It's reasonable for the council to use great sages and a group of sages to fill in the gaps. I'm very optimistic about you!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan turned his head and looked at the Red King's Mausoleum that had gradually gone away.

There is a sentence that he has been hiding in his heart and has not said it.

After all, maybe your friends are also struggling to find.

King Dacishu once said:

Whoever dies will be born again in another body,

What is rotten will spur forth pure and young shoots.

Xiaocao, are you a newborn or a bud?

Is there something wrong with cloud computing in the sand sea: Chapter 504 Chapter 487 Is there something wrong with treasure hunting in the desert?

Even though everyone has returned with a full load, but in line with the attitude of "everyone has come", they still detoured a little far and went to the Wind Eroded Valley.

After all, if you don't enter the colossal ruins that are firing lasers randomly, the entire site will be completely blocked by the Academy of Order if you don't enter before the large troops rush over.

How can there be no reason not to explore this kind of time-limited treasure?

Even so, when everyone arrived, a dignified scholar had already led his students to block the necessary entrance.

Seeing this scholar, Tirzad immediately changed his expression:

"It's Instructor Afratu! What should I do? I can't let him see it!"

The Instructor happened to be from the Inheritance School. When Tirzad came out this time, the formalities couldn't stand up to scrutiny.

If you are caught in the act, let alone enter the ruins of the colossus, just wait for the suspension of school.

"Don't panic, listen to me, he can't see you." Jiang Yan didn't panic at all.

His own "fantasy" ability, even in Lannaro, is only comparable to the two big trees, the Dream Tree and the Jue King Tree.

It's overkill to use it to play ordinary people, and it can easily play the effect of looking like a mirror.

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and lightly tapped the scabbard with his fingers, and the area around the instructor and several students was covered by an invisible "dream".

In their eyes at this moment, the world is the same as usual, except that there is one Tirzad missing.

"Come on, follow up." Following Jiang Yan's greeting, everyone walked over with Tirzad who moved over step by step.

Although I believe in the magic of my friend, but after doing something wrong, jumping on the teacher's face to ridicule requires not only trust, but also extremely thick nerves.

However, Tirzad, who plucked up the courage to come to the teacher, discovered miraculously:

Even the instructor of the school and his classmates who had met several times, completely turned a blind eye to him, as if there was only a cloud of air in his position.

Surprised, he just wanted to ask a question, but he was afraid of affecting his friend's camouflage technique, so he covered his mouth tightly and watched Jiang Yan and Jebel Lele's negotiation with the commander.

Unexpectedly, the instructor was very easy to talk to.

In fact, Afratu originally came here to investigate the ruins of Kanria, but he caught up with this sudden crisis and was arrested by the Holy Order. Naturally, he didn't have any redundant sense of responsibility.

He had already issued an urgent commission to the Gilded Brigade and the Adventurer's Association, and it didn't matter to him who would handle this matter.

Therefore, he readily accepted the self-recommendation of Jiang Yan and his party.

After all, unlike the same type of machine that descended on Zhumo Mountain, this machine was sealed by the sages hundreds of years ago with huge stones and powerful spells.

Today, the technique of unsealing has long been lost.

Being able to enter the relic colossus will naturally solve this problem;

If you can't even get in, then of course you don't have to worry about everything, and you don't even have to check your qualifications.

Faced with this "test", Jiang Yan felt ridiculous.

How many times have you used your keys on your own adventures in the wild?As long as the key is not at hand, wouldn't it be faster to open a passage with a sword?

Of course, this time, since people from the Holy Order were watching, I was not ashamed to play chest digging like Gazzari did that time.

After all, in front of the sufferer, playing hypnosis and destroying at the same time, the style of painting is too evil.

Therefore, Jiang Yan had no choice but to "low-key" turn the boulder into rubble and lift the seal, and then led everyone to drill in through the passageway of the giant statue's arm.

However, his "low-key" is enough to make the instructors and students who have been silently dismissed from the "dream" completely dumbfounded.

Just touch it with your hand, and the boulder will turn into rubble?Well, you are from Liyue, you can play with rocks and there is nothing wrong with you.

But the seals of the sages, you can unlock them with a touch of your hand, isn't it a bit too much?Where did you come from, the leader of the treasure robbery group?

In fact, it is not too much, after all, the level of these seals is so low that Jiang Yan absolutely does not believe that it was the Great Mercy Tree King who handed them over to this group of scholars.

Simply disturbing the ground veins and causing siltation, this kind of powerful brick flying game, do you call this a seal?

If Dao Wife or Liyue who specializes in seals see it, I'm afraid they will laugh their teeth out.

So Jiang Yan guided and dispelled the silt, and the seal was easily removed.


After actually entering the interior of the relic colossus, Tirzad finally dared to breathe loudly.

Facing this kind of Kanria's masterpiece, he said it would be a lie not to be curious, and soon he and Jiang Yan began to search for various texts and materials left in the ruins colossus.

But unfortunately, the key nodes of most of the relic colossi are tightly entangled by vines that extract the energy of the earth veins, and they are not allowed to enter.

These vine seals are of the same style as the external seals, and they are so stupid that they make people cry.

Even due to the siltation of the ground veins, the excessive growth of vines caused the place to become a mess, which led to the random fire.

At this point, Jiang Yan finally understood why the Council became what it is today.

500 years ago, all reliable people were sacrificed, leaving only such a group of people occupying high positions, and the king of the forest left behind by King Dacishu - a cute big tiger, no matter what, it is impossible to sit in the council management scholars.

How could this council get better?Naturally, weasels lay mice, and one litter is not as good as one litter.

It was done in the same way as the method of dealing with the seal at the door. After all the silt was easily dispelled, the so-called "sage's seal" was completely lifted, and the colossus returned to normal.

However, the luck of Jiang Yan and Tirzad this time is obviously not very good.

Different from the same model that was forced to abandon the plane in an emergency, the crew of this relic colossus obviously had enough time to leave and took almost all the information.

After a carpet search by the entire adventure group, everyone only found two pieces of paper.

Under Tirzad's translation, Jiang Yan understood the ins and outs of the machine:

This relic colossus is still one of the mechanical troops who came to Xumi to fight against the disaster under the command of the Marshal of the Cavaliers of Kanria.

Due to the proximity to the center of the disaster, the fighting situation here was extremely tragic. Before coming here, more than half of the crew members had been killed or killed, and the body was seriously damaged.

As a result, the relic colossus retreated from the center of the sand sea to the wind-eroded valley.

After taking advantage of the narrow terrain here and using overloaded lasers to kill the beast horde in a large area, it finally caused the weapon system and power system to completely melt down.

After that, the crew members who were forced to abandon the plane had no follow-up whereabouts.

And this abandoned relic colossus was also "sealed" by the sages after the disaster ended.

If it's just that, it's actually nothing.

The ground veins are silted up, and Tivat is full of abnormal ground veins, which is not a big deal.

But another piece of paper recorded some ironic stories.

I don't know how many years ago, but judging from the degree of decay of the paper, it should be at most ten years. The Holy Order organized a routine research and hidden danger investigation.

But in this event, there was a very clever man who successfully saw through the sage's seal that it was a paper tiger.

So he returned alone after the inspection, and secretly used the discarded body parts around the ancient battlefield to repair the main laser cannon of this machine!

This clever man who "does good deeds without leaving his name behind" left happily after proving his ability.

The incongruous seal of the sage was left continuously silted up, and the vines grew wildly inside the relic colossus, even triggering the weapon system, and began the painful performance of "the cat jumped on my keyboard".

After completely calming down the silt in the leylines and turning off the self-discipline attack mode in the cockpit, everything returned to normal.

But although the problem was solved satisfactorily, it did not bring any papers.

You can only bring two reports submitted to the Dafeng Disciplinary Officer:

500 years ago, a certain sage deceived the world and stole his name, so it is necessary to deprive him of his historical status.

About ten years ago, if he was still alive, he must be found out and given a one-way ticket to Aru Village.

After all, opening a treasure and discovering that it has already been opened by others is really uncomfortable.

Although he can't find the right owner, a little revenge can make him feel better.

However, the deeds of that great clever Xiu main gun triggered Jiang Yan's inspiration:

"According to this note, there should be a lot of good things buried in the sand in this place!"

After all, if you can get together the parts of a main gun, there must be abandoned airframes everywhere under the sand, and it is very likely that there are precious combat logs and notes from the pilot.

Tirzad thought for a while, then nodded:

"Indeed, but large-scale excavation and archaeology should be difficult to carry out in a short time. After all, we have brought subversive results this time. In the past few years, the research center of the Yinism will be placed on the Red King's Tomb. "

When Tirzad talked about his gains from this trip, the smile on his face was uncontrollable, as if he had already seen the bright future of his own book.

Jiang Yan waved his hand, interrupting his fantasy.

"Excavating archeology on a large scale? Don't we happen to have the best tools at hand?"

Having said that, Jiang Yan turned his head, and under Tirzad's astonished eyes, he slapped hard on the fire button of the main gun.

A huge laser column sprayed out, "digging" the ground into deep ravines.

After finally meeting a Gundam with a complete firepower system, how can I be worthy of myself if I don’t fire a few shots?

No one can deny the joy of driving a huge robot, and no one can deny the joy of driving a huge excavator.

Seeing that Jiang Yan was digging deep without thinking, and actually found something in the display screen, Tirzad couldn't hold back his desire.

Taking over Jiang Yan's seat, he began to conduct a comprehensive laser archeology of the entire wind-eroded valley in a more skillful way.

Now that someone took the lead, Tirzad's bottom line became flexible in an instant.

The relic colossus has a chaotic furnace with infinite energy, and this laser is not in vain.

If it is not used to dig up the remains for the Cause School, should it be handed over to the Miao Lun School to build a house?

Anyway, when someone asked about it, they said that it was the process of repairing the system, and tests were required to ensure that there were no hidden dangers.

As long as the laser doesn't burn anyone, who will hold them accountable?

Even the Instructor outside is from our causality school, so of course he will only be happy to see the results.

So Tirzad used his solid knowledge of the Miaolun Sect courses, not only did not dig down the cliff, but also ensured that there would be a deep pit every certain distance, and finally gained a lot.

Looking at the obvious gloss on the screen, everyone couldn't sit still.

What was excavated by the laser is not only the machine, but also the dusty ruins.

To make such a big commotion, it's all about quick hands and slow hands.

So the adventure group immediately walked out of the colossal ruins along the passage they came from, and after covering up the "dream", they fully told the instructor about the situation and findings inside.

Instructor Afratu heard that the problem was caused by his own people messing around;

Immediately filled with righteous indignation, he promised that when he returned to Sumeru City, he would find out who carried out the malicious research.

As for the sages from 500 years ago, it is natural to selectively ignore them.

The academic world doesn't talk about people taking tea for cold tea, it's no different from Liyue's martial arts arena.

The more ancestors, the more banners they used to unite the team, and they couldn't be black.

So far, there are still many famous scholars with the surnames of "Purbi Luni" and "Pulshina" that flaunt the ancestors of the sect. The so-called "Pur" just means son or descendant.

If you want to get rid of the Biruni of 500 years ago, you have to get rid of at least dozens of Pur Biruni today. Who would do such a thankless thing?

Of course, Jiang Yan has neither the time nor the interest to clean up the original source of the not-so-good academic world.

With this skill, hurry up and rush to open the treasure, isn't it sweet?

So the group quickly bid farewell to the instructor and started the treasure hunt.

This time, luck finally returned to their hands. In front of the ruins, the machinery and manuscripts of Kanria are simply not worth mentioning.

And Tirzad even won the first prize this time - a small "palace" with optical invisible energy protection!

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