This kind of long research requires both parties to devote themselves wholeheartedly to ensure the progress.

Therefore, her mood directly affects the progress of learning and development.

As for how to make her happy?Naturally, it depends on whether you know yourself or not...

This kind of cunning of going up to the house and pulling the ladder left Wendy with no choice but to "make her happy" every day, doubling the original sparring remuneration.

Of course, Munata, who is in a good mood, keeps his word;

He taught Wendy the division of power, the arrangement of formations, and the recovery of power without any compromise.

He didn't leave any tails behind, and he didn't worry about Wendy's refusal at all.

Lay her account?This kind of warrior probably hasn't been born in this era.


Hearing Wendy's complaints in the bar, Jiang Yan also felt sympathetic.

That bastard seems to be relying on recklessness, but in fact, you only know when you get along with her, her "unreasonable" can always press your bottom line, how can you do it without a delicate mind?

But you can't beat it, you can't say it, so what?

Wendy's complaining, of course, is not to comfort his friends, what he needs is something more powerful.

He stared at his friend with his emerald green eyes, hoping that he would boldly say the great words "in my account".

And Jiang Yan looked at him with no color at all.

Facing this friend who would shine brightly with just a little sunshine, as long as he gave a good face, he would become the exclusive payer of another god.

You dug your own "freedom" hole, why let me fill it?

Jiang Yan didn't believe that with Mond's size, he could support Nata, who had more people than them and had a larger territory.

No ability to pay, who gave you the courage to play credit consumption?

"Don't worry, my friend, I have a plan."

"When you can't pay the bill, I'll pack it in a silver bottle for you and send it to Munata, and the debt will be canceled naturally."

"In the future, I will borrow one for you first, so that you can familiarize yourself with your new home in advance."

"Believe me, after only a few hundred years, she will get tired of playing."

Jiang Yan said without blood or tears.


The overly lifelike picture made Wendy break through in an instant.

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 509 Chapter 491 Is there something wrong with the environmental modification

In the entire Tivat, the most cruel method for the immortal strongman is Akhmar's method of putting the town spirits that came down from the Moon Palace into silver bottles one after another.

Killing is nothing more than nodding, and sealing is nothing more than a long sleep.

But it is a bit of an exaggeration to put them into a silver bottle and turn them into servants, let them stay in it in a sane state, and contribute to him the wisdom and power from the sky.

If it weren't for Akhmar's backstage, who is capable enough to fight, and Kao to let the town spirits indulge in joy, they would have been torn to pieces by the group of town spirits in "Moon Maiden City".

Of course, the so-called "putting it into a silver bottle" was just a joke Jiang Yan made about Wendy's identity as the wind elf.

Can I still watch my friend being violently called for debt, can I hide in a bottle?

At least I have to buy him a golden oil lamp. After the debt collector runs away, I will rub the oil lamp and release it to help me realize my three wishes.

Shaking his head to get rid of the messy thoughts, Jiang Yan felt that he had disassembled too much of the Sumeru dream recently, and had completely integrated into the Sumeru culture.

This trip back to Mond, it is necessary to take a good rest to prevent the whole brain from being completely polluted into curry.


Putting aside his joking attitude, Jiang Yan began to discuss with Wendy how to pay off the debt perfectly.

Although Jiang Yan didn't know how many people there were in Nata, but considering that the strong people in the pyramid at that time, when they revealed their families before the battle, they seldom belonged to the same tribe;

According to this calculation, there will always be at least several 10 people.

Let people in one city-state help people in a whole country get rich?I'm afraid I have to squeeze the whole Mond dry.

Such a magnitude, unless Barbatos himself manifests himself in public, it is estimated that the Mond people will accept it uninvited.

But it's a pity that although Wendy is dedicated to Mond, she doesn't intend to wear the crown she took off by herself.

He created New Mond for "freedom", and then learned from Dekarapian to accept offerings from his subjects?

This kind of thing killed Wendy, and he would not do it.

However, if he does not "appear", the Mond people will naturally not "pay".

Not to mention Qin as the acting head, it's really useless for the big head and the bishop to go together.

Barbatos' "freedom" personality has lasted for more than 2000 years, and has already penetrated into the soul of the Mond people.

Once such a very "unfree" thing happens, do you think they will suspect Lord Barbatos' gorgeous transformation, or the Zephyr Knights and the church want to transform into Lawrence?

"Why didn't Lord Barbatos tell me about it?"

"How could the benevolent Lord Barbatos do such a thing?"

The Westwind Church does not have the sole right to interpret Barbatos, and such voices may fill up Mond City by then.

Wendy naturally understood this truth, and enjoyed the benefits of freedom, but naturally also had to pay the price of freedom.

And the price is that he can only pay for the entire Mond, and there is no way to reimburse him.

But without Mond, Barbatos himself is just a pauper.

"Damn it, when you hand over the heart of God, you should ask for a sum of money from Mora as a bonus." Wendy thought of this, very annoyed.

Except when he was singing and cheating at the entrance of the tavern, he never felt that Mora meant anything to him.

But when you need to use it, you find that the wind attribute is really a bit disadvantageous.

The old man of the Rock God, even if he doesn't rub Mora with his hands, he can rub precious gems and beautiful jade with his hands;

But as a god of wind, I can only produce all kinds of invisible winds, so I can't make money by making the mill spin wildly.

Faced with the astronomical sum of money no matter how estimated, Wendy was helpless.

However, in Jiang Yan's eyes, the God of Wind in front of him is still very suitable to be a gold medal wage earner.

Just thinking about drying?The pattern is small!

Jiang Yan has never seen a second god with such creativity in the magical operation of transforming the environment of Mond.

You are obviously a washing and cutting teacher, why do you always miss your hair dryer?

The reason why Jiang Yan thought about it for so long was just to think about where this friend should shine.

Sure enough, let's sell it to Xiaocao.

So Jiang Yan happily said what Wendy had dreamed of for a long time:

"Let's charge this fee to Naxida's account. You only need to use your strengths once."

Teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish, and only gods can think of such a stupid way to smash Mora.

After all, as long as mortals pray, they will find a way to give it. In their view, this is what gods do.

Even if you have an extremely smart head, you won't think about the things behind it.

And Jiang Yan's solution is very simple: If the environment is not good, then create a new environment!

Although Nata is primitive, its products are not lacking.

The wish-burning agate required by most elemental force weapons is a specialty of the volcanic area;

And the horses that are a specialty of the prairie are also the military supplies that the entire Tivat craves.

For a long time, from Nata, to Aru Village, to Kawan Station, and finally to the port of Omos, the main commodities are these two kinds.

But it's a pity, whether it's horses or burning wish agate, although they are good things, the upper limit of the price is also obvious.

Without the Tewat of the national war, the demand for military supplies would naturally not be particularly high.

Moreover, the wear and tear of crossing the desert and the seasonal restrictions are too great. Even if the arms business is considered a huge profit, it is really impossible to make too much profit;

Without too much profit, the Natalians would naturally not have much purchasing power, further reducing the enthusiasm of businessmen to take this route.

In this regard, Jiang Yan's solution is:

In the southern part of the Sand Sea, near the coastal area of ​​Nata, Wendy, the dream reformer among the gods, has created a brand new port - "Grass King Port".

After comparing Mond around 2000, and personally taking the same photo and reality, "creating" the route to the Golden Apple Islands with a straight route;

Jiang Yan felt that it was time for him to update his worldview.

The gods have full power to create an environment, so why should they be limited by imagination?

Sand dunes and Gobi are just a piece of cake for Wendy compared to the mountains of Old Mond.

In Jiang Yan's vision, Wendy, who has modified the climate of Mond, only needs to choose the most suitable location according to the ocean current and the wind direction here;

Then use the strong wind to blow all the floating sand and gravel away, leaving only the solid soil layer.

Next, simply use the gale to cut out a few berths, as well as the entrances and exits for caravans.

In the end, Naxida gave birth to a small sand-proof wall, and Jiang Yan helped to chop up several reefs along the way. After clearing the channel, the prototype of a port blessed by heaven was completed.

The sand seas and hills are just toys of the storm, let alone the powerful wind god who drives them.

Wendy couldn't help being very moved when she heard the big cake planned by Jiang Yan.

Although he is very good at cutting mountains and moving mountains to change the environment, he really doesn't want to do it anymore.

Wendy fell into a deep sleep for thousands of years after finishing her work last time. If she does it again, she might lose all her spirit.

If Jiang Yan asked him to build a port at Natachi Volcano, Wendy would ask him to hire Gao Ming without saying a word.

But for sand dune cutting, he is not afraid at all, and playing with plasticine is no different from ordinary people.

If Munata's debts can be paid off in this way, it will be a bloody profit!

Even if you actually operate it and encounter difficulties, don’t you still have friends in front of you!

Wendy has no psychological pressure at all to order Jiang Yan.

Numerous experiences told him: his friend does a great job, maybe he is doing it for your own good, but he will never lose money!

"No problem! Let's go find my lovely junior now!" Wendy put down her glass and regained her smile.

I, Wendy, raise a country's working god by myself!

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 510 Chapter 492 Is there something wrong with the preparations for the day?

In the Palace of Good Views, Nasida looked uprightly at Wendy, the unexpected guest.

Although she doesn't hate this kind senior, compared to Jiang Yan, there is a gap between heaven and earth.

After all, Wendy, who has a lively personality, and Nashida, who is eager to prove herself and shoulders the entire sumeru, really can't get along.

And Wendy, who is based on the principle of freedom, rarely gets involved in the affairs of other colleagues, so when she visited her last time, she only gave her all the help except help.

Faced with this senior's attempt to borrow her friend away, Nasida became unhappily unhappy.

However, Wendy gave too much...

After Jiang Yan, who came with Wendy, told about their plan, Nasida quickly understood the key point.

Such a port is really too big for the significance of the Nata people and the people of the desert.

At present, Shahai cannot return to the grand occasion of the Akhmar dynasty. In the final analysis, the technology that constructed this dynasty has long since been completely lost.

The oases have been turned into sand dunes, and the "palaces" have been turned into ruins, no matter how much you miss them, they cannot be reversed.

For the adherents of Aru Village, the small oasis over there has already cut off the upper limit of their future.

Water source limitation, trade route limitation, output limitation, area limitation.

As a result, even Aru Village has used every inch of space and every drop of water to the extreme, and even used the elevator;

For hundreds of years, this "land of hope" in the hearts of the desert people has not been developed.

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