"Don't like fighting" sounds weak, but it's terrifying when you think about it.

Many times, the ubiquitous disputes will take the initiative to find you.

How many hole cards do you have to always eliminate the battle before it starts, or is it completely unknown?

What kind of opponent is qualified to let him start a battle that he "doesn't like"?

Jiang Yan, who sacrificed his left arm and successfully restrained Liufeng, was finally lucky enough to meet Wendy who really entered the "battle" mentality.

The strings were plucked lightly, and a huge amount of wind elemental power automatically formed a huge circular magic circle on the ground.

Jiang Yan has never seen Wendy perform large-scale spells. For the Lord of Thousand Winds, his guidance is the direction of the wind, so why do we need these things?

However, his doubts disappeared without a trace after seeing the same lines as the root system of the silver-white ancient tree and the alchemy circle.

"The Formation of Creation?"

The formation of creation is not a magic circle carved out, but a vision that naturally appears when the power of the earth veins is violently guided.

Why does a wind god possess the power of creation?

Just as Jiang Yan was hesitating, in the formation of creation, the turbulent needles that stabilized the wind element force began to emerge one by one from the outer ring of the magic circle to the core, and the symbol of the wind element force that dominated the formation also began to appear. looming.

Obviously, in the next moment, a hurricane like a volcanic eruption will burst out of the earth!

Without thinking at all, Jiang Yan chopped the ground violently with his right foot, and swung his right arm downwards. Countless wind blades descended from the sky and pierced into the key nodes of the magic circle, preparing to stop Wendy from attacking the ground veins. orders.

Although at the moment he does not have the authority to command the earth, Jiang Yan is confident that he is no less than Wendy when it comes to his understanding of the leylines.

However, after sinking the elemental force into the earth's veins, Jiang Yan made a terrifying discovery.

Even Abedo, who has the technique of chalk, can only use the tide of creation to "process" after channeling the power of the earth.

And Wendy's method is not guidance at all, but an order to the earth, or even to promote a kind of "change" from the root.

It is close to Abedo's alchemy method, but it is more condescending.

Jiang Yan has seen Wendy several times, using this trick of Song of the Sky to take off.

I thought the name was just borrowing momentum, just like Cai Yuliuhong does not have a rainbow...

In the end, what a song from the sky!It really is a song from Gao Tian!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan suddenly discovered a blind spot.

This guy moved mountains to fill the sea, changed the climate of Mond, and turned the huge ice sheet of Mond into a piece of fertile soil.

Before, Jiang Yan always felt that this was achieved by the remaining power of Dekarapian and Andreus' initiative to nourish the earth and cooperate with the introduced trade wind.

Now think about it, the liar!

The warm wind can indeed gradually change the environment.

But this is the reason why New Mond City can hold a wine festival in just over ten years?Give me a break.

For a high-altitude ice field, even if the ice and snow melt, life is forbidden under the ice and snow.

Whether it is the soil or the veins, it is not a problem that can be solved by blowing warm wind and a few rains.

Does Liyue lack a demon god to nourish the earth?Is it lacking the power to move mountains and fill seas?Does it lack the ability and willingness to transform the earth?

Really can't do it!Even the Ruo Tuo Dragon King, who can command the land, never thought of flattening his fief and turning it into fertile soil.

In Tevat, the elemental force structure of the leylines is also an important part of the surface ecology.

Sumeru Why are there mushrooms everywhere?Inazuma why are there songweeds everywhere?In the final analysis, it is the embodiment of the characteristics of the earth veins.

Even with the power of the Dragon King Ruotuo, it can only guide the veins of the earth, but it is impossible to change the veins of the earth.

"The wind god visited the first family member, helped him blow away the ice and snow, and protected the green fields and the free people, but the dragon seemed to think that the "help" from the gods should not be—playing the harp while cheering him on..."

Hearing this story before, Jiang Yan always thought that it fit Wendy's personality very well.

But now that I think about it, Wendy has never been one to evade responsibility. If the song of Gao Tian can change the veins of the earth, it would make sense.

Twalin couldn't understand it, and Wendy was limited by taboos, so she couldn't explain it to him, so she just said "hey".

This guy!As "a ray of wind in the thousand winds of time", how many cards are hidden?


After figuring out the answer, Jiang Yan made a decision.

Gao Tian's personality to transform the world, of course he can't be tough.

Taking advantage of being able to guide, Jiang Yan directly guided all the wind element power in the veins without hesitation, and erupted violently, completely flipping the table and no one can use it.

However, if such a large amount of wind elemental force erupts in one breath, the huge wind field formed will become Wendy's excellent escape route.

Of course Jiang Yan would not give Wendy this chance.

In desperation, although the direction he guided was very chaotic, every direction was outside the cage of wind.

In an instant, violent storms blew everywhere.

In the entire arena, even the boundary between heaven and earth became blurred.

But inside the wind prison, it was a completely different scene.

With the violent loss of the wind element power of the earth, this place has almost become a small windless place.

Only the dead air was affected by the negative pressure of the elemental force, and it was pressed down heavily.

But then it was easily shattered by a small white hand.

Wendy was very surprised that the opponent was so smooth, so she cracked the trick.

You must know that the last time the real song of the high heaven was played was in the era when man and gods were still walking on the earth.

At that time, countless songs spread all over the sky, but now they have all been forgotten.

Adaptive, can it reach this level?

In other words, how much does he know about "taboo"?

Wendy was lost in thought.

But Jiang Yan didn't intend to give him a chance to think, the environmental restrictions had reached the highest point.

He hadn't swollen enough to rely on one arm, restrained by the same two arms and two legs, plus a bright head.

If the advantage cannot be established now, this hard-won opportunity can basically be declared cool.

So Jiang Yan condensed the wind element power in his whole body, dissipated his figure, turned into a bird of wind, and rushed forward without reservation.

Even with Wendy's long-term guidance, Jiang Yan's fighting style of wind elemental force will always run counter to him.

The king of the gale directly turned into a prototype and [-]v[-], and Munata opened his hands directly. This kind of ruthlessness is Jiang Yan's favorite style of play.

Originally, it was to attack the strong with the weak, and then lost in momentum, what else was there to play?

Leave you!

In the swift assault, Jiang Yan's cyan elemental body, pulling the long cyan tail, arrived in front of Wendy in just a moment.

And his single arm turned into the slender beak of the Wind Bird. Under the extremely concentrated compression and the blessing of super speed, it directly pierced Wendy's unfolded body shield, and inserted straight into Wendy's body. Throat.

But in the face of this kind of full-strength attack, Wendy still didn't change her expression.

The usually flamboyant expression is just his character design. A god who has used his skills to the extreme naturally has a calm heart in line with his strength.

Wendy just flicked the seemingly ordinary green cloak lightly, and countless streams of wind gushed out from the inside of the cloak.

Some of them are direct, some of them spin;

some cold, some warm;

Some fierce, some gentle;

However, each of these countless streams of wind seemed to be intelligent, as if they had undergone countless trainings, they worked together to block Jiang Yan's assault.

The wild wind, divided into echelons and confronted Jiang Yan head-on;

The swirling wind disturbs Jiang Yan's direction, each performing its duties;

The warm wind, like mountains and mountains, blocks Jiang Yan's footsteps;

The cold and warm winds coordinated with the tacitly deflected Jiangyan route.

how did you do that?Facing the massive coordinated attacks that Xumi's mind probably couldn't finish, Jiang Yan couldn't figure it out.

He knows that this friend has amazing computing power, but this is too outrageous!Does he have a thousand heads?

However, the countless streams of wind did not mean any martial arts at all. In a blink of an eye, they each occupied a position in the prison of wind, and made use of their own characteristics to continuously attack Jiang Yan.

For thousands of years, the ancient god, known for his poetry and speed, finally showed his true strength!

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 524 Chapter 506 Is there something wrong with the music of Liufeng

We all know that words and poetry are carried by the wind.

In Wendy's poems, all the scenery in the world are recorded;

And he also traveled to every corner of the world with his poetry.

The wind has brought him inexhaustible inspiration and the source of his strength.

Wherever he goes, thousands of winds follow him.

As a ray of the thousand winds of time, Wendy has an unimaginable attraction to Qian Feng with flesh and blood.

Countless flowing winds only wish to follow forever until they become one strand.

But with Wendy's character, of course it was impossible to accept such a request.

But as a substitute, Wendy will always agree that these winds leave behind a little wind, and under his package and nurturing, she will walk with him in the world and search for all the beauty in the world.

The world's winds come and go in a hurry, most of them don't know when they will rise, and they don't know when they will subside.

On the contrary, the residual wind following Wendy's running in the world has become a continuation of the main body in a certain sense.

In this way, I don't know when, the grand occasion of the constant wind and the rushing wind has become Wendy's brand new soul of the wind.

And created his reputation as "Lord of a Thousand Winds".

Jiang Yan naturally couldn't understand the unique relationship of this elemental creature.

But he clearly knew that whether Qian Feng in front of him was simulated by Wendy using computing power or not, if it hit him, it would have the same effect as the real one.

If you don't get them done quickly, you'll be gone.

Fortunately, the move that made Qian Feng bow his head happened to have a killer move.

The cyan phoenix flickered and flew into the air.

Following the violent deformation and twisting, the extremely compressed elemental force began to rotate violently, engulfing all the nearby wind, and smashing it into pieces.

Soon, this pie-like wheal suddenly "stretched" downwards with a long "leg", reaching the ground.

Whether it is rock, air, or wind, once it is involved in this high-speed rotating "leg", it will take a fast rotating elevator in an instant, smash it and throw it into the sky.

A huge tornado has already taken shape.

Jiang Yan can still remember the scene where Dekarapian hammered Andreus, Wendy and himself in Mingguan Gorge.

This trick is designed to treat all kinds of ants that bite elephants.

Even if there are 1 "ones", the attack power reaches [-], but the defense is only "one".

Once the weak are crushed, the power that originally dared to resist will become part of its own power.

Under the ebb and flow, no matter how large the scale is, it will be easily swallowed and shattered.

Jiang Yan, who received the inheritance of the Demon God of Tornado, although the power of this move is not a fraction of that of the original owner.

However, although these winds have Wendy's nurturing power, which one can compare with Andreus's in case?

Once the wind blows, thousands of winds bow their heads!


Wendy, who is the true heir of Dekarapian, will naturally do this move.

However, the tornado, which focuses on absorbing, pulling, and shredding, doesn't fit Wendy in the slightest.

So for that forced "inheritance", Wendy only took his strength, and would rather spend a thousand years to recast her own soul of the wind.

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