Every mature move should be a muscle memory that has been tempered thousands of times. It must be too late to think on the spot.

And this is exactly what Jiang Yan lacks, unable to flexibly change the "intent" of each move when the elemental power changes.

Perhaps these incongruities can be made up for with effort, and most opponents are not even qualified to find out.

But in front of Ying, even the slightest flaw will become a fatal breakthrough.

Every time there is a sound of "There is a flaw", there will be a storm of breaking moves and pursuits, making Jiang Yan use his body to remember these mistakes.

For the practice of martial arts, Ying never talked about affection, even if it was purely a training partner rather than a death fight, Meng Yixin would mercilessly cut on Jiang Yan's Yuzhang shield.

Sometimes the powerful Thunder Slash would even cut open his rock shield directly, causing him some small tremors and convulsions, and even directly tearing out the wound.

But the two of them didn't take it seriously at all. There was no fighting spirit and pain in the battle. Was it a play?Can you have a long memory?

It wasn't until noon that Jiang Yanyuzhang's shield was cut open again by a sudden lightning sword. The powerful impact pushed him to the ground, and the "morning exercise" in the morning came to an end.

Stretching out his right hand, after being pulled up by a pure white Nuanyu who didn't look like a warrior at all, the two of them returned to Zhen's side, accepting the recovery technique and gentle cleaning and wiping very accustomed to it.

Since defeating Wendy, during this period of time, Jiang Yan has completely ignored the preparations for the Returning Wind Wine Festival, but has been busy with training in martial arts under the training of Ying.

Although Wendy also took the initiative to find Jiang Yan the next day, intending to help him adapt to this power.

But looking at Ying's eyes eager to try, he just came back from Nata, and he had lingering fears. After that, he never came again, and only practiced in the arena.

For Jiang Yan's sudden defeat of Wendy, Zhen Yuying was very helpless.

Originally, I wanted to postpone the trip to Fontaine for a few years, and wait until Jiang Yan had achieved great martial arts, but I didn't expect Barbatos to be so weak.

Unconsciously, I was defeated by infinite back version bug kills.

Ying was defeated by her sister who personally taught and worked together, and with the help of almost all watts of thunder element force masters.

As a result, when he came to Barbatos, as the god of wind, he was simply surpassed by mortals?Don't be ashamed!

But a promise is a promise, and what Zhen Yuying can do is to help Jiang Yan fully digest his power as soon as possible.

As for the Homecoming Wine Festival, only when it officially starts is the time to contribute, and there is no rush.

In this way, Jiang Yan lived a very regular life in Mond.

In the morning, I practiced with Yingchen until noon.

In the afternoon, I started to play around the whole of Mond with Sister Narugami, and it was not until midnight that I started to shake people and continue to hone.

This kind of happy life was greatly resented by Yae Shenzi.

She lived very comfortably in Daozu, but under the real order, she was forced to work in a foreign country.

Although I am fortunate to be able to learn the powerful skills of gods and immortals, I can imagine how busy I am while studying and working.

Of course she wouldn't complain about Zhen, so this account was put on Jiang Yan's head.

Especially seeing him and the two gods go out of the city early every day and come back after sunset, or even stay out all night to go to Longji Snow Mountain and Star Picking Cliff for stargazing.

The whole person of Yae Shenzi is like Yae Shenzi who can't eat grapes, sour.

So she resolutely found Xinhai and strongly protested to Jiang Yan together.

Why don't you do any work?Obviously you are the immortal disciple!I also want to travel with Shadow and Truth!

Facing the fox with a sour grape expression on his face, Jiang Yan's heart remained unmoved.

Who takes a pet on a date?Don't delay?

As for work, I am also working. Isn’t serving the gods called work?I'm much more professional than you witches, okay?

However, although the fox can be fooled like this.

But facing Xinhai with an aggrieved face and the expression "I was arrested", Jiang Yan couldn't be so stubborn.

I can only honestly agree to try my best to accompany them to eat and play with the truth and the shadow after they "get off work".

As a result, the next day, Jiang Yan realized that it was not a good decision to lead the fox into the house.

Following Yae Shenzi's fancy planting of grass during dinner, Jiang Yan was disgusted by Zhen and Ying after the meal, and went straight to the commercial street of Mond with the fox.


Jiang Yan couldn't understand at all what happened.

Obviously the fox had never been to Mond before.

Obviously, he is the one who has stayed in Mond for a long time.

Why can she talk so gaudyly, but she doesn't know anything?

There is no way, whether it is a god, a mortal, or a monster, the female's hobbies and fun points for shopping will never be understood by the male.

Jiang Yan, who was abandoned by his lover, was so sad that he almost laughed out loud.

Are there any men in the world who like to go shopping?No wonder!

You know how hard it is to put on my interested face?

Just when Jiang Yan was overjoyed, got up to pay the bill, and planned to go back to the room and start shaking people in the arena ahead of time, but the corner of his clothes was gently pulled.

"My lord, there is a place I've always wanted to go, can you accompany me?"

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 528Chapter 510 Is there something wrong with fishing in the water

When eating at the same table with the two gods, Xinhai was as quiet as a Mond grilled fish on a plate, making Jiang Yan completely ignore her existence.

But don't blame her, if the four people you eat at a table are:


leadership of leadership

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You will be so quiet too.

What's more, in the final analysis, a witch is a profession that serves the gods.

Listen to the decree of the gods and tell the people.

Use rituals and dances to please the gods, sacrifice to the gods, and gain protection.

This is the normal way to get along with God.

Xinhai thinks that Kagura Wu himself is very unruly;

But like Miss "Linglong Fried Tofu", if you are more than 500 years old and still forcefully act cute to please the gods, it is really beyond the allowable range of energy.

Being able to finish this meal sitting down as required by the gods, I have almost exhausted my energy to zero.

If it wasn't for this moment, he would have already resigned.

"No problem, I have worked hard for you during this time."

Of course Jiang Yan would not refuse his mermaid's request.

Among the people who came to work in Mond this time, there was no one more innocent than her. They were all forcibly bound by multiple subcontractors of Yae Shenzi.

In terms of emotion and reason, I should also let my mermaid have a better time this trip.


Xinhai's hard work and courage were rewarded, she burst into a dazzling smile, turned around lightly, and walked briskly, leading Jiang Yan out of Mond City from the north gate on the side.

Although Xinhai also came to Mond City last badminton festival, Jiang Yan was always with Ying at that time;

Apart from intercepting a group of fools together with Xinhai, she didn't even say a few words, so naturally she didn't know where she had been.

However, since he wants to make up for the debt, Jiang Yan naturally intends to be happy with her, even if she wants to climb the Longji Snow Mountain, he will fly her up tonight.

Of course Xinhai can't climb Longji Snow Mountain, she doesn't like any scenery.

In her opinion, the most beautiful scenery is Haizhi Island;

The most secure place is your own secret base;

The most comfortable form of entertainment is to sit motionless at the desk and read a book for a while.

Although the beautiful scenery is beautiful, traveling will not reduce the responsibilities on one's shoulders, but will bring more worries because of the distance.

Also, travel always brought encounters with strangers, and she hated any new communication.

It is very troublesome to talk to others, take care of other people's emotions, observe their words and expressions, and think about responses.

So after coming to Mond, although I learned a lot of precious knowledge, what's the point for her who doesn't pursue strength?

Yae Shenzi's invitation was like a timely gift. She was very happy to have this opportunity to show her lord a little self-willedness.

"Linglong Fried Tofu" and "Deep Sea Flounder", these two smart people have always been in this way of getting along.

Yae Shenzi likes victory, Xinhai likes results;

Yae Shenzi always wins, and Xinhai has never really suffered a loss.

In this way, the two formed a wonderful friendship.

It's the same this time, Yae Shenzi understands that Xinhai has no interest in power at all, and doesn't like to associate with strangers, seeing her getting more and more depressed, so he simply "uses" her.

At this moment, Xinhai is very grateful to her keen friend for taking care of her.

However, since I "lost", it's not too much to be a little greedy.


There is a small pier at the north gate of Mond City. Due to the shallow draft, there will only be small boats moored when emergency supplies are delivered.

Xinhai continued to move forward at the end of the pier, stepping lightly on the water surface.

Naturally, Jiang Yan couldn't do this without smoke and fire, and was about to float up, but saw Xinhai holding his hand.

Xinhai's hand seemed to be holding fragile glass, gentle but firm;

With a gentle pull, Jiang Yan also stepped on the water waves.

The lake water bestows gentle blessings on the darling of water, without the need to drive elemental power, it is gently lifted by this water surface without a trace of bumps.

But this blessing is only for Xinhai's body, Jiang Yan took a step forward, and walked side by side with Xinhai naturally.

On a night in early autumn, the gentle breeze brings the fragrance of grain and pine.

Except for the music played softly by the wind of abundance with wheat waves, lake water and pine forest, the center of Fruit Wine Lake is completely silent.

In this beautiful scenery, Xinhai didn't say anything, but quietly felt the rare peace.

Quiet environment;

And, someone who brings him peace of mind.

Tranquility is a kind of sensibility, and sensibility exists in everyone's heart.

When you let go of all the troubles in your heart, the sensual spirit will knock on the door of your heart.

It wasn't until the two of them were completely immersed in the beautiful scenery that the sea of ​​hearts touched the surface of the water, and the huge bubbles wrapped the two of them and slowly sank into the lake.

After possessing the inheritance of the Dragon King's blood, Xinhai's application of the power of the water element has reached perfection.

In the huge bubbles, the swimming fish swim freely, and even give itchy kisses to the darling of the water.

Not only that, Jiang Yan also miraculously discovered that he could feel the softness of water on his cheeks and hands;

But my own breathing is not affected at all;

The clothes of the two of them were not damp at all.

This is no longer the level of water guidance and manipulation;

Instead, it has complete control over the water like a fingertip.

The domain of the demon god level is nothing more than that.

Jiang Yan looked at Xinhai in surprise. Compared with this level of talent, his own control of the earth's veins is slightly inferior.

Faced with this excitement, Xinhai shook his head.

For her, power is just a tool to create this beauty;

In this situation, discussing this topic is really too unpleasant.

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