Compared with them, even Bayi, the richest man, is no different from a beggar.

As for the reputation of the "Masked King Hulamuddin", probably everyone in the Gilded Brigade must get together to be comparable to his one toe.

his treasure?If the news spreads, it is not impossible to start an "age of great excavation".

So Tirzad promised that when he returned to Sumeru City, he would immediately use his relationship to borrow the artifact for discovering underground treasures—"Ayesha Chaos Probe" for several comrades who shared life and death together.

As long as the treasure contains gold or has residual elemental power, you can quickly find the digging point through the three-point positioning method.

In this way, everyone returned to Sumeru City with the dream of discovering the treasure of the Masked King.

To be honest, even an old mercenary like Jebel Lele has been stimulated by countless ups and downs recently, making him a bit overwhelmed.

Mercenaries should live a life of drunkenness and dreaming of death, a life of drunkenness today.

What history, treasures, truth, palaces, archeology are doing every day, this is not a mercenary at all!

If I had such ideals, why didn't I take the entrance exam to the Academy?

So even if Tirzad handed over the "Ayesha Chaos Probe" to Jebereler immediately, this old mercenary planned to spend a period of alcohol and beauty...

Well, there are no beauties, and the old mercenary whose economic power is controlled by his daughter can drink a limited amount of alcohol, which is already an exception for Jade.

Years of alcohol and fighting have made this mercenary far worse than his age.

Since the bright future is almost within reach, Jade has begun to strictly control the health of Jebel Lele.

Jade, who has dragged his drunken father out of the tavern countless times, knows the stronghold and drinking buddies of Jeborel like the back of his hand, and the "good name" of Jebeleller's daughter's slave also resounds throughout Sumeru City.

As a result, he made a fortune, but he couldn't buy wine because he was blocked by merchants one after another, so he could only bring the detection equipment back to the sand sea and the adventure life he was familiar with.

At least in the sea of ​​sand, he can secretly exchange the water bag for wine.

Of course, what is different from before is that today's Jebel is no longer as deep and sad as before.

For him, adventure is just a habit and pleasure.

Even if it is the sand of betrayal, it is still more comfortable to return to the sand sea.

He thought so sincerely.


As for Tirzad's life, it was much harder than theirs.

After returning to Sumeru City, after a secret conversation, he won the full support of the Xindi family.

Soon, an astronomical amount of reward was delivered to Jebalel as promised along with the "Ayesha Chaos Probe".

And he himself, after a long time of retreating behind closed doors, became a blockbuster, and with his interpretation of the golden dreamland and two papers on the ruling model of the Akhmar Dynasty, he instantly became a man of the Insect School.

The Mausoleum of the Red King is a treasure, and everyone knows it.

When Tirzad's two papers appeared, everyone knew that the era of new archaeological discoveries of the Inelological School had arrived.

Just like the madness that the First Battle of Oser brought to the Elementalist School, the entire Elementalist School soon disappeared.

In addition to applying for a project to go public archaeology.

Otherwise, it is to apply for free study tours and private archaeology.

The rest asked for leave directly and went to do archaeological work illegally.

Of course, soon, they will know the importance of the "key" in Tirzad's hand, and the rest is a matter between the school supervisor and the Xindi family.

In short, a rising star of the causality school is rising with an unstoppable momentum.


Jiang Yan, who is always busy, naturally has no more leisure than Tirzad now - he is working with Xiaocao in the Palace of Good Views.

Nashida is very busy with work, and replacing the computing power of Xumiren with Aru without telling the council, requires very precise operations.

And at the same time, she was still cutting Aru in small pieces, becoming the flowers in her dreams to strengthen herself, and the whole god was very busy.

Of course, Jiang Yan was embarrassed to see her working so hard, so he went to the Grand Bazaar to cheer up.

So he entered her dream and performed the operation with her.

However, for the same job, his time consumption was at least several times that of Nasida, which made him deeply feel the gap between the two.

Jiang Yan even felt that his main contribution was to match men and women, to work without tiring, and to increase Xiaocao's morale.

Of course, this job is also blood money for him.

In Nasida's dream, all powers can be directly referenced, and everything in the dream is directly borrowed. What better environment for leveling than this?

Jiang Yan's dream operation ability has been greatly tempered in this work, especially with examples and guidance, it is almost visible to the naked eye and is constantly upgrading.

However, this upgrade method is too hard-core.

While Jiang Yan was painstakingly working overtime with Naxida in her dream, he suspected that the little guy shared the dream with him on purpose, to move him, and to be honestly fooled.

Forget it, this kind of cunning that people don't hate is also the characteristic of Xiaocao, and Jiang Yan just laughed it off.

But working overtime is never a happy thing, especially when working overtime for many consecutive days.

Jiang Yan already felt that he was like a fish that had been killed for ten years. When he screened the dreams of the entire Xumiren according to the level of mental strength and unhooked them, his whole heart was cold.

At this moment, whether it is a good dream, a nightmare, a strange dream, a fragmented dream, or a erotic dream, he can maintain no fluctuation in his heart.

He just deftly unhooked them from the void, and then hung them on Ah Ru according to Xiaocao's interface.

And Xiaocao will use Ah Ru's computing power and resources to simulate all kinds of messy dreams for the unknowing council to extract.

Occasionally, when Xiaocao was tired, Jiang Yan would replace her in large-scale dream-making.

And this link is also the most painful link for him. It is too cumbersome to piece together countless pieces of the jigsaw puzzle into dreams without being found by the council to be man-made.

Whenever Jiang Yan felt a little slack, Nashida would not say anything, and would only silently fill in his loopholes.

How dare you continue to be lazy?Jiang Yan had no choice but to complete the perfect stitching with a serious attitude that he had never done before, and constantly honed his skills.

At this time, Jiang Yan missed his mobile hard disk filled with hundreds of terabytes. With such an artifact in hand, why generate dreams by himself?

Jiang Yan promised that he would make the scholars in charge of the inspection prefer to have a blood vessel burst rather than report an abnormality.

In this way, under the encouragement of Xiaocao's soft voice, and Jiang Yan's own self-mockery, self-comfort, and self-compassion, the two finally decoupled all the Xumiren who were in a more critical mental state.

Countless Dinazedais are finally safe under Nacida's protection, although they know nothing about it.

Just when Naxida, who was in high spirits, was thinking about how to get her friends to accompany her to complete the work in one go, Jiang Yan finally ushered in her own turning point.

——The disheartened Wendy returned to Sumeru, and brought the precious version of "Heart of Flame" with wind element power.

To be able to beat up Wendy, who always looks very optimistic, like this, Jiang Yan made up [-] repertoires in his mind.

Sure enough, when you are unhappy, you should ask your friends to tell you something unhappy to make yourself happy.

When you are unlucky, you should let your more unlucky friends dangle in front of your eyes, which is very beneficial to your physical and mental health.

Looking at even this pinched body, Wendy has a vicissitudes of life.

Jiang Yan thought for a long time, and finally he could only comfort him sincerely:

"Thank you for your hard work. If anyone says you don't care about things in the future, I will spray him to death."


Volume No.20 is over, sprinkle flowers!

Please look forward to Volume No.20—Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond?

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 508 Chapter 490 Is there something wrong with credit consumption

Jiang Yan has many ideas about how Wendy obtained this power seed.

But in short, you can't get around the rhythm that good kids like the rich woman's happy fire and the rich woman's happy sword can't watch.

Unfortunately, it's not that dark.

After Wendy explained her intentions, Munata readily accepted.

The transaction is even very simple, very mundane-a support package for Nata.

For a long time, Munata has always hoped to create a powerful individual that can resist the sky. In the forging process of this superman of the people, the external force of science and technology is naturally not taken seriously.

There is nothing wrong with this line of thinking, but after pinning the hope on Jiang Yan, this dream has completed its historical mission.

Although the Way of Light and Flame and the Day of Resurrection have become part of Nata's national character, they will continue to continue.

But Munata can finally focus on the other needs of the people.

During the period of waking up, she felt that the standard of living of ordinary people in the neighboring country of Fontaine was completely turned upside down compared to a thousand years ago.

I began to feel that for the sake of my beautiful ideals, I was really treating my people a little bit badly.

The people of the volcano are still relying on the strong to use the fire element cannon to fly from one mountain to another to communicate.

The people of the prairie are still living by water and grass, relying on the training of young children in the elders' meeting every year to communicate with the outside world.

In today's ever-changing world, this kind of self-isolation has naturally led to life that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years.

Although compared with the people of the desert in Xumi next door, the powerful kingdom successfully degenerated into a group of primitive people, but it is more than inferior.

But compared to Fontaine, this gap is too big.

So, faced with a rare colleague who wanted something, and it was a real exclusive business, Munata opened his mouth very simply:

I don't talk about quantity or quality. In short, the life of the people of Nata should catch up with other countries.

There is no standard, if you think it’s ok, I think it’s ok, it’s over.

No quantity is the most terrible quantity, no quality is the most terrible quality.

Because this thing is more real, I am afraid it will be endless.

However, when Wendy encountered this completely unreasonable trading model, she had no way to refuse it.

In the transaction between gods, it is difficult to find equivalent things, and the vague transaction content is the norm.

Generally speaking, it is based on the strong's easy and unfavorable attitude to draw a range that is acceptable to both parties.

As long as it is within this range, no god will put down his dignity to compare pennies and pennies.

Moreover, if you really want to say how high the asking price is, it's not entirely true.

How much is the secret of god power worth?No one has ever sold it, but at least if you give this set to Zhidong, you can easily get several times the return.

Even at this price, it also contains intangible favors.

However, in the face of this "reasonable price", Wendy has nothing to do.

He is Barbatos, not Dekarapian.

Among the Seven Kingdoms, Mond is not known for its strength, and even strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as a city-state, not a kingdom.

Fortunately, the concept of time between gods is different from that of ordinary people. This matter can be handled slowly and slowly, so Wendy at that time agreed directly.

After all, for this kind of mortal-related problem, I have a friend with enough ideas who can help me.

As for this irascible old aunt, how ruthless is she in demanding debts?

Wendy chose to skip thinking about the question for now.

Therefore, the next time will be spent in Wendy and Munata's research on how to transform the Heart of Fire driven by the power of light and flame into the Seed of West Wind driven by the power of thousands of winds.

Of course, this is not a simple matter. Although wind and fire have many similarities, the offensive moves may be imitated in many ways. Who would dare to copy the seeds of power buried in the human body?

Are you really not afraid of transforming people into semi-elemental creatures?

In fact, Wendy has been wondering, how does this old aunt who looks like a savage do the precise calculation that she can't even achieve?

At the banquet of the gods, Wendy was afraid of avoiding her, so naturally she didn't have a close friendship.

As a result, when the joint research started, Wendy was an eye-opener.


The other party's understanding of the essence of elemental power is even stronger than his own, and he is familiar with all kinds of calculations, and it is enough to be his own teacher.

On the contrary, he had to rely on muscle memory-like combat experience and an advantage in understanding power to achieve the same precise control.

The power of this "I Xun Si" style naturally cannot be used for the development of spells, and can only rely on the other party's leadership.

After losing the dominance of the research, Wendy discovered why Munata was not at all eager to compete with him.

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