The strong wind that resisted head-on in the grand movement of thousands of years met the indomitable energy wave and was easily and completely shattered;

The barriers of the breeze were also directly pierced in the face of the huge overpressure;

The deflection of warm wind and cold wind is like ants shaking the tree in front of the high temperature energy wave;

The fake protection only lasted for a moment, and in a blink of an eye, Wendy tasted the previous pain again.

But this time, he can no longer turn into a prototype to avoid the powerful shock wave and overpressure.

The huge force detonated in his solid body shield, causing a huge secondary explosion.

Around his body, a void that even light cannot escape.

Whether it was Qianfeng or Wendy herself, under the action of these three forces, they completely disintegrated at a rapid speed.

But Jiang Yan, who was hit by Qianfeng Lingchi, seemed to be unconscious, trying to maintain his last trace of breath, quietly waiting for the result of this outbreak.

At this point, his opponent has only time.

As early as when Jiang Yan released this trick, he firmly believed that victory was already in his pocket;

And the great pain was just the price he had to pay.

In terms of desperate experience, I am at least [-] times more than Wendy.

When Wendy focused on the outcome of this move, in Jiang Yan's eyes, the battle in the arena was about who would be the first to kill the opponent by a second.

Shield, deflection, defense, dodge, when thinking about these rationalities, "Quick" has nothing to do with him.

Sure enough, before Jiang Yan was completely shattered into pieces, he successfully saw the emerald crystal butterfly flying towards him, carrying the winner's award.

The victory and defeat have been divided, and life and death are predetermined.

Strong winds pass through the sky, thousands of winds bow their heads.

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 526 Chapter 508 Is there something wrong with the settlement after autumn?

When Jiang Yan woke up, a moving melody could already be heard outside the window of the Mond Hotel.

After nodding to the person next to the pillow, Jiang Yan put on his clothes and flew out of the window.

In the old place on the second floor of Angel's Gift, after ordering a few bottles of wine, I started a mutual settlement with my bad friend.

"Isn't it fun to be a mysterious person?"

"Mond has a night hero, and recently there are night rangers. Do you want another night monster? The matter of the poem is on me."

Wendy drank a glass of dandelion wine and looked at her friend dissatisfied.

Night Ranger is the latest superhero in Mond City.

Ever since Naxida opened the box for Di Luke in the Golden Apple Islands, Fischer felt that he had found the organization.

After returning to Mond, he came to Chenxi Winery without saying a word, seeking guidance from the seniors in the "conviction" field, and talked about the issue of sharing the "territory" of chivalry.

In her little mind, superheroes who fight for justice have their own "territory".

If I want to become the convict princess in reality, but don't want to leave Mond, then I have to say hello to the "senior".

Diluque, whose black history has been mastered, faced Fischel, who didn't reason with you at all, and only said, "If you don't agree, I will go it alone." He only felt that he was sitting in the winery, and the disaster came from heaven.

If this little guy goes to fight for justice by herself, with her extremely conspicuous night crow, the reporter of "Steambird" may go to the Adventurer's Association to interview her the next day.

With her secondary personality, it was inevitable for her to open the box casually.

Even Di Luke, who is both wise and brave, rich and powerful, is not good when he encounters this kind of fight, it is useless to spend money, and he can't persuade his opponent, so he can only compromise.

Fortunately, this new star of the Adventurers Association, Di Luke is also well-known, and it is not without value for cooperation.

No matter how powerful the night hero is, there is only one person.

In many cases, no matter whether it is investigation or encirclement, they can only rely on the Zephyr Knights through a tacit understanding with Kaiya.

But no matter whether he has red hair or his good moves, the Knights of the West Wind know a lot, and maybe one day he will die.

Di Luke thought for a while, instead of setting off this big bomb and acting on his own, it would be better to let this expert scout who can silently drive the Crow of Shadows be his assistant.

At least you won't worry about secrets being leaked.

So, Di Luke, an older middle schooler who is well versed in the soul of middle school two, coaxed little Amy with a few words.

After some negotiation, teaching and running-in, the two quickly formed the combination of "Batman and Robin", ah no, "Night Hero and Night Ranger".

Now it has become a hot topic in Mond City.

Although Fischer is very dissatisfied with the title of "Night Ranger", he hopes to use the title of "Queen of the Night" to rectify her name.

However, he couldn't disobey the order of the "mentor" Night Hero, so he could only share the story of the Night Queen's chivalry with "credible partners" in the Adventurer's Association.

Although "credible partners" may not be credible, everyone has heard too many magical stories about Princess You Ye.

Even though Fischer said it vividly, no one believed it to be true, which is really gratifying.

"Night Stranger"?

Jiang Yan felt that he was still a normal person, and he really couldn't get along with the ruthless people who wore big silver chain suits and gothic suits in public.

It's better for Wendy to be merciful about the joint name.


Of course, Jiang Yan was a little embarrassed about Wendy's behavior of prostitution for a year.

Most of the objects I challenged will not last too long, and if I delay for a few nights, I will find a chance to secretly repay the favor, which is considered to be clean.

But Wendy's challenge, from the time when she was not good at skills, to the present, I am afraid that there have been thousands of games.

For this expert fisherman, it was an extremely cruel squeeze.

Now that the stuffing is missing, there is no way to be beaten up first.

Jiang Yan had no choice but to explain honestly. Due to the limitations of the rules, he didn't want to lie to himself, but he really couldn't say it.

To be honest, Wendy is also very strange about this mechanism that can forcibly summon her soul.

Even if he is extremely weak now, but his soul has not been greatly affected, even if other earthly rulers should not have this ability.

So for a long time, Wendy was only suspicious of Jiang Yan.

But as Jiang Yan's wind element force technique carried more and more traces, and he didn't hide it at all, he couldn't believe it.

After hearing his explanation, although Wendy understood the friend's choice, she was still full of confusion about the things behind it.

Tivat possesses many powers outside the world, but any kind of legal power can only be manifested in the form of "elemental power" according to the rules of this world.

For example, when a traveler touches a god statue with his hand, it is the interface for gaining elemental power.

Judging from the signs, this so-called "arena" is indeed a power allowed by the world, but its personality is ridiculously high.

This kind of power that has already reached the level of "taboo" will be allowed?It would be hard to imagine if it were hundreds of years ago.

What is the current situation of the maintainers of the law of heaven?What about the maintenance rules today?

Is this also a sign of impending disaster?When disaster strikes, will such outrageous power suddenly appear?

There is no way to change it, and there is no more information at hand, Wendy can only wait and see.

Anyway, the two of them have long been grasshoppers on the same rope. If a friend can win the throne of heaven for him, it is only natural for him to block some eyes or malicious intentions for him.

Thinking of this, the two clinked glasses, and everything was said without saying a word.


However, he forgave Jiang Yan, but Jiang Yan did not forgive him.

Just as he put down the cup representing reconciliation, Jiang Yan opened another page of old accounts.

"Aren't you too mighty in the arena? When Andreus and I were chased and beaten by Dekarapian, why didn't you give him a big movement?"

"Did you enjoy watching the excitement?"

Wendy smiled wryly, she couldn't show it, so she had to explain honestly to this "broad-hearted" friend.

Wendy was suddenly brought back more than 2000 years ago, not to mention thousands of winds, not even a wisp of wind.

The law of time is very magical. These remaining winds were obviously raised by Wendy herself, and there is only a trace of the wisdom of the original owner.

In the end, they were all accurately divided by the law of time.

So when she first arrived in the past, Wendy was also in a daze, and it took a long time to get used to it.

As for Gao Tian's song, how dare Wendy use it?You can't make a fool of yourself to provoke Gao Tian.

Therefore, Wendy, whose three hole cards were all blocked, was not trying hard, but was actually unable to use it.

What's more, when Wendy saw Dekarapian at that time, the enemy was extremely jealous when they met. Even if the truth was revealed later, there was still a huge resentment for being "forcibly enthroned".

Jiang Yan thought for a while and accepted Wendy's explanation.

It's not easy for this guy, he usually lacks something if he shouts something.

Those who call for unity are generally not united.

Those who call it fair are generally not fair.

Those who call for freedom are generally not free.

With Wendy's character, it is undoubtedly torture to be kicked out of the shelves and thrown into Fengshen's position.

When a free wind elf flies around and sees the world's scenery, that's what he wants.

He is full of taboos and responsibilities. Freedom belongs to the Mond people, and he has nothing.

Forget it, let's quickly get rid of the Seed of the West Wind, make Mond stronger, and let him worry less.

Raising glasses, clinking glasses, two "broad-hearted" literature and art lovers crossed out each other's name on the small notebook.

Is there something wrong with holding a wine festival in Mond: Chapter 527 Chapter 509 Is something wrong with dating with pets

Winning over Wendy was just the beginning for Jiang Yan.

Only by integrating the tactics of wind elemental force into one's own combat system, can these powerful forces truly become one's own strength, rather than some hidden energy behind.

All along, Jiang Yan's biggest regret is:

Although the strength is constantly rising, the combat power on paper cannot be added together in actual combat, and it is extremely fragmented.

In real battle, he is like a boss with seven stages of transformation, not like a real strong man with seven elements at his fingertips.

There is no way, there is no precedent for multi-element force mixed tactics, and there is no way to copy it, so you can only develop it yourself.

And any set of tactics that is most suitable for oneself needs to be built on an annual basis.

For example, Wendy, from wearing the crown to actually creating the "Lord of a Thousand Winds" battle mode, it took a full thousand years.

The greater the power, the more skill is required at the same level.

And the power of the god level should be like this.

Although Jiang Yan has hundreds of times the hard work experience of others in the arena, but offline, he is still on the same starting line as others.

Of course, he still has an advantage that others cannot match:

A powerful god who is more than happy to be his partner.


"There is a flaw!"

Outside the city of Mond, Yingzheng used the potential difference of the thunder element force in the field to carry out suffocating continuous slashes on Jiang Yanzhu.

If it wasn't for the enchantment that hindered any mortal's perception, probably anyone who saw it would think it was a life-and-death fight.

In fact, apart from not taking advantage of the demon god's powerful physical fitness, there is indeed only a thin line between Ying's contribution and a real fight.

Faced with this level of suppression, what Jiang Yan needs to do is to give up the most proficient thunder-type tactics and use other various elemental force sword skills to resist, and the elemental force must be continuously changed.

Only the combination of moves that can resist the most violent attack can be called a skillful use.

But it is a pity that facing the most severe martial arts examiner in the world, Jiang Yan failed to pass the answer sheet for the time being.

The moves matched with elemental power cannot be copied mechanically.

Each elemental force has different characteristics, and the moves have different characteristics from accumulation, to release, to maintenance.

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