This "surprise" was too frightening. Before entering the "palace", everyone asked Jiang Yan to re-disguise it with rocks.

After Jiang Yan finished his disguise and everyone entered the ruins with the authority of the red sand slate, he told him, the only foreigner, why everyone was so nervous.

The "palace" in Athemar's era is not comparable to the Red King's Mausoleum that countless people have visited.

Compared with the cultural relics and wealth inside, the "palace" itself is the greatest wealth.

Every "palace" sheltered by energy devices and fearless of wind and sand is the long-awaited dream of countless desert people, a refuge and supply station in the sand sea.

With this "palace" that can be attacked and retreated, as long as you can keep it, whether it is used for transit, shelter, or business, it is a golden sheep that can make people lie down and count money.

A business line, a tribe, or even a city-state may be born as a result.

Everyone believed this, because the huge territory of the Akhmar dynasty rose up on the basis of these "palaces".

Therefore, today when the "palace" has almost all been turned into relics in the wind and sand, this treasure is too precious and symbolizes too many things.

Even the young master Tirzad could only helplessly admit that he couldn't keep it.

Although the Xindi family has a long heritage, they are just stronger ants in front of many families that have produced great sages such as "Purbi Luni".

What's more, once this "palace" is discovered by the members of the Gilded Brigade, the scattered sand will inevitably unite to defend the dreams of the desert people.

You know, the people in the desert all miss the thousand palaces and the seven major city-states of the Akhmar Dynasty. If there is a "palace" in front of them, there must be a guy with a bad brain who will force Candice to ascend the throne. Ask to take them for a call.

Fortunately, the people in the team in front of them are basically people who can carry their own weight.

No one said such stupid things as "how to divide this thing", but looked at Jiang Yan eagerly, looking at the only strong man who was not an "ant".

Is there any good way to let them drink some soup?

After all, he lived and died together all the way, and everyone trusted his character extremely.

Sure enough, this strong man, like the legendary Liyue people, values ​​contracts and reputation, does not rely on the strong to bully the weak, and can be called the best partner.

And Jiang Yan also had a headache when he looked at the expectant eyes.

Although this thing is expensive, but to be honest, I didn't take it seriously.

At most, it would be exchanged for an astronomical amount of Mora, and then thrown to Sanfengxing, which would be used to improve the lives of the Daozu people.

But obviously, what this group of people want is not an astronomical Mora, but a chance to rise in status.

Although everyone gets along well, Jiang Yan is not interested in focusing on this all the time.

Instead of looking for me, you might as well look for Xiaocao...

Wait, looking for Xiaocao?You can have this!

Jiang Yan had a good idea in an instant:

"In the name of all of us, I will dedicate this "palace" to His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King. "

"At that time, you can open your mouth and make your wishes to the gods."

"Of course, not now."

"But believe me, soon, the glory of the little Auspicious Grass King will cover her faithful Sumeru City."

Jiang Yan is full of confidence in this.

Is there something wrong with cloud computing in Shahai: Chapter 505 Chapter 488 Is there something wrong with dream sharing?

The operation of "dedicated to the little auspicious grass king" is very clever and has a long history.

Liyue flourished because of mining. As early as more than [-] years ago, the rock king Dijun was in the Tianheng Mountains, guiding the ancient Liyue people to mine rocks.

In this process, there are naturally lucky people who unearth priceless jade or gold stones.

Too huge windfall, for ordinary people without force, is actually a fatal disaster.

However, Xiaomin has the wisdom of Xiaomin. I don't know when, there was the first wise person who dedicated the beautiful jade he had obtained to the Emperor of the Rock.

Facing this kind of beautiful jade which was expensive but could be made by himself, Prince Yan just smiled tolerantly and accepted it with pleasure.

And ordered the tribal chief or the three-eyed and five-manifested immortal at that time to give him a reward commensurate with his value.

"Treasures that you have unearthed" will be missed by thieves and strongmen.

As for the "reward from Lord Yan", as long as it is not a madman with a broken head, naturally no one would dare to make up his mind.

Of course, this approach is limited to civilians who are unable to protect themselves.

If there are those who want to take advantage of the loopholes to gain fame or those who want to make progress, the Emperor Yanwang will naturally accept this piece of "filial piety", but there will be no more after that.

This kind of wisdom of walking with God in the kingdom was quickly accepted by everyone after Jiang Yan explained it.

Indeed, this is the best solution.

Witnessed by powerful people from other countries, the treasures of the desert kingdom presented by the people of the desert have a symbolic meaning far greater than the meaning of the "palace" itself.

The integration of the people of the desert and the people of the rainforest is the tireless pursuit of King Dacishu and her followers.

Faced with such a highly anticipated contribution, even if you send it directly, you can still get a lot of rewards.

But this honor, the Holy Order is not worthy of it.

Jiang Yan wanted this incident to be the first "auspicious" thing after Naxida was promoted by him:

The little auspicious grass king got rid of the disrespectful council, and just won the allegiance of Xumi, the people of the desert dedicated the "palace" thousands of years ago.

Then the benevolent little auspicious grass king gave these faithful believers a lot of rewards.

Moreover, the highly symbolic task of rebuilding the "palace" was handed over to Candice, a descendant of the Red King.

This script is enough to make the Gilded Brigade cry collectively. If you don't cry, you are not a deserter. With the "will" in the Red King's Mausoleum, it is no wonder that the loyalty does not increase by dozens of points.

This kind of game of one fish and three meals moved Naxida so much that she didn't want it.

Since she was born, she was the first friend who was completely compatible, the first friend who helped her wholeheartedly, and the first friend who treated her as an equal.

Jiang Yan has become this god who has been isolated from the world since birth, and there are too many "firsts".

In the sea of ​​"wisdom" and "dream", this kind of "reality" is really ruffles and shining for Nasida, which is incomparably precious.

She is just "the moon", the reflection of the sun, maybe the whole existence is just illusion and lie.

Facing the "real" warmth like the sun;

Even if she possesses countless knowledge and has seen countless dreams, these are just the cold "moonlight" and are not worthy of this warmth in return.

Therefore, the only thing that can respond to "truth" is "truth".

I saw the empty earphone next to Jiang Yan's ear, and a beautiful flower that can only be seen in dreams suddenly bloomed at the end.

Different from her usual liveliness, Naxida said to Jiang Yan in a very soft but firm tone:

"Thank you my friend."

"Compared to most gods, I have almost nothing."

"The only thing I can repay you is to share my only dream with you."

"As long as you remember me, this dreamland, my only "reality", will be here and bloom for you forever. "

Jiang Yan touched this dream flower lightly, and found that it was the same as Huan Nalana's dream tree, and through it, one could directly enter Naxida's dream.

"Fantasy" is Nasida's power. For her, her dreams are equivalent to the existence of her own body. Her memory, emotion, and power are all in it.

Facing this level of trust and intimacy, Jiang Yan felt a lot of pressure.

The kindness I have given is not worthy of this kind of return.

It was completely pale and thin, a crescent moon drifting in the sky, never having encountered warmth.

But it doesn't matter, it would be too cruel to reject this timidly extended hand.

Anyway, ever since I got the power of "Fantasy Dream", I planned to cover her well, and it's no worse than now.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan nodded, and after apologizing to everyone, he activated the power of "Phantom Dream" to connect to this dreamland.

Sure enough, it is the only "reality", and this dreamland is too pitiful.

In the dream, there is only the empty Good View Palace and each other.

Nasida, who can easily connect to any dream, keeps only "reality" for her dreams.

Leading her only guest, Naxida happily introduced to Jiang Yan this piece of her own life, or the space that has been confined for 500 years.

She is so familiar with this environment that every branch and leaf is perfectly restored.

The empty first floor perfectly reflects the sages turning a blind eye to her.

There are all the rituals and regulations that should be there, but there is nothing else.

It's as if this is a shrine, and there is a statue of a god in it, nothing more.

Obviously, Naxida didn't like this place either, so she soon led Jiang Yan to the second floor along a huge branch.

And everything here is completely opposite to the first floor.

The "Holy Tree"'s love for Naxida can be seen almost at a glance:

The greenest leaves shelter her from wind and rain;

The softest twig sifts the wind and sand for her;

The strongest torso brought her a direct connection to the world tree.

Looking at Naxida leaning gently on the green leaf "pillow", excitedly introducing the "Holy Tree" and her own story to Jiang Yan;

Jiang Yan also let go of her living environment a little bit, and added a little disdain for the council.

Even the "Sacred Tree" has already recognized this little auspicious grass king. I don't know what those sages are still dreaming about.

But if you have nothing to do, come to the Palace of Good Views to take a look, and you should know that Xiaocao can completely replace the Great Mercy Tree King to protect Sumeru.

Wake up, your Great Mercy Tree King is long gone!

He became the "real" Jiang Yan in Xiaocao's dream, and after a brief chat, he withdrew from Naxida's dream.

After all, offline, everyone is still waiting for him to share the money.

So he quickly opened his eyes, and led everyone to start the most enjoyable activity in the expedition—searching.

Although the "palace" itself needs to be dedicated to the little auspicious grass king, it would be too disappointing for everyone to return empty-handed.

The utensils of the Akhmar Dynasty can be sold for sky-high prices in the hands of any Lord Bai who pursues the glory of the past.

If you are lucky, you can get the ceremonial guards or jewelry used by officials and even vassals at that time, and getting rich overnight is not a dream at all.

How can opening a treasure chest by yourself be as exciting and satisfying as other people reward you?

Is there something wrong with cloud computing in Shahai: Chapter 506 Chapter 489 Is there something wrong?

But it's a pity, maybe getting a special prize once used up everyone's luck.

Everyone swept around, only some weapons, wine pots, wine glasses and other things, and obviously not the utensils used by noble people.

There are only some armor and gold-inlaid weapons that are probably used by generals, which are relatively precious treasures.

It wasn't until some inscriptions carved on stone slabs were discovered and translated by Tirzad that everyone knew the reason for the poverty here.

This is indeed not one of the thousand "palaces," but an emergency project built in the late Azmal dynasty.

At that time, Kausbay, the descendant of the hidden masked king Hulamuddin, was the biggest rogue of the Azmal dynasty.

They lurk in small oases that are not marked on various maps, come out at night and lie down during the day, bypassing the radiation range of the "palace", and constantly plundering and killing various tribes.

So Pavizlawan, the spirit of victory of the lord of Gul City, the seven pillars belonging to this place, ordered a new batch of small "palaces" to be built.

This batch of "palaces" that did not lead to the city of Gul by secret route, nor did they lead to the city of Akhmar by secret route, strictly speaking, it could only be regarded as a military camp.

However, due to the need to ensure the protection, and the surprise when dispatching troops, the protection and supplies are still more than that.

Because of this, on the contrary, due to its secrecy and safety, it avoided the destruction of the Akhmar dynasty and the subsequent chaos of the vassal kings, and has become the only remaining "palace" today.

After the case was solved, everyone was not discouraged. After all, the news itself is actually an important treasure.

There are sand bandits here, which means that there used to be hidden oases here, as well as their settlements.

Then it means that they will hide their treasures in the nearby area.

The treasures of Akhmar's era are not comparable to the treasures of this era. The luxury of the Kings of the Seven Towers in that era is still talked about by the people of the desert.

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