But fortunately, with the gushing of water, in the fountain, Lodia emerged from the clean water of light strategy.

"I remember you, it was you who kept mortals from polluting the water of light strategy."

"And, bring that mortal here..."

"What do you wish for?"

Pure Water Fairy couldn't understand the concept of "disciple". In her opinion, connecting and merging together is the normal way of inheritance.

But fortunately, when he led Qingcezhuang to become rich and saved the Monde wine industry, he accumulated some good fortune.

Otherwise, the opening line should be the familiar "Are you an assassin from the homeland, or someone who tried to disturb the water of light strategy...".

Jiang Yan has a lot of experience in getting along with elemental creation creatures, and it is always easier to speak frankly than to beat around the bush.

"Lodia, I need you to come to Qingquan Town for a day in ten days' time."

"Mingshen, Emperor Rock King, Fengshen will be there to protect you from the malice from your homeland."

The pure water elf was silent for a moment, and replied with a very distinctive spring-like voice:

"I have no intention of intervening in the disputes of the creatures on the ground, I just want to seek a place of clean water, can't it..."

Jiang Yan was very happy to hear this answer, this is the attitude of communication.

As the most powerful pure water elf spy, of course, he will not be the kind of "love" brain of ordinary pure water elves, who only want to fit together.

Jiang Yan was really afraid of meeting that kind of situation where he couldn't communicate at all.

In that case, we can only work together with Xinhai to force her into the fish tank.

It's a trivial matter whether you can pretend or not, but most importantly, it will seriously affect the effect of subsequent fishing.

If there is something to talk about, then the matter will be easy to handle, so Jiang Yan continued to speak in a language that the pure water elves can easily understand:

"Hundreds of rivers are rushing, and the rain and dew are endless. If you can't isolate the malice of the homeland, where will there be a side of clean water?"

"Your side of clean water is nothing but the "love" of the rock king. "

"Now, you are being needed, Lodia, what is your choice?"

When Lodia heard this, after hovering in the air for a while, she said softly:

"Is this the feeling of being deprived of the "foothold"? "

"As you wish, on that day, I will go down the river and return to the place where the clear spring flows."

After all, he flicked the long tail gracefully, and fell into the water lightly, without making a sound.


Wherever there is running water, there may be a pure water spirit watching and listening.

It wasn't until near the Blue Wind Heights that Xinhai asked Jiang Yan, why did he invite this pure water elf?

The Homecoming Brew Festival is not a tea-drinking festival, even if you call the Pure Water Fairy, you can't make wine on the spot.

In the end, Jiang Yan gave her a frightening answer:

"Shadow and Truth are going to open a small shop at the Returning Wind Wine Festival, and strive to make the reputation of Daozuma's fine wine resound throughout the seven countries in an instant."

Facing Xinhai's expression of "believe a word, I lose", Jiang Yan laughed, and then explained in detail to this little military adviser who didn't need to hide anything.

It is true to open a store. During the festival, Truth and Shadow will be responsible for the maintenance of the entire "Secret Realm-Earthline-Dharma Circle" link circulation.

Instead of standing stupidly in Qingquan Town, it is better to set up a big stage for fishing for Fontaine people by the way.

This will be the most luxuriously equipped shop ever:

Zhen is in charge of cooking, Ying is an assistant, Wendy is a resident poet, and Dijun is a drinker.

Yae Miko then trains Lodia to be a waiter and kanban lady to attract customers.

As the most famous and powerful of the pure water elf spies, it is probably more effective than the master ball when used to catch the Fontaines.

Everyone who knows her counts as one, and I am afraid that Almighty will come to the small shop as a guest.

If you are malicious towards Lodia, you can ignore it;

To startle the snake?The emperor has sheltered her for 500 years... Talking about this now, the news is too ill-informed.

What's more, the new god of Fontaine has never expected other earthly rulers to have goodwill towards her.

Even if the news is sent back, it has no practical significance.

But if there is goodwill towards Lodia, there may even be target guests who express their desires like "Brother, take us to fight";

A few gods can leak a little bit of breath, allowing the topic to go deeper.


Faced with this method of eating one fish several times, Xinhai felt familiar.

My protagonist's routine is always like this, he is good at winning in chaos, and likes to make the spider web-like layout a natural camouflage.

But although he is happy with this layout, he, who is responsible for perfecting the overall details, will be busy.

A plan with extremely low fault tolerance, once something unexpected happens, it is easy to make the whole situation mess up, so you must have a very precise plan.

To be honest, Xinhai doesn't like this style very much. The military division should be an artist, not a mathematician.

It's strong, but not romantic at all!

However, it is the fate of every genius strategist to meet the wayward protagonist.

Sure enough, Jiang Yan naturally handed over the task of weaving the complete plan to Xinhai.

In return, her name was crossed out from the list of waiters and kanban girls that day.

In the original plan, this mermaid was an important guarantee of popularity.

Anyway, the store is open, why not let Zhen and Ying experience a huge success and have fun?

Seeing Jiang Yan's natural expression, Xinhai sighed helplessly.

What an unbelievably generous reward.

It's like a tiger rewarding a tooth extraction doctor for not eating his hand.

But, why doesn't he hate this kind of disrespectful lord at all?

If you can accompany me to this festival on that day, I will forgive you!

Is there something wrong with the wine festival in Mond: Chapter 531 Chapter 513 Is there something wrong with wrestling with pigs

Mond's annual wine festival is full of "freedom" features, and there is no exact start date.

Every year starts with a large-scale autumn hunting, followed by a bumper harvest. A few days later, the wine brewed from the new grain is released, and the display and sharing of each characteristic begins.

What?Wine contest?For the Monds, that was just the climax of the ending.

So, during the nearly whole month of happy time, the people of Mond held festivals every day, amazed by the visiting foreigners.

Only Mond, which is extremely rich and sparsely populated, can play like this, and most other countries can only envy it.

This year's autumn hunting season alone, Jiang Yan and Zhen Yuying saw the pig catching competition, pig shooting competition, and the funniest pig wrestling competition, as well as the finale challenge Snow Mountain Wild Boar King Competition.

Mond has a long relationship with forest pigs. In the fertile Mond, even forest pigs with a huge appetite can easily feed themselves. This kind of animal that is good at reproduction will soon become more and more.

Especially in autumn, the smell of wheat floating in the air attracts a large number of forest pigs to come out of the mountains and forests every year to have an unlimited buffet for the whole family.

Of course, there are times when Orion, who has been prepared for a long time, will open an unlimited buffet for the whole village.

Faced with this kind of animal that is so powerful that even the owner of the Eye of God can hit it.

The villagers of Monde drove them away with bells, intercepted them with nets, and raised dogs to deal with them, but to no avail.

One is that forest pigs come out at day and night, fighting guerrillas with people;

The second is that the forest pig is ferocious and powerful, and Mond's dog does not know ninjutsu and knives. One or two dogs are no match for the forest pig.

Therefore, the number of hunters in Mond is the largest in the seven countries. If you don't start to control the number after the hunting ban, just wait for the autumn harvest defense battle.

Although today, unlike when New Mond was founded, forest pigs are no longer a huge problem;

But the people of Mond still enjoy the forest pig-themed festivals.

The reason is simple. Compared with beasts that easily bite and kill people, animals like forest pigs are much safer.

As long as you wear the protective gear and Orion takes care of you, even if you are a teenager or a girl, nothing serious will happen.

As for being knocked down by a pig, a few pig's hooves are stamped on his face, which is a joke that is kept every year.

It is hard not to be unpopular for an activity that can easily allow inexperienced ordinary people to experience the joy of hunting.

More importantly, just like picking, the pigs caught by oneself taste so delicious!

The gameplay optimized for thousands of years, the visitors of Daozuma, and even the two gods can't get tired of watching it.

The pig catching contest is a defensive game.

Each contestant is responsible for a field, and they can freely choose hounds, blocking nets, traps, and trenches to defend against the driven forest pigs.

The more forest pigs you catch, the bigger the weight, the higher the basic score;

The fewer props used, the higher the score multiplier.

The use of bows, arrows and weapons is prohibited, eliminating the possibility of fighting for victory by force. This kind of competition that purely tests tactics and wisdom is very popular among ordinary people.

As for the hunters, they naturally have their own pig shooting contest.

This is a competition where only the strongest among hunters participate.

Every hunter will face the surging herd of pigs in the wild boar forest.

It is a great test for hunters to look for wild boars, avoid wild boars, and shoot wild boars at the same time.

Climbing up a tree for sniping is very safe, but it affects the efficiency very much.

Forest raids, while efficient, are subject to siege.

Therefore, the choice of tactics and the distribution of physical strength are very important.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you play it off, the contestants can send out signals at any time, and temporarily protect themselves with foul-smelling smoke bombs, waiting for the security personnel of the Zephyr Knights to come to the rescue.

In the end, the number and weight of prey will determine the final winner.

The winner will also become a man of the day among hunters, with the honorary title of "The Strongest Hunter" for one year, and become one of the protagonists on stage on the last day of the Wine Festival.

The wrestling competition with pigs is the most popular competition at the Wine Festival every year.

Every year at this time, the residents of Qingquan town will dig out a lot of silt in the small lake behind Qingquan town.

After they are dried and crushed to deodorize, they are then watered and piled up into small mud ponds one by one.

When the pig wrestling competition begins, the townspeople will throw a huge forest pig into each mud pond to meet the brave challenger.

Participants will sign up in the form of a four-person team, try their best to catch the pig running wild in the mud within the specified time, and then the four will work together to lift the pig high and stuff it into the big wooden barrel in the middle of the mud to complete the game .

Each team has only one chance, and the team with the shortest time will win the championship.

At the beginning, this activity was just a metaphor used by the wise men of Qingquan Town to teach the townspeople "Don't wrestle with pigs, it never tires, but you will only get mud and fatigue all over your body."

But obviously, Mond is free, even if it is a metaphor, some people are interested and want to try it in the pigsty.

After everyone happily wrestled with pigs, wrestling with pigs changed from a tough job to a popular entertainment in Qingquan Town. I wonder if the wise man at that time was mad.

After everyone invented the technique of sludge deodorization, this sport even inexplicably became popular throughout Mond, becoming the highlight of the annual wine festival, and even adding children's and women's groups.

However, the free Mond is too free. After choking the pig's throat, using joint skills on the pig, and even using Yanquan on the pig, the free people are forced to impose strict rules.

In today's competition, it is forbidden to use any strength and skills beyond ordinary people, and it is even stipulated that the pigs cannot be hurt during the capture process. Anyone who violates the rules will be disqualified from the competition.

After all, what people want to see is the fun of being dragged around by pigs and rubbed madly by slick, muddy pigs, not live roast pigs.

The scene where the slippery forest pig indulges wantonly in the muddy pond and frantically rubs against the four contestants is really very joyful.

Even the farmers and workers who came to support the construction in the follow-up rice wife formed a team to participate in the competition, and even got cheers and cheers from the witches.

But unfortunately, it is not an opponent at all.

Every mountain forest in Daozuma is the territory of tengu, demon fox, demon raccoon, and various monsters.

Forest pig?It has long been eaten clean.

It was the first time for the vast majority of Inazuma to see Lin Zhu. Even if they had sumo wrestling skills, due to lack of experience, four of them beat one, and Lin Zhu killed four of them, presenting a feast for the audience. .

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