Embracing faith and walking with God is the way to freedom for Mond.

As long as you have faith in your heart and hope in your eyes, what is there to complain about?

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 518 Chapter 500 Is there something wrong with straight hook fishing

Wendy, who played a guest role as a gold medal pizza delivery boy, went directly to Jiang Yan.

The three gods and Jiang Yan opened a table on the second floor of "Angel's Gift" and began to communicate about Wendy's progress.

Facing the situation that everyone wants to touch him across the river, Wendy has no objection.

If it's not that I am willing to suffer this loss, why do I get everyone's full support?

If you suffer a loss, you can get compensation from several spectators. Strictly speaking, it is your own blood.

After everyone placed their bets, they naturally didn't mind adding some more chips for the success of this matter.

Sure enough, after learning that the two true kings of Liyue are about to participate in the construction of the secret realm;

Zhen Zhen offered to send the maiden from Narugami Taisha Shrine to cooperate with the establishment of the secret realm and magic circle.

The Eighth Squad of the West Wind Knights, which specializes in spells, together with the captain Nimf, was all sent on an expedition by the Grand Master Falgar.

The identities of the two true monarchs are comparable to the family members of the gods. Some simple tasks such as magic circles and ceremonies cannot be made by the two Crane Immortals.

Of course, Naruto Taisha is not at a disadvantage. With Jiang Yan's passion and a large number of little foxes in Jue Yunjian, the two true kings must not hesitate to pass on some skills to these witches.

So I really plan to let Yae Shenzi lead the team in person, relying on her fox ears and coaxing mouth to give the two true kings a good start.

Naturally, there is nothing to argue about this kind of cooperation that benefits both sides, but as everyone started the isolation technique at the same time, the real drama began to be discussed:

——How to use this Homecoming Wine Festival to catch the opposition of Fontaine?

Whether it is the safety of the world's countries, or Jiang Yan's pursuit of the throne of the sky, Fontaine's new god cannot be avoided.

However, several earthly rulers can't gather together at Fontaine, and give this unlovable junior a direct compliment.

Although I really want to, killing other colleagues across the border is almost the same as rebelling. Sky Island is afraid that it will smash the purple cube in an instant.

Therefore, in order to kill her reasonably, Wendy came up with an idea when she was Daoqi—to prove that she violated the taboo.


According to Wendy, Fontaine was polluted by a large area of ​​disaster due to the water source equivalent to the source of life of the entire country. The old water god tried to purify himself, but finally succeeded, but sacrificed himself, and was born a new god.

This new god whose birth was inseparable from disaster has become the god who hates disaster the most.

Under her guidance, Fontaine regarded the power of disaster as a "sin".

Any creature contaminated by disaster, whether it is a human or a pure water elf, will be judged by the tribunal.

Even after the pure water elves are "judged", without exception, their cores will be destroyed and the unpolluted pure water will be absorbed.

The fate of human beings is even more predictable.

This kind of move that runs counter to the benevolent old god will naturally not be supported by the pure water elves.

In their view, in the face of disaster, everyone should connect together and use self-sacrifice to purify.

Love is the fate of pure water elves, cruel cutting is not the way of pure water at all.

In fact, humans don't support it either.They even hope to prove that the current water god has long been polluted by disasters, and she herself is "sinful".

However, in the face of ordinary people's doubts, Xinshen appeared in the dock of the tribunal according to the rules she made without any airs.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the form of water she displayed did not have a trace of dirt.

Faced with this "incorruptible water" and "stainless water", neither humans nor pure water elves can do anything.

Those who play with literature, they are the purest existence;

Fighting martial arts, did you show your face?

In desperation, she could only let her continue the cruel trial on the surface, creating what she called "a world without a trace of filth".

However, Wendy obviously held a different view on this "unstained water".

As the ubiquitous Lord of Thousand Winds, no one in Teyvat is more knowledgeable than him.

Everyone knows the principle of the fusion of pure water elves, but after such a massive disaster, how can it be possible to produce a powerful existence without a trace of dirt?

Like the Great Mercy Tree King, only a pure seed and sprout can be born from the ashes - the Little Auspicious Grass King. This is the normal painting style.

Wendy seriously doubted this new god, and used techniques such as the illusion of water to cut herself first.

Maybe it's one body with two sides, or one soul with two bodies, or simply two bodies with two souls, anyway, the pure water elves have a lot of tricks in merging with each other.

In this way, she ruled Fontaine with a side without a trace of dirt;

On the other hand, the side full of disasters is underwater, or behind the boundary membrane, and it doesn't know what it is planning.

This is in line with Wendy's understanding of disasters after traveling all over the Seven Kingdoms.

Therefore, if his speculation is true, as long as Jiang Yan can find the other side of this new god in Fontaine, everyone can come to Fontaine to kill him in a reasonable way.

Even if Tianli finds out, there won't be any major problems.


Even Wendy can't guarantee that this speculation is completely correct, but at least it is a feasible direction.

At least, it's much more reliable than letting Jiang Yan go up by himself.

Even Jiang Yan himself, although he has been able to fight back and forth with many demon gods, has not swollen enough to think that he can kill a mortal ruler head-on.

What's more, even if the god of water is estimated to be the weakest, he is stronger than all the demon gods and giant beasts in the water that the emperor fought back then, and there are not a few of them who are stronger than Oser.

I even had to rely on Guyun Pavilion's righteous backstab to kill Oser, so how could I be sure to single out a stronger water god?

However, it is not an easy task to discover the hidden secrets of the gods.

Wendy went to Fontaine, of course, not purely for the purpose of making tea for Dijun.

Even with Qianfeng's ubiquity, he didn't find any clues, let alone Jiang Yan.

Therefore, after Jiang Yan negotiated with the three gods, he felt that he still had to find a way with the creatures of Fontaine.

Whether it is the pure water elves who oppose the new gods, or the strong Fontaines who insist on protecting the "sinful" people, I believe they will have some information that outsiders do not know.

However, how to catch them, how to convince them, how to let them cover Jiang Yan to enter Fontaine, you need to think carefully.

But even a few gods don't have any good ideas.

After all, in the face of the ubiquitous pure water elf spies, careless opponents, I am afraid that they will be caught by the tribunal long ago.

And how can cautious opponents believe that a large number of "international friends" are also thinking about overthrowing their gods?

Even if this matter is just said, it feels very unreliable, and it is even impossible to say it.

This kind of extremely sensitive matter can only be done, not said.

In this premise, it is almost impossible to perform any large movements.

After discussing for a long time, the three gods and Jiang Yan could only come up with a non-solution - fishing with a straight hook.

Since you can't say anything, you can't do it, then you just don't say anything.

Just proving that "we have the ability to overthrow an earthly ruler" is enough.

The straight hook of "capable" may or may not be surprisingly useful.

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 519 Chapter 501 Is there something wrong with labor outsourcing

The next day, Jiang Yan, Wendy and Qin went to the gate of Mond City in person to welcome the two True Monarchs, Lishui Dieshan and Liuyun Borrowing Wind.

Originally, according to the life rhythm of immortals, if you visit a foreign country, you must first find an auspicious day, send someone to submit a call letter, and set a time for the visit;

Then after the other party replied, after bathing and changing clothes on the same day, they arrived as scheduled without breaking the etiquette.

However, Wendy, who was made a little guilty by Qin Wusheng's accusation, sent her sincere apologies to the two True Monarchs through Liufeng after delivering the pizza, and asked them to come to Mond as soon as possible.

As the emperor's colleague and one of the seven rulers in the world, Wendy's request with such a low attitude has already given the two immortals enough face, and the two true emperors will naturally not neglect.

After urgently reporting to the emperor, Liuyun borrowed the wind and Lishui stacked mountains quickly agreed to Wendy's request and decided to come to Mond the next day.

Originally asking someone to do something, but suddenly came to rush, Wendy and the whole Mond owed favors can be imagined.

Out of emotion and reason, everyone can only come to greet them outside the city gate and express their apologies.

As for Jiang Yan, as a junior, since he happened to be here, he naturally had to accompany him to say hello.

Of course, only by himself.

Really understanding, I took Ying to Longji Snow Mountain early in the morning to nostalgia.

After all, if they also came, who would salute whom first?This made it too difficult for Jiang Yan.

For the longevity species, this kind of embarrassment is also helpless...

Just early in the morning, I saw two cranes, one golden and one blue, soaring from a distance, descending from the sky and taking the shape of a human being.

Although Jueyunjian is very far away from Mond City, but if it flies directly, it is another matter.

Especially in the case of Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun who directly knocked open Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun's cave this early in the morning.

Fortunately, Qin is also a hardworking person, otherwise this trip to "go out in the middle of the road" might turn into a joke.

Sensing the immortal aura in the sky, Wendy had already walked forward with Qin, clasping her fists in salute, "It's really troublesome for the two True Monarchs."

The two True Monarchs hurriedly returned their salutes, "Master Barbatos is so polite, as a good neighbor, it is also our duty to watch over and help each other."

Fortunately, neither Liyue's immortal nor Mond's god are people who like red tape.

After exchanging pleasantries, under Qin's leadership, they entered the city to clean up the dust for the two true monarchs.

Qin specifically asked Jiang Yan how to receive immortals.

Of course, Jiang Yan would not give Liyue's standard answers about burning incense, bathing, setting up incense tables, and placing tribute.

This set of things is actually a patchwork of mortals who accidentally saw the scene of the immortal performing the magic formula, imitated it, added their own imagination and imagination, and finally added some things that they thought were "expressing respect".

Every time the immortals saw this four-faced appearance, they almost couldn't laugh or cry.

But good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

Maybe the first mortal just wanted to come to a metaphysics to invite immortals, but after being corrected by the immortals, it proved that "this method can invite immortals", and it began to spread widely until it became a custom.

Even if God Xiandianyi is asked to personally instruct, don't engage in those inexplicable rituals.

But what he said plainly had a different meaning in the ears of mortals.

Even Lord Yan knew, how did he know?This ceremony must have alarmed him!

It seems that this custom is indeed useful, but Lord Yan is reluctant to let ordinary people spend too much money.

What can I do?In the face of our respect and love for Lord Yan, what is Mo La?

Even with the ability of three eyes and five signs, and the wisdom of the king of rocks, there is nothing he can do with the brains of mortals, so he has to let them go.

How could a fairy be angry with a mortal because of poor hospitality?Think too much.

Jiang Yan naturally wouldn't let Qin step into the same pit.

Even True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind, who is outspoken, never has any real malice towards mortals.

Be respectful and courteous.

However, as a child of the Immortal Family, Jiang Yan naturally knew the little hobbies of the two teachers, and it wasn't a bad thing to do what they liked.

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun can't put down the book in his spare time, as long as it is not a vulgar thing like ordinary people's love and hatred, or a reference book about life and survival;

Whether it's books on human geography or historical allusions, Master Lishui will use them with great interest to increase his knowledge and pass the time.

So a pass to the restricted area is enough for this elegant fairy to spend a very pleasant time in the largest library in the Northern Continent.

It is even easier for Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing the Wind, any fancy ceremony is not as good as directly taking out the delicacies of Mond.

Although True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind is an immortal, he likes delicious food very much, but because of the arrogance of an immortal, he seldom comes to Liyue Gangxia Restaurant.

As long as she doesn't eat the same food during this period of time, she will naturally laugh at this kind of offering from a mortal.

And it would be even better if some mechanisms made by Abedo could be provided for entertainment.

Qin has long been used to the various down-to-earth hobbies of extraordinary people.

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