But seeing that people had already gone to Longkong's Star Picking Cliff, Ying's face directly showed regret.

After getting the pride of the sky and the ridge of the sky presented to her by Jiang Yan, Ying has some new ideas for the creation of magical weapons.

It turns out that not only excellent forging technology can improve the quality of weapons, but also extremely rare materials can make the finishing point.

This principle is not uncommon, and Raiden Wuzhuan, without exception, regards finding good forging knife materials as the first step in forging.

But at the level of the gods, most of the materials, in the face of the elemental power that is as deep as the sea, the quality plays a limited role.

Most of the powerhouses in Tivat are elemental creatures. Even if they are killed, they can't get any materials. On the contrary, the demon god's grudge is never absent.

But the sky series of weapons forged from Tewarin's teeth reminded Shadow.

Although the demon god is not good, but the demon god's retinue over a thousand years old, or the lineage of the dragon clan, and some giant beasts, there will still be some top-quality materials that condense the elemental power to the extreme.

However, how to use these precious materials still requires some original samples.

Ying thinks that if he can "fully cooperate" with Tewarin to create an artifact that is close to his dream and only needs years of nurturing and accumulation, it is not impossible!

The last time I came to Mond, why didn't I think of it?

What about Twarin?The development of Tivat's forging industry needs you!

Jiang Yan looked around to perceive the shadow, with a regretful expression on his face, he could only smile wryly.

Who will "fully cooperate" with you, it will be afraid of you, okay?

Wendy was still loyal, and when she heard that Ying was coming to Mond, she immediately sent a "wind message" from Dao's wife to Tewarin who was lying comfortably on the cliff of picking stars through Qianfeng, telling her to run away quickly.

When Twalin got the news, he flew all the way to the Golden Apple Islands at the speed of pulling out the airburst without saying a word.

It's not that it's afraid of the god of the rice wife, but the main reason is that Mond's autumn is too dry, which is very harmful to the maintenance of newborn feathers. He plans to avoid autumn there until winter, and then return to Mond.

It's all the fault of that idle poet who plucked his feathers!

Dare to invite that terrible god to Mond again?Give him a good look when he goes back in winter!


Jiang Yan knew about Twalin running away.

But even if there is no blood and no tears to Jiang Yan's level, he will no longer help Ying to "help the tyrant" and take care of Tewarin's teeth.

The "broad-minded" Jiang Yan even crossed out Xingqiu from his notebook, and as for Twat, who fought three times in a row, the old grievances of being bombed by wind bombs have already been turned over.

In addition, I have been taking "Didi Fighting the Dragon" recently, which is also considered a debt of love to the dragon;

So he gave Twalin a rare gift in a timely manner;

"If you activate your divine sense again, Mond City will be covered. It's not good to scare the children. It's more important." Ying persuaded Ying.

The matter of Twalin was just a short episode, and the three of them were having fun, but they didn't expect to encounter real excitement afterwards.

When the three of them flew to the long-abandoned temple in the east of Mond, they found that the whole island had already been shrouded in a vague aura.

This small island does have a huge corona, as stated in the Adventurer's Association information.

The sundial reads "The wind brings a new story, time makes it a myth";

It just corresponds to the "wind brings the seeds of the story, and time makes them germinate" in the Temple of Thousand Winds.

And between the two buildings that are far away, a vague connection can also be felt.

As if nothing had happened, after cleaning the place respectfully and respectfully, the three of them left without stopping at all.

It wasn't until they returned to Zhaxingya, Jiang Yan and Zhen Yuying that they breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is something hidden in the cracks of time, I can't confirm what it is."

Jiang Yan's face was serious, and he didn't even need to speak, but cautiously used elemental force to transmit sound, for fear of leaving traces in time and wind.

And Zhen and Ying also looked at each other and nodded. Since then, this matter has never been mentioned again.

Regarding the law of time, Jiang Yan has experienced the pull of time several times. Although he can't talk about controlling it, he is also groping forward in this direction again and again.

Especially after experiencing the Deep Sea Dragon Lizard Research Institute, which is also hidden in the cracks of time;

For the same handwriting of this great god, it can naturally be clearly distinguished.

This gap in time is likely to be located thousands of years ago.

He could vaguely sense that both this small island and the Qianfeng Temple in the distance had passages leading to this gap.

In other words, in that gap, the two ruins were originally one, but they were divided into two due to thousands of years of vicissitudes.

If you open this gap, you may be able to obtain the legacy of "Government of Time";

It is also possible to help it respawn quickly;

Of course, it may also be completely destroyed by the power buried in it.

However, Jiang Yan didn't make any attempts, and he didn't even dare to express his "perceived" attitude.

Dragging the family by yourself, touching the power that you can't control?Not crazy.

What's more... I am grateful, but if this great god really wants to be resurrected, Jiang Yan will definitely give it back with a shovel.

After all, it's alive, and if Wendy can't fix it, it will be gone.

Who are you?Do you know each other well?

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 517 Chapter 499 Is there something wrong with the surprise blow

Qin's recent work is as "substantial" as ever.

Because of Jiang Yan's previous ruthless work—Master Barbatos "appeared in public" in the ruins of Fenglong after a thousand years;

Let today's Mond people be extremely interested in festivals and festivals.

After the discussion of the representatives of the public, the Church of the West Wind, and the Knights of the West Wind, this year's Wine Festival was named "Returning to the Wind and Wine Festival" to commemorate Lord Barbatos' return from the sky to show his holiness.

In previous years, although the wine festivals had their own names, drinking was actually only the last link.

Use fall hunting to prevent wildlife from destroying mature crops.

The grand collective harvest event.

Use harvested grains and fruits to brew wine that symbolizes a good harvest.

Finally comes the big orgy of games and booze.

Therefore, this wine festival is not so much a festival as it is a large-scale production event that all hunters, farmers, and the Zephyr Knights must carry out every year, and there are not many tricks.

However, since everyone wants to express their devout faith to Lord Barbatos this year, no matter in terms of scale or style, they must innovate to satisfy the representatives of the people who proposed and the Westwind Church.

For this reason, Qin has been tossing back and forth for nearly a month.All kinds of preliminary planning have been basically completed, and the work needs to be carried out step by step.

Although this is a great test of physical strength and spirit, Qin doesn't care about it.

After all, as the highest decision-maker, he is the busiest at this stage, which is a matter of course, and it will be better when it enters the implementation stage.

However, when she saw Jiang Yan and the two gods coming, Qin suddenly felt that her test must be added by more than one hour.

Although she still doesn't know the ruthless work done by her gods, Qin still can't believe that the gods of the two rice wives are simply here to travel.

Even if you think about the good, even if you really come to travel, even if your friends never tear up this layer of window paper in order to avoid red tape;

However, no matter how approachable and approachable, who really dares to despise the gods?

This well-known deity certainly doesn't mind, but will her faithful believers let it go?

Therefore, Qin intimately and politely arranged the two gods in the best room of the Goethe Hotel in person, and after they settled down, she and Jiang Yan returned to the Knight Commander's office and asked him for details.

After some communication, Jiang Yan realized that Wendy hadn't told Qin about her "great idea" at all.

Jiang Yan couldn't hide his sympathetic expression when facing this ruthless friend who didn't even know that he was godlike.

How many lifetimes of luck has Wendy accumulated to be able to draw a piano leader, and she still has such a mentality every day.

The leader of the West Wind Knights, it doesn't matter if we don't deserve it, come to Dao's wife, you can choose whatever position you want under the shadow.

After Jiang Yan's explanation, even Yiqin's psychological quality almost went dark.

I have been busy with various preparations for a month, although it is not possible to overthrow everything and start over, there are still countless things to add.

What's more, how to realize the most critical link is still unknown, so how can people prepare for it?

Seeing that the day of autumn harvest is approaching, shouldn't we mortals be given the necessary preparation time?

Naturally, Jiang Yan would not see this festival turning into a farce, not to mention that Qin would be in a state of distress, and Wendy, who had nothing to do after being cheated of "financing", might have to flee into the dust song pot overnight to seek refuge.

After communicating with Qin in detail, fully explaining what he knew, and trying to help her to play ahead of time, Jiang Yan left the knight leader's office.

Taking Qin, who can tear apart the guards of the ruins by hand, and rubbing his temples constantly with worry, this kind of leader really only owes a sentence, "Brother, turn it back!"

In this way, Qin did not leave his butt off his desk the next time, and he didn't even have time to eat lunch.

Until the setting sun shone obliquely on the table through the window of the office, a breeze blew by, and a green poet suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Hey, remember me?"

Then he plucked the strings lightly and played a moving poem.

"Want to hear a story? I have a story brought by the west wind and fallen leaves here, which will definitely satisfy you!"

In the face of this pinnacle work in the field of "inappropriate people", Qin's pious belief has withstood the most severe test.

Without a wind-pressed sword stabbing Wendy out of the room along the window, Qin's measure can be canonized as a saint.

However, even if it is a relic guard without blood or tears, in the face of this situation, the heart of chaos will shoot lasers, let alone the qin of flesh and blood.

Qin gently rubbed her forehead, raised her head, looked at her god helplessly, and said in a tired tone:

"Lord Barbatos, today is less than a month away from the autumn harvest."

"Unless you plan to order Qianfeng to complete the next work, not us dull mortals."

"Otherwise, I would like to have immediate access to all that you have 'given' to us mortals. "

And Wendy didn't feel embarrassed at all, she just scratched her face in embarrassment:

"Hey? You know? Jiang Yan told you?"

"Really, I wanted to surprise you!"

Whether it was the former Wind Elf or the current Lord of Thousand Winds, Wendy has never worked seriously with mortals in her life, and she knows nothing about governing.

Of course he didn't know that behind the joyful festival was the hard work of planning and preparation by countless mortals.

So he naturally didn't expect to send a "wind message" to Qin in advance to let her prepare in advance.

Fortunately, Wendy's emotional intelligence is not as low as his understanding of work.

After seeing Qin's expression, he said "surprise" decisively and honestly.

After hearing the full version of the plan, Qin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that there is Liyue Immortal's help, the secret realm is naturally not a problem.

The presence of the two gods of Dao Wife showed an attitude of full support.

In the subsequent layout of the magic circle, it is natural to seek help from Dao's wife.

Since these two core systems do not have much technical requirements, it is much easier to graft them on to their previous plans.

Insufficient manpower can be solved through temporary employment.

After all, Mond is in the north, and the autumn harvest is more than a month earlier than that in the southern countries. I heard that Liyue has been hiring rice wives with high-quality and cheap mercenaries, so it is not impossible for Mond to hire a group of farmers and workers.

During the autumn harvest, what Mond lacks most is food and prey, which can just make up for the current trade surplus. Otherwise, once the price cut becomes the norm during the harvest season, it will easily cause unfavorable trade practices.

However, even if the situation is far more optimistic than imagined, there are naturally countless things that need to be modified and added.

Qin kept calculating, planning, and writing in this way, until the night fell before the basic framework was completed.

Looking up, the incongruous poet had long since disappeared, replaced by a special "Deer Hunter" pizza that was never delivered, which was placed in front of her.

The magical wind locked the temperature of the pizza, until now, it is still steaming hot.

Gently biting down the devotion of the gods to the believers, Qin showed a happy smile, and her fighting spirit was once again high.

Compared with the perfect god, the powerful god, and the wise god, the Mond people prefer the free god who protects Mond.

Liyue people usually call themselves "the kingdom that walks with the gods";

But in the eyes of the Mond people, this title is obviously more suitable than the neighboring country "carried on the back by the gods".

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