Use the earth veins to gather a large number of primitive westerly seeds and wind elemental force, resulting in the effect of small-scale siltation.

The seeds will undergo preliminary development in the veins of wind elemental force, allowing them to be absorbed by mortals.

Finally, through the outlets and branches of each leyline, using the mutual repulsion of the wind element force, the earth will bear the seeds of the westerly wind like dandelions all over the ground.

The branches of the thunder cherry blossoms scattered all over the place and the thunder pole suspended in the air are realized by using this method.

Although the divine cherry tree appeared in an instant, it took hundreds of years to spread the protection of the Thunder Cherry Network to cover the entire Daozuma.

Although during this process, Zhen did not wake up;

But after waking up, he still inherited this fragment of consciousness.

Even if there are still incomplete parts, they can be completed by the current God Sakura Spirit Fox Zhai Palace.

Wendy certainly didn't have hundreds of years to waste, but Mond certainly didn't need such a range.

It is only necessary to find a node of the earth veins, and then use the magic circle and rituals to squeeze out the wind elemental power and the seed of the west wind and send them into the earth veins.

Afterwards, the seeds of the wind will naturally grow on the ground.


Half of the unsolvable problem was successfully completed, which made Wendy extremely grateful for Narugami's generosity.

Shenying Network is not a high-end product, not to mention the world tree comparable to Sumeru, but at least it is the top application of the world's ruling to the leylines.

In fact, Wendy still can't believe that Narugami can easily share this kind of method with "contains superior laws" written all over his face.

After being resurrected from the dead, she really let herself go.

Wait, he came back from the dead, does the contract he signed at the beginning still count?

Could it be possible?

Wendy looked over with questioning eyes, only to get a gentle smile.

Wendy didn't get an answer, and Wendy didn't take it to heart, but kindly asked Zhenlaimond for guidance, and she would definitely entertain her warmly.

After all, although people gave face for the sake of the "Lord of the Pillow Wind", he couldn't be unceremonious and directly disassemble it.

It is better to let this technology deliberately become a blunt handling.

"I don't know, it's okay to see it, so I followed it."

This is the side-by-side wisdom explored by countries in this era.

This use of pre-epoch technology is what the sky allows.

For example, many holy relics and devices cannot be analyzed, but can only be used in this way.

In this way, whether it is Daoqi or Mond, the risk will be smaller.

She readily agreed to the request, which was her goal.

After all, if all goes well, Dao Wife will have to adopt a similar system;

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you truly discover hidden dangers and problems.


Just like that, there were two more beautiful passengers on Jiang Yan's fast boat.

As a shadow dancer, how could she let her weak sister go out alone without worry.

The three of them hadn't traveled together for a long time, and they were in a good mood after seeing each other for a while. They started planning the tour routes and scenic spots of Mond on the boat.

And Wendy doesn't plan to eat dog food all the way, he is the Lord of Thousand Winds, not the King of Scorching Suns.

Avoiding being an eyesore, he flew to Liyue alone as soon as he arrived in Yunlaihai, seeking help from the god who was enjoying his retirement life comfortably.

Wendy, who flew all the way to Liyue Port, landed quietly, and no one even noticed that there was a foreign boy here suddenly.

When it comes to the convergence of power, the ubiquitous wind and the rock rooted in the earth are far beyond other colleagues, and they can easily integrate themselves with the whole world.

If Dijun Yanwang wanted to, even Wendy wouldn't be able to perceive his position.

However, "unable to perceive" does not mean that he is difficult to find.

After all, on weekday mornings, no matter if it is a tea house, a theater, or an antique shop, the young people who have time to patronize can count on one hand.

And a young man in a dragon robe is often the only customer.

Soon, Wendy skillfully passed the three bowls, and found the guest of the past life hall who was drinking tea and talking with the boss about the combination of water and tea.

And Zhongli, who was always calm in everything, rarely showed unconcealed disgust when he saw this colleague.

This guy is definitely the biggest enemy of his retired and comfortable life, second only to his disciples and grandchildren.

A wise man must have a loss if he is worried.

Zhongli perfectly arranged the person in charge of various tasks after he left.All the immortal families also have the ability to take care of themselves, and most things will not disturb the emperor's leisure at all.

However, Zhong Li really didn't expect that he could arrange everything, but he couldn't arrange his colleagues.

This guy is worthy of the title of "messenger", and he can always bring things that people don't want to hear.

Whether it is the recovery of calamity power, the transaction of the heart of God, or the interception of the evil god of the dark sea, only the gods can deal with the problems between these gods.

Although before the new Rock God takes office, he is duty-bound to do these things.

However, is the frequency slightly higher?

With the "joint force" of this guy and his disciples, he went from working one day a year to "retiring" to several battles a year, and the frequency even exceeded that of the Demon God War.

Even if it is a rock, you will feel tired occasionally. This is not what you want to get out of the layout of hundreds of years.

Thinking of this, Zhong Li put down the tea that had no mood, glanced at the "messenger" with his stone-like eyes, and asked expressionlessly:

"What's the matter?"

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 514Chapter 496 Is there something wrong with making tea with spring water

Wendy also knows that being an uninvited guest is really not welcome, but this is entirely due to the different work styles of everyone.

Mr. Morax goes to work one day a year, but he wakes up every 500 years to save Mond, and then spends another 500 years recuperating from his injuries. It makes me sad to think about it.

But this time, as the wind of change and turning point, Wendy has a strong premonition:

This is by no means a situation that can be solved by sleeping and sacrificing, but that the entire era may come to an end.

It is still unknown whether he can survive the catastrophe, let alone Mond.

Faced with this situation, what is face?Already forgot about Nata!

So Wendy directly gave up her dignity, took out the meeting gift she had prepared, and enthusiastically helped Zhongli pour it into the teapot.

When going from Mond to Sumeru, Wendy did not start from the nearest direction of the stratum rock abyss, but went to Fontaine by way.

Although today's Sky Island has not been able to see thousands of miles and know everything since 500 years ago.

But what he and Jiang Yan are going to do is really a little sensitive,

And the land of Tivat is full of pure water elf spies.

Wendy felt that no matter how careful she was, she couldn't always block the prying eyes of the elves who were with the water.

He didn't want to be backstabbed with justice by the new god who "only the law of heaven can't fight against him".

To be honest, this younger generation who is not determined to resist has always been an eyesore to other earthly rulers.

It's just that she hasn't been recognized by the pure water elves for a long time.

Once she has full control over the pure water fairies, many things will have to be reconsidered.

So Wendy went to Fontaine for a tour without anyone noticing, and then went to Sumeru quietly.

And poured into the teapot, the source of the fontaine spring is the harvest of "all come".

In Tivat, people can easily obtain pure water generated by the water element force;

It is used to make tea, and naturally there is no common earthy, musty and grassy smell.

But as Liyue's most "exquisite" guest, Zhongli's requirements for water are far higher than this.

The mineral components contained in different spring water will produce various wonderful reactions with different famous teas.

Just like various seasonings, the "magic" exerted on the ingredients.

The Spring Land is the place where the spring elves gather. Before Stanley conquered here, it was almost a forbidden area for mortals.

Only the lord of a thousand winds can transform into a flowing wind, freely move back and forth among them, and pack living water from various sources into bags.

Although the wind is close to all things, Wendy didn't "pay attention" to this point, and couldn't tell what was special about the water.

So Wendy was very straightforward, filled a big bag with every source, and placed them neatly on Zhongli's table.

Although he really wanted to reject this guy who came to get close again, but the information revealed behind these water bags made Zhong Li have to patiently watch this colleague's flamboyant performance.

But Zhong Li, who couldn't stand the guy who poured precious spring water into the teapot with such a waste of money, finally shook his head helplessly and took the water bag.

Gently poured a little, put it into a brand new tea cup, tasted it, then replaced it with another water bag, and repeated.

Soon, after tasting the water sample of one of the water bags, Zhong Li raised his eyebrows and waved, signaling the shopkeeper to take the water bag and make tea again, and then the two started a formal conversation.

"The source of the realm of springs? It's rare to be expelled by the God of Justice."

Although it is a forbidden area for mortals, whether it is the filial piety of the three-eyed and five-manifested immortal, or the gift of the former water god, this precious spring water, Zhongli, has been fortunate enough to taste it.

"Her sight can't reach that far for the time being."

"Temporarily?" Zhong Li rubbed Jiang Yan's precious teacup with his hand, motioning Wendy to continue.

"I don't know how long this situation can last." Wendy spread her hands, "After all, the wind cannot reach the water."

Zhongli nodded. Although this information is not important, it is an attitude.

Since 500 years ago, Fontaine has become a major hidden danger to the whole of the seven rulers of the world.

Even if it is impossible to solve the problem by fighting between the rulers of the world, after all, timely prevention must be carried out before the real problem arises.

Wendy's "price" is indeed very sincere.

Moreover, this kind of unimportant information also means that the uninvited guest in front of him will at least not suddenly say something like "another big hole has been dug out of the abyss" in the follow-up, which is very good.

After all, the character of the God of Contract is well known in Tevat.

Those who want to take advantage of him have disappeared in the past few thousand years.

After confirming that it wasn't another battle between the demon gods and the recovery of the disaster, Zhongli, who had been disturbed to the ups and downs, finally felt better because of the precious spring water.

So he took the teapot from the shopkeeper of the tea shop, poured a cup for himself and the poet without a trace of elegance, sipped tea lightly, and waited for Wendy's request.

Unexpectedly, although it was not a difficult request, the set of things proposed by the other party was really interesting and successfully attracted Zhongli's interest.

This system is very delicate and mixes the styles of many countries.

It can even be said to be an enhanced version of Liyue's "Cultivating Immortals for All" system.

However, although things are good things, Zhongli doesn't like them.

Liyue's practice is the most important thing.

In his eyes, before any creature gains power, it must first prove that it is worthy of it.

To this day, Liyue's national cultivation of immortals still imposes the most stringent restrictions on the most important part of "jumping through the dragon's gate" through the personal review of Keqing and the true monarch of cutting the moon and building the sun.

If virtue is not matched, there will be disasters. A strong person with an unqualified heart will sooner or later bring misfortune to those around him or himself.

However, disaster is approaching, and in the face of the great enemy of all life, there will indeed be many mortals whose minds will quickly surpass themselves and achieve sublimation.

Do we want to relax some of the standards and replace them with stricter post-event supervision and education?Zhong Li has also been thinking about this problem.

But once a lot of things are opened, it will be difficult to collect them, so no further action has been taken.

But right now, there is a new solution to this problem.

Since the neighboring country known for its "freedom" intends to use a completely "free" game, Zhongli will naturally give it convenience.

It's better to let them try first than to try Liyue's only extraordinary path!


There are guests at home during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it’s been a long time since I’ve been tossing around. I only have one update today, and I’ll make it up after the festival.

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