However, a golden business route that was cut in half.

Near the sea, an inexhaustible source of water.

And can utilize the constantly expanding area of ​​dustproof wall.

It is absolutely possible to build a city bestowed by gods that develops due to the port and is far away from the heat and sand.

And this god-given city will surely become the future of the people of the desert, and Liyue Port in their hearts.

The reason why the people in the desert maintain their faithful belief in the Red King is very simple. Neither King Dacishu nor himself has brought them a better life.

As close as brothers?I was forced to leave my hometown to work in the rainforest. You enjoy the comfort and happiness in the rainforest. Do you have a brother like this?

No matter how good the rhetoric is, no matter how much support there is, if it doesn't bring about a "better life", no one will believe it.

However, in the face of such a miracle, and the land promised by the gods, what could be more practical than this?

And when they abandon Aru Village, which has no upper limit, and choose their own god-given city, how long will their faith and loyalty to the Red King last?

Facing such a careful plan, Nasida didn't have much opinion, but the only thing she couldn't accept was:

"Grass King Port? Is it too ugly? How about calling it Patty Saran Port, which represents the joy and happiness of the desert." Naxida shook her head and suggested.

"Hey, hey, I'm obviously going to build a port, why not call it Barbatos Port?"

Although Wendy is not a god who likes to take credit, she has been deprived of her naming rights without doing her own work, which is hard to accept for a while.

"Don't be kidding, if a port of Patisaran is really built, do you think the people in the desert are grateful for Kao's gift or yours?"

Jiang Yan waved his hand, he knew exactly what a fanatic was like.

If you rescue them after exhausting your life, they will thank their gods immediately, and it has nothing to do with your benefactor.

The result of not taking credit is that the work is completely for nothing, and people don't appreciate it at all.

As for the port of Barbatos, stop dreaming!I have only stayed in the "Shaw Building", not the "Migrant Worker Wang Daniu Building".

These days, the one who picks out Mora is the uncle!

What?Didn't pay?

Do you understand land finance?

Of course, there is no need to pay attention to Wendy's opinion, but Xiaocao's opinion should be carefully considered.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yan finally made a concession:

"If it doesn't work, let's call it Fengrao (Nashida) Port, which not only expresses your protection, Xiaocao, but also expresses the good wish to make the desert rich."

Naxida means "abundance" in Sumeru's text, and the famous fertilizer "Benefit of Abundance" is named after it.

It is reasonable to name whoever is favored.

It would be better to call Fengrao Port than Stanley Compound Fertilizer Port, Jiang Yan complained in his heart that only he could understand.

Naxida naturally thought clearly about Jiang Yan's kindness, and after thinking about it, she readily accepted it.

How could she, who longed to be recognized, dislike the method of making the people of the desert like her?


But since he accepted Wendy's favor, Nasida reciprocated and offered to see if there was anything she could do to help him with the Seed of the West Wind.

After all, Void Network is better at "harvesting" power.

Wendy also had this intention, even with Munata's full help, but Munata is not good at wind element power no matter how hard he tries, so it is the utmost benevolence to be able to help and find a way together.

Therefore, in many details, he still has only a half-knowledge. Apart from groping for himself, he can only simplify the process as much as possible.

Although there is already a complete plan, a large-scale ceremony may take hundreds of years to perfect, and he can't guarantee that the plan he came up with will not have all kinds of loopholes.

With the two smart people in front of me checking and making up for omissions, it must be much better than thinking about it alone.

In fact, Wendy is not weak in terms of power division and blessing.

There is his blessing on any wing of the wind.

But for devouring, recycling, and building networks, these are completely opposite directions of "freedom", which is not what he is good at.

Therefore, Wendy's plan for herself is very simple and very "free":

The Seed of the West Wind does not need any function, it is just a pure trigger power seed.

He will personally distribute the West Wind Seeds he made to the entire hunting area in batches.

Who can pick it up, and who can strengthen it to what extent, all depends on fate.

The wind is different from the flames, the flames are easy to swallow, but the wind has a direction, and the different westerly winds, not to mention swallowing each other, are lucky if they don't cancel each other out.

So there is no need to worry about everyone frantically harvesting the Seeds of the West Wind, resulting in a mess.

As for these powers, if you lose them, you will lose them. At worst, you will be able to recover after a period of dormancy.

Facing such a "free" plan, Nasida and Jiang Yan looked at each other, not knowing how to evaluate it.

Although it is often heard that many "free" Mond people, the so-called "cultivation" often means sowing seeds on the land and then don't care about it. The harvest in the season depends on fate.

Even if the reclaimed land becomes a paradise for wild animals, it can seamlessly transform and "harvest" wild animals.

I didn't expect this kind of inconspicuous habit to be "polluted" by their gods...

Stop making trouble, if you do this, it's no wonder that the Wine Festival doesn't turn into a big fight!

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 511 Chapter 493 Is there something wrong with the rulemaking

The following time turned into a criticism meeting against Wendy.

"Freedom" is certainly a good thing, but if the leader is free, the people below will be finished.

"Well, at least there must be a rule to prevent people from being taken away and sold in wind-catching bottles." Naxida glanced at Jiang Yan and said courageously.

Unlike grass seeds and thunder seeds, wind seeds do little damage to humans. Even people without God's Eyes can easily put wind seeds into them with a wind catch bottle.

Owing a lot of favors to this senior, Nashida can't watch him turn the Wine Festival into a farce for scalpers to resell power seeds.

"!!!" Wendy widened his emerald green eyes, completely unexpected.

How could someone be so bad?

Reselling the seeds of the power of the gods?Are you not afraid of divine punishment?

Well, they're really not afraid...

Even though Lawrence played so flamboyantly, Wendy never did God's punishment.

No one in the whole of Mond believed that the benevolent Lord Barbatos would engage in divine punishment.

The downside of having a great reputation is that it has little deterrent effect.

In front of Wendy's eyes, there were already many small merchants selling the Seed of the West Wind, which she worked so hard to create at the cost of sleeping, as a special product of the Wine Festival.

Thinking about this kind of scene made his eyes go dark.

Although Wendy doesn't mind her people earning a little money in her own name, the threshold of "the poor are not worthy of having the Seed of Power" is too much.

Although this point is relatively easy to adjust, it would be good to add the rule of "in an environment where there is no flow of wind elemental force, the seed of the west wind will annihilate itself".

However, as Jiang Yan and Nasida kept pointing out loopholes in the rules, Wendy's face turned completely dark.

What is going on in my head?

After paying such a heavy "tuition fee", why not solve all the problems at once?

But no matter how regretful it is, the immediate problem can only be solved by the friends in front of him and the lovely junior.

That wayward old aunt has indeed done everything she can.

No matter how extravagantly she dared to ask, Wendy even herself felt a little unreasonable, and she was afraid that she would seek a beating.


"Can shooting wild boars really make the wind seeds in well-trained people germinate and bloom?"

Jiang Yan was completely speechless about this extensive exercise.

This is Mengde, not Mengzhong, what do you think?

Even if you don't have the heart of God, you just want to make people grow up by hunting wild boars. Isn't it a bit too contemptuous of adventurers?

"...Maybe I can only train Orion, but I can use the wind to catch a group of Qiuqiu people." Wendy said her plan.

"Then, the Qiuqiu people ate all the wild boars?" Jiang Yan complained.

"I'll let Qin manage it by region!"

It is better to leave troublesome things like mortal rules to mortals. Wendy resolutely dismissed the blame and gave up thinking.

Too strict rules are completely incompatible with his nature, no matter how clever he is, he can't think of anything.

Well, there is a reliable believer who can indeed do whatever he wants, Jiang Yan accepted this statement.

But just the aspects that ordinary people can't handle, this activity is full of loopholes!

"It's as strong as Munata, and it needs to recover some of its power. Can you release thousands of power seeds in one go?" Jiang Yan complained.

Although the demon god is strong, it will be the same after the equal distribution.

There are actually many demon gods in history who use "existence" to nourish a piece of land, but none of them can cover an entire country.

Andreus, who is not bad in strength, can only cover the Benlang collar;

The legendary Chi also turned Qingce Village into a piece of fertile soil.

How many hunters and adventurers are there in Mond?How many people is enough for Wendy's small body?

"Can't..." Wendy thought for a while, and responded with a look of embarrassment.

In Wendy's plan, it is calculated according to the number of participants in the wine festival every year.

But it wasn't until Jiang Yan reminded him that he remembered what he had overlooked:

Once Barbatos is manifested, how many participants in this event can be reduced?

Those who can hold a bow and arrow, and those who can put on a green vest, I am afraid that none of them will be absent, and even foreigners will flock here.

At that time, how could I rely on "following fate" to distribute enough West Wind Seeds?

"Senior Wendy, if you want mortals without God's Eye to participate, you must consider recovering at least part of your power."

Nasida said with concern that this field is her specialty.

Before the Council violently and infinitely extracted the dreams, the self-circulation health of the Void Organization had always been the focus of Nasida's attention.

Even when using Void to query and download knowledge, part of the user's mental power will be extracted to provide energy.

The entire void network still often enters an unstable state due to some sudden congestion, and needs to be supplemented by the power of the ground veins.

As for the guidance and adjustment of the Void Network, Nasida has been silently completing the work that has never been shown.

Nashida just told Wendy the total amount of elemental power and mental power needed by Void Network daily, which made him feel like a bucket.

Even if only a few percent of Mond's people participate, it is enough to squeeze him into a god.

Hasty, families!

Wendy had no choice but to honestly pick up the elemental force recovery system that she planned to ignore.

However, the greatest advantage of wind elemental power has now become the greatest disadvantage:

The wind element forces in different directions are greatly consumed in the combination, and it is difficult to combine and utilize them at all.

And the strength required to command Qianfeng is even higher than Qianfeng itself, so it is a loss-making business.

This is the characteristic of wind element force itself.

Whether it is Wendy's thousands of years of research;

It is also the study of the Sulun School of the Holy Order Academy for thousands of years;

Even the development of science in Jiang Yan's memory is based on the stable use of this chaotic force, and there is no good way.

However, although there is no way to gather them, it is not impossible to use scattered forces sporadically.

From different perspectives, the three of them have the deepest understanding of wind elemental power. After colliding with each other for half a day, they finally came up with a tricky way:

Guide the beneficiaries of the Seed of the West Wind to create a new Seed of the West Wind through certain festival rituals or activities, so as to go round and round and achieve an infinite cycle.

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