Using the method introduced by Jiang Yan, the two immortals were quickly settled down satisfactorily.


And the maidens of Inazuma, also led by Yae Miko, came to Mond by fast boat on the third day.

In fact, Wendy and Zhen had initially made up their minds about Narugami Taisha's plan to come to Mond to support them when Inazuma was there.

It's just that Narugami Taisha has a heavy responsibility in Inazuma. It is difficult to spare manpower for seals, demons, inspections, etc., and it is impossible to achieve large-scale support, so it has not been finalized.

Under the real message, Yae Miko didn't say a word, and directly took all the maidens who had no missions, starting from the outlying island, and the clipper sailed all the way to Haizhi Island.

Facing the imperial orders of the gods, the temptation of high salaries, the favor of the feudal lord, and the sharing of Monde's style after returning from the badminton festival.

No one refused the invitation of Yae Shenzi from the bottom of the heart.

After packing up almost all the witches on Haizhi Island with high salaries, they finally got together enough of the Daozuma Reconstruction Team, and they went straight to Mond.

Anyway, drawing a magic circle and performing a magic formula, is belief important?

This "surprise" of Yae Shenzi was beyond Jiang Yan's expectation.

He, who came to Jingfu Port to pick up people with Zhen and Ying, looked at Xinhai behind Yae Shenzi with a dazed expression.

It's really you, fox, you can really catch strong men!Why do you always bully your own mermaid?

However, this fox didn't intend to snatch away his master's big pig's hoof at all, so he dragged Zhen and Ying to chat.

Only Xinhai, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, was left, looking at Jiang Yan happily.

Of course Xinhai doesn't care about "high salary", she just wants to see her feudal lord more, and it would be great if she can help him with wisdom.

The last time we met, when Jiang Yan and the two Narutos traveled from Haizhi Island to the Golden Apple Islands, Xinhai could only look at Jiang Yan from a distance except for a mouthful of dog food, and didn't even have a chance to speak. rare.

I am his military adviser, I am the same kind with his blood, and I am the person he contracted with the Dragon King... the person who should be contracted.

The fate between the two has long been entangled and inseparable, but the distance between the two is getting farther and farther, no matter how you think about it, it's wrong.

Even the comfortable life he was looking for has gradually become unsatisfactory for Xinhai. When he sent the information a while ago, he thought he could see his feudal lord, but he still failed to do so.

Therefore, when invited by Yae Shenzi this time, Xinhai showed a rare ability to act;

With Heulia's surprised expression and Yae Miko's meaningful eyes, he joined the ranks on the grounds that he was "worried about the shrine maidens of Kaiji Island".

What is a military advisor who is not by the lord's side called a military advisor?

Although I wanted to say a thousand words, but when I jumped off the boat and looked at the familiar face, there was only one sentence left:

"My lord, long time no see."

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 520 Chapter 502 Is there something wrong with multi-layer subcontracting

My own fox keeps bullying my own fish, what should I do?

There was no way, at least Jiang Yan couldn't think of any way.

Relying on the love of the shadow and the truth, this fox even teases herself all day long. Sooner or later, she will be locked in the prototype with a spell, turning her into a fox scarf to keep warm!

And although Xinhai wanted to say that he wanted to come, but seeing the lord trying to comfort him, he suddenly didn't want to explain...

I have indeed been bullied by Miss "Linglong Fried Tofu" a lot, I should have made up for these comforts long ago.

However, Jingfu Port is a busy cargo port, not a place for chatting.

Especially with the mocking gazes of the maidens of Haizhi Island who disembarked one after another, Xinhai really couldn't do it.

As the Narugami Taisha shrine maiden in the red and white maiden costume gradually left, Jiang Yan belatedly realized that there was only the Haijishima maiden in the blue and white maiden costume left beside him.

Looking at their eager and cute eyes, Jiang Yan looked at Xinhai with questioning eyes.

Xinhai rubbed his head helplessly, and made a subtle hint with his fingers, which made Jiang Yan understand.

Although life on Haizhi Island is getting better now, the monthly rate of the witches can't soar immediately.

And last time at the badminton festival, Jiang Yan, who spent a lot of money, took over all the entertainment expenses of the witches, allowing them to spend a very happy badminton festival, and became the envy of all the witches who did not come.

The reason why the Yae Shenzi came to Monde this time is inseparable from the happy festival experience last time.

The priestesses of Haiji Island haven't really served the gods for thousands of years, so although they have professional ability, the rules and awe cannot be compared with the strict rules of Narugami Taisha.

In essence, they are basically girls who know how to perform ritual kagura dances and magic arts.

So although they respect and love Xinhai, there is no psychological barrier at all to ask the feudal lord for pocket money for being cute in front of the present god and witch.

Jiang Yan couldn't help laughing. Dozens of beautiful girls are acting cute together, isn't it worth the pocket money?Give!

Then he publicly stated that although there were more people this time than last time, all expenses during the Homecoming Wine Festival were still fully covered by himself.

So amidst the cheers, these cute little guys pushed Xinhai into Jiang Yan's arms vigorously, and then the birds scattered in twos and threes.

Of course, Miss Luzi then gathered them one by one like an eagle catching chickens, and after barely pulling them into a big pile, they brought this group of wild-hearted little birds to Mond City, where the Zephyr Knights arranged for them. station.

"I'm sorry, unlike Narujin Taisha Shrine, except for the annual festivals, they hardly ever live in the Coral Palace, and it is difficult for me to strictly restrain..."

Xinhai blushed, took two steps back and stood up straight, explaining.

Jiang Yan thinks about it too. A full-time maiden who doesn't do production, how can the former Haizhi Island afford so many?

I believe that except for assistant officials like Luzi, most of them are part-time jobs.

No, even so, the number is too much... Xinhai, you must have recruited a group of temporary workers to make up the number.

Seeing Jiang Yan's suspicious eyes, Xinhai knew it would be difficult to hide from his lord, so he had to tell the truth.

"The key pattern is of great significance in the culture of Haizhi Island. Most of the people of Haiqi can carve a few key patterns without any problem. They can completely cooperate with the witches to draw the magic circle."

"During the period of the rebel army, we conducted a lot of related training, please rest assured my lord."

Well, from outsourcing to second to third, the familiar feeling is here!

"Does the Son of God know?"

Every time he encounters some dumbfounding ruthless activities, without any evidence, Jiang Yan will acquiesce in putting the fox in the position of "mastermind" or "behind the scenes".

Generally speaking, however, there is nothing wrong with it.

Can this kind of routine hide Narujin Taisha's most powerful "clean rank" palace secretary?no kidding.

Sure enough, Xinhai didn't even hesitate for a second, and immediately sold out his teammates:

"In fact, this matter was proposed by Yae Miko-sama."

If there is no accident, everything will be fine, and by the way, he can sell Haizhidao a big favor.

Even if something goes wrong, the reputation of Narujin Taisha Shrine will not be damaged, and the maiden of Kaijima Island does not need any independent reputation.

And even the maidens of Kaijima who are the ones behind the blame can't blame Narugami Taisha, everything is transparent, and they are the ones who benefit.

Really have you, fox!

No wonder Xinhai took the initiative to follow her. The witch is fine. If the "temporary workers" who got in were not restrained by her, God knows if those little girls would be able to complete the task wholeheartedly before having fun.

As expected of the guy who ranks No. 1 in his vengeance notebook, Jiang Yan can only say admiration.

My dream of pink scarf seems to take a long time to come true.


With the arrival of all the main technicians, the next day, in the conference room of the Knights of the West Wind, the strong men from the Three Kingdoms gathered together to start the first official trial of the tentatively named "Gao Feng's Demonstration". meet.

Gods will not participate in this kind of meeting, it is completely a stage for mortals.

In front of the gods, most people are not qualified to speak at all, and the atmosphere that cannot be discussed at all has lost its meaning.

Even the two True Monarchs only briefly described the situation and needs, and did not intend to express any opinions.

After all, in addition to helping the gods of neighboring countries at the emperor's order, another major task of the two true monarchs is to witness the performance of mortals throughout the process, so as to decide whether adjustments should be made in the follow-up to the cultivation of immortals by the whole people.

The guest does what the host wants, too much participation, but the original intention is lost.

After Qin fully demonstrated Wendy's big plan to gather the wisdom of gods from all over the world, she soon received countless surprises.

Almost all the people present participated in Liyue's first battle, and they deeply know the power of unity.

The brilliance of mortals united can even burn the demon god.

So, to what extent will the wisdom of the gods be gathered?

This seemingly astonishing plan in front of him is enough to make people tremble with excitement even if they only understand it from a few words.

Creating strong people in batches is too dreamy for ordinary people.

Nata's mysterious heart of flame, it is said that they need to devour each other, which is extremely cruel.

For Liyue's immortal cultivators, only those who are both wise and brave can complete the leap to the dragon's gate.

And once the release of this seed of power called "Seed of the West Wind" becomes normal, in the eyes of mortals, the significance is far greater than that of "Light of the World".

After all, even if everyone has witnessed all the technologies, no one in Tivat has created a new light of the world, and even the Qunyu Pavilion has not yet restored its old style.

Compared with the gameplay of burning down a country of Mora, it is obviously more meaningful to let mortals improve their life level.

In the face of the opportunity to witness a new era, busyness and hard work are not worth mentioning at all.

With high morale, the tasks were quickly divided.

The two true kings will lead Yae Kamiko, Ms. Luzi and most of the high-ranking maidens to start building the secret realm tomorrow.

And Lisa will lead the rest of the priestesses together with Xinhai and Narugami Taisha's deputy Inagi Hotaru to arrange a large magic circle covering the entire "Returning Wind Wine Festival venue".

Qin coordinates all the bright parts of the festival and coordinates everyone's progress.

Soon, everyone left happily and started working.

This simple, smooth, and even non-controversial meeting is destined to open a new chapter in the history of Tivat.

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 521 Chapter 503 Is there something wrong with learning to escape?

Jiang Yan did not participate in the specific construction work, and he was not a ruthless character like Yu Hengxing who had to do everything himself.

As long as things are still under control, instead of playing inexplicable micromanagement, he would rather choose the right person seriously and let go.

It will neither take credit from subordinates nor add pressure to others.

Recently, his main task is to continue to fight Wendy to death in the arena.

Before defeating Wendy, at least Zhen Yuying was worried about letting him go to Fontaine alone and trouble that unlovable junior.

Although this new god is not famous for his force, the demon god who fights at home is completely different from the demon god who fights away.

The earthly ruling at home is almost a symbol of invincibility.

For example, Dekarapian in the storm, Shadow in the thunderstorm, Munata in the volcano, how to fight?

The superposition of domains, the borrowing of environmental power, the arrangement of traps and backhands, and the possible surprise attack of the family members are all enough to easily reverse the balance of victory and defeat.

Jiang Yan fought Oser in the water, but he didn't have to fight at all. The vortex that could be traced turned into a surprise attack with almost no warning. It was often too late when he discovered it, and he was only one step away from being strangled.

And Fontaine is known as the country of water, and the whole country is full of rivers, lakes and seas.

There are few pure roads between towns and villages, except for bridges and running water.

If the water god hides in the water, Jiang Yan really doesn't know what to do.

So according to Ying's plan, although you don't need to be able to kill the new god head-on, you must at least have the ability to escape from a surprise attack, escape from a siege, and the ability to escape underwater if you go to Fontaine this time. .

No matter what kind of information, this unlovable junior is not an upright person, on the contrary, negative news is endless.

To be honest, there are quite a few tyrannical demon gods, even if they are ferocious ones, but as the embodiment of a certain law, generally speaking, their personalities are very straightforward.

Even when everyone is fighting for life and death, there are very few demon gods playing tricks.

To be able to spread so many negative reviews, this junior is really amazing in a sense.

So in Ying's script, otherwise, she would suddenly jump out of the water and give Jiang Yan a surprise attack;

Or simply disregarding their identities and leading a group of pure water elves to beat Jiang Yan in the name of "capturing and judging".

It is even possible to pretend to meet without talking about Wude, and then directly throw a cup under the water as a sign.

"That's not the case...even the Abyss Religion isn't so bad."

Facing Ying's brain supplement, Jiang Yan didn't believe it at all.

He has seen many reckless demon gods, but he has never seen a shameless demon god.

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