After all, Sumeru is the closest to the World Tree, and something really went wrong, not only Sumeru, but also the neighboring countries who couldn't escape.

Besides, it's not up to you, a puppet god, to fill in the hole. Hasn't the Holy Order always held the heart of God?Find a "doctor" to make you an artificial god to fill in the hole.

Who dares to think of Xiaocao at this time, Jiang Yan will definitely fill in the hole with him first.

Crouching temporarily?late!

After some persuasion, Naxida finally made a concession under Jiang Yan's plan of "shaking people on a large scale" and "borrowing man-made gods for use", and gave up her plan to fill the hole with herself.

After all, I want to fill the pit instead of jumping directly into the pit.


After experiencing this episode, Jiang Yan, who came back to his senses, led everyone along the four-leaf seal, "circling in the dark, flying across the river", and finally arrived in front of a huge device.

Although I can't understand the principle of this giant device, it is obvious that this device has not really been activated.

It seems that the next step is to "burn the embers of the three suns with flying feathers".

After solving "eating internal organs with your mouth" and "flying over the river", this is no longer a puzzle. It is simply telling you the password to open the door.

However, there are some arguments for calling the Yuanneng Torch "the embers of the sun". Considering the name of the King of the Scorching Sun, it seems that the King of the Scorching Sun is not an ordinary grassroots demon god.

Of course, no matter how big the background is, it's enough that he can't stand such a wave. The only suspense now is whether he can find his remnant soul in Aruli.

Just as Jiang Yan expected, facing the audience at the seven-pillar level, the King of the Sun did not intend to get stuck in the process.

Using the "Yuanneng Candlestick" to release the Yuanneng Fire Seed and ignite three Yuanneng torches, the machine was finally activated.

In a blink of an eye, everyone was brought to the top of the Red King Mausoleum by the machine.

But unfortunately, there are no coveted treasures here, nor are there temples inlaid with gems, only the barrenness and decay that are indistinguishable from the desert.

Well, there is another huge dragon beast preparing for a warm "welcome", swinging its two big pendulums and gliding all the way on its skateboard shoes.

This technology derived from the perpetual movement and the shape of the dragon are probably what those souls who were sold to the abyss were exchanged for.

does it worth?

At least Jiang Yan feels that there is no essential difference between this broken thing and the previous Miao crisp horn.

Although there is an exquisite structural design from the underground kingdom, it is still an old problem, and the maximum output is not high due to perpetual motion.

The offensive effort is not high, it is nothing more than scraping, and it is not a big problem in front of Yongdong.

But if the maximum defense is not enough, it will kill you.

Jiang Yan's skilled sword of thunder chopped the two large pendulums into two, and then overloaded the precious eternal movement with one sword, which proved that this thing is still just a toy in the face of high-end combat power.

However, after blowing up the guardian, the so-called "Ascension Aru" still disappeared, only a huge hole in the sky.

"The entrance to the golden dreamland should have been damaged."

Nasida said after careful examination with her spiritual sense.

She was also very helpless, thinking that the highest achievement of the King of the Scorching Sun must have countless protections and restrictions.

As a result, Naxida used a trick she didn't want to use, and made complete preparations with her friends and acted cautiously. As a result, not to mention the lock, even the door was smashed open.

Fortunately, that cloud of group consciousness is still hovering in the sky.

Could it be that the king of the scorching sun made this underworld thing, even the abyss didn't know how to use it, so he could only use this skateboard shoe dragon beast to guard it first?

In any case, since they broke the empty door, Jiang Yan and Xiaocao would naturally accept this external graphics card.

"Xiaocao, let's start."

Jiang Yan injected all the grass element power "Dream Power" into the special "void" earphones beside his ears.

"Well, I'll do my best!"

In the Palace of Good Seeing, the emerald green dreamland completely enveloped the top of the entire sacred tree. Taking advantage of the connection of the "dream", Naxida violently projected her divine thoughts into the sea of ​​sand!

"Bloom, flower of dreams!"

Is there something wrong with cloud computing in Shahai: Chapter 503 Chapter 486 Is there something wrong with gradually deciphering

The rainy season returns, and the vegetation is happy;

The pomegranate sang, the apple clapped.

In Huana Lanna, Jiang Yan once saw the scene of the tree of dreams growing.

And personally maintained that piece of pure dream.

So he knows the principle of the flower of dream blooming.

That is, every pomegranate seed, that is, every lannaroo, sings the new leaves of their dreams with their own memories.

The endless new leaves tightly wrap the dream, and use all the beauty to make the dream grow, and finally bloom a dreamlike flower that is as beautiful as a big dream.

However, just as Jiang Yan was assisting Naxida with elemental power, and was about to wake up the seeds and wrap the dream;

As soon as they "touched" the dreamland of gold, the two decisively retracted the fog of the dreamland.

"This...can't be eaten." Both Jiang Yan and Naxida were a little dumbfounded.

Dreams also have "weight". Naxida didn't know exactly how many people's consciousnesses were condensed in Ah Ru back then.

But even if Jiang Yan and Naxida estimated it according to the greatest possibility, they never thought that the "weight" here is simply appalling.

Converted into the "weight" of ordinary people, it is at least 10 servings.

The number of seeds that have just been cultivated for a day, how can such a huge behemoth be moved?

The only good news is that this huge dream has long since lost all protection and guidance. Nasida can continue to implant the dream seed with peace of mind without worrying about being swallowed by it.

In the process, Naxida and Jiang Yan, who were confused, also conducted urgent consultations.

Whether it is the precious inheritance of the Wisdom Palace or the word of mouth of the desert survivors, it is recorded that "ascension to Aru" is a great honor that is difficult to obtain.

Since there is such a high threshold, where did such a large number come from?

Could it be that in the end, because the protective device was destroyed, Ah Ru indiscriminately took away the souls of all the people and souls of the palace city of Athemar?

Jiang Yan was full of malicious speculation.

But this kind of speculation is likely to be very close to the truth. After all, it sounds like a conspiracy that the poisonous snake in the abyss could think up.

When you think about cheating technology with a little soul leaked from your fingertips, people have already thought about all your people, which is very reasonable.

Speaking of the desert country thousands of years ago, would there really be so many people?How big an oasis can guarantee their water and food supply?

Although the Palace of Wisdom has a large number of poems in praise of the Achmal Dynasty, many describe this grand scene.

But as we all know, in order to rhyme and program effects, bards can play as big as they are. Is this something that can be believed?

Now being hammered by the massacre-style census, Jiang Yan can't stop talking when he thinks about the prosperity of the desert kingdom back then.

Thousands of years ago, Liyue Port was probably just a small fishing village.

No wonder the king of the scorching sun swelled so much that he was shoulder to shoulder with the sun. It was indeed expected.

However, since the king of the scorching sun was fooled, he took out all the people in the king's city.

So why didn't the abyss take this most valuable loot?Why is there a big dragon beast to watch over?

Could it be that the passage was directly blocked by the King of the Scorching Sun at that time, making it too late for the abyss to take it away?so far so good.

If after exhausting himself, he finally found out that the things had been stolen by the abyss, Jiang Yan would feel that he would die of anger.

However, although the things in front of him were not stolen, they were not much better. Jiang Yan had a feeling that the mouse was pulling the turtle and he couldn't do anything.

When I came to the vault, I found that the vault was not locked, and even the door was blown open by the previous thief.

Unfortunately, there is only one huge gold nugget weighing hundreds of tons inside, what should I do?

"Xiaocao, how long will it take you to completely absorb this golden dreamland?"

Unable to think of a solution, Jiang Yan could only hand over the problem to Xiaocao.

"I can't do it in 100 years..." Nashida said distressedly.

This piece of dream that was directly absorbed without any processing is full of chaos and disorder.

Coupled with the huge "weight", even if the Great Mercy Tree King is resurrected, it will not be able to eat it for hundreds of years.

If you want to organize a warehouse, the only time is when they enter the warehouse. Once there is a problem in this link, it will be a nightmare for any sorter.

This is the situation Nasida is facing, because this piece of golden dreamland has long lost the rules and logic when it was established, and now it is just a large chaotic aggregate.

No matter what rules are used to sort it out, it will be futile.

"However, for this piece of dream that is already ignorant and ignorant, if you want to guide it and provide me with a certain degree of help, it will be realized soon."

Nasida thought about it carefully and proposed her own plan:

On the one hand, she will slowly use the seeds of dreams, piece by piece, to "cut" this collection of chaotic thinking, and gradually absorb it to strengthen herself.

On the other hand, Nasida intends to refer to Sameer's situation, and keeps "playing the trumpet" in Aru.

Obviously, Ah Ru's management mechanism has been completely destroyed in the conspiracy thousands of years ago.

No rules means anyone can use it.

Since Sameer, as a newly absorbed individual, can drive the cluster.

Then Nasida only needs to continuously germinate into "individuals" with the seeds of dreams, and then she can continuously drive Aru to achieve her goals.

"It's amazing, Xiaocao, among the gods I've seen, you are the smartest." Jiang Yan praised sincerely.

In a blink of an eye, she can think of such a comprehensive management, cutting, and black box use plan. This is not due to the Void Network or the inheritance of knowledge. She is really smart.


In the void terminal, Naxida's happy laughter came.

In the past 500 years, except for protecting believers in dreams, she has almost no experience of communicating with others on an equal footing.

Every compliment from a friend brings real joy to her little heart and makes her feel a real sense of existence.

Soon, countless green rays of light were emitted from Jiang Yan's void earphones, like spider silk, protruding into the void in the sky.

It was the seed of countless dreams born by Nasida with brand-new rules and logic.

Over a long period of time, like ants moving their house, they will gradually turn the monster formed by the condensed yellow sand and darkness into an emerald "fantasy", and become the powerful force of the Little Auspicious Grass King.


The long journey of exploration has finally come to an end.

Although Naxida didn't become a great god in one go, she had achieved her original goal.

Jiang Yan, who returned with a full load, immediately killed the donkey after obtaining the final authority here, and sealed the machine with the most powerful rock wall.

Even Nashida, with the little remaining strength, set up a disguise of a dream.

There is no way, Ah Ru, whose firewall has been destroyed, is now a huge hidden danger.

Anyone can be sucked into it and "become a god", and after "becoming a god", anyone can drive this huge and incomparable power.

Neither Jiang Yan nor Naxida planned that every once in a while, a scholar or Sand Pirate would turn Sha Hai upside down after successfully "becoming a god".

The reason for doing this, Jiang Yan told several team members frankly, of course, excluding Naxida's part.

Neither the mercenaries in the desert nor the scholars in the rainforest had any objection to this.

After all, today's exploration has already yielded a lot.

Whether it is the successful interpretation of ancient legends, or the discovery of the bottomless ghost, they are all harvests comparable to the Hall of Appearance.

What's more, the slate with full authority can become the foundation of an academic family's inheritance from generation to generation.

If the entire Xindi family gives enough support, relying on this "key", Tirzad will sooner or later be able to become the Instructor of the Inosity School.

Compared to these, empty platforms?Scary killer drakes on skateboards?Who cares about the hell?

Of course, this is what Jiang Yan wants.

With the continuous release of Tirzad's papers, I can imagine with my knees that a large number of scholars who follow suit are about to flood into the Red King's Mausoleum like a tide.

When they discover the breath of the abyss in the bottomless hall, the troubled problem for themselves and Nasida will become a troubled problem for the council.

Sages, it's time to show your fearlessness and sacrifice when bullying Xiaocao!

The Qianyan army sacrificed the strongest Yasha and an entire army in order to block the mouth.

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