"My lord, do you still remember that it was here that we used tricks to frighten off the attacks of fools." Xinhai said, pointing to the bottom of the lake.

Jiang Yan also smiled when he remembered the special effects he and Xinhai had completed together.

Several consuls who were comparable to demon gods were really bluffed by this trick, and this was also the first cooperation between the two after Xinhai became loyal.

At the beginning, he was forced to be loyal, but unexpectedly, he became extremely strong.

Xinhai did not laugh, but said seriously:

"At the bottom of the water, even just feeling the aftermath of the power almost made me unable to breathe."

"Strength and wisdom did not bring me any sense of security at that time."

"So in despair, I chose to "believe". "

"When I decided to trust the lord with all my heart, an unprecedented peace suddenly enveloped me, and my fear and worry disappeared miraculously."

"The feeling at that moment has become the most precious treasure in my memory."

Having said this, Xinhai paused for a moment, summoned up his courage, and stretched out his hands:

"I have a greedy request, can you let me experience that feeling again?"

Jiang Yan was silent. He never knew that his decision had brought such a big disturbance to the mermaid in front of him.

Not everyone has their own courage;

Not everyone has a will of their own;

For the sea of ​​hearts that only seeks a corner of stability, is everything I bring to her really good?

This question may not have a final answer for a long time.

However, no matter what, if you choose to start, you should go to the end.

Facing the hands full of "belief" and "dependence", Jiang Yan held them tightly with both hands without hesitation, interlocking his fingers, and conveyed his attitude to the past.

A happy smile blooms fiercely in the water;

Huge blisters, with beautiful ripples;

The fish in the lake also danced around it, offering their blessings to the beloved of the water;

Jiang Yan and Xinhai also straightened their arms, spinning and flying in the foam like a tandem skydive.

It was not until a long time later that it surfaced.

After coaxing the mermaid whose energy had returned to zero and fell into a coquettish state, Jiang Yan was about to return to Mond City with her, but was held back by Xinhai again.

The mermaid bowed her knees and said seriously:

"The creatures in the sea have their own way of survival, and I will choose to follow."

"Whether swimming to the wider ocean or finding a peaceful haven, I will always be behind your tail fin."

Faced with this kind of promise, Jiang Yan did not hesitate, but gently lifted her up with both hands, and made the same earnest promise:

"I accept this promise."

"No matter when, no matter where, after the tail fin, there will always be a place for you to live."

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 529Chapter 511 Is there something wrong with fishing with wine

The fate between Jiang Yan and Xinhai originated from the forced "Jing Jiang but not shadow".

Now, the relationship between the two is no longer what it used to be;

But the relationship between Haizhidao and Jiang Yan has become a one-way charity.

Today's Jiang Yan doesn't need Haizhi Island at all, but Haizhi Island without Jiang Yan is meaningless to the shogunate.

Pinning all hopes on kindness and inertia will not bring any sense of peace.

So Xinhai made a decision before coming to Mond this time, since the contract with Haizhidao is meaningless.

Then redefine a more intimate relationship as an individual.

Self-sacrifice?certainly not.

Facing the majesty of the gods, it takes a lot of courage to take a step forward.

That being the case, it is better to let "reality" push yourself.

I still have a long way to go, but it doesn't matter, if you can't walk in one breath, just walk slowly...

As she has always done, winning is not important, all she wants is results.


Under the leadership of Yae Shenzi and Xinhai, who have replenished their energy, the magic circle and secret realm are being arranged at a rapid speed.

As for Truth and Shadow, after investigating everywhere, without the mortal being aware of it, they successfully used Lei Ying's network technique to build a simple link cycle between the magic circle, the secret realm and the leylines.

Even Wendy is successfully conducting follow-up tests on the strength, effect, and side effects of the Seed of the West Wind.

What Jiang Yan never expected was that Qin was the most reliable in his work, and the progress there was not very satisfactory.

"What? Fontaine's messenger declined the visit?"

Jiang Yan, who had just returned from exercising with Ying Chen, was called by Qin to the West Wind Knights to tell him the news.

Although she didn't know what her friend and Lord Barbatos were doing mysteriously, since they asked to invite the characters of Fontaine Court, Qin wrote an invitation letter by herself.

It stands to reason that, for the kind invitation of Mond's actual managers, no matter how good Fontaine is, it will politely send a delegation led by a senior cadre to watch the ceremony.

Unfortunately, there was a major incident in Fontaine a while ago, rebellion, arrest, and trial, which made the senior officials of Fontaine Court panic.

So the invitation letter went around in the Fontaine Court, and finally the judge of the tribunal had to reply and decline.

This sudden situation made Jiang Yan completely unacceptable.

Everyone hooks, baits and lines are ready, no fish?How can this work!

The official channel was blocked, and time was very tight, so Jiang Yan had no choice but to carry out the long-lost operation:

A hero of the wine country of Fontaine, he was very unconvinced when he heard that Monde's wine was not inferior to Fontaine.

For this reason, he specially brought his collection of the best wines of the winery to Mond.

I plan to invite wine lovers from the Seven Kingdoms to judge when the Homecoming Brew Festival in Mond begins.

Faced with such meaningless comparisons, Di Luc was not interested at all. In order to solve this matter in a low-key manner, he privately invited the Fontaine man to Chenxi Winery for a private banquet.

However, his good intentions had the exact opposite effect.

After drinking Di Luc's treasures specially used to entertain close friends, the Fontaine man went smoothly and immediately bowed down;

However, he only admitted that this was a failure of his own winery, not of Fontaine.

So he placed an astonishing commission through the Adventurers Association.

Whoever can bring the real wine that can defeat Chenxi Winery during the Returning Wind Wine Festival and save face for Fontaine will get [-] million moras!

This news, like wings, flew to Fontaine, to Sumeru, to Zhidong, and to the ears of all wine lovers at a speed faster than Wendy's.

Fontaine and Monde, the competition for wine, has been going on for thousands of years.

The grapes for wine making have extremely high requirements on the environment. Wine has always been the pride of Fontaine. They have been studying this way for thousands of years, and even the pure water spirits have helped.

However, since Wendy transformed Mond from an ice sheet to a climate that is like spring all year round, Mond also began to study wine.

It stands to reason that it is difficult for latecomers to come out on top, but the gods who can't stand Mond like this one.

As a result, Mond, which is extremely rich in land throughout the territory, somehow found a very barren land in the area of ​​Chenxi Winery, but it is especially suitable for wine making.

The influence of soil on wine quality is very important. Fertile land is not needed, but poor soil is especially suitable, and the minerals, drainage, acidity, and topsoil color all deeply affect the quality and characteristics of wine.

With the gods in person, the wines of Neue Monde will soon be on a par with those of Fontaine.

The wine tax of Chenxi Winery alone accounts for 11% of the income of the West Wind Knights.

Faced with this "upstart", Fontaine is naturally bitter, trying to prove that Fontaine's wine is the best wine in Tivat.

So as soon as the news came back to China, it immediately exploded.

Although I don't know which idiot who is overconfident, he lost face to Fontaine;

However, the owners of countless wineries are all gearing up, taking out their own winery treasures, and preparing to go to Mond to find this place back.

What kind of ordinary person can own a winery?

A large number of powerful people, officials and rich people, were caught by a story and a bottle of wine to Mond.


The inspiration for this ruthless work came from the insane operation of a Sumeru that Jiang Yan witnessed with his own eyes.

In the Deer Hunter Restaurant, Chef Sumi, who came to cook for a cooking exchange, changed the signature dish - grilled mushroom pizza into masala (curry) mushroom pizza after a period of exchange and learning.

With this proud work, he successfully brought this culinary exchange to an end, and the deer hunter has since refused to admit that he has any relationship with him.

This operation deeply inspired Jiang Yan, Licai and Yuecai. Because of the problems of whether to add tomato sauce to the pot-packed meat, or whether to add sugar to the braised pork, there were even many murders.

How to piss someone off quickly?

Desecrating their specialty is definitely one of the fastest ways.

Then finding a Fontaine person and playing a humiliating defeat of "losing face" is naturally more useful than any invitation letter or temptation.

What?Who is that Fontaine man?Wendy of course.

Who but this poet who is proficient in singing, reading, sitting and proofreading can make a Fontaine clown so that even Duluc can't see the flaws.

Of course, Wendy is not at a disadvantage. Being able to drink the fine wine collected by Di Luke and the challenging products bought by Jiang Yan at a high price, Wendy already feels that the appearance fee is worth it.

However, Jiang Yan also asked Wendy about the appearance fee:

"I remember that you like cider the most, and the other is dandelion wine. When did you like wine again?"

Wendy spread her arms outright, and gave an unexpected but reasonable answer:

"With my income from reading poetry, how can I afford high-end wine? Of course, I can only like cider."

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 530 Chapter 512 Is something wrong with the Fontaine Master Ball

Although the routine of "making friends out of nothing" can catch the people of Fontaine to Monde, but if you want to really catch people, you need more bait.

Early one morning, Jiang Yan took Xinhai to "digging for bait".

After taking a gift along the way to visit Master Lao Yang who taught him martial arts, the two came to the lake north of Wuwangpo.

Jiang Yan's pulsation of water element power gently awakened this pure water elf:

"Lodia, I am Jiang Yan, the reincarnated disciple of Emperor Yan, and I am here to ask for something."

As the most famous and powerful agent of the pure water elves, Lodia's defection was not a trivial matter. She was able to stay quietly in Qingcezhuang for 500 years, and the emperor's attitude was self-evident.

So Jiang Yan didn't say anything, and directly took out the emperor's favor to get close.

Regarding the matter of inviting Lodia, Jiang Yan had already reported and asked the emperor through the communication talisman of Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun.

The emperor didn't have any plans for this idle move, so he simply agreed to his disciple's request.

If not, he wouldn't dare to talk nonsense about the emperor's favor.

But even so, Jiang Yan had no idea how useful this face was.

The low-level pure water elves, apart from the instinct of "love", don't even have basic sanity.

Only after continuous integration and growth will they gradually possess the mind of a normal creature.

As one of the most powerful individuals, Lodia naturally has a mind, and may even be smarter than humans.

But the pure water elves have water in their heads, and their personalities are very axial. Thinking according to human standards may not work.

The pure water elf is a wonderful creature that naturally pursues "love".

Of course, it is not the love of mortals, but the mutual intersection of goodwill.

For the pure water elves, simply speaking, they are integrated into one body. Since then, there will be no barriers in thinking, and the joys and sorrows of an individual's life will no longer be separated from each other here.

So many pure water elves don't know how to learn, and they don't have their own ideas, just "love".

Perhaps the grace of shelter for 500 years is a "love" in Lodia's eyes, so she will also use "love" to repay the emperor, which has nothing to do with other creatures, which is also very possible.

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