But this kind of complex ritual transformation is not the strength of the few directors present.

Due to its intangibility and substance, wind elemental power is rarely used in large-scale rituals.

Wendy uses his face fruit, which is enough to solve most problems.

The same is true for Nasida who uses the power of "Dream". Although she has enough theoretical knowledge about the power of the wind element, she is only at the mortal level after all.

As for Jiang Yan, it was given for nothing. All his knowledge of ceremonies and magic circles came from the True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun, and he was not even qualified to become a teacher.

So Jiang Yan sighed and could only continue to seek help from experts.

As for the skill of making power seeds, besides Munata, the strongest in this world is Leidenzhen.

Shenhua Shenying controls several thunder cherry blossoms along the ground veins, and then uses the thunder cherry branches to cover the entire rice wife with thunder seeds.

This kind of handwriting, even in the governance of the world, can be called brilliant.

Therefore, before Jiang Yan and Wendy are going back to Mond, they should stop by Dao Wife and discuss with Zhen and Ying if there is any good way.

After all, it is not too much to say that this system is priceless, and it would not be a loss to help you refer to it in detail.

As for the ceremony, if the two foxes can't figure it out, Wendy can only ask the emperor.

Anyway, he has been tortured by Munata for so long, and he is not short of being traded fairly by the emperor once.


What was thought to be a "refer to the details" plan turned into a three-day brainstorming meeting.

Whether it is Wendy, Jiang Yan or Naxida, the design of this large-scale ceremony feels physically and mentally exhausted...

Of course, for the rituals of the gods, this is already the speed of light.

After all, the reference prototype of this ceremony - Resurrection Day;

According to Munata, it took about 1000 years to gradually perfect each link.

If it is not based on the achievements of a large number of people, I am afraid that there will be no progress in three years.

After another round of checking and making up for omissions, the problems that Jiang Yan and Naxida could help to discover finally came to an end.

As for the solutions that can be thought of, everyone also tried their best to piece together the best solution through their respective strengths.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant she was, Naxida could only bid farewell to Jiang Yan temporarily;

Watching Jiang Yan and Wendy go out from the Palace of Good Views, and then possessing Catherine, watching them go to Port of Ormos.

Fortunately, there is no Catherine in the port of Ormos, otherwise I am afraid that I will have to watch all the way to the boat going to Daozuma.

Seeing Xiaocao's pitiful look, Jiang Yan had no choice but to reassure her that he would use Dream Flower to keep in touch with her frequently, and continue to deal with Xumi's dream together, so that it would be cloudy and sunny for her.

That's all she wanted.

As long as the two are still sharing their dreams, the distance is not a big problem for Nasida.

After all, the prisoner pictured as a prison in reality is just a body that makes the Holy Order feel at ease.

The self wandering in the ocean of dreams is the real existence.

And in the dream, as the flowers bloom, the dawn has come;

As long as it is still bathed in the "sunshine", Dream Flower will be undefeated in all seasons.

Is there something wrong with holding a wine festival in Mond: Chapter 512 Chapter 494 Is there something wrong with full support

Inazuma is not a famous tourist attraction, even if the lock-down order has been lifted, there is no fixed frequency of passenger ships.

What's more terrible is that Jiang Yan's Clippers did not follow him to Sumeru due to various unplanned situations recently.

Therefore, the two had no choice but to find the "Yuanguo Yuyong" who was in Sumeru, and were going to rub the cargo ship.

This incomprehensible guy named Fan Bingwei almost exploded Yuying Luxin because he was eating vegetarian food in the corpse of Tarasha.

After the incident, he was sent directly to Sumeru by the angry Shenli Ayato, who was responsible for ensuring the supply of mushrooms.

This position was supposed to be a position where no one cares about it and dies of old age, but this Fan Bingwei still has a hard-to-change nature, and various documents are constantly sent back to Dao's wife through merchant ships.

Unexpectedly, a document that recorded the volume and price of dried mushrooms really turned him over!

Even if Mond provided rice wife with a large amount of meat, no matter in any country, meat is not affordable for ordinary people to consume every day.

San Bongxing, who has benefited from cross-border trade, did not expect to get a new breakthrough from Fan Bingwei, an idiot.

The weight of the dried and flattened mushrooms is about the same as nothing, and the price is about the same as free. The biggest cost is the manpower to screen out the poisonous mushrooms.

Although for the Sumeru people, if they have a bite of other food, they will not eat mushrooms.

They, who have enough "abundance benefits", are also qualified to be so picky.

But for the rice wife, dried mushrooms are a good delicacy whether it is stewed or stewed.

Considering the price, that's pretty tempting.

Anyway, it was much better than daily food like rice balls, beans, ochazuke, etc., and it could completely make up for Inazuma's lack of food.

Under the personal communication of Kanding Xingzhi Hiiragi Chisato, he hit it off with the Holy Order Academy who was surprised that "someone spends money to buy mushrooms!" and signed a good contract.

The two countries finally have a large-scale trade cooperation and a stable route.

Fortunately, Fan Bingwei was not so stupid. After recognizing Jiang Yan, he didn't ask for any documents, but respectfully and quickly arranged for the nearest cargo ship.

Of course, it wasn't that he changed his gender, but that he was courageous enough not to collapse on the ground in the face of Jiang Yan, who had sent countless officials to mine in Bayun Island.

No matter how high-ranking an official Inazuma is, she is terribly afraid of this former servant who completely ignores any routine in the officialdom, and now Mr. Yutaisuo.

Even the three executions are kept silent, what can the little shrimp below do?

Assassination?sue?slander?Bad?What a joke!

program?evidence?process?compromise?Not at all!

During that time, it was common to see shrine maidens or ninjas passing by the house, and they would directly frighten the officials who were limp on the ground.

As a running dog, Kutiao Shaluo has become synonymous with the one-way tour of Yalong Island.

Even when Fan Bingwei first saw Jiang Yan who was looking for him, he thought he was here to pursue the Yuying Luxin incident.

Full of despair, he planned to take a trip to Yalu Island, but when he learned that he was coming to rub the boat, he was almost swallowed up by great joy and brought a huge sense of exhaustion.

Fan Bingwei, who survived the catastrophe, sent away the God of Plague at the speed of light with unprecedented efficiency.

documents?Do you like crystallized bone marrow that much?

So soon, Jiang Yan and Wendy sat in the crew room that the captain had cleaned up respectfully, and returned to Dao Wife accompanied by the ubiquitous smell of mushrooms.

It usually takes at least three days to sail all the way from Ormos Port to the outlying islands.

However, due to the "god-like protection" along the way, it took only two days to reach the outlying island, which amazed the entire fleet.

Just after getting off the boat, Wendy claimed that she wanted to "visit outlying islands" and planned to go straight to the tavern.

Facing such a good friend, Jiang Yan left him a mora that he could soak in the wine tank without saying a word, and then he led the electric light all the way to the castle tower.

Missing is a very strange thing.

It only occasionally gives you a sudden hit when you're far away.

On the contrary, when you approach, what you have been accumulating, ignoring, and letting go all the time will suddenly rush to your heart like a tide, leaving no time to pay attention to anything else.

This is exactly what Jiang Yan is feeling now.

His heart was filled with things that could not be described in words, he just wanted to fly back to that building immediately and find those two familiar purples.

And so he did, soaring on the wind, swooping on the flames, flashing on the thunder, falling from the sky like a shooting star, into the familiar embrace.

Although in terms of the concept of time of the longevity species, everyone is not even a farewell;

But the mentality of the longevity species, he probably won't be able to learn it in 100 years.

However, she didn't dislike such bright and intense feelings.

Rather, I like it very much.


On the second day, Wendy, who had fully tasted the fine wine of Inazuma, did not wake up until the afternoon.

Guided by the Narugami Taisha witch who had been waiting for a long time, I came to the Narugami Taisha Shrine under the cherry tree, and saw Jiang Yan, Ying and Zhen, who had been waiting for a long time, and Yae Kamito who had been waiting by the side.

In addition to following the film and telling the truth yesterday, Jiang Yan also briefly introduced the technical support Wendy needs.

Hearing that Wendy dug out such a good way of training mortals from Munata by selling herself instead of performing arts, Ying and Zhen looked at each other and were a little tempted.

The impending catastrophe is almost a clear card now, and no ability to predict is needed at all.

Judging from the situation 500 years ago, in a real fight, no one had the leeway to protect ordinary people.

Only by making them as strong as possible can the loss be reduced.

At this time, the method of mass-producing the strong is very attractive.

However, in countries with different elemental powers, this technique naturally has its own characteristics.

Liyue with the rock attribute, Jiang Yan uses resonance to realize the cultivation of immortals for all.

A Nata of the fire attribute, Munata uses growth and devouring to create a strong man.

As Mond with the wind attribute, Wendy intends to rely on mortals to create new seeds to realize the cycle.

So what should the rice wife do?You can't really build [-] generals in series.

Until now, the materials for the general doll and Qiqi doll have not been collected yet, [-]?Probably only in dreams.

If machinery is mass-produced, in the final analysis, it must be based on the perpetual mechanism of yuan energy or abyss energy. Otherwise, the energy supply alone is enough to drain a powerful country.

However, no matter whether it is Yuan Neng or Xu Jieli, several civilizations have turned over the pit, how could Dao Wife step on it?

If you also want to mass-produce the strong, the opportunity in front of you is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After all, just as Jiang Yan imagined, Daozuma has a complete Leiying network, and it is not impossible to distribute the enhanced version of Leiying seeds like God's Eye.

Then these thunder element forces with the same frequency can also use formations to work together like Liyue to create some good joint spells.

For example, gather the thunder element power of Quan Dao's wife, and an electromagnetic cannon to bombard a giant beast coming across the sea.

So Zhen Yuying quickly called Yae Shenzi and Huzhai Palace, whose spirit had improved slightly in the Shenying cherry tree, and prepared to help Wendy with all his strength.

Friendship is certainly one aspect, but more importantly, considering what I just heard from Jiang Yan yesterday, the story of the construction of Aru by the Akhmar dynasty and the overturning of the whole people.

For a system of this level, let's try the next door first...

Is there something wrong with holding a wine festival in Mond: Chapter 513 Chapter 495 Is there something wrong with retirement and reemployment

Wendy is the master of thousands of winds, but at this moment, he only feels that the sum of thousands of winds is not as powerful as the wind beside the pillow.

Faced with this lineup, Wendy was simply flattered.

I came here to ask for help, this kind of enthusiastic attitude, wow, is this really Narugami who wants to draw a sword to fight with each other at every turn?

You really should be the god of wind, I feel much more powerful than Dekarapian.

No matter how powerful that King of Gale Wind is, if he couldn't control his pets and suffered a backstab, how could he be as powerful as the "Lord of Pillow Wind" in front of him?

While complaining, Wendy fully narrated and explained to Ying and Zhen the plan between herself, Jiang Yan and Nasida.

But seeing Wendy's complete plan, Shinyo Yae Miko also scratched his head deeply.

Let people who have gained power create power seeds, neither Yae Shenzi nor Hu Zhai Palace can do it, this is already the power characteristic of the "polluted soul" level of the demon god.

It is impossible to achieve such a high personality with the fox clan's techniques and formations.

Wendy can only ask Senior Morax about this matter.

After all, the rock king Dijun, who is the ancestor of immortal art, is the most professional in the study of the power characteristics of the demon god itself.

In a sense, Xianshu is the degraded power of the demon god.

But the Twin Demon Gods rarely dabble in this aspect, Zhen is not obsessed with power, while Ying only focuses on his own power.

Even if one is really good at spells, it cannot be discovered in decades or even hundreds of years.

If you want to produce results in a short period of time, you can only ask Emperor Yanwang to copy the answers.

But other than that, there is really a set of ready-made solutions for the absorption and dispersal of seeds.

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