Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 515Chapter 497Is there something wrong with cultural differences

Immortal art is originally a flexible means of bestowing supernatural powers on the earthly world.

Since Emperor Yanwang sprinkled the seeds, for thousands of years, various fruits have already bloomed.

There are many skills that even Dijun, the founder, doesn't know very well.

Especially "self-circulation" and "high-efficiency conversion", such techniques to improve the efficiency of the use of elemental power;

Almost all of them are three-eyed five-display immortals, created slowly bit by bit.

After all, you can't expect a god who can move mountains and fill seas with a wave of his hand, thinking about how to save power every day.

Therefore, after deciding to realize his vision for Wendy, Zhongli took him to the Absolute Cloud Room;

And with the communication talisman, he summoned the True Lord Lishui Dieshan who is the best at the magic circle and the True Lord Liuyun Borrowing the Wind who is the best at the organization.

Faced with the emperor's entrustment, the two immortals naturally went all out. After a detailed communication and negotiation with Wendy, they quickly devised a set of feasible ideas:

The first link, constraints

It is difficult for wind elemental power to flow through the earth veins, and most of the strong people born have no ability to channel power into the earth veins.

So first of all, Master Lishui Dieshan will go to Monde to personally arrange, use the art of the cave to cooperate with Wendy to exert power, create a small world with abundant wind elemental power, and limit the loss of elemental power to the greatest extent.

The second link, zoom in and sort out

Any large-scale magic formula that requires the participation of mortals must always be disguised as a festival ceremony, and this time is no exception.

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun will use the large magic circle constructed to transform the abundant wind elemental force in the secret realm into a large number of wind fields and wind elemental force particles for those who have obtained the seed of the west wind to challenge during the festival.

When these powerhouses are absorbing the particles of wind element force and using their own wind element force to continuously challenge the wind field;

They are actually sorting out the wind element power in the entire secret realm.

During this process, the challenger is completely an unconscious performer who uses himself as a paintbrush.

Of course, with this extensive form, it is impossible to sort out all the wind elemental forces in the entire secret realm.

In fact, at most a small part can be sorted out, but that's all the ceremony wants.

Those with high talents may be able to complete this small part by drilling a dozen or so wind farms.

For those with poor aptitude, there will naturally be Liuyun borrowing the mechanism "Banfengshu" made by Feng Zhenjun to "help" him to fly more wrong roads.

The third link, compression and generation

Once the challenge is over, it's time to send out the Rift to the satisfied challenger.

The workers are gone, and the rest is time to close the door and pay the bills.

Under the action of Wendy's transformation from Munata, it is possible to easily transform the combed wind elemental force into a new seed of the west wind.

As for the other parts, the next challenger will naturally challenge and continue to sort out.


Wendy was taken aback when she heard this kind of routine.

Why are you so proficient at mining with mortals?

Just came out of the Sumeru Mine and entered the Liyue Mine?

Wendy, who likes freedom, doesn't like this method at all, even if there is no malice at all.

There is no malice in Tianli grazing the world. As long as you don't violate taboos, you can eat and drink if you want, isn't everyone living in a very depressed way?

A mortal who is obsessed with arrogance and "grazing", what right does he have to oppose Sky Island's "grazing"?

Really unable to accept this form, Wendy had no choice but to say tactfully:

"The immortal skills of the two True Monarchs are exactly what I need, but there is only one thing, can the challenger directly see the process of generating the Seed of the West Wind?"

Wendy's thoughts surprised the two True Monarchs:

"See it directly?"

"What do you mean by that?"

The two immortals who are known for being close to mortals, the root of formulating this logic is not arrogance, but the restrictions on "immortal arts".

There are countless people in Liyue looking for immortals, and the revelation of immortal skills will inevitably make many mortals who are lacking in character, so excited that they lose their minds.

Therefore, it is almost their instinct to disguise the fairy art in a form that ordinary people cannot see.

Facing the questions from the two True Monarchs, Wendy was in a dilemma as to how to explain it.

My own reasoning is at best a mental cleanliness, and the standard is far above the general morality of Tewat.

It's okay to use it to restrain yourself, but it's too hypocritical to use it to restrain others.

There is a saying to describe a jerk called "swear at the cook when you are full".

After doing such an outrageous thing, the old man next to him was afraid that a star would fall down, so he helped himself to wake up.

After thinking for a long time, Wendy decided to find a very Liyue reason:

"Two True Monarchs, this festival, as it is the first attempt to distribute the Seed of the West Wind, will not undergo any screening."

"However, I heard a very reasonable saying in Liyue, which is "it is not too late to mend the dead sheep." Putting the generation of seeds on the bright side can better test the essence of the soul of a mortal. "

"Our Monde also has a saying, "All for one, one for all." Those who can accept this rule and are willing to share it with others after gaining power are the ones who meet our requirements. "

"And those who can only accept what they get and refuse to give anything, although they will not be punished, they are destined to lose more things."

With these words, the two True Monarchs nodded repeatedly, and even Zhong Li, who was beside him, nodded slightly.

In fact, they planned to find an opportunity to gently persuade the god of the neighboring country that it would not be a good thing if the power was out of control.

Since people have plans in advance, it is naturally better.

Wendy, who is familiar with the cultures of the Seven Kingdoms of Tevat, of course knows that in Liyue, "nature" is the greatest correctness.

From top to bottom, Liyue people firmly believe that before any major event is planned, there must be a "heart test" by the executor.

Otherwise, the greater the ability, the greater the harm.

It's not that Wendy doesn't understand this, but in his opinion, you can't judge a person for something that didn't happen.

There is no born good person, and no born bad ruffian. Everyone is free and chaotic like the wind.

Which direction the wind blows depends entirely on the constraints of his environment.

Even a bad person in the general sense will do good deeds honestly when he is not given a chance.

So when it can be cultivated, there is no need to hesitate and struggle.

How to guide the wind to blow in the right direction and block the wrong directions one by one is what should be the focus of attention.

Of course, these two ways are just like Liufeng and Panyan. It cannot be said who is right and who is wrong. They are just a way of existence in the world.

The two True Monarchs also hold this point of view. Although they don't understand Mond's "freedom", they are not arrogant enough to dictate to an earthly ruler.

From the perspective of the immortals in Liyue, it is not a big problem for everyone to live in peace and perform their duties.

Under the guidance of the emperor, they have always insisted on the way that great power belongs to themselves, and they do not have the bitter hatred of many strong people for the law of heaven.

Since the gods of neighboring countries like to be open and upright in everything, they are naturally good deeds, and the right way is to take the customer as the criterion.

Therefore, after intense work, the two true monarchs re-optimized the design of the secret realm.

In the new rules, with the combing of the elemental power completed, the spell to generate the Seed of the West Wind will automatically operate at the end point, and every challenger will witness with their own eyes the Seed of the West Wind created with their own power.

As for the logic behind the whole process, let the mortal organizers explain it themselves.

Seeing the completely transparent process she expected, Wendy was finally completely satisfied, and clasped her fists with Liyue's etiquette and said:

"Thank you two True Monarchs!"

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"Master Barbatos, you are too polite."

No matter how inconspicuous Wendy is, she is also one of the rulers in the world. Facing the sincere thanks of the superior who has no airs, the two true monarchs quickly bowed their heads in return.

"With the help of two True Monarchs this time, the grand occasion will be unprecedented. If you are free, old man, you might as well go to Qingquan Town with the two True Monarchs to have a look. I will definitely entertain you well."

Immortals hardly walk in the world, and Wendy didn't expect these two True Monarchs to really come to the Wine Festival to cheer up. He really couldn't imagine this picture in his mind.

As for this old man, would he move a talking stone?Give me a break!

The so-called invitation is nothing more than due etiquette.

"It's so good, then we will have to ask for a glass of water and wine." Zhongli accepted the invitation very simply.

"It's okay, it's okay...huh?"

It took Wendy a lot of strength to swallow the words "You're really here" that came to her lips.

what's the situation?what happened?

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 516 Chapter 498 Is there something wrong with sweeping the grave?

"Why, is it strange?"

Zhongli naturally knows the impression he has in other people's minds.

The Great Mercy Tree King often complained that he was a "talking stone", and the poet in front of him who was silently slandering himself was the culprit who spread this title.

But from time to time, when mortals can burn Oserer with the brilliance of the world, they can already be liberated from the shackles of responsibility.

Even if it was a catastrophe at the level of the rock giant abyss back then, with such a sharp weapon, it was enough to drag him back.

Seeing Wendy complaining about her desire, Zhongli laughed.

"I'm an idler now, and I'm supposed to be wandering about."

"It's better to say that the world is so big, you can always feel nostalgic by walking around and seeing more."

"Why, not welcome?"

This is also his real thought at the moment. Only then can he feel the real sense of letting go of the heavy responsibility.

This invitation came at the right time.

As for the test results, three or five mortals, one True Monarch is enough, why is it worth letting him visit in person?

Wendy hurriedly shook her head repeatedly, even if it was polite, it has come true now, so hurry back to Mond to consider how to greet her.

So he worked hard with a sincere and sincere smile, and responded to the old man Morax with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

"No, no, I'm just flattered, and I will definitely make everyone feel at home."


Just when Wendy "successfully" invited heavyweights, Jiang Yan's clippers also docked at Jingfu Port.

Compared with the movie once, it is really more exciting.

The reason is similar to that of Zhongli. Most of the rulers in the world are almost prisoners of responsibility. They are painted as prisons and imprisoned in their own land.

Where is the opportunity for pure fun like now?

Although after the resurrection, I found that most of the government affairs were handled very well, and my sister did almost all of the work out of a sense of responsibility.

But Daozuma has already visited every plant and tree by himself, so what is there to visit?

Looking at this land of freedom and joy, and feeling the different style and appearance from the Dao wife, I really feel relieved.

The play of the gods is naturally not about shopping, eating and taking pictures.

The first stop of the three of them when they came to Mond was to go to the only remaining temple in the world where the Thousand Winds of Time were worshiped——Thousand Winds Temple.

It was really able to be revived, although I don't know the reason, but it really helped a lot.

Without its help, the subsequent series of blunders would be impossible to talk about.

Since this great existence has long since fallen, everyone can only come to its altar to express our gratitude.

Even the gods of time cannot surpass the oblivion of time, and the Temple of Thousand Winds has long been dilapidated.

Zhen Yuying personally wiped and cleaned the sacrificial offering here—the dilapidated sundial, while Jiang Yan summoned a large-scale water polo and wind to clean the entire temple thoroughly.

Although it is meaningless to the long-abandoned temple, the hard work is worth the price of admission if you can see a real smiling face.

After cleaning, under the guidance of Jiang Yan, everyone took the Xingxingya Cliff and prepared to go to the unknown island in the East recorded by the Adventurers Association, another place where a huge sundial is worshipped.

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