No matter how polluted it is, it won't make it to this point.

But Zhen Yuying's attitude this time is very firm. The crises that Jiang Yan encountered before, or else when he was in trouble, there was actually a certain god silently covering the bottom line;

Otherwise, just relying on the "breath" of China Film and Television in his field for a long time, the opponent will have to give a little bit of light.

But this time, neither they nor Senior Morax's face will be saved, so how can they feel relieved after finally regaining a happy life?

If something happens to a person, what's the point of taking revenge afterwards?

Jiang Yan is not in a hurry, after all, Xumi's "Fantasy" power has not yet been obtained, so there is no need to wait and see.

So after working hard, the premise of going to Fontaine became at least obtaining Wendy's ability to run.

He writes poetry and arranges his colleagues when he has nothing to do, and Barbatos, who has not been hacked to death until today, still believes in his ability to escape.

Even if he could only get a part of it, that junior might not be able to cope with the unstoppable speed of playing the lyre and mocking at the same time.

Jiang Yan fully believes this statement, because he has indeed seen the scene of Twalin chasing and killing Wendy because of his poetry. Even if the Dongfeng Dragon can fly out of the air, he still can't catch up with Wendy who still has time to play the highlights in front of him. di.

This bastard can easily borrow the wind pressure from the pursuit. Jiang Yan suffered from this trick in Naruto Island.

Unless you can completely tear away the shackles of the air, the faster you fly and the stronger the boost you give him in pure pursuit, you will not be able to catch up with him at all.

However, after hearing everyone's unanimous description, Jiang Yan still kept complaining in his heart.

Wendy, what image do you have in people's minds?

Obviously, I have done my work, and I have worked hard, but if I am a little bit of a person in normal times, it will not make Quan Tiwat admit that I am "not doing business"!

However, this is the character that Liufeng should have, and it is also the reason why Jiang Yan can't compare with Wendy no matter how hard he practices in this aspect.

Pan Yan, who has the heart of thunder, no matter how much he imitates Liufeng, he has no choice but to be in shape but not in spirit.

But what about the compatibility of wind, so what if it doesn't match?

The wind is inherently free. If you use "freedom" to summarize it, it is a kind of unfreedom in itself.

If the wind in the world can only be interpreted in Wendy's way, then how is he different from the King of Gale?

After experiencing the inheritance of Dekarapian and Munata, Jiang Yan finally created his own unique soul of wind.

That is a storm as dense as rock, as swift as thunder, and as decisive as flame.

At the same time, it also marks that he has the capital to challenge the wind of change and turnaround.

A wind blows, a thousand peaks fall, so what if a thousand winds change?


"Call, Wendy!"

"Why are you here again... so tired."

In fact, Wendy doesn't mind playing with anyone in terms of wind, because the route he chooses is freedom and change, a lonely road of exploration, which makes him have a goodwill towards any existence that walks on this road.

However, the path that this guy in front of him is taking obviously runs counter to him, and what is even more frightening is that it is getting stronger and stronger visible to the naked eye.

The level of combat has changed from playing, to teaching, to sparring, and now it has reached the point where it is necessary to concentrate on fighting each other.

Hey, hey, this is not happy at all.

But Wendy couldn't refuse, let's not say that this summoning ability was completed instantly without any warning, and there was no countermeasure at all;

More importantly, this suspect is too arrogant, isn't he covering it up?

So much so that Wendy didn't even bother to understand the reason for this matter. Although he didn't tell you, he didn't hide it from you. Since he didn't say it clearly, there is naturally his reason.

Forget it, it's not bad that the favor owed can be repaid in this way.

Of course, it would be even better if you could fight in a slightly softer way.

Wendy, who had just appeared from the arena, skillfully launched a powerful wind protection in an instant.

The reason is very simple. In the next moment, Jiang Yan, who was in the air, "smashed" his head, feet and feet in a diving posture.

And the dark green football-sized wind element force ball in his hand was emitting an extremely compressed ominous light.

"Take me to enlighten the three scenes with one move!"

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 522 Chapter 504 Is there something wrong with the big jump

Facing an opponent who was more slippery than Loach, the precious right of first move must not be wasted. Munata's style of directly opening the game without saying a word won Jiang Yan's heart.

This condescending and violent charge was the optimal solution Jiang Yan selected from countless starting methods.

After summoning Wendy to come out, without further ado, he jumped with all his strength, and then smashed himself down like a shooting star.

Even the slightest extra movement would give him time to react and run away.

Of course, if all goes well, at least for now, Wendy can only eat this opening lightning strike.

You are so capable of moving around, but try to see if you can unload yourself underground?

And this move "Three Scenes of Enlightenment: Cloud Explosion" is also the most powerful move among all the instant moves Jiang Yan has in hand.

This move originated from Zhenjun of Gechenlang City, "Emperor's shield is limited, or suicide" move, after Jiang Yan temporarily possessed god-level physical fitness, finally reached the threshold of regular release.

This move is full of Liyue's style, after violently compressing the celestial power and elemental power, it then uses vibrations to "detonate", releasing tremendous power.

The powerful detonation wave and shock wave overpressure can be said to be invincible. The name of the "Three Enlightened Views" rock breaking landslide is derived from this trick.

However, when challenging the Great Sage Conquering Demons, naturally there is no rock elemental power to use, so Zhenjun Gechenlang City made some changes to this trick.

When most of the moves of wind elemental force are based on "flow", the transformation made by Zhenjun Gechenlang City for Jiang Yan regards the wind elemental force as a kind of pure energy, compressing and detonating, that's all. That's all.

According to common sense, this kind of change will inevitably lead to a reduction in power.

However, in actual combat, the effect was outstanding, and almost killed the two of them with one move.

Why this effect occurred, Jiang Yan has never been known.

Due to this kind of self-mutilation move, it could not be tested and researched in reality, and there was no progress for a long period of time.

However, when Munata completely taught him the way of light and flame, Jiang Yan finally understood the true meaning of this trick:

Fire is the wind of energy, and the force of the wind element after strong compression can be regarded as invisible fire.

Therefore, if the method of driving the fire elemental force is used to drive the highly compressed wind elemental force.

The lively wind elemental force will cause faster and more violent than the fire elemental force, and of course, it will also release a shorter burst of explosive force.

The change made by Zhenjun of Gechenlang City is exactly the right thing to do, but it has created a stronger power than the original rock-type move.

This huge discovery is also the main reason why Jiang Yan's wind element power has soared recently.

Jiang Yan's Soul of the Wind was largely developed along the path created by this move and combined with other forces.

It was precisely because of this unprecedented driving method of wind element that Wendy was caught off guard.

Of course, stronger power naturally also represents a stronger recoil.

That is to say, in the arena, Jiang Yan synchronized with Wendy's powerful elemental body, so he dared to play so big.

Otherwise, no matter what kind of weapon is used for this move, it will only end in breaking the blade and breaking the arm. Killing yourself is faster than killing the enemy.


Although Wendy doesn't understand Munata's Way of Light and Flame, she has worked hard on compressing the power of the wind element.

Looking at this green ball, which can no longer maintain a round shape and is constantly deforming, twisting, and collapsing inward, the whole person's face turns black.

How much hatred?As for playing one-for-one?

Even if there is a deflection angle of more than ten degrees, Wendy still has the confidence to use the wind element force to hedge against it and "squeeze" herself out.

However, facing the opponent without giving the slightest chance, and without considering any cost-effective desperate raids, even Wendy can only fight hard.

How can this kind of "Self-mutilation Mystery Pro Max Version Against Demon God" be so good?

Most of the spells of the wind element force use cutting, and a few of the spells also use the property of penetration to cause damage.

This creates a huge weakness, in the face of the elemental force shield, fine wind blade cutting is almost useless;

As for the penetrating wind blade, since the main imaginary enemy of the elemental force shield has flow arrows, it does not have a very good effect.

Dyeing is a magical skill, and crazy scraping without dyeing has always been the pain point of wind element force.

However, the wind elemental force of Zhenjun Gechenlang City's move is just "fuel", and what causes damage is actually the violent shock wave and overpressure.

Wendy's shield was naturally severely damaged. If it wasn't for his body being made up of elemental forces, the overpressure damage from the inside would have almost taken him away.

The moment the dark green wind balloon detonated, Wendy felt that all the parts in her body were about to be "squeezed" by an invisible big hand.

He hastily exploded violently with elemental force, opening countless "holes" of wind elemental force in his body to balance the inside and outside.

And the next moment, the pressure of Tianheng Mountain came from the top of the head, and the shield against the attack of the wind element force was instantly shattered.

What's even more frightening is that Wendy can deflect and guide almost any force with the power of wind;

But this time, it is not a "one" force at all, but there are no loopholes or dead ends, and it comes from the powerful oppression of "one side".

Wendy, who has never felt a violent shock wave, has no tricks for this way of exerting force like a huge billboard slapped flat on the face.

I saw Wendy's figure flickering, directly transformed into a powerful wind.

Will the wind be crushed?Will the wind be squashed?of course not.

Even if this huge overpressure and fluctuation smashed the entire arena into a huge semicircular pit, the wind still flows freely in the pit.

Of course, even with Wendy's strength, urgently releasing the elemental power in the body and restoring the original form would be a great waste to him.

Being able to beat the Lord of Thousand Winds so that he was forced to return to his original form, Jiang Yan's wave is enough to last for 1000 years.

However, Jiang Yan also paid an arm for this.

The body of a demon god is generally composed of extremely compressed and inert elemental forces.

Because only in this way can we maintain sufficient personality and stability in the world.

The word inert is simply designed for isolation.

So when releasing this move, Jiang Yan had already decided to directly use one arm as an isolation layer to prevent the rhythm of his pursuit from being interrupted.

So after Jiang Yan released this move in the posture of a one-handed spiral pill, Qi Gen immediately detonated his left arm.

Unlike Wendy's incarnation prototype, Jiang Yan did not activate the massive elemental forces that make up his left arm at all, but directly released them intact, forming a thick isolation layer of inert elemental forces.

This exchange was very successful. Whether it was the penetration of overpressure or the impact of the shock wave, most of the power was offset by this shield made of the body of a god.

The price is that in the next battle, it is completely impossible for Jiang Yan to use free elemental power to reshape his left arm with sufficient strength.

If so, what's the use of it?

Jiang Yan simply activated the "isolation layer" that had been battered beyond recognition and riddled with holes into wind element power in one go.

With a pinch of his right fist, a huge tornado rose from the ground, cutting out huge circular scars on the ground, trapping the two of them firmly regardless of whether they were enemies or friends.

The small fighting beast wind cage stands here.

The tornado activated by his own arm, coupled with the disordered treatment, perfectly realized the only function of the "cage".

It completely cut off any possibility of using it, even including Jiang Yan himself.

The title of Lord of Thousand Winds means that Wendy can get endless power supplements from Thousand Winds at any time.

Even though this kind of move that doesn't distinguish between the enemy and the friend obviously tilts the balance of the remaining power of the two, but being able to isolate all external forces is meaningful enough for Jiang Yan.

All the cards in the hand have been played, and the skills, psychology, and tactics have been brought to the extreme.

Jiang Yan felt that this might be his only chance in the long challenge;

Next time, where can I find a few gods and immortals to help me put together such a powerful set of cards?

At this time, what is needed is a most uplifting slogan to express the determination to fight to the end with the opponent.

So, Jiang Yan roared out the incantation that seemed to have powerful magic power:



Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 523Chapter 505 Is there something wrong with the frequent cards

Wendy never liked any fighting except fighting.

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