinking enough, I took Keli back to the Knights, ordered a large amount of bomb materials, and said goodbye to Keli, and it was time for the adults.

Under normal circumstances, I usually use thunder and wind elements to fight. Earth and water can be consumed by opening shields or water blades. The remaining fire and ice elements need to be made into bombs.The fire element is fine, it’s enough to replace Keli’s bomb with a low-key shell temporarily, absorb the wisdom of the chip industry, just scrape off the shell with a file and it’s over, I’m not ashamed to call Liyue bomb, there’s nothing wrong with it!

As for the ice elemental bomb, it is a headache. Even in modern times, there is no frost bomb. Jiang Yan used ice jade debris powder and ice mist flower petals to make a few trial products. The effect is ok, but the cost is completely reasonable not on ah.Forget it, let's find the magical Abedo.

In other words, the grenade with various elements, plus the enchanted flat cut, does this style of painting seem familiar?Jiang Yan looked at the grenade on his waist, lost in thought?Where is my black rose special team?

Forget it, sleep, there are still a bunch of bomb techniques to practice, real ammunition experts, never practice at their own expense.

"Challenge, Keli!"——White Party, that's how happy it is.

Is there something wrong with wanting to live in Mond: Chapter 62 Chapter 61 Is there something wrong with the materials that can’t be dropped when you beat a wolf?

Bombs are quite expensive. Anyone who has been to the alchemy platform knows that real gold and silver Mora is used as consumables to synthesize things.The cost of broken crystals and explosive powder, the cost of synthesis, and the refining of the shell are all money. Jiang Yanchu made a rough estimate. The cost of a bouncing bomb is about tens of thousands of moras. Jiang Yan just wants to say a word about it:

"Please give me the tens of thousands of moras. I will take this fish for you. Shark it as you want."

Jiang Yan has done several big tasks in a row, and there is really no shortage of Mora at hand, but tens of thousands of Mora will hear it?It's really not up to that point.

Keli’s elder brother is rich, and he can take hundreds of thousands of Mora fried fish casually. Jiang Yan can only shed tears of poverty. He challenged the little girl to prostitute for nothing in the dark night. energy guide disk

It's a pity that Jiang Yan couldn't receive any of the books about Xingqiu. These books were not ordinary, and he had seen the translated version of Dao Wife's Raw Meat even in Mond.Leaving aside why books from neighboring countries need to be translated in a third language, Jiang Yan just fantasizes that if there are royalties, he is afraid that he will be financially free. I want to tie myself up to receive the reward, hey, but... sigh... (singing)

While struggling, Keli was already looking at this strange big brother with cute big eyes.

"Hello, are you here to play with Keli?" The mystery, the outcome, and so on are too complicated for Keli to understand, but she understands that it won't hurt anyone.What are you waiting for?Just one word "Yeah!"

"Boom sparks!" Boom bombs!touch! "I didn't think about what was going on. Anyway, my mother and brother Abedo can often do miraculous things. The important thing is that throwing bombs here will not be locked up! This big brother is a good man!

Jiang Yan rubbed the bombs in a hurry. In terms of speed alone, I really can't compare with this little girl. The fire element in my body is stronger than myself. I need to get used to it. The proficiency in activating the bomb is even worse, and I will win. Hand throwing and dodging from Wendy and Amber.

It's impossible for Jiang Yan to bomb the little girl, but Keli doesn't need to dodge at all.Whether it came back from the collision or the bomb Jiang Yan threw nearby, it would automatically turn off every time it got close to her. What kind of magical cheat is this?It must have been the protection given to her by her mother, Ms. Alice. She really deserves to be a legendary figure, and it is much stronger than the inexplicable protection given to her child by the mother next door, such as "the big devil with no nose and pressed to death with empty hands".

One has zero aggression and is full of evasion, the other just likes to throw it, it doesn't matter where it is thrown.The scene naturally stalemate.

One big and one small kept throwing bombs at each other, until they landed in Konglan.Jiang Yan took out the trial Jinpo again, sprinted forward, and skillfully covered Keli's eyes.Facing his own head, he used the one-second blue-returning stunt again——Jin Po's headshot, "Summon, Keli" reopened in a blink of an eye.

After practicing all kinds of throwing methods all night, although Keli likes to play with bombs, as a child, even if she is not physically tired, she is too excited and tired mentally.After the third empty blue, she drooped her pointy ears and said, "Tired from playing, a little dizzy...Ke Li wants to go home...Let's play together next time." The whole person instantly shattered into pieces, A red crystal butterfly was left floating into Jiang Yan's body, and the scene turned into nothingness.

"???, can you still cast 20 shots?" Jiang Yan was very surprised, this is the first one here to directly cast 20 shots subconsciously, Ms. Alice's protection is too powerful!If I have malicious intentions, I can't figure it out and I'll be gone.

Forget it, children love to sleep, don't bother them, Jiang Yan is decisive.

In this way, Jiang Yan began to coax the children to accompany him to throw a few bombs every night. Of course, Keli was very happy, and there was no sense of guilt for a win-win situation.

Three days later, Jiang Yan had mastered the method of throwing bombs. When he thought he was a little successful, he discovered a problem. There was no reliable opponent to practice with, and he had no bombs in the arena.In reality, since the several titled knights of Mond are all friends, it is a bit too much to engage in bomb sparring.

Well, that's you, Andrius!

The demon god Andreus is the demon god of the old Mond era. He was active in the era when the tornado demon god Dekarapian ruled Mond. As a wolf, this demon god is famous for adopting abandoned babies and accepting homeless people.Of course, Andreus is more famous for challenging the tornado demon god Dekarapian, but he didn't even break his wind wall, highlighting the immortal legend of the old Mond who is addicted to wolf vegetables.

Of course, Langcai was fighting with Dekarapian in perfect condition, and Jiang Yan's only chance of victory was to plug Andreus's teeth, and the vicious toothache killed him.It's a ghost if you can beat it!It's not a fault if you don't get caught in a second.

Unlike Tewarin who fell into a deep sleep, the demon god Andreus was already dead.Now, only its remnant soul is guarding the Benlang collar.His remnant soul is watching over Lupika who runs the wolf collar.When the pack of wolves is threatened, they will appear in the form of wolves, showing their fangs and sharp claws. They usually sleep in the proving ground, and wake up when someone challenges them, giving people a "trial".

In a word, if you can't be beaten to death, you won't be killed, you don't need to show mercy, and you are a very suitable opponent.

On the fourth day, with a big move, Jiang Yan rushed to Benlangling and arrived at Andreus's proving ground. Looking at the rusty wolf powder, Jiang Yan was really hungry.I have been in Tivat for so long, and I only have a four-star one-handed sword blank in my hand, is there a mistake?What about the dragon-slaying sword that you can give away when you click it?This group of people's five-star sword would rather rot in the ground than use it. This kind of violent display of wealth will be punished!

Jiang Yan pulled out the five-star sword, tapped it lightly, and called out the summoning spell inherited from Liyue:

"Dang, dang, what time is it, old wolf, old wolf?"

The king wolf, which took the shape of wind and frost, was awakened from deep sleep, emerged from the stone wall, and let out a deep roar, "Adventurer, are you ready to accept the trial?"

Jiang Yan drew his sword out of its sheath, "Come on!"

Not to mention, I was a little nervous. In reality, Jiang Yan had never fought an opponent of a similar level. He killed Qiuqiu people every day. This skill might be useless. This time, he just practiced a little more.Before he finished speaking, a paw swept across the tip of his nose with the icy wind.

"I'll wipe!" Jiang Yan jumped back and hid a long way. Don't you need to warm up just after waking up?

Andreus turned around with a tail flick, and the ice element was guided by it, directly forming a vortex, and the biting cold wind rolled up a small tornado.

However, Jiang Yan had already prepared for this move, so he jumped back and avoided it.

Riding on the power of the icy wind, Andreus leaped high, sweeping a large amount of elemental force towards Jiang Yan.Jiang Yan stomped the ground fiercely, leaped high, and easily dodged the move.

"Front paws, flicking tail, pouncing, good standard feline trilogy, by the way, isn't this old wolf a canine?" A mysterious question suddenly appeared in Jiang Yan's mind, shaking his head, he didn't have time to think about it.

The long sword was infused with elemental power, and the purple lightning flowed on the surface like a liquid.Holding the sword in both hands, Jiang Yan was in the air, relying on the thrust of the wind element force, his figure plummeted, and he stabbed heavily into Andreus' head.

There is no so-called vital point in the shape condensed by the ice and wind, but the sudden burst of powerful thunder elemental force still makes Andreus's body darker in an instant. Jiang Yan draws his sword, kicks his feet and jumps up. With a flick of the waist, the fire elemental force was activated, and the two bombs rolled down on the wound caused by the long sword.

"Boom! Boom!" Two loud noises made Andreus jump back and lie on the ground and rub his head against the ground, trying to relieve the pain caused by the bomb exploding in his body. The power of ice and wind elements quickly condensed on his neck , In the blink of an eye, the wound recovered as before.

Jiang Yan didn't take the opportunity to attack. Of course, this level of fighting is not the real strength of the remnant soul. The good show has just begun.

Andreus got up, his huge wolf eyes became sharper, he bowed his back, and began to run along the arena at high speed, running more and more, and finally even ran out of afterimages.

Throwing the one-handed sword back into the space, Jiang Yan changed to a two-handed sword, holding the huge sword obliquely, with both feet uneven, listening carefully to the location of Andreus's surprise attack with both ears.

In a blink of an eye, it has been several months since I practiced hard to catch the waves. With Lei Element's deep understanding, Master Beidou has become more and more difficult to win. The months-long training is coming to an end, and there must be a reasonable opponent as Diploma now!Although this large husky is now a dog in Pingyang, its reputation is big enough, I believe Mr. Beidou should be satisfied.

As soon as the paw sound of Andreus running and changing direction appeared, Jiang Yan turned around precisely and faced Andreus.The old wolf was not afraid at all, confident that no one could withstand Cangfang and Claw's all-out assault.In a blink of an eye, his figure was like lightning, and he rushed towards Jiang Yan with a long afterimage.

In just a few months, Jiang Yan couldn't comprehend the essence of Beidou in terms of dismantling moves and traction alone. However, he has harvested countless times with the Wuxiang knife that has witnessed the shadow of his life. The original is quite different.

Andreus's surprise attack was unstoppable. Jiang Yan's blocked giant sword was easily blown up like a curtain under the gust of wind, just when Andreus felt that he had already sent the enemy flying and wanted to make up for it.But he was surprised to find that the distance between himself and this adventurer was completely inaccessible, and he kept the same distance all the time. The thunder elemental power on his head gave enough repulsion to the opponent's big sword full of thunder elemental power, and he ran even faster. Quick, the other party is meaningless as if sitting on his body.

This is exactly Jiang Yan's wonderful technique of using repulsion to open the distance, which Jiang Yan learned from Lei Dianzhen. No matter how strong the opponent is, before the effect of the thunder element force trap is released, the repulsion of the same polarity can only achieve a slight effect similar to being knocked into the air. destructive power.

Just when Andreus was about to use the ice wind to disperse the thunder elemental power attached to his body, Jiang Yan had already gathered his momentum. With a flash of thunder, the thunder elemental power on Andreus' body exploded actively, disrupting its defensive posture. Then came the long-prepared thrust of the saber, which had been practiced thousands of times, and the skill that had been tempered thousands of times to achieve meritorious deeds. It directly slashed across Andreus' neck heavily. If he still had a flesh and blood body , this knife is enough to decapitate him.Even the current elemental body left a deep wound.

Andreus let out a mournful cry, and the ice and wind of the entire arena gathered on his body like a tornado and began to heal it.

Jiang Yan saw that this move had the same origin as Yulawo Vortex, so he hurriedly observed and imitated it carefully. The giant sword swirled and stirred in the air, and then smashed to the ground. A considerable part of the ice element force was guided in this way, causing the ground to condense thick. thick ice.

It's pointless to kill it while it's sick. I'm here to adjust the tactics, not to use the wolf's tail as a breakthrough material, Jiang Yan thought, so he slowly waited for the old wolf's second transformation.

So far, everything is under control. He is not Frieza who can transform three times, but he is a super Liyue who possesses six elements. What are you afraid of?

One minute later, a pure white ice wolf emerged from the ice mist, and the fatal wound caused by the giant sword was gone. The body of the giant wolf had been completely replaced by pure ice and wind elemental power, as if it were transparent. Under the noon sun, it shone beautifully. It was dazzling bluish white from the front, and rainbow-like seven-color light was reflected from the side; the long tail of the wolf, and even the hairs made of ice, were clearly visible.It has to be said that the demon god on Mond's side is really good-looking per capita.

The whole body of Andreus is simply a textbook of the perfect combination of various elemental forces, which opened Jiang Yan's eyes. Miss Lisa should really see that elemental imbalance is not so scary.

However, it is obvious that Andreus Fei did not transform for such a long time to walk on the runway.With a wolf roar, sharp hailstones fell from Jiang Yan's head. Jiang Yan moved his sword with both hands, driving the elemental force to rotate around, and a circle of ice elemental force wrapped around the sword. The hailstone disappeared without a trace. look at andrius

"I just learned it, am I learning fast?"

After the giant wolf turned into a pure elemental creature, it seemed to have lost its emotion and didn't respond at all. With a stamp of its front paw, a large row of ice thorns "grew out" directly from the ground, and went straight to Jiang Yan, wanting to kill him for a thousand years.

"What's the point of single-handedly fighting this kind of straight-line skill? Is there a lot of Xiulan?" Jiang Yan slowly moved horizontally, dodging the ice thorn

The giant wolf stomped its front paws again, and three sharp wind blades blew directly towards it. The emerald green wind blades were inconspicuous in the ice fog, but Jiang Yan, who had played with Wendy so much, was completely unimpressed, and lightly " Push", use a gust of wind to push the oncoming wind blade away.

The subsequent claw strikes and pounces were easily dodged by Ye Jiang Yan, only catching one bomb each time, leaving two white cracks on its claws.

"There's nothing new, I'm going to chop off your tail, I don't know if cooking soup can make others break through" Jiang Yan threatened Andreus

Andreus stood still suddenly, raised his head and let out a huge wolf howl, and the entire arena was covered by the storm; and from it.It also continuously split into transparent ice wolves the size of ordinary wolves, and rushed towards Jiang Yan

"That's right?" Jiang Yan was delighted when he saw Lie Xin, he didn't have the ability to call him Mao's Four Guardians?

The two-handed sword was sent to the space, and Jiang Yan pulled out the spear from the space. The disorderly storm pervading the entire arena made Jiang Yan very comfortable, feeling that the whole world was under his control.

"Guang Feng, listen to my orders!" Shouting handsome lines, Jiang Yan held the gun in his right armpit, raised his left hand, and pointed the gun point directly at Andreus.In the next moment, Jiang Yan was wearing a long green cloak brought by the wind element force, and like a comet, he pierced the tip of the spear on Andreus' paw.

"Good blocking!" With the tip of the gun pressed, Jiang Yan took off in a pole-vaulting posture. He stabbed repeatedly in the air, piercing the two ice wolves that split from the back of Andreus. The key point of the ice wolf is A piece of pure ice condensed from the ice element force in the abdomen, Jiang Yan stabbed the darker ice cube in the ice wolf's abdomen with precision, and the ice wolf instantly turned into an ordinary ice cube and shattered; while the other one was stabbed After wearing it, it exploded without being affected at all, and the ice exploded and shattered ice, which was blocked by Jiang Yan's rock shield.

"Good job!" Jiang Yan clenched his spear tightly, guiding the storm to assist him from his back, his whole body fell like an eagle hunting, and stuck heavily on Andreus's back, then he drew his gun and stood up with both feet Step hard, take off again, activate the fire elemental power in the air, drop two bombs with the largest dose, and throw them accurately into the hole made by the spear with the wind. The stones thrown for so long are not in vain.

"Boom! Boom!" Jiang Yan shook his head.I feel that although it is okay to hit a wave of explosions with this thing, but as an addition, it will affect the continuity a bit. Just like now, after retreating, activating the bomb is very energy-intensive, which makes it impossible to continue the close pursuit. If it does not drop in seconds, it will be completely broken. Rhythm.

But it doesn't matter, I saw that Andreus's whole figure could no longer be maintained, and gradually turned into a large piece of ice fog, and in a blink of an eye, he returned to the mural as if blown by the wind, and the arena was empty in a blink of an eye, and silence returned.

"??? Where are the flowers? Where do I get my wolf tail?" Jiang Yan was completely stunned, seeing no response around him, no flowers and no treasure chests, so he had to pick up the rusty wolf tail and turn away. Andreus didn't see it either. stop him.

"Does this mean that I am qualified to inherit the title of Knight of the North Wind? But what do I want this title for? Farga is alive and well." Jiang Yan felt that the old wolf's thoughts were completely incomprehensible. It's been a hundred years, can it be used?Can it be discounted?

"Monde ran to the wolf collar, Monde ran to the wolf collar, the largest wolf pack in the country, Lupika, went bankrupt, and Andreus, the wolf king, ate, drank, gambled, owed 20 million moras, and ran away with his uncle Borias. We There is no reward for the trial, and you can only take wolf powder to the treasure box. The best wolf powder is 20 billion, all [-] billion." Jiang Yan has already thought about the advertisement for the special sale of this sword in Mond City.

Is it wrong to want to live in Mond: Chapter 63 Chapter 62 Is it something wrong to be less and less human

It's a pity that the monetization plan at the end of the wolf ended at the beginning. The blacksmith Wagner recognized this famous two-handed sword in the history of Mond, and directly reported to the Knights that Liyue's tomb robbers destroyed historical relics.The refurbishment and forging failed, and the whole person was turned to the head of Qin.

"I am dignified and dignified to try out this great sword, is it good? You can go to the old wolf and ask." Jiang Yan argued angrily, is there any king's law?Baoyou, I got this from an official channel. Is there anything I can't sell?

Qin also covered her forehead with a headache. The relics of the first Knight of the North Wind have been guarded by the wolf king Andreus.The previous heads of the Knights of the West Wind were all knights of the South Wind or Knights of the North Wind, so this sword has a strong symbolic meaning, just like the Wind Eagle Sword in his hand, it is completely a symbol of the protection of the four winds.

Jiang Yan fully understands this feeling. If someone digs out Guan Erye's knife, it will definitely be impossible for you to use it to command the martial arts.But if you use it to find someone to polish and maintain it, and plan to use it for morning exercises, it is likely to be shot a hundred times by the people of the whole country.

"We use the best materials to customize a West Wind Great Sword for you, can you change it?" Qin suggested

"What do you think?" Jiang Yan resolutely refused, even if it was the Jing 5 West Wind Great Sword, someone would exchange it for the end of a wolf?How big is the bag in the head? "

"But this sword is already unusable due to the wind and rain, so it's pointless for you to use it?" Qin argued with reason.

"So, I'm waiting for your bid." Jiang Yantu stared blankly, revealing the real plan.

The scene immediately became embarrassing. Although the Zephyr Knights are the rulers of a country, but this Tivat Iron Ridge, as you can see from the map, has nothing to say.With such a small territory, Farga actually plays expeditions!

There is no more Femoran activity than fighting wars.With the transportation of materials like water, the current situation of the West Wind Knights has long been unable to make ends meet.Qin thought about the funds of the Knights, but after struggling for a long time, she couldn't say this. If she gave less insults, she also insulted the sword; if she gave too much, she really couldn't afford it.

Seeing Qin's embarrassed expression, Jiang Yan basically understood the situation, cut!

"If it doesn't work, let's barter. I believe that there are many blanks of ancient weapons in the warehouse of the Knights. Forge one of the four weapons for me, and make another for Fischer for the bow."

"Not so many, Mond is not Liyue, there are not so many ruins to explore" Qinkou refused

"I'll make the blank for the one-handed sword myself, otherwise I'll take this sword back to Liyue immediately. There is a guest in the Hall of Past and Future who makes a bold move. He never bargains. I believe I will be able to exchange so much for him." Jiang Yan bit to death When the final limit was reached, Qin had no choice but to agree because she couldn't afford to lose the symbolic weapons abroad.

The ruthless man who lost 4 blanks on a trip, hummed a ditty and left the Knights, only to find that Abedo, who was waiting outside, got up and walked over.

"Mr. Jiang Yan, my research has progressed in stages, let's conduct the next round of tests."

As expected of you, the amazing teacher Abedo!Jiang Yan hurriedly brought Abedo to the deer hunter, and arranged drinks and refreshments. After some courtesies, Abedo, who hurried back from Longji Snow Mountain, explained to Jiang Yan a set of reference element creatures, using element force to resonate to absorb free The training method of elemental force.

The specific method is to activate the elemental force of a certain attribute evenly in the whole body, do not explode, just increase the activity, use the resonance of the elemental force, guide the surrounding elemental force to increase the activity together, and finally slowly absorb them into the body.

This method is a bit similar to the old wolf Andreus, Jiang Yan couldn't help but think of the picture of the old wolf absorbing elemental power to heal his wounds like a tornado.He immediately made a simple attempt, and the fire element all over his body slowly began to activate under his guidance.His fair skin also gradually turned pink under the action of the fire element.

However, I can't breathe it in. How can there be such a strong fire elemental force in the air of Mond City? .

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yan sprinkled a small amount of broken crystal powder of the fire element used to make bombs into the air, and continued to close his eyes to feel that this time in the air that was relatively rich in fire element power, Jiang Yan had a slightly clearer perception of the fire element power around the air Some, under their own influence, also began to become a little active. Is this some kind of resonance?

Imagining the rhythm of breathing, Jiang Yan began to activate, deactivate, activate, and deactivate, constantly simulating this kind of "breathing" or "tide" with elemental force, and the surrounding area also produced this kind of resonance. Although the strength is not strong, it does exist.

In the end, Jiang Yan activated it fiercely, and when the elemental force in his body was too late to fully provide, the fire elemental force in the air that resonated with his body was absorbed into his body along a small part of his pores, which is feasible!However, it is easier to invite God than to send God away. The high-intensity elemental force can only slowly reduce the firepower in the cycle. After a while, the pink color on Jiang Yan's body slowly dissipated.

Although the theory was proposed by himself, Abedo was quite surprised when he saw that Jiang Yan had really absorbed some free elemental forces in the air.You must know that all the owners of the God's Eye rely on the external magical organ "breathing" of the God's Eye. The God's Eye is a very efficient form of transformation and does not have the unique resonance of this elemental creature. , accumulation, retention and other phenomena.

This kind of high efficiency greatly improves the conversion efficiency, and at the same time seals off a part of the upper limit, making it difficult for humans to guide the mighty power of heaven and earth. "It's been a while, this person looks more like an elemental creature, it's amazing." Abedo thought to himself.

Jiang Yan didn't have so many emotions, but admired the amazing Abedo. As long as he kept exercising according to this method, he could gradually increase the purity and total amount of elemental force in his body, and more importantly, the speed of returning to mana would be much faster , this is too important.

The remuneration has been credited to the account, then pay the tuition honestly!Before Abedo could speak, Jiang Yan offered to cooperate with him in various experiments.

The old rules, collecting blood and flesh samples, testing the upper limit of elemental power and recovery speed, and various interaction tests with elemental creatures.Jiang Yan also risked his morals for Abedo's guidance, Xiangling used slime to cook, so what if he swallowed a slime for tutoring?

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